WorkflowServiceHost in Windows Workflow - .NET 4 version -

I work with .NET 4 / VS 2010 Beta 2 to find a meaningful documentation on the new version of the workflow service host. There is a problem in .

The new version of the workflow service now lives in the system. Setemodel. There are different constructors in ActiveView and older, .NET 3.x versions that live in System.ServiceModel.

I want to be able to load my workflow by passing this last constructor like .NET 3.x version ...

  Public WorkflowShare Host (Type Workflow type, perramury [] base address)  

My problem is that I do not have any other computations information, which is on the compilation of time (I type through my workflow type type Planning to guess As GetType (string), I would only have access to real workflow activities on runtime).

Is there any other way that I can host workflows loaded over runtime?

Thank you for your help in the Wax :)

In the WF4, you get the actual workflow definition Instead of doing one type of activity, you pass as an activity tree before, if you have a type of object, then using something like an activator should be easy. CreateInstance () There are some advantages of using an activity tree instead of some type, because you can create an object on the flight using ActivityXamlServices.Load () to read the XAML file.

The WCF portion of the workflow service host can be partitioned completely in the config file if you do not have any need to pass the base address with the constructor.

An alternative workflow service is using a workflow application, still there is a need to add an activity tree to the constructor.


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