
Showing posts from February, 2011

lazy loading - How to disable lazyload in subsonic programmatically? -

By default there is an FK in the table, subsonic also receives the data of the FK table, is it possible? If you ask for rows of data from a particular table, then the subsonic rows only you from that table Provide, even if it has foreign tables in other tables eg Employee Compiling Staff = New Employee Collection (). Load (); If you want data from a related table (via a foreign key), then you have to follow the references of the other tables, the database must be visited. E.g. foreach (employee and employee) {Debug.Print (e.Department.DepartmentName); } Where the department is the related foreign key table and the department name is a column in that table.

oracle - scope of raise exception, handling your own exceptions in PLSQL code -

I have this process: The process is to create or change the cursor cursor oldemployees Select * Emp1 from WHERE data_saida = NULL; New_ndep emp1.num_dep% type; Bi_inexistente exception; Dep_inexistente exception; EmployeeNr emp1.num_empregado% type; Old employee employee LOOP employee for old_emp: = old_emp.num_empregado; If ( = NULL) then increase bi_inexistente; Else IF (old_emp.num_dep> 20) then again in the new_ndep in CONVERTI_APP where ndep_antigo = old_emp.num_dep; Elsef (old_emp.num_dep = NULL) then new_ndep: = 0; Lift dep_inexistente; end if; Insert EMP2 values ​​(old_map.b, old_map.nawm, old_map.moder, old_map_data_antry, old_map_data_saida, new_ndp); COMMIT; end if; End loop; Exceptions when bi_inexistente then INSERT in Eros Value (employee name, 'bi inextent'); COMMIT; When dep_nexistente then include in Eros values ​​(employee, 'Departamento Inexistente'); COMMIT; End; I want to include the EMP2 value (, old_emp.nome, old_e...

xml - What is the absolutely cheapest way to select a child node in Nokogiri? -

I know that there are several ways to choose the first child element in Nokogiri, but which is the cheapest? I am unable to use node # kids, which looks very expensive. Say that there are 10000 hair nodes, and I do not want to touch 9999 others ... node # The child is the fastest way to get the first child element. However, if you are looking for nodes then there is no first (like, 99th), then there is no fast way to choose that node compared to calling # children and index. You are right in saying that it is expensive to make nodesets for all children if you only want to get it already. A limiting factor is that libxml2 (Nokogiri built-in XML library) stores the children of a node in the form of a linked list so you can select the desired hair node in the list (o ( N) will need to be crossed. Rubbish objects for all other children would be possible to write the method to return to the nodeset or not only any one of the initial ways to open a feature request, or send a...

flash - SWFUpload prematurely closing the connection on upload (nginx 499) -

I'm using swfupload to upload nginx files. It works fine for me & amp; Although 99% of our users fail for some users during this upload, it fails in any way, it opens a connection, but it closes before it is completed - nginx reports a 499 status in its access log , Which is the NGX_HTPNLIRCRCNRCCRCERCEREC. I managed to get one of those users to get some more information. They are running Flash 10.0.42, with Firefox 3.5.7 on XP. Has anyone seen anyone like this? Any suggestions on fixing this? How do I check further? - Jonathan If nothing here comes special, then here There is a list of things that I will ask the users for whom this does not work. What kind of internet connection do you have? Are you behind (company) firewall? What kind of files were you trying to upload (file type and size)? On what medium was that file stored? (For example to exclude errors when uploading from CD) Install OS version, browser version, flash version, personal firewall...

Django, SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN with multiple domains -

In Django, I have SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN set on my domain name. But I actually have the same site with two different domain names I would like to run with With the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN set, only the named domain allows the user to login, is it possible to login to both domain? If you assign your session cookie domain to a "." Character This will allow you to manage the wildcard sub-domain and share a session cookie (login session) in many subdomains. Settings in the settings: \ " \" One of the cookies above can be shared at user and If you really want that the URL is different for the same site, do you want the same user to switch between two sites on a login session? Or do you want the ability to login two different users into the site from just two different URLs (which are not sub-domains?)

php - jquery.form: how to set more than one form in one page? -

I have a list of names with the "Delete" button, every line is a form and clicking on delete Must be updated in real time but do not work because I can only set one ID in this plugin (it actually runs when there is only one name in the list) This is a Javascript function : $ (document) .ready (function () {var options = {target: '#risposta', resetForm: true, success: function (showResponse) {$ ("# lista_categorie" ). Fade (2000), settimeout (function ({$ ('# risposta'). Fadeaut (1000);}, ("crawler"), show ('fast'), show ('sharp'); $ ('# risposta'). 5000);}}; $ ('#AvilinkGogoria') .jaxfarm (option);}); The HTML form is created with PHP: id = "categorie_elimina.php? Id = $ line ['id']" method = "post" id = "avilinagette" & lt; p & gt; $ line ['name' ] & Lt; input type = "submit" id = "submit_pro" value = "amin...

group by - How must the mysql query be like to achieve the shown result? -

Say, I have two tables like this: table group table user + - - + ----------- + + ---- + ---------- + ------ + ---------- + | ID | GroupName | | ID | Username Rank | Group_ID | + ---- + ----------- + + ---- + ---------- + ------ + -------- - + | 1 | Friends | | 1 | Frank | 1 | 1 | | 2 | Family | 2 | Mike | 3 | 1 | + ---- + ----------- + | 3 | Steve | 2 | 1 | | 4 | Tom | 1 | 2 | + ---- + ---------- + ------ + ---------- + And I want to Select all the groups and get the user with the highest rank (highest number) for each group, so basically I have to get this result: + ------ ----------- + ---------- + - -------- + --------------- + | Group.groupname | | | | User.username | + ----------------- + ---------- + --------- + ---------- ----- + | Friends | 1 | 2 | Mike | | Family 2 | 4 | Tom | + ----------------- + ---------- + --------- + ---------- ----- + How to choose? It's probably very easy, but I'm not getting it right now .... G-group name, ...

eclipse - Complex SVN Checkout Procedure? -

I have a repository configured like this: + --- Collection A | \ --- Project 1 | \ --- trunk | \ --- source code | \ --- Tags | \ --- Reliance-1 \ --- Project 2 | \ --- trunk | \ --- source code | \ --- Tags | \ --- Project 3 | \ --- trunk | \ --- source code | \ --- Tags | \ --- rel-1 I want to checkout any project tag rel-1 as that project. In this situation, I get project1 and project3 in my workspace, but not project2 . All Project N are Eclipse Java Projects. I'm using Eclipse / SubSware, but I'm open to using Tortoise or Command Line (windows) if I need it. Edit : To do this, I have to go through my 30-something projects and each tag must be checked individually whether each project is personal Is there a way to do this without knowing it? I think you have to write a command line script to do this, there is no such way I know that it is in an unusual (my experience) kind of checkout operation using Tortoise or an integrated IDE / SVN tool. ...

