
Showing posts from August, 2011

iphone - Very Intermittent Orientation on Device & Simulator -

I have noticed that I am receiving very intermittent orientation on my device & amp; Simulator I have a modal view controller that I present, and this is the only job in my app that supports rotation. If I launch the app without any picture in the device, open the model vc and then it usually works to rotate the device. However, sometimes if I capture the app in the scenario, then rotate in the image, launch the VC and then rotate the device, there is no rotation. It seems very intermittent. Occasionally if I launch the app in portrait mode and then open the vc and the device does not have anything to rotate, and until I release it and launch it again, this app There is no orientation in It's weird because 50% of the time it works! Whenever I launch it via Xcode and set breakpoints in ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation, it always works! Did anyone know this or what is happening? Since you have mentioned "intermittent", so I would say what you doin...

nhibernate - FluentNhibernate HasMany with component -

मुझे यह मैपिंग है: हैसैनी & lt; क्लास ए & gt; (ओटी = & gt; ओटी। ("एक्सपीटीओ") .कैकल्यूम ("आईडीएक्सपीटीओ")। घटक (एम = & gt; {एम। मैप (ए = & gt; एएक्स, "एक्स"); एम। मैप (एक्स = & gt; xY, " वाई ");}) .Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan (); मुझे यह कहते हुए एक त्रुटि मिलती है कि "एक अनमाप्ड वर्ग क्लास ए" को संदर्भित करता है, लेकिन मुझे इसे मैप करने की ज़रूरत नहीं होनी चाहिए। मैंने इंटरनेट पर इसी तरह की मैपिंग के अन्य उदाहरणों को देखा है और उनके पास यह समस्या नहीं है ... अगर मैं क्लास ए के लिए क्लास एमैक्स को केवल आईडी के साथ बना देता हूं, उसके काम करता है, लेकिन डेटा मॉडल होगा केवल एडी के साथ वर्ग 1 के लिए एक अनावश्यक तालिका, क्योंकि संपत्ति X और वाई तालिका XPTO पर मैप की जाएगी ... हैसमानी (ओटी = & gt; ओटी.लिस्ट)। टेबल ("एक्सपीटीओ")। के कॉलम ("आईडीएक्सपीटीओ")। घटक (एम = & gt; {एम। मैप (ए = & gt; एएक्स, "एक्स"); एम। मैप (x = & gt; xY, "Y");})। कस्केड। सभी...

Uploading a text box into a text file on an ftp C# -

Can I tell a multilingual text box to stream into a text file on an FTP server? Can anyone tell me Is that where I'm going wrong? Private Zero btnSave_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {UriBuilder b = new UriBuilder (); B.Host = ""; B.UserName = "User"; B Password = "pass"; B Port = 21; B.path = "/" + selected + ".txt"; B.Scheme = Uri.UriSchemeFtp; Uri G = B Yuri; System.Net.FtpWebRequest c = (System.Net.FtpWebRequest) System.Net.FtpWebRequest.Create (G); C.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile; System.Net.FtpWebResponse d = (System.Net.FtpWebResponse) c.GetResponse (); System Io Stream H = D. Gateresonsstream; System.IO.StreamWriter SW = New System. IO.StreamWriter (h); String [] content = textbox1 Lines Toure (); (Int i = 0; I & lt; Content height; i ++) {SW.WriteLine (content [i]); } H. Close (); SW.Close (); D.Close (); } The error I am getting is this line...

if statement - whether this php syntax is correct? -

High people, as I am a newbie, I want to check a file path, is an image or not My status is correct or not .. My error unexpected '& lt;' Your code is incorrect, it should be assumed that your $ line array is valid. & lt ;? Php $ ext = substr ($ line ['dfilepath'], stropo ($ line ['defy path', '.')); If ($ ext == 'jpg') {? & Gt; & Lt; Img src = "& lt ;? php echo base_ url (). '/ Uploads /'. $ Line ['diff path']? & Gt;" / & Gt; & Lt ;? Php} and {? & Gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" onclick = "loaddetails ('& lt ;? php resonant $ line [' dFilePath '] ;? & gt;';);" Value = "& lt ;? php echo $ row ['dFilePath'];? & Gt;" & Gt; & Lt ;? Php}? & Gt;

getting request timeout exceptions from a application using the Oracle client with multiple schemas -

