flash - Javascript: Automatically maximize browser window and switch to full screen mode? -
I am working on a flash app which is 900x700 pixels when viewed in a variety of browsers at browser 1024x768 Robots more vertical space and the app appears in a window with a vertical scrollbar unacceptable.
The Flash app will be launched to viewers via an email.
I would like to avoid resizing the flash app and wondering if there is any way to do this
- Maximize the current browser window
- Delete the current window address bar and tab / switch browser to full screen view (equivalent to pressing F11). ).
To avoid scrolling, an alternative flash application has to be resized to match the browser canvas height. This could be the reason for making the app unreadable, so the best way to do this in my case is not.
Thank you!
UPDATE: It seems that the size of the browser and the automatic switch will not work on full screen nor the size of the flash app auto will change, what is the best way? And, some users can have browsers with Toolbar or open a small browser window.
The only idea I have to use is javascript and keeping a F11 manually, users with small browser windows have to display a message. The audience is executed and some people do not even know what F11 means ...
Yes, in the comments posted by you to answer the question. You may have a button whose click handler
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
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