silverlight - How can I use VisualStates in a ChildWindow? -

Is there any way to use VisualStateManager with my childwindow subclass? There is nothing to call VisualStateManager, and the googling I did was the only way to achieve this with the manual call to the storyboard. It is so annoying and error that someone has found a way to get it ? Updated with example code . To use it, just create a new Silverlight project, and for example Windows ShowWindow () Click on the main page from a button. You will see a button, even if the constructor sets the state that the button is hidden. XAML (e.g. Window.xaml): & lt; Control: ChildWindow xmlns = "Http://" xmlns: x = "" xmlns: controls = " Clr-namespace: System.Windows.Controls; assembly = System.Windows.Controls "xmlns: D =" "xmlns: mc =" http: // schemas. -compatibility / 2...

javascript - Firefox: Signed script shows scary certificate dialog -

Reference: I am writing javascript to run an executable and zooming some registry entries to the client machine. I signed the .JAR, using the Authenticode certificate of Scientul and my company, but the script is running, which generates a dialogue: There is no mention of the original certificate authority (in this case I believe that the commodo), so I myself Let's put the company name string in the dialogue is drawn My question is: is it all the user to see? Jar: http: //! This example page shows the same dialog on /signed-script-demo.html , but there is still a lack of "certification testing" links or mentioning the original CA. Are there any recent resources for writing signed scripts? Mozilla pages are mostly old years old and many references are from documents present in the developer. - Martin The code runs those signed jars and increases the privileges It has not c...

sql - Output two columns for 1 field for different date ranges? -

मेरे पास निम्न फ़ील्ड के साथ एक SQL तालिका "ITM_SLS" है: आइटम वर्णन ट्रांस्ैक्शन # तारीख मात्रा दर्ज की गई मैं एक महीने के मान के लिए आउटपुट क्यूबी की बिक्री और एक वर्ष से तारीख मान में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं ताकि आउटपुट इस प्रकार दिखाई दे: आइटम, विवरण, मात्रा का महीना, तिथि करने के लिए खरीदा गया राशि, क्या यह संभव है? आप एक subquery में समूह का उपयोग करके बेची गई कुल मात्रा की गणना कर सकते हैं उदाहरण के लिए चुनें a.Item, a.Description, b.MonthQty, c.YearQty से (अलग आइटम का चयन करें, TheTable से विवरण) एक बाएं जोड़ी (मद चुनें, राशि (मात्रा) के रूप में TheTable से महीनेक्टीटी जहां दिनांकित (एम, दिनांक, getdate ()) और एक विशेष तिथि सीमा के लिए subquery सीमा करने की विधि प्रति डीबीएमएस अलग है, यह उदाहरण SQL सर्वर datediff फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करता है।

iphone - switching between 2 different view controllers that are presented modaly -

I would like to switch between a main UIViewController that startup that I have only been presented modaly 2 different view controllers Use is in use. Here is my code that list: - (minus) imagePickerController: (UIImagePickerController *) picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: (NSDictionary *) info {[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: NO]; PreviewView * previewViewController = [[PreviewViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "PreviewView" bundle: nil]; Preview ViewController.delegate = self; [Self current model viewer: previewViewController animated: yes]; [PreviewViewController release]; } - (void) previewViewControllerdoneButtonPressed: (AnotherViewController *) controller {[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: YES]; Uiimagepikerkantrolr * Imagepiker = [[Uiimagepikerkantrolr light] Init]; ImagePicker.delegate = self; [Self current model visualizer: animated image picture]; [Image publication]; } In the first method, the switch works, but not in the sec...

Cygwin gcc is adding an underbar "_" prefix to my symbols. Where can I find documentation on this behavior? -

I am trying to compile the first GCC project on Sigwin. The build is failing, because there is an underscore prefix for all symbols. It is not making a symbol mismatch for the GLIB Library (installed through the CYGWIN package management system), which does not have a major underbar. Is this a tendency to appear in a leading underwater place somewhere? use -fliding-underscore you want to get the behavior And / or -fno-leading-underscore There is a lot of information related to what you are doing. membership - .Net RoleProvider without the connectionString -

I would like to use the net's SQL Ampression Provider and SqlRoleProvider for user management in my application. My problem is that when the application starts, it does not know the information of any DB connection. For security purposes, this information has to be obtained from the WCF service running on the database server. So I need to build since its membership / role providers-fact. I think I am working to create and add a membership provider: // register membership provider var membership = new SqlMembershipProvider (); Var Providers = New NameValues ​​(); the provider. Add value ("name", "SQL ambulance provider"); Provider Add ("Application Name", "/"); Provider Brands Add ("connectionstringName", "connectionStrDynamAddedToConfig"); Provider, value. Add ("Max Translation Password Search", "10"); Membership Start ("sqlMembershipProvider", Provider Valve); I am unable to do so...

r - Add subgroup labels to a jitter plot in ggplot2 -

मेरे पास लगभग-बॉक्स प्लॉट है, जैसे जिटर-प्लॉट: dt & lt; - rbind (एसई, सीबी, सीबी.एस.) qplot (डी एस, आकार, डेटा = डीटी, जीओएम = "जिटर", रंग = रूट, पहलू = जांच ~।) मुझे भूखंड के मध्य में प्रत्येक समूह के लिए एक सारांश लेबल देना अच्छा लगेगा - उदाहरण के लिए यहां योग का आकार: कुल (सूची (आकार = डीटी $ आकार), सूची (डीटी $ डीएस, डीटी $ टेस्ट), राशि) समूह 1 समूह 2 आकार 1 बी 217 से 9847 2 सी 10 से 9 72 9 3 3 सी 613 से 21633 4 सी 7 से 207540 ... मैंने लेबल को जोड़ने के लिए + geom_text (aes (x = ds, y = 128, label = sum (size)), आकार = 2) का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन मुझे प्रत्येक पद पर समान लेबल मिलता है - मैं उस डेटा के उस अनुभाग का योग कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? संपादित करें: यहां मैं कहां हूं - शायद मैं गलत दिशा में जा रहा हूँ डेटा को & lt पूर्व; - rbind (se, सीबी, लेबल & LT; -ddply (डेटा, ग ( "डी एस", "परीक्षण"), समारोह (DF) राशि (df $ आकार )) जीजीप्लॉट (डी अता = डेटा, एईएस (x = डी एस)) + geom_jitter (एईएस (y = ...