We have an ASP.NET application that uses the Oracle client. In the connection string, we specify 3 basic attributes: Data source, user id, and password we are using connection pooling. Our data resides in 2 separate Oracle schemas. Most requests are for data from Schema 1. Data from Schema 2 is coming from time to time with callouts Is it possible that the connections are linked to a schema? This will be considered a lot since most calls are for data from Schema 1, so the pool is filled with connections that are good for schema 1 only. After that a call comes for data from schema 2 and any connection in the pool can not satisfy the request and we get timeout. Thanks for any help - Greg An Oracle Connection is always a schema Tied, the default user has its own schema. If you use two different connection strings, then you already have two different pools, so I suspect that it might be that you hit the maximum sessions for the database. Compare your "Maximum Pool Siz...

msysgit - git init error: unable to create directory for .git/HEAD [inside htdocs/] -

When I try to create a repo inside Actiodioks folder of your Apache installation (z servers using CE) Jiaiti gives me this error: the $ git init error: e: /WORK/Zend/Apache2/htdocs/gittest2/.git/HEAD Unable to make directory it works well / htdocs out, but I would like to repos to work on them at the same time within the dir. I am using git bash with administrator privileges and AFAIR use it: Win7 x64 install git from msysGit -> git-Lk6k5kl preview 20091022. exe [Update] Voncci has suggested that this may be a bug in this release of msysGit Action Use the Tortoise to create a repository in the directory that is causing you problems Good chance it will succeed Sometimes Jiaiti GUI (Masejit) was successfully a 'problem' repo (on my previous repo in this folder, although it is not) It may be related to a bug with 64 bit Git1.6.5.1: msysgit だ と "error: .. [project] / unable to create directory for Git / HEAD" ...

c - Why am i getting this warning in "if (fd=fopen(fileName,"r") == NULL)"? -

फ़ाइल * fd; अगर (एफडी = एफओपीएन (फाइलनाम, "आर") == नल) {printf ("फ़ाइल खोलने में असफल"); बाहर निकलने के (1); } यह एक कोड स्निपेट है I जब मैं इसे जीसीसी के साथ संकलित करता हूं, तो मुझे निम्नलिखित चेतावनी मिलती है: - चेतावनी: असाइनमेंट एक कलाकार के बिना पूर्णांक से सूचक बनाता है जब मैं एफडी = एफओपीएएन (एजीआर [2], "आर") ब्रैकेट्स के भीतर, समस्या हल हो जाती है .. मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा / रही हूँ जहां मैं सूचक को पूर्णांक परिवर्तित कर रहा हूँ जब ब्रैकेट नहीं डाले जाते। ऑपरेटर प्राथमिकता नियमों के कारण स्थिति को परिभाषित किया जाता है एफडी = (एफओपीएन (फाइलनाम, "आर") == नल) । == का परिणाम पूर्णांक है, fd एक संकेतक है, इस प्रकार त्रुटि संदेश। अपने कोड के "विस्तारित" संस्करण पर विचार करें: फ़ाइल * fd; Int ठीक है; Fd = fopen (फ़ाइलनाम, "आर"); ठीक है = एफडी == नल; // ... क्या आप उम्मीद करते हैं कि पिछली पंक्ति को (ok = fd) == NULL के रूप में समझाया जाए, या ok = (fd == नल) ?

cocoa - NSXMLParser Memory Allocation Efficiency for the iPhone -

I am currently playing with the iPhone app's code to parse XML. Sticking to cocoa, I decided to go with the NSXLL parser class. The app will be responsible for parsing 10,000+ "computers", for all my information which has 6 other wires for the test, I have verified that the XML is around 900k-1MB in size. My data model is to put each computer in NSDictionary washed by a unique identifier. Each computer with information is also represented by an NSDictionary, so at the end of the day, I end up with an NSDictionary that contains 10k other NSDictionaries. The problem I am running is not about leaking storage or memory of efficient data structure. When my parser, allocate the total amount of goods is only one moving MB problem is that when NSXMLParser running, my object allocation is growing as much as 13 MB. I can understand 2 (one object for which I am making and one for raw NSDT) plus a little room to do the work, but 13 seems to be a bit higher. I can not imaging ...

