- Parse Credit Card input from Magnetic Stripe -
Does any magnetic card know how to parse the credit card string input from swipe?
I never tried to work on javascript parser. The input looks like this.
% BNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ^ ^ DOE / JOHN ^ 1210201901000101000100061000000 ?; Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn = 12102019010106111001?
There are N credit card numbers.
Format code = " B "- One letter (alpha only) Primary account number (PAN) - up to 19 characters Field Separator - One Letter (usually '^') Name - Normally on the name of two to 26 characters, but does not always match the credit card number. Field separator - One letter (usually '^') Expiration date - four characters in the form of YYMM. Service code - Three letters Discretionary data - Pin verification key indicator (PVKI, 1 character), PIN verification value (PVV, 4 characters), card verification value or card verification code (CVV or CVK, 3 characters) PINs may be included Longitudinal redundancy probe (LRC) - A character (most Readers do not return this value when switched device card to the presentation layer, And use it only to verify the input internally to the reader.)
I hope the data is fake And I'm not sure but I think credit card numbers (or # probabilities) can be calculated using LRC.
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