pdf generation - PDF Making with Rotated Image for iPhone -

I am having trouble portraying images rotated on PDF, my output is poor.

My case is, we do not have any coordination. X, Y, Rotation, etc. it depends on. I select the image view and rotate it through the sliders.

Check on the application ZOSH I have to implement functions like that app. I want to create PDFs by adding images one by one.

Please send me a link for any example, who can help me, I am stuck here. I am portraying the image on the PDF based on the center of the picture.

Please help me, thank you.

There was only one problem, after a reasonable time I was able to find a solution .... Can be useful for you

- (UIImage *) RotateImage: (UIImage *) Image: (float) angle {CGFloat angleInRadians = -1 * angle * (M_PI / 180.0); CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity; Conversions = CFE Refined Transformer (Anglinadrian); // transform = CGFINI Transformmacscale (1, -1); // Transform = CGFine Transmake Conversion (0, 80); CGRact rotate per capita = CGRTAPlineEfine Transforms (CGRactackMake (0,0, Itasize.width, imaginesheight), transforms); UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (rotatedRect.size); //[self.view.layer renderIncontext: UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext ()]; CGContextTranslateCTM (UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (), 0, rotatedRect.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM (UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (), 1, -1); // CGContextTranslateCTM (UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (), + (Rotated Rect.size.width / 2), + (rotatedRect.size.height / 2)); CGContextTranslateCTM (UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (), (rotatedRect.origin.x) * - 1, (rotatedRect.origin.y) * - 1); CGContextRotateCTM (UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (), Engel Inradien); // CGContextTranslateCTM (UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (), - (rotatedRect.size.width / 2), - (rotatedRect.size.height / 2)); CGImageRef temp = [Image CGImage]; CGContextDrawImage (UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (), CGRectMake (0, 0, Image.size.width, Image.size.height), Temporary); // CGContextRotateCTM (UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (), -GeneralRadian); UIImage * viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphicsEndImageContext (); // [see image autoreage]; Return photo; For zooming issues,


. I suggest that you try to create a subclass for the application window

The page found indicates how to view the application window as the sub-squares of the taps and the visual controller to push those nails.

Hope that helps you ...


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