c# - How does Opera 10.50's custom UI work? -

For the past two days, I was looking around the net how Opera made its pre-alpha with that UI . I mean there are some screenshots created with Windows shell Any tutorials, books or videos will be helpful P s. I also saw the victory of 7 SDKs, but all its C ++ samples and I C # C # Espccially this allows the icon on the transparent file in the status bar to see the GlassForm class.

silverlight - Accessing the WebContext class in XAML -

उत्पन्न App.xaml.cs फ़ाइल में यह शामिल है निजी शून्य Application_Startup (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक , StartupEventArgs ई) {// यह आपको XAML फ़ाइलों में वेबकॉन्टेक्स। वर्तमान / गुणों में नियंत्रणों को बाइंड करने में सक्षम करेगा। संसाधन। जोड़ें ("वेबकॉन्टेक्स्ट", वेबकॉन्टेक्स। वर्तमान); लेकिन मैं इस ऑब्जेक्ट को संदर्भित करने के लिए समझ नहीं सकता। ऐसा लगता है जैसे मुझे पेज DataContext = "WebContext" सेट करना चाहिए और फिर इसे इस तरह का उपयोग करें ... property = "{बाध्यकारी पथ = उपयोगकर्ता.आसअप्रमाणित} मुझे यकीन है कि यह सीधा है। क्या कोई मुझे सुराग कर सकता है? अच्छी तरह से किया है, और निश्चित रूप से मैं विश्वास नहीं कर सकता कि मैंने उसे नहीं देखा था। एक मूल्य कनवर्टर अचानक राज्य प्रबंधन कोड की एक गड़बड़ी हुई गड़बड़ी, विभिन्न यूआई तत्वों को दिखाना और छिपाते हुए बताती है कि क्या उपयोगकर्ता लॉग इन या विभिन्न भूमिकाओं में बिना मेरे कोड को असंख्य तार्किक आक्षेप बिंदुओं पर तुच्छ नियमों के साथ कूड़े हुए बिना। कोशिश करें: - property = "{बाध्यकारी पथ = ...

c++ - Check if C++0x parameter pack contains a type -

What I'm wondering if C ++ 0x offers to test any underlying capabilities of a variadic template a parameter pack specific types of today, encouraging ::: ml :: can be used to access it if you are fair use as a substitute for variadic templates boost :: mpl :: vector . However, there is a serious compile time overhead in it. I think, there is compiler-level support for std :: is_same in C ++ 0x. So I was thinking that a generalization like in compiler is supported template No, you can use the (partial) with a variety of templates to compile expertise - Timelines like this: #include & lt; Type_traits & gt; Template & lt; Typename TP, TypeName ... List & gt; The structure includes: std :: true_type {}; Template & lt; Typename TP, Typeman name head, typename ... Rest & gt; In the structure & lt; TP, Head, Rest ... & gt; : Std :: conditional & lt; Std :: is_same & lt; TP, Head & gt; :: value, std :: true_type, in & lt; TP...

jQuery form submission. Stopping page refresh only works in newest browsers -

Use jQuery 1.4 to do this. To add a form to body tags, submit form ('& lt; form name = "frmSample" id = "frmSample"> gt; & lt; input class = "" btn "type =" "Value =" sign up ">> ');}); I am using the following to submit the form: Live ('submit', function () {Var formdata = $ (this) .serialize (); $ .ajax ({type: 'POST') , Url: '', data: formdata, success: function () {submit_success ();}})) return false}}; This works fine on the latest browsers (Firefox 3.5, Safari 4) Once I go below FF 3.0 and below or IE 7 and go down this stops. I'm just a little bit stuck. I'm searching for a good bit. And I have been able to mention just a few other things except false false phenomena or incident. To see if I'm missing something short here, or I'm completely Going in the wrong direction. I Go one step further than Stoppopag...

