Elmah does not work with asp.net mvc -
ALMAM has spent countless hours working with MSC, but 100% can not work. I still do all the logging work, but the HTTP handlers are all schoolchildren every time I log in to an administrator account and log in From which I am redirected to the Elms list page.
It does not make any sense because the path to Elmah is just LMH.XD (this is that I use the web for httphandler in .config) and my admin path is something like / MyAdmin / Login, so I do not see the connection I have also set up the paths unseen in the table of their routes for Elma. \
To sum it up.
Elma logging works and such error page also displays. When I try and log in to my administrator account, it automatically redirects to Elmahs error display page. I do not know why.
- If I Comment
route. Unknown route ("LMAXD");
My login works if I leave it there, it always redirects Elmah.
I finally thought that nobody could get this ... There was a reference that got me from the book "ASP.NET.net met with MVC framework" and for some reason the DLL messed up all my post requests for the LL.M.
It was a pure dumb fate which I thought. I could not work as rootbuger so I removed the reference and added each other and then did everything.