Java Web service using Apt. Do I need an annotation processor? What is wrong? -

I am trying to create a simple web service and it has been done later. Unfortunately I'm stuck. Here I have done this: 1) I have created this class: package server; Import javax.jws.WebService; @ WebService Public Category HelloImpl {/ ** * @ Ultimate Name * @ Hello to the person, say hello. * / Say public string is hello (string name) {return "hello," + name + "!"; }} 2) I attended: apt 3) I get this warning is: hostname [username: ~ / Desktop / webtest] [534]% suitable Warning: annotation type without processor: [JavaxkxmlkbindkannotationkXmlRootElement , Javax.xml. bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType, javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType, javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement] 1 Warning production in the appropriate order should (according to the tutorial) files: HelloServiceImpl.wsdl schema1.xsd classes / server / HelloImpl.class classes / server / jaxrpc / SayHello.class classes / server / jaxrpc / SayHelloRe...

AIR application talking to Java -

I have a situation when I have to communicate somehow with the Java process, Java AIR handling all DB functions is just UI Implementing AFM protocol on sockets would be great. Ideally contact with the remote object already in the framework, but work on other means which will be the best HTTP! Does anyone know what is such a thing? The tank you Try

documentation - How to document procedural programming? -

In college, I have O.O.L. Learned to use UML to write applications. In the real world I have been entrusted with the task of documenting an old procedural program, essentially the design specifications documents have been redone, which have disappeared. Does any UML procedural code for any "standard" document or document? I am sure that the first people of UML should have used something like this. Thanks Yes. Flowchart.

sql - SQLite3 Doesn't Produce an Aggregation Error on Malformed/Indeterminate Queries? -

कई अन्य RDBMS की तुलना में एकत्रीकरण के साथ व्यवहार करते समय SQLite अलग व्यवहार करता है निम्न तालिका और मूल्यों पर विचार करें: तालिका foo (एक int, b int) बनाएँ; फू (ए, बी) मानों (1, 10) में डालें; फू (ए, बी) मूल्यों (2, 11) में डालें; फू (ए, बी) मानों (3, 12) में डालें; यदि मैं इसे इस प्रकार पूछता हूं: एक का चयन करें, group_concat (b) foo से; आम तौर पर, मैं एक त्रुटि प्राप्त करने की अपेक्षा करता हूं, इस तथ्य के कारण कि मैंने 'ग्रुप बाय क्लॉज' में कॉलम 'ए' को शामिल नहीं किया है। नीचे एसक्यूएल सर्वर द्वारा उत्पन्न त्रुटि है (पोस्टग्रेएसक्यूएल कुछ इसी तरह का उत्सर्जित करता है)। कॉलम 'foo.a' चयन सूची में अमान्य है क्योंकि यह एक समग्र फ़ंक्शन या में शामिल नहीं है खंड द्वारा खंड दूसरी ओर, SQLite, इसके साथ ही चला जाता है और इस परिणाम का उत्पादन करता है: 3 | 10,11,12 यह क्या अच्छा है? कॉलम 'ए' के ​​लिए मूल्य कैसे उठाया? अगर हम एक और पंक्ति जोड़ते हैं, तो इसमें क्या लगता है कि इसमें कोई पैटर्न होता है, और शायद हम अस्थायी रूप से यह कह स...

php - What is the correct practice to incorporate models? -

I am trying to simplify the process of inserting data into my database, so I created a model that That handles variable extraction and inserting data. I understand that this model is a function symbol, and then you call this function (such as / controller / model) and pass the related data through the model for processing. However, I am unsure about how to include the model, how to call it, or what should be written so that I can call the function. I'm using CodeIgniter. This is a stated model: class createproject ActiveRecord extended {function __insert () // This function will handle the information related project information in the database. {$ This-> Project_name = $ this- & gt; Input-> Get_post ('project_name'); // ... SPEPING ~ 30 variable definitions ... $ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Insert ('project_details', $ this); } So I'm confused from here; Where can you put this model for processing, and how will you use it in controller...

How can I test whether or not "Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium" is the operating system using VBScript? -

My first attempt is to query Win32_OperatingSystem for captions, and check that I do test for caption "equal" operating system I am or not: Moderate objWMIService, strComputer strComputer = "." ObjWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts: \\" & amp; str computer and amp; \ "\ root \ CIMV2") msgbox getOperatingSystemCaption () msgbox getRescriptionCustomguagment () function getOperatingSystemCaption () Dim strCaption, colOperatingSystems, objOperatingSystem set colOperatingSystems = objWMIService ExecQuery _ ("Choose * from Win32_OperatingSystem *) for every objOperating system colOperatingSystems strCaption = objOperatingSystem.Caption exit Next getOperatingSystemCaption = strCaptionException function for functionApparation SystemRegistration () is foundOpering SystemRegistration = FalseOperatingSystemRequirement = False if getOperatingSystemCaption () = "Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium" then getRescribed SystemRecipement = Tr...

javascript - Interacting with a verified location? - Google Maps -

ठीक है, इन दिनों Google मानचित्र पर चिह्नित व्यवसाय का भार है। लेकिन मैं इनके साथ किसी भी तरह से बातचीत नहीं कर सकता। यह वह जानकारी है जो मेरे पास है: स्थल का नाम: ध्वनि मंत्रालय पता: 103 गंट स्ट्रीट लंदन, एसई 1 6 डीपी Google के जियोलोकेशन केवल फ़ॉर्टरेट पता निर्देशांक एचआर> मुझे इस पृष्ठ को एक्सेस करने के लिए एक अनुप्रयोग चाहिए -> मैं चाहता हूं: फ़ोटो और वीडियो ब्लॉकक्ॉट> ई जी। अगर व्यापार समान पते का शेयर करता है संपादित करें: मौनभूम ने कहा "Google अभी अनुक्रमणिका और साइटों से जानकारी एकत्रित करता है " यदि साइट पर समीक्षा और जानकारी प्राप्त करने का एकमात्र तरीका यह अनुक्रमित करना है ... मैं Google को बताता हूं कि मेरी साइट में क्या शामिल है: स्थानों के फ़ोटो समीक्षाएं स्थान के बारे में जानकारी सहायता बहुत सराहना की जाएगी। धन्यवाद! :) अपने संपादित प्रश्न के जवाब में: आपको माइक्रोफार्मैट जैसे, Google अनुक्रमित और खोज परिणामों में इन का उपयोग करता है, यदि आप...