c++ - What is an App Bundle on Mac? -

I have a basic C ++ application bit build using G ++ and-Framework ... When I run it, I get one: Working in unbundle mode You should create an .app wrapper for your Mac OS X applications. (which is not stratified by any of my applications). What is the reason for this, and how can I get rid of it? Thank you! You must create a folder structure and place the binary in a particular location. For an example with an explanation, see this Mac OS X places many applications in the form of "bundles". A bundle is a directory structure that files related to the group simultaneously. Bundle is used for GUI applications, frameworks, and installer packages. These are presented to the user as a file in the Finder. When set up correctly, the bundle makes for easy deployment. Everyone has to store the application using a preferred method. Users then open archives and pull the app wherever they are ready. Anything written about this Introduction of MacOSX Instead ...

javascript - Web visualisations for data? -

I would like to display a bunch of data in a meaningful way through a visualization on a site. I'm experimenting with the RaphaelJS library, but Display is awesome on IE8 , and HTML5 canvas still Not widely supported . So I have been left with Flash and any existing libraries. Looks like lots on the flash side, but due to this I have lost a bit and are unlikely to experiment with each one. (I will list any libraries that the people have here.) Flash / Flex: Flex Charting Components Core Component / Charting Javascript: P> Processing JS Java: Many of IBM's Support will be highly appreciated thanks! If you are going with Flash, consider the following visual libraries. My personal favorite is flair, but there is probably the easiest learning phase in Flex Charting ingredients. - Open Source, Pure Action Script - - Open Source, Flex + Digrapha - - Open Source, Flex Oriented - - Ownership, ...

PHP math question -

Let's say I divide it by 100 times so that the percent is received 93.33333333333333 How can I show it using 93.3% php? Here is the code. $ percent = ($ average / 15) * 100; The sprintf function is created for this (this See also)): resonant sprinkle ('% .1f %%', $ percent);

c# - StyleCop Suppression -

Is it possible to suppress stylecaps rules in more global ... in other words not just source in-line a quality ? You can disable some style rules with settings. Style coop file For example there are some things that are made in stylecopes which are not fit with our standard, for example in my settings. We have a style cop file: & lt; Analyst Analyst id = "Microsoft StyleCop.CSharp.ReadabilityRules" & gt; & Lt; Rules & gt; & Lt; Rule name = "prefix public calls" & gt; & Lt; RuleSettings & gt; & Lt; Booleanproperty name = "enabled" & gt; Wrong & lt; / BooleanProperty & gt; & Lt; / RuleSettings & gt; & Lt; / Rules & gt; & Lt; / Rules & gt; & Lt; Analyst settings / & gt; & Lt; / Analyzer & gt; On such a member variable or property we should not be "this". For each and every one.

compression - Turn directory into Zip with PHP -

How do I change a directory in PHP with a ZIP file? Thank you. to "". There is a simple function that can compress any file or directory repeatedly, it requires only zip extension to load. function zip ($ source, $ destination) {if (extension_loaded ('zip') === true) {if (file_exists ($ source) === true) {$ zip = New zipper (); If ($ zip-> open ($ Destination, Write :: Create) === true) {$ source = realpath ($ source); If (is_dir ($ source) === true) {$ files = new recursive iterator iterator (new source), recursiveitter iterator :: SELF_First); Foreign Currency ($ file $ files) {$ file = realpath ($ file); If (is_dir ($ file) === true) {$ zip- & gt; AddEmptyDir (str_replace ($ source. '/', '', $ File. / /)); } And if (is_file ($ file) === true) {$ zip- & gt; AddFromString (str_replace ($ source. '/', '', $ File), file_get_contents ($ file)); }}} And if (is_file ($ source) === true) {$ zip- & gt; AddFro...

api - Keyboard Layout library to find Neighboring Keys given an input key (java preferable) -

Does anyone know the address of a library (preferably Java) which is a valuable input for the US_ENGLISH standard keyboard, Can the key give? Example If I input character 'D', then I get the following characters: [w, e, r, s, f, x, c, v] Alternatively a grid manipulation API will also work (so that I can install a grid with the keyboard layout and use it to find my neighbors). Note 1: I am using the word 'character' and 'key' to refer to letters. Note 2: I know that I am 50 for my neighbors -It can harden a method to map the primary key. I am looking for a better solution. Thank you. I agree with BlueNovember but if you want another "mathematical" solution, check it out. First you make a grid of letters and then you return all those who have a short distance compared to the pass key with 2 ... is a bit useless but this is a good exercise :) test of the public class {static string character = "quartiopasdfggeil; xxcvbm."; ...

