automation - QTP - testing while browser/page title changes -

I'm trying to do simple test, but failed because I do not have any indication that to make changes during testing How to handle with a browser title I

Simple Example: Google> "Blobol" Find

Once it's done, the title of the browser in QPP is "Google - results. ... ". This is clearly a problem when the search text is a variable that changes between iterations because the browser text is hard I will need something like "this browser" and "this page", what do you say to me thank you

In some words, you can use different properties to identify objects in the QPP, and add more flexibility to you Regular expression for Can yoga. For example, in your case, the possible ways to address web browsers will be as follows.

1) First browser window (previously opened) and addressing any page

  set obbroborzer = browser ("build time: = 0") objPage = objBrowser 2.Page ("title: =. *")  

2) If you believe that you always work with Google page. Set ObjBrowser = Set browser ("title: =. * Google. *") ObjGooglePage = objBrowser.Page ("title: =. * Google. *")

3) Specific Addressing the page with search results

  sSearchWord = "blabol" boolRC = browser ("title: =" and search queries & amp; "- Google search. *"). Page ("Title: =" and Keywords and "- Google Search. *")  

Thanks, Albert Garev


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