how to retrieve friends' list using facebook connect with iphone app -

I am using Facebook Connect for my iPhone app. It is able to authenticate the user and also publishes comments on the user's wall. But I'm not sure how to recover the user's friends list. A sample code will be highly appreciated. - Thank you in advance, FBCAdidate And do this in any of the classes implementing FBRSDAGLet: - (zero) getFriends {NSString * funcName = @ "friends.get"; [[Delegate with FBRAccount Request: Self] Call: Fondek Name Params: Nile]; } - (Zero) ProcessingFreendas: (ID) Results {friends = [[NSMUTPABARROL] INST]; NSString * element; GDatabase.userIdList = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: MAX_FRIENDS_LIST] AutoWaves]; For (element in result) {friend * pride = [[[friend alok] init] autorex]; NSString * uid = [self dictionary tuUid: element]; Afriend.userId = (NSMutableString *) UID; [G database. User List Adobject: aFriend.userId]; } and then call it in - (zero) request: (FBCAEE * *) was requested: (ID) result { Self-p...

c++ - Why does using boost increase file size so much? -

I have noticed that when I use a Boost feature, the app size grows to approximately 1.3 Mb It may not appear very much, but compared to using other external libraries (at least for me). Why is it like this? Boost template uses everywhere with the same parameters as Often the institute can be done. An adequate Smart Linker will make everyone out of the same copy. However, not all the linkers are smart enough, as well as templates are occasionally instantified and it is also hard to know how many times one has been provided immediately.

Is there any difference between sql server that comes with VS2008 and sql server express 2008? -

Is there a difference between SQL Server that is compatible with Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server Express 2008 Is it? No, Visual Studio 2008 with SQL Server Express 2008 It comes with the IS SQL Server Express -2008 - which you can download, complete, complete, complete, exactly the same thing. So far, there are four versions of SQL Server 2008 Express: SQL Server 2008 Express - only runtime - this is bundled with Visual Studio 2008 SQL Server 2008 Express - Management Tools Add-on (SQL Server Management Studio Express SQL Server 2008 Express - Runtime + Management Tool (combination of the above two) Advanced Services With SQL Server 2008 Express (including Reporting Services and Full Text Search and Management Tools) But the included in VS 2008 is actually a complete "SQL Server 2008 Express - Runtime Only" package - no difference, no compromise, no "scaled down" version or anything.

google maps - Should I code for browser or PC? (fleet management) -

I have to build a commercial vehicle fleet tracking system. Each vehicle (some 100, maximum maximum 1000) will have a GPS and satellite transmitter and will periodically report its position. The situation will be stored in a database and used to create Google Maps. There will definitely be other activities, such as security, log in, and possibly many contacts with other corporate databases (for the purpose of time for starting / stop time etc.). Question: Pure GoogleMaps is probably a browser based app (Php and MySQL?), But with the additional functionality of a commercial vehicle fleet tracking system, is it doing better PC-based (Windows / Linux)? Any other advice? Thanks I think with the capabilities of modern browsers, with various mature client side frameworks, we You should keep in mind that a web application automatically fixes some important problems for you: Distribution: No need to distribute your application Just provide a URL. Update: Upgrading and f...

iphone - Problems with creating and using of delegate-protocols -

I have a problem that I have created a representative protocol, but has not performed the necessary methods, though I Protocol my header Here is a detailed explanation in the file: I have made an example of my View Controller (Timeline Visual Controller) that will be displayed. This view controller has a UITableView, which in turn receives different cells / rows from an example of my table view cl. So the ViewController creates an example of the tableclass view. Table electricity is a UITextview that includes web links. Now I want the Safari link not open, but my own browser is in the browser. Unfortunately TableViewCell can not open a new ViewController with a WebView, so I see a representative decision-making protocol The whole thing is like this :. WebViewTableCellDelegate.h: @protocolWidgetablesSellelGet - (zero) LoadWeb; @end Then I created an example WebViewDelegate in TableViewCell: ID of the & lt; WebViewTableCellDelegate & gt; _Representative; of ...

HttpClient - getting incorrect page source -

मैंने HttpClient और GetMethod का पृष्ठ स्रोत प्राप्त करने के लिए उपयोग किया है यूआरएल: लोगारिदमिक&chdeh=0&chdet= 1264263288788 & amp; chddm = 391 & amp; chddi = 120 & amp; chls = OHLC & amp; q = एनएसई: .NSEI & amp; लेकिन किसी भी तरह मैं हमेशा पृष्ठ का स्रोत प्राप्त करना समाप्त करता हूं: क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि पूर्व URL का पृष्ठ स्रोत क्यों और कैसे प्राप्त किया जाए? मैं यहाँ एक अंग पर बाहर जा रहा हूं और मान लेता हूँ कि क्या हो रहा है कि आपके एचटीटीपी क्लाइंट का कार्यान्वयन आंतरिक रूप से एचटीटीपी रीडायरेक्ट हैं और इसलिए जब आप पहली यूआरएल पर GetMethod कहते हैं, सर्वर ( शायद दूसरी यूआरएल के लिए एक HTTP रीडायरेक्ट (302, या 301) प्रतिक्रिया वापस भेज रहा है जो कि आप वापस आ रहे हैं। इसका कारण शायद यह है कि पहले यूआरएल को कुछ प्रकार की कुकी की आवश्यकता होती है, जिसे आप अपने अनुरोध करते समय प्रदान नहीं ...

text - jQuery Validator's "required" not working when value is set at statup -

I have a problem with jQuery validation. I want to use the "required" property on a text input. Does not do when the input has defined value attribute by HTML code (tested on Firefox (3.5), and on IE 8 - this works a little better on IE). Story: 1. Page Load; 2. The value is clear; 3. Focus changed. 4. Nothing happens, but the error message should be displayed; Returning to the field and typing some letters. 6. Focusing; 7. Come back to the field; 8. Clearing the area. 9. The error field is displayed even before leaving the field. HTML code: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription / / n" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "web / script / jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = ...

language agnostic - Error handling. How should a program do it? -

How should a program handle errors? Example: A program requires a file text.txt . It should be present and should be writable. What if it is not writeable or does not exist? Should you try to burn it? Should it try to create or display only an error message? Or: should he try to find a solution or just display an error message? It is up to you how to manage it in your scenario, user interaction, and other parts of the program Must have to define. What data are being written in the file? How important is it that the data is saved? If an error has been reported, who will see the error? If there is a notification of an error, do you have a user response? And what are their options?

c# - Getting the current type in a static, generic method? -

I have found an intangible class like this; Share of Public Intangible Assets {Public Stable System.Type GetMyType () {Return !!! Here are some magic !!! }} I want to subdivide it, and when I call GetMyType () stable, I want to return the type of subclass if I declare a subtype; Public class Concreteproperty: Propertybase {} then when I call var typename = concreteprote.gate MyType () Name; I hope that the 'Type' name should be set to "Concreteproperty". I suspect there is no way to do this, but I am interested in it if someone knows a way to get this information. (Dependency attribute WPF; I am trying to solve the problem I want to be able to do something like this; class named object: Dependency Objects {// declare the property of a name as a type of name, not an example. Private class NameProperty: PropertyBase & lt; string, nombed object & gt; {} // call static methods to read class The public string of property on class {return ...