Rails – select current menu item -

मैंने एक छोटा सहायक बनाया है जो class = "selected" जोड़ता है। वर्तमान पथ वर्तमान मेनू आइटम है, और यह चयन करने के लिए प्राथमिक रूप से यह current_page? का उपयोग करता है। मॉड्यूल मेनूहेलर #renders मेनू आइटम और वर्तमान मेनू आइटम पर जोर देती है डेफ टॉपमेनू पेज = {"प्रॉडक्ट्स" = & gt; Admin_products_path, "श्रेणियां" = & gt; Admin_categories_path, "कैटलॉग" = & gt; Admin_catalogs_path, "बिक्री चैनल" = & gt; Admin_sales_channels_path} करें | कुंजी, मान | यदि मौजूदा_पृष्ठ (मूल्य) "& lt; li # {classnames} & gt; # {link_to (कुंजी, मान)} & lt; / li & gt; classnames =% (class =" current ") एंड एंड / लेआउट्स / एप्लिकेशन। Html: & lt; ul class = "topmenu" & gt; & Lt;% = टॉपमेनयू% & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; मेरे दृष्टिकोण में एक बड़ा दोष है / एडमिन / कैटलॉग का चयन एक जादू की तरह काम करता है लेकिन किसी भी उप-पृष्ठ ( / admin / catalogs / 1 , आदि नहीं...

can I override/redefine "global" Javascript functions, like confirm() and alert()? -

I want to do some browser automation, and those pesky confirm / warning boxes are actual pain. Unfortunately, Disabling javascript from is not an option. Well, I was thinking, can I just change the definition of those methods as seen by the JavaScript interpreter of my browser, originally nothing can do and the truth is returned Could? Note that I know about defining them directly in JavaScript code, e.g. Insert function alert (message) {back true; } But AFAIK is not a viable approach to this situation because when the browsers do automation, I have to work with other people's javascript. In addition, my program actually starts loading again, these websites have already been fully loaded after the page, so I can already automatically rewrite JavaScript and then load the page. I am OK, so I was wondering if I can modify "Permanently" instead of just modifying and implementing the alert / confirmation method in my browser instead. Like the DLL injection equal to...

autotools - check automake/autoconf version in configure script -

I will execute the pieces of a configure script code whether it is x.xx up Automake version try to edit is not that I am, and if, this code has a different implementation piece so, I 1.10 above version requires or is, when it is the case I do Want to do m4_rename_force ([glibcxx_PRECIOUS], [_ AC_ARG_VAR_PRECIOUS]) And, otherwise: m4_rename ([glibcxx_PRECIOUS ], [_ AC_ARG_VAR_PRECIOUS]) so I (will take a look at the ): If tested GET_AUTOMAKE_VERSION & gt; = 1.10; So m4_rename_force ([glibcxx_PRECIOUS], [_ AC_ARG_VAR_PRECIOUS]) and m4_rename ([glibcxx_PRECIOUS], [_ AC_ARG_VAR_PRECIOUS]) fi In addition, I should check for autoconf or automake version? Probably both? There is no point to look automake version, configured time. Configure the script runs long after the automake, and can be running on the box on which automake is not installed Write your (do not configure.) Developer who uses the configured script to use the modern a...

datetime - Converting dates in AWK -

I have a file that contains several columns of text, in which is Friday 02 January 18:23 at one Timestamp and I need to change that date to MM / DD / YYYY HH: MM format. I use the standard 'date' tool to get the awk conversion gateline, but I can not understand how the field is to be presented in the format in 'date' command (this is " Or "has been quoted with), the lineline is also included in quotation marks. Something like this "date -d '$ 1 $ 2 $ 3 $ 4' + '% D% H:% M'" | Getline var Now when I think about it, I think exactly what I'm saying is how to embed awk variables in the string. You can try it. You only have the file in the specified date awk '{cmd = "date" "+% m /% d /% y% h:% m \" -d \ "" $ 1 "" $ 2 "" $ 3 "" $ 4 "\ "CMD | Getliner Print Print Close Close (cmd)} 'File Output $ ./ 01/02/2010 18: 23 And ...

