DOJO Dialog Submit with weird results -
I have a problem with the following code execution does not implement executing the forest form (a button is being created) But even before the dialog appears, the program flows only you click on a button and the dialog should be created. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
dojo.addOnLoad (function () {theDialog = New Viewed dialog ({}); Newlog. RTR ("Class", "Soria");} Function vsDialogues () DET ("title", "add new"); DLOG.Tttr ("content", build content); DIOLOG.TETR ("executed", warning ('Hello')); Dojo Parser.Pars (The Dial Podnet Node); DIOL. Show ();}
before calling this function As a function You are supposed to quote "Alert" ("Hello") and pass the string? Otherwise, the warning is evaluated immediately.
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