osx - Drag & Drop Reorder Rows on NSTableView -

I was wondering if there was an easy way to set up an NSTableView so that it could paste any pasteboard code. I should be able to do this internally within a table internally. I have no problem in writing the pinboard code, except that I'm pretty sure I have toggle the interface builder somewhere for this / seen it working by default, it definitely looks like a normal job .


If you look at tool tip in IB, you will see that Option is referred to you

  - (BOOL) allows column restarts  

control, okay, rearranging the column I do not believe it There is no other way to do other than standard.

Edit: (2012-11-25)

In the north NSTableViewColumns drag -end-drop refers to re-ordering; And at that time it was an acceptable answer. It does not appear, now after about 3 years, to be correct, in the service to make information useful for the searchers, I will try to answer more correctly.

There is no setting that allows the drag and drop of the NSTableView rows in the interface Builder. You need to implement some NSTableViewDataSource methods, which include the following:

  - Table view: acceptable: barrier: drop operation: - (NSDEG operation) Table view: ( NSTableView *) ATableView Valid.drop: (ID & Lt; NSDraggingInfo & gt;) Notification Proposed row: (NSInteger) line proposed Dop Operation: (NSTableViewDropOperation) Operation - (BOOL) TableView: (NSTableView *) aTableView writeRowsWithIndexes: (NSIndexSet *) Pinboard for: (NSPasteboard *) pboard  / Pre> 

There are other questions that address well in this way, in which


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