winapi - Starting a process without stealing focus (C#) -

I should be able to initiate the process to steal the focus (both console and windowed) without the net framework that I This is the only way within Microsoft.VisualBasic.AppWinStyle to get what Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Shell got to do. [Small | Normal]. NoFocus (which is being passed to SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE / SW_SHOWMA ShellExecute map) In the current version of my code (which steals the focus), I am using System.Diagnostics.Process, and The functionality that gives me, which relies on some of the interaction.Shell method is not. 2 questions (I do not really get a good answer by removing a serious and frustrating disappointment) 1) Am I right that I have no choice, but wrap CreateProcess or ShellExecuteEx myself, or am I missing some other solution? I was really hoping to avoid this, because this process is a complete and useful cover other than this inspection, and a lot of functionality for implementation, p / constant calls for debugging and all kinds of mixed pain ....

Which database is generally recognized as the big boy on the block for enterprises? -

I have experience with different versions of SQL Server and Oracle and my general meaning is, whether or not in Oracle Perhaps a better reputation for having a preferred database, though I think MS is locking the ground for some time and sometimes even claims that it is X, Y, and whatever it is in Oracle conditions, Close cousin A friend, the government worker for me, has told me that they can not use those databases because they are not "sufficient" - or something else for that effect can be found in the IBM DB2 database Was to use. I hope that this would be a very difficult question to answer in such broad terms, but can someone give me the idea of ​​which DB products are normally considered as powerful enough? (Or whatever word do you want to apply for large-scale high-volume enterprises? If you want to throw out your point of view how the reality is different from the general public I will be interested too. My stomach tells me that none of these three product...

Python: urllib2 or Pycurl? -

I have a lot of experience with PHP curls, but for the last few months I'm primarily coding in Java, I use the HTT client libraries. . For my new project I need to use Python, once again I feel that at the intersection of comparable comparable libraries. Pycurl and urllib2. Keeping my previous experience with PHP Kernel, what is the recommended library in Python? Is there a reason to use one, but not the other? Which is the more popular option? There are many features in curl just as it has been told, so if you need to, fast Concurrent connections, safe threading, etc. say that this is for you. However, it is not included in its distribution if you feel that your work is very easy, use urllib2 and HTTP modules that come with distribution.

javascript - How to distinguish browser back / forward button? -

Is this possible? Even better, is it possible with jQuery? I need to know whether to use the back button or forward button so that I can use the page transition effect correctly, e.g. Slide from left - if they are hits forward and vice versa. You can use the library But if you do it yourself If you want to handle, then you can use the hash key ( window.location.hash ) by setting the slide number present there for example. When the user clicks back or the hash key changes, you can find out and make changes. Unfortunately you have to set the interval (i.e .: 300 mms) and check the changes in the past. The previous value is an onshanks event in HTML5.

Django filters - Using an AllValuesFilter (with a LinkWidget) on a ManyToManyField -

This is my first stack overflow question, so please let me know that I am doing something wrong. Using the amazing django-filters application, I want to create an alveolar filter on many grounds. Actually, I want to make a filter that looks like it's in the admin, so I also want to use LinkWidget. # Model class organization (models.Model): Unfortunately, I get an error (invalid field name: 'operator'): names = Models.CharField () ... class sign (models.Model): name = models.CharField () operator = models.ManyToManyField ('organization', empty = true) ... # filter class SignFilter (LinkOrderFilterSet): operator = Django_filters.AllValuesFilter (widget = django_filters.widgets.LinkWidget) Category Meta: Model = Sign Fields = ['Operator'] Many people have found many relationships by creating their filters with it. Coded: # Model class Formation (models.Model): name = models.CharField () ... class symbol (models.Model): name = models.CharField () ...

c# - optimizing controls Top-down by parent -

According to this post, you can adapt something to your code. I am thinking that if someone is achieving success, As I have tried and can not get the performance. Regards, Pentium 10 this can give you something , But when there are some controls on your form, it will be negligible. Keep in mind that this article is from 2002 and was talking about Net Compact Framework 1.0. In later NAT CF versions, circumstances can change.