php - Removing default routing in symfony causes internal server error -

Error message: route "default" does not exist. Yes, it does not exist. But as everything has been described in the principle version, it should work properly when default writing is removed, because all jobs in the job module have been successfully done by other routers. When I request the URL given below, I get an error which is given by a router and then the default one. ... Jobeet.localhost / frontend_dev.php / job / sensio-labs / paris-france / 1 / web developer I would be happy if someone would help me solve this issue. Thanks! It looks like you still have something that 'default' root in your application or template code Refers to, perhaps in a redirection, for the link_to or url_ function call If you can post the first few lines of stack trace, then I can be more specific.

python - What are the advantages of using Django insead of app-engine's default web framework? -

I am making my first python app on the app engine and thinking that I should use a DJgo or not. What are the strong points of each? If you have references that support your answer, then post them. Maybe we can make the wiki with this question. Earl Balkan wrote while addressing this question. It's a year or so old, so take it with a grain of salt - I think that Django's object-relational-model should be given more emphasis on the magnitude of this. In fact, IMHO, whether it all comes down or not, you have the priority to use the DJGengo object model (which is me).

php - Writing data to a file with 777 permission -

I have one in a web server with permission as 777 TXT file is Able to edit the contents of this file? The content is not too much - only one number seems to have compromised this file because someone has disappeared the next day! I do not have anyone else who has an FTP password so I was wondering if this is giving permission? I am a client-side script programmer and do not know much about Linux and permissions. If it is 777, it means that there is no account on the system, or running on the system Any application (including PPP scripts, even those owned by others who are more than you) can modify the file in any way. So, yes, it is possible that someone with a file has been typed. Could this be a bug in your PHP script, which was deleted? If you can do this, like 644, it would be best to reduce permissions for some restrictions. It still works. The owner of a PHP script file accessing the file is executed as a single user. Many webhosts are configured in such a way that y...

.net - What is nAnt, and how it can be useful to me as a C# developer? -

I am always compiling my project and copying DLL from dependency projects to UI bin folder. 'After a few days with copy & amp; amp; Paste 'Every time I compile my project, I have concluded that I need a device which will automatically do it to me, after some searches it has been established that this tool is nant. I search for information on how to use it, but if I do not find much, then my question is: What is not there in some words? How can I benefit from this? Edit: I just can not add dependency to the context of projects because it will lead to a circular dependency. Microsoft (for better or worse) MSBILD system has been created, which is a project file (.csproj, .vbproj, etc.) are scripts. This .proj file directs the msbild system to create a project through XML, which is essentially what it is doing. So, in general, MSBlld functionality == new functionality When I definitely want to spend a lot of time with MsBuild vs nant, I can not really become an expe...

gwt - How to set a 5% margin when using RootLayoutPanel and DockPanel -

I am playing with GWT 2 and I find it very difficult to get the original page layout. Actually I am using a DocLayoutPanel where I am adding a reply (header), south (footer), west (navigation), and content area. I want to take a 90% page of the doctor panel and centered it will give a good 5% margin, however, due to the GWT, using this my general strategies (margin: auto) using the top, left, right, and bottom styles Is the center How do I complete the GWT route? By reading your question it is not clear what you are asking, but I think you Want the whole dock to have 5% margin in the panel? All new * layout paneals in Gwt 2.0 use full position of CSS, which is why you are looking at the styles of top / left / right / bottom, this is the reason that you have a strategy for margin : Auto are not working. DockLayoutPanel is really just for layout, I would suggest adjusting the margins of the widgets given inside the DockLightPanel to get you the desired effect. I took a s...

java - going through an array of strings and printing one and then calling the method and printing the next one -

I am trying to go through a string array and print an index at a time, but when I Trying to run the program what I got is 0 or 1. I'm not sure how to fix this. Below is what I've done so far. So when I made this method, I would like to call "turnip" and when I call it again, "Little Old Lady". I'm not sure how to go about doing this, but if someone can try to fix my code then I would be very grateful. string [] leads = {"turnip", "little old lady", "etch", "hoo", "hoo"}; Init current = 0; // while (name.equalsIgnoreCase ("yes")) {string temp = clue [0]; For (int i = 0; i & lt; clues.length - 1; i ++) {clue [i] = clue [i + 1]; } Clues.length - 1] = temp; Out.println (currentJoke ++); In your program it appears that you are missing out on existing +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ Cu... - winforms concurrency question -

What recommendations (s) will you recommend about the WinForms application, in which the user interface & amp; Both will be. A scheduling components about sharing data from the database? Assume both scheduled tasks (updated through the datatable to the program) and can update the user interface on shared data. Also assume that the scheduling component is only part of the vanoha application (and a different thread is generated when it runs) Which approaches are available in WinForms / (datababas) Would that allow someone to develop something to share like the data approach? EDIT: To really make this question more specific, I will ask more directed questions below: Category - Shared Background: Design Approach Data Between Was to share in some parts of the application, for example, updating via the "Manage Link" dialog, as well as doing a webcrawling against scheduled work links, then the 'Manage Link' dialogue Driven to be changed to reflect the ...

what is application server? What are Rich Internet Applications? -

मैं एक PHP पृष्ठभूमि से हूँ वेब सर्वर एचपी अनुरोध संभालता है पीएचपी दुभाषिया जो वेब सर्वर में एम्बेडेड है, PHP स्क्रिप्ट का परिणाम ऊपर एचटीएमएल होगा, जो वेबसर्वर द्वारा ग्राहक को दोबारा लौटा दिया जाएगा। अब, मुझे एक चीज नहीं समझती आवेदन सर्वर क्या है? वेबसर्वर और amp के बीच अंतर क्या है; अनुप्रयोग सर्वर। इसकी भूमिका का कोई भी लोकप्रिय उदाहरण? और रिच इंटरनेट एप्लिकेशन क्या हैं? मेरी समझ से, Google डॉक्स जैसे वेब अनुप्रयोगों के लिए इसका सिर्फ एक फैंसी नाम है। क्या मैं सही हूं? कुछ लोग उदाहरणों के साथ बताएं। वेब सर्वर और अनुप्रयोग सर्वर के बीच की रेखा धुंधली है एक आम परिभाषा यह है कि वेब सर्वर को केवल HTTP और HTTPS के माध्यम से ही संपर्क किया जा सकता है, लेकिन वेब प्रोटोकॉल के अतिरिक्त आवेदन सर्वरों को अन्य तरीकों (संदेश सेवा, दूरस्थ पद्धति का आह्वान, आदि) के माध्यम से संपर्क किया जा सकता है। अनुप्रयोग सर्वर एक ऐसे कंटेनर भी प्रदान करता है जो आपके लिए स्वचालित रूप से कुछ सॉफ़्टवेयर आवश्यकताओं (जैसे लेनदेन और संसाधन प्रबंधन) का ध्यान रखता है। और समृद्ध इंटरनेट एप्लिक...

