Deployment of Asp.Net MVC app on Win2k3 issue -

I have an ASP.N on my Windows XP machine Now, I'm on the forum where I want to deploy my application. I have done some goggle about installing / configuring MVC app under IIS 5.1 and 6.0, but I still have problems, although I have done anything, so I believe in this book.

In my XP box, I have created a virtual directory and added application mapping. Unchecked ". *" And "Check that file"

When I navigate to the Local Host / Vince / My page, great is displayed! After logging in, I am being redirected to: Localhost / Vince / Transaction / Index

View (Transaction / Index.aspx) simply displays business information ...

The user has the freedom to edit his account by clicking on the MyAccount link: Localhost / Vince / Account / Index

I have a canceled button at the bottom of that scene Basically you Returns: Localhost / Vince / Transaction / Index

The visual source of that cancel button is:

  Click on the input "location.href = '/ transaction / Index '"type =" button "value =" cancel "/>  

The problem is that when the user clicks the cancel button, it is sent to the local host / transaction /

and I do not have any 404 pages Found ... Notice how the name of my virtual directory "Vince" was removed.

To do my test more ... I have decided to appoint my MVC app on Win2k3 with IIS 6.0. Created the same thing, added virtual directories and application mappings, to understand only that it was doing the same thing. Instead of creating a virtual directory now, I have created a website oddly, it is now without changing anything Works ... Does anybody know why it works within a new website in opposition to a new virtual directory?


Your cancel button / transfer / index Sending to . The important thing to note is that the leading slash at that URL is sending it to the root of the site (no virtual directories are included) This is why it works on IIS 6 when you create a website - there No virtual directories are used.

To cancel the fix for this, use the routing infrastructure to create a link - this sound as if you are already doing this for other links in your application.


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