.net - Can't Create ActiveX Control -

Working on a legacy app up and running for work again. I'm getting an error while running that I can not create an ActiveX control is a suspicious call oSQL = CreateObject ("SQLDMO.SQLServer2") I did googling a bit and found that SQLDMO should be in SQLDMO .dll. I have found that DLL is referred to in my project, but it has still failed. Any ideas? Thank you, Mike Make callbos, except for the references to your project, Alternatively, you can try to make an example with the 'new' operator, or you can continue to use the object. I advise against CreateObject. From the LibreOffice registry, you will see libraryName.objectName, it is difficult to debug problems. must be registered with PS DLL Regsvr32 Be careful of PPS 64-bit processes, call 32 bit DLS, they will always fail

shell - PHP - Execute an external command, but by passing an array, one for programme name, then arg1, then arg2, etc -

I have a PHP script that needs to be executed on programs that will work on files containing empty space in names. To execute external commands, most PHP functions (like exec () ) take 1 string argument to execute the command line. However, you have to do things like escapeshellarg () to secure your input. Is there a way to execute an external command in PHP with an array instead of: exec ("ls -l" .escapeshellarg ($ filename)); I can go to: exec (array ("ls", "-l", $ filename)); This will mean that I'm not worried about avoiding the debate. I want to avoid using escapeshellarg () , because I'm using a bug in the version that removes non-ASCII characters. This functionality is in Java It seems that PHP's builtin functions Is not possible with.

c# - Rhino Mocks AAA Quick Start? -

I'm looking for some good information about using Rhino 3.5+ with syntax. I find a lot of blogs which have a mix of old and new things, which it seems more difficult to learn to use. If there was a Rhino, it would have been nice to have an old version like AAA cheat sheet. Is it necessary that you know everything about Rhino's earlier versions that actually use the new version? I'm sure if I was an expert that I would love all the capabilities in the Rhino, but I'm just swimming in information right now. Any sign or good link will be fully appreciated! I have written one. It contains intricate information about this composition style and many other blogs.

html - How to prevent <H1>'s from taking up more width than they need -

If I have a & lt; H1 & gt; heading, its width is set to 100% by default. Is there a way to ensure that its width is probably the smallest value set? I need to do this with special CSS content borders. You can assign it to display: inline , any text element ( H1 will default to display: block ). For example - float: left are other methods, but I get one with the simplest and least side effects. Note that you may have to add

iphone sdk 3.0 - Expecting identifier before object string :( -

I am trying to format this line correctly, but so far, I have no one: NSString * urlAddress = selectedCell @ "Html"; Selected cell is the selected category, IBOutlet UILabel * selectedCellText; NSString * selectedCell; How do I remove it? It is definite, NSString * urlAddress = [[NSBundle Main bundle] Pathfuser resource: type of selected call: @ "HTM"];

OLE DB to get BlobColumn Data in SSIS Dataflow -

When I use the source to read the Blob column in the dataphlo and for the script component and other assumptions Pass - Scripts are required to produce master / hair error record master (for each line) and children (for each error column) on each column to conform to further assumptions on each column. It works fine. As I need to parameter my source, I can not use and instead use the OLEDB source which supports the parameters when I use this OLEDB source , The script component does not pass the BLB data by the OLEDB source. It reports datatype problems, i.e. converting non-Unicode to Unicode. How can this be done Regards Can you confirm your source database (SQL Server, Oracle, etc.)? I had the same problem using the 'Oracle' data source for Oracle OLDB Provider, the provider varies every worker into innovation. I solved this by adding the 'data conversion' component, and obviously went here to change all the novelty columns. New colum...

java - Unable to load tag handler class "org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.FormTag" for tag "s:form" -