objective c - XCode + svn tips, tricks, etc -

I'm curious to know your tips and tricks by using Xcode and Subversion Not only that focus on those tasks To be focused that an SQL repo can be done with the encoded - but what did you do to make your life easier while working with an Xcode project in an SCN managed folder? Which files have you ignored? A custom built script to help you out? Is not answering? ^^ If I have set up my build directory on another path, then the project (XCode settings only) will therefore not be this version. The other thing is that I had several inconsistencies, so that I had to recreate my project folder on the server project. (You should always copy some folders that contain XCode with content. If you have to create and drag that folder into XCode and drop the files into that folder). Therefore, in the fact of those inconsistencies, my project folder contains two XCode project files and a folder named SRC, which includes everything else (so I can copy it fast in the repository). But as s...

An equivalent to string.ascii_letters for unicode strings in python 2.x? -

मानक पुस्तकालय की "स्ट्रिंग" मॉड्यूल में, string.ascii_letters ## string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase है 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' एक ऐसी ही लगातार वहाँ है के रूप में ही जो सब कुछ है कि यूनिकोड में एक पत्र में माना जाता है को शामिल किया जाएगा? अपने स्वयं के यूनिकोड ऊपरी की लगातार आप का निर्माण कर सकते और साथ लोअर केस अक्षरों: के रूप में उद all_unicode = 'unicodedata आयात' .join (xrange में मैं के लिए unichr (i) (65536)) unicode_letters = '' .join (में सी के लिए ग all_unicode अगर ud.category (ग) == 'लू' या ud.category (ग) == 'll') यह एक स्ट्रिंग 2153 वर्ण लंबा बनाता है (संकीर्ण यूनिकोड अजगर का निर्माण) । unicode_letters = सेट (unicode_letters) unicode_letters इसका इस्तेमाल करने के लिए तेजी से होगा एक सेट के बजाय पत्र की तरह कोड के लिए >

iphone - how to add more than 100 uiimageviews in uiscrollview -

I have a uiscrollview and I add one to one uiimageviews, but when I add more than 40 objects, Problems with and the app crashes ... What should I do? I am trying to make an app like photo viewer from Apple! help please! I do not want a thumb, when I give the user a jerk to each other, but I have to unload the previous image and have to show the next one Removal UIImageView l; L = [[Scroll SubViews] ObjectAntindex: 0]; [Extraction Prospective]; L = equal to no; And then I add the next one like this [insert scroll to subview: imageView atIndex: counter]; But I do not see any image in a black background please help! The best way to do this is to load some images in a table view at a time In each cell of, put three thumbnails, you will need to create a custom cell. Thus, table cells will be used for de-queue and memory again. Check out the Facebook Three 20 project, I think they implemented it like this, so you have some code to work.

linux - Outliers during Performance Evaluation -

I'm trying to measure some performance using Intels RDTSC, and it's variations that occur during different testers In most cases, my benchmark in C requires 3000000 Mio cycles, however, in some cases the same execution takes 5000000, it is almost two times more. I tried not to have any intensive workload running in parallel so that I get good performance estimates. Any ideas where this huge time difference can come? I know that there can be interconnection and stuff, but I did not expect such a great variety in time! PS: I'm running it on a Pentium processor on which Linux is running. Thanks for the response, John I think the answer is: You have insufficient control over a modern OS. / html>

c++ - Can anyone explain this algorithm for calculating large factorials? -

I have come to the following program to calculate the large factorials (greater than 100). Somebody can tell me the basic idea Is used in this algorithm ?? I need to know the fact that in fact mathematical calculations have been done. #include & lt; Cmath & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Cstdlib & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {unsigned int d; Unsigned char * a; Unsigned int j, n, q, z, t; Int I, ARR [101], F; Double P; CIN & gt; & Gt; N; P = 0.0; For (j = 2; j; l; = n; j ++) p + = log 10 (j); D = (int) p + 1; A = new unsigned char [D]; For (i = 1; i & lt; d; i ++) a [i] = 0; // start [0] = 1; P = 0.0; For (j = 2; j; l; = n; j ++) {q = 0; P + = Log 10 (J); Z = (int) P + 1; For (i = 0; i & lt; = z / * NUMDIGITS * /; i ++) {T = (a [i] * j) + q; Q = (T / 10); A [i] = (four) (t% 10); }} For (I = D -1; I> = 0; I -) COAT & LT; & Lt; (Integer) a [i]; The court's & lt; & Lt; "\ N"; Delete...

c++ - SFINAE + sizeof = detect if expression compiles -

I just found out how operator was provided for one type is. template & lt; Square T & gt; T & amp; Lvalue_of_type (); Template & lt; Class T & gt; T rvalue_of_type (); Template & lt; Class T & gt; Struct is_printable {template & lt; Square U & gt; Fixed four tests (four (*) (size) (level_of_type () ())]);); Template & lt; Square U & gt; Stable long exam (...); Enum {value = 1 == test size & lt; T & gt; (0)}; Typedef boost :: integral_constant & lt; Bool, value & gt; type; }; Is this trick well known, or have I won the Metrophilizing Nobel Prize? ;) Edit: I have two global function template announcements lvalue_of_type and rvalue_of_type . has made the code easy to understand in order to optimize. This is a well known technique, I'm scared: -) use the function Call in the sizeof operator, declares the compiler to compile logic deduction and function, at compile-time. Also, with a template functi...

