Flex TabNavigator: When screen is left and returned, selectedChild is set, but tab bar highlights wrong tab -
I have a tab navigator, which has a handful of children, the application's flow gives the user the possibility to leave the screen with tabinigator, Is coming back then. When this happens, a method has been set on the canvas show, which has been selected on the first tab. When actually checked, Tab Navigator displays the text on the first tab, but the tab which is highlighted was already before the user left.
Here are some pseudo codes that look like I have:
gt; & Lt; / Mx: VBox & gt; & Lt; Mx: VBox id = "tab3" label = "tab3" & gt; & Lt; Mx: label text = "third tab text" /> gt; & Lt; / Mx: VBox & gt; & Lt; / Mx: TabNavigator & gt; & Lt; / Mx: canvas & gt;
So what I'm experiencing, for example, has been on Tab 2, going to the second canvas with the application, then to see the text "First tab text" Returning to the canvas The tab highlighted on top is "2 tabs." I have tried to fist a handful of irregular displays in the init () method, validate now, and so on, there is no change in the result.
Any ideas are welcome
This is the same problem that I also have the same Problems with the problem and it seems that the bug in TabEVigator control of the Flex Framework is yet to find a solution.
I have been able to find a temporary solution:
- TabNavigator Parents, whom parents , An additional hidden event should be transmitted to TabNavigator , when the generator visibility is set to false and guardian . This will trigger the reprint of the control, which fails to overlap the content areas.
- Parents to TabNavigator 0 to guardian in the selected handler.
- If you are having problems with the TabNavigator tab styling, with visibility changes, you can set the tab code to tabNavigator.notifyStyleChangeInChildren ('tabStyleName', false) tab styles correctly To show the tab navigator in the show handler
I hope this is enough to cover your cases.
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