If I run my code in Netbeanside it shows the following error: org .apache .jasper.jasperException: /InvestorConfirm.jsp(53,12) PWC 6032: Unable to load tag handler class "org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.FormTag" for tag "s: form" tag I downloaded the struts2-core-2.0.11.jar file, and searched for "struts2.views.jsp.ui.FormTag", but that square could not be found . How can I solve this problem? To install Struts2, simply enter the Struts2 JAR file (and its dependency) / WEB In the -INF / lib No to remove the jersey file and its loose content (to spread the TLD files) above the class as something else Bad online tutorial (with Gulab India as Topper) may suggest that this exception means that the TLD file is found in the classpath. But that the associated tag range is unavailable in classpath. This happens when you do this, cleanup Classpath and Redo according to Apache's own Straps 2 docs. This can be due to the way in which th...

Pass by reference 2D dynamically allocated double array in C -

I am trying to convert my string into a dynamic array of doubles. Each location in my string represents a column, each ";" Represents a new line when this code runs, it only works for * F [0] [cola]. When it gets for * F [1] [color] then gives me "unneeded exception" at 0x00e4483c in CCODA XE: 0xC0000005: Access violation location 0xcccccccc to read. Anyone know why? Zero main (zero) {double ** f = faucet; F = Molec (line * size (double *)); For (m = 0; m; lt; row; m ++) {f [m] = maulok (cola * sized (double)); } FParser (string, & amp; f); (M = 0; M & LT; RFF; M ++) for free (F [M]); Free (F); } Zero FParser (four string [256], double *** f) {while (dummyChar_ptr! = NULL) {dummyChar_ptr = strtok (dummyChar_ptr, ""); While ((dummyChar_ptr)! = Null) {* F [row] [cola] = etf (dummy CHRP); Dummy CRPR = Strotok (Null, ""); Col ++; } Col = 0; Line ++; Strcpy (dummyChar, string); Dummy CRPR = Strottok (hopper, ";"); For (x = 0; ...

php - What's wrong with this query? -

कोई मेरी मदद करता है: $ query = "tbl_users (उपयोगकर्ता, पासवर्ड, मूल्य ('$ उपयोगकर्ता नाम', sha1 ('$ password'), sha1 ('$ password'), '$ userid', '0', अब (), अब (पासवर्ड) ), '$ ईमेल'); "; $ userid एक ramdon md5 id है। यह मुझे यह त्रुटि देता है: posttokenError : खाता नहीं बनाया गया है आपकी एसक्यूएल वाक्यविन्यास में कोई त्रुटि है; निकटतम '\' esck21 \ ', sha1 (\' password \ '), sha1 (\' password \ '),' 14bd25cbe111c2975232b33ee8c2 'लाइन 1 पर उपयोग करने के लिए सही सिंटैक्स के लिए आपके MySQL सर्वर संस्करण से संबंधित मैन्युअल की जांच करें मुझे लगता है कि मुझे दिल का दौरा पड़ने वाला हूँ धन्यवाद। त्रुटि संदेश से देखते हुए, ऐसा लगता है कि आप किसी प्रकार का बचने के फ़ंक्शन पर कॉल कर सकते हैं संपूर्ण क्वेरी , जैसे addslashes ($ query) या mysql_real_escape_string ($ query) । यह क्वेरी में हर उद्धरण से बच जाएगा , जब वास्तव में आप क्या करना चाहते हैं केवल वे उद्धरणों से बच जाते...

iphone - Add a button in a UITableViewCell when UISearchBar has no results (like Mail app) -

I want to mimic the behavior of the mail application when no result is found from UISearchBar, and a cell with a link I do not understand how to do a method calling (or anywhere) showing how to do this. The closest I feel is that I have come here (which I have added in my code) if ([count of self.] == 0) { [Self.tableView startupdates]; [Self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths: [NSArray arrayWithObject: newIndexPath] withRow animation: UITableViewRowAnimationBottom]; [Self.tableView and Updates]; } [Reload tableview data]; I believe that something like this should work but your uiTableViews: rowsInSection: And such methods still need to return the correct count, and cellophorereindpath needs to do the right thing too. Since this is to do this, anyway, you want to set some flag and call the reload data on the table view. (