API security question: SSL or more? -

I am developing an API for a web application. Desktop clients will interact with the API using simple HTTP post (REST). I am using SSL, there is no question about it. My question is: Should I encrypt the data before sending it over SSL? The information that is being sent may contain confidential information whether the SSL is sufficient or should I do more? My only concern with adding additional layers of security is that it would be a lot of hardship for people to interact with the API. Any ideas about this will be highly appreciated. No, SSL provides robust encryption because it is. Just make sure that you force the customers to use HTTPS, and if you've actually gone crazy, check if cyber is strong enough. The only reason is that you want to encrypt the second time, if your web application sends data directly to any other system, in that case, you can keep the unknown web application and the client and the final You can provide end-to-end encryption between destination...

ruby on rails - Index a boolean field as a string in sphinx -

I have to use sphinx to search a postgrad database. I'm searching for a field in the table is a boolean Explain fully with the example: My site is for those who develop their black And white film I have a recipe table where people describe how they develop a movie. In that table there is a bullion column called "stand_disitive" (a method of developing the film). I would like to return those results where the field is correct when the user searches for the word "stand" I went through it and actually did not find it possible. I think that I can hack something by parsing some queries inside my controlling system and adding a condition but it's a cleaner way of doing it? This is what I have done, as a search on boolean areas in the form of thinking- I In the questions, pass stand_developed near the URL parameter with your query_string: The URL for the generic query will not be searched on stand_developed

How do I highlight an observation's bin in a histogram in R -

I want to create a histogram with many observations (i.e. d & lt; -c (1,2.1,3,4, 4,5)) and then highlight the bin made in a special overview, like I have output which looks like this: How do I do this in R? Extending the answer to KhaustStat, here is a small task that automatically finds which bin Contains the value you want to highlight: Highlight and Lieutenant; - Function (x, value, col.value, col = NA, ...) {hst & lt; - Hist (X, ...) idx & lt; - findInterval (value breaks, hst $)) Cols & lt; - Representative (Colonel, Length (calculation of hst $)) cols [idx] & lt; - col.value hist (x, col = cols, ...)} now x will highlight the bin in 1.2 in red.

jQuery: Single button click, click event firing two or more times -

I have HTML input and button elements. I use buttons to submit the form, open the secondary window and so on. The problem is that one click 2 (and sometimes too much) is changing in form submission, or opening two additional browser windows. I have reproduced this problem in many web browsers, I have tried switching to jQuery version and it has not changed anything. What could be the thing like this? Your problem may be because you are specifying the same handler multiple times in the click event. I suggest that you check that the line on which you handler is not being called unknowingly, another solution can be such a phone as before opening it: $ ("# mybutton"). Unbind ("click") Click (myHandler); But without looking at some code, I'm just guessing.

java - Setting content type in an action -

In Spring MVC 3.0, how can I set the content type of a particular action? I want to set the action to return the JSON result. In Spring 3, you usually do not need to or want to set the context type yourself, This is usually unnecessary. In the case of necessary controllers to return JSON, the easiest way to return JSON is to return an example with your handler method. This will set the content-type for you. Now Spring 3 has built-in support. - Accept Data With A Webservice C# .NET 3.5 -

I was curious to know how I would complete with the following webservices: Accept a CSV or XML file. Process the file and place it in a SQL database. Post should let me use a webservice I can not seem to find any resources that explain how to start something like this in all simple examples It is important to show how you can serve XML through a query. I want to know how to accept the stuff and also how it will differ from upload control on a certified webpage. I do not think I really understand webservices and their benefits. How is the user sending XML file interface with my webservice? A web service is not really suitable to send an arbitrary file But if this is the only reason for creating a web service, then you can also stay with the HTTPS. If you want to create a web service for that specific format or specific content in the file, the purpose of the ASMX or WCF web service is to Finding qualifications and strong typing (except for other things,...

c++ - Can you use wxMutex in an event handler? -

Is it possible to use wxMutex-> lock () in an event handler? Since this main program is a thread (GUI thread), can not sleep right? You can definitely - blow it on your computer or Your hard drive is not melting or monsters do not have the reason to fly out of your nose. He said, anything Em> which can block bad on your UI thread, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad So when you can technically , then you should not really .

php - How do I find out the index in a MySQL table -

I am programming in PHP5; MySQL5 and I would like to know how to remove an entry pointer. To be clear, here's an example: I have 500 users in the table, I want to select user johndo and the indicator of that user, so if johando is the 100th user in my table, then I will select the notification I want to be able to: SELECT *, INDEX_OF (id) from user where user name = 'johndoe'; Then I will get details about the user (name, username, id, index etc ...) Please note this is different from user ID. > You can use the _rowid special column, but it is just like "unsigned integer auto_quality primary key", meaning that you will usually say "id". The order of the SQL is not required, the lines searched , only on the returned rows, this means that you can not go to the 100th position for every search on that entry. So in that sense, any attempt to find the physical position of the line can return a different result every time.

Can you add "filters" to the Class View in Visual C++ 2008? -

I am using VS 2008 Express. One of the projects I'm working on uses a physics engine for its own reasons, rather than compiling the source of your project for better stability and compatibility rather than linking the engine maintenance to stable libraries. Gives suggestions. This means that in the class view, all the engine classes and methods have been combined with their code, so it is difficult to choose their own classes. Can you group the classes with your own custom filters, the way you can organize source files? Just click on your project and press "Add" and then select "New Filter" It will look like a folder icon, but it will not change the underlying directory structure. As one side: What physics engine are you working with, which suggests it? I can not think of a reason to compile it with my own project for my suggestion, because the stable link must meet the same goals.

version control - svn server synchronise automatically -

I have a svn server on my LAN locally Developers use it and check it out. Just to be on the safe side, we have taken a server from Raccepse which is a Linux. Is it possible to synchronize an automatic weekly synchronization with remote SVN server from remote one? Remote will be used primarily as a remote backup, but if anyone has access to it then they can do this because there is no stable or external IP for our lane. I would suggest using it for When triggered by a post-cut hook, this tool (part of SVN distribution) allows for a live synchronization between 2 (or more) svn servers.

How does visual studio associate mfc dialog classes with dialog resources? -

मैं सोच रहा था कि कैसे दृश्य स्टूडियो सहयोगी एमएफसी सीडीआलाओग से व्युत्पन्न वर्ग उनके संबंधित संवाद संसाधन मुझे यह पता नहीं है कि कनेक्शन चलाने के समय (जैसा कि पूछा गया) पर, बल्कि डिजाइन समय पर कैसे किया जाता है। जब मैं एक संवाद के लिए संदेश हैंडलर जोड़ता हूं, तो यह कैसे पता चलेगा कि किस वर्ग को जोड़ना है हेन्डलर को इसके अलावा, क्या एक ही संवाद संसाधन से संबंधित कई CDialog व्युत्पन्न कक्षाएं हो सकती हैं और इसके विपरीत? मैंने IDD_SOMEDIALOG स्ट्रिंग लेकिन केवल इसे SomeDialog.h , source.h और Project.rc में अपेक्षित स्थानों में मिला है, इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि इसे किसी भी तरह से कटौती की जाती है उन फ़ाइलों से कनेक्शन, सबसे अधिक संभावना SomeDialog.h में: // in class CSomeDialog: enum {IDD = IDD_SOMEDIALOG}; मैं यह ज्यादातर जिज्ञासा से पूछ रहा हूं। यह देव स्टूडियो के किस संस्करण पर निर्भर करता है। वीएस 6 में यह सब सीएलडब्ल्यू (क्लास विज़ार्ड फाइल) में रखा गया था। देव स्टूडियो के नए संस्करणों में यह सीएलडब्ल्यू का अब उपयोग नहीं करता है और मुझे पता नहीं है ...

