- How to redirect images requests to another folder using -
I am using to redirect the cascading stylesheet image request. I'm trying to do this without luck. Here I have written the following:
& lt; Add name = "reportImagesRedirect" virtualUrl = "^ ~ / estadisticas /(.*) .png" rewriteUrlParameter = "ExcludeFromClientQueryString" destinationUrl = "~ / images / $ 1" ignoresees = "true" />
I want to know whether there is something wrong with it or not. For example, when I make a request like this, I'm trying to link all http find requests in a folder to redirect to the Pictures folder
< P> I want to see the image in the web server
Need to flip.
& lt; Add name = "reportImagesRedirect" destinationUrl = "~ / images /$1.png" rewrite ur parameter = "extract form clienttit string" virtualize = "^ ~ / estadisticas /(.+)." $ IgnoreCase = "true" /> ;
URLReerting for Extractional URLs. There is a small article written on using net.
EDIT: I changed the parameter slightly if you are keeping the extension, then at the end of both virtual and destination PNG is required
EDIT: You may need to make the following modifications to the system. The webserver tag
& lt; System.webServer & gt; & Lt; Run the moduleAll managed modules FOR ALLRequests = "true" & gt; & Lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; /system.webServer>
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