jQuery select column -

I would like to select all the cells in the first column of a table. Can anyone please tell me the code. Try it .. $ ('Sortable tr: nth-child (1)'); // Getting full line $ ('Sortable td: First-child ');

Moving a non-core theme from /themes to /sites/default/themes safely in Drupal 6.14 -

Recently, I have been told to your friend that putting a non-core subject in the subject (which is the main topic) There is a bad idea and I should put it in / sites / default / theme. Is it safe to move theme folders directly from / themes / sites / default / themes? In doing so, will the original settings of the subject be lost? I'm using this topic But I think it really does not matter. You have to switch the subject back and forth or after moving files, to do things The cache will need to be cleaned, because some files will save Drop's place. Your settings and stuff are saved in the database based on the name defined in the code. It does not matter where you put files, so do not give any problem. Goes to the same module.

Sql commands using joins for the following four tables -

चार टेबल हैं कर्मचारी (कर्मचारी _आईडी, नाम, मुख्य_आईडी) Emp_Sal (Employee_id, वेतन) अब मुझे एक प्रश्न लिखिए जो कर्मचारी आईडी को प्रदर्शित करता है, जो प्रत्येक विभाग में अधिकतम वेतन प्राप्त करते हैं। मेरी खुद की टेस्ट टेबल बनाना: @Employee टेबल (Employee_id INT, नाम VARCHAR (मैक्स), Chief_id INT) @Department टेबल (Department_Id INT, नाम VARCHAR (मैक्स)) की घोषणा @Emp_Dep टेबल (Employee_id INT, Department_Id घोषणा घोषणा INT) की घोषणा @Emp_Sal टेबल (Employee_id INT, वेतन दशमलव) @Employee का चयन करें 1 में डालने, 'जॉन डो', 0 यूनिअन सभी 2 चुनने के बाद 'जॉन डो', 0 यूनिअन सभी 3 चुनने के बाद 'जॉन डो', 0 यूनिअन सभी चयन 4, 'जॉन डो', 0 यूनियन सभी का चयन 5, 'जॉन डो', यूनियन सभी का चयन 6, 'जॉन डो', यूनियन का चयन 7, 'जॉन डो', 0; विभाग का चयन 1 में सम्मिलित करें, 'मुमिन' यूनियन सभी का चयन 2, 'म्यू' यूनियन सभी का चयन करें 3, 'न्यूनतम'; इंप्रेशन में @Emp_Dep SELECT 1, 1 यूनियन का चयन करें 2, 1 यूनियन स...

aop - How to know, the number of times a particular method is invoked in java -

Is there any way to know how often a member of the class has applied its member method? I think (not sure), a method is a dedicated one member variable for a method, but this will not be possible if we have many ways. For example: class A {public void someMethod () {}} And I have an example aa = new A (); So I want to know the number of times in a program a by some method we can have several ways If you need a program inside this information, then this is what is for aspect oriented programming. Using it, it will be quite easy. Maybe it will also work.

unit testing - Can I use osql with Sql server Compact Edition -

I have a file that has many inserted statements to populate my compact version database with test data. I run a unit test (I'm using NUnit), so I'm running a file from SQL Server Management Studio. Now I want to automate the database script for every test run. I am trying to use the OSQL as described in this article: The problem is that I do not know how to use OSQL from the SSF file. I have 2 problems, I do not have a user id for the database first, only one password I have seen it at the command line prompt: osql -P Manager -s -i "C: \ ... \ InsertTestData.sqlce" -D "C: \ ... \ Test.sdf" Error: None of the users is selected - try with U or A switches Second, I do not know how to specify a database. I have tried to: osql-P manager -s -i "C: \ ... \ InsertTestData.sqlce" -D "C: \ ... \ Test sdf "- u [odbc driver manager] does not have the name of the data source and no default driver is specified ...

uitextfield - iphone / objective-c how to check to see if a textfield is empty -

I have a specific textfield in an iPhone app, and in the ViewWhole I want to make a little argument using text, text field. If txtField.text is empty, then I would like to type the next textfield, txtField2 will be selected for typing. I'm trying to get it: if (txtField.text! = @ "") [TxtField2 First Responder]; But after a few tests, txtField.text (in spaces), will still not be registered as being equal to @ "What am I missing? When you compare two pointers variables, you actually compare addresses in memory, Indicate these two variables. Only one such case is true, when you have two variables pointing to an object (and therefore at the same address in memory). Using a common approach to comparing an object is isEqual: defined NSObject . In this type of class as NSNumber , NSString , additional comparison methods are named isEqualToNumber: , isEqualToString: and Similarly Here is an example for your very own situation: if ([txtField.tex...

ASP.NET MVC - Submit Form with complex Model with EntitySet -

I am trying to work with my model with my model ... My There are 3 models account_hon - & gt; Company is_mela - & gt; Individuals - & gt; Therefore, there can be a company in the account and many individuals may have a document with it. When submitting my form, I have the following action: [AcceptVerbs (HttpVerbs.Post)] PublicActionershipOpenAinAccount (string field, [bind (remove = " ID ")] Website.Model.Account account) {var db = new DB (); Var type = new int (); Switch (area) {case "business": type = 1; break; Case "Private": Type = 2; break; } If (ModelState.IsValid) {try {account.Type = type; Db.Accounts.InsertOnSubmit (account); Db.SubmitChanges (); See Return ("Open AAACC / Thanks"); } Hold {return (see); }} And {return view (); }} and simple things on my form such as % label {for = 'companyName'} & lt; Em> * & Lt; / Em> Company as business (if different)% input {id = 'companyTrad...

java - @BeforeClass and inheritance - order of execution -

I have an abstract base class, which I use as the basis of my unit test (TestGroup 5.10). In this class, I start the whole environment for my tests, setting up database mapping etc. This abstract class has a way to do an @ beer class annotation that initially does. After this, I extend that square with specific classes in which I have the @Test method and @BeforeClass methods. These methods do the class-specific initial methods of the environment (for example, put some records in the database). How do I apply special order of annotated methods to @BeforeClass ? I need people from an abstraction base to execute before the extended class people. Example: Abstract class A {@BeforeClass doInitialization () {. ..}} Expanding class B {@BeforeClass doSpecificInitialization () {...} @Test doTests () {...}} Expected order: A.Do Introductory B.doSpecificInitialization B.doTests Actual order: predictable initialization // & lt; - Crash, Init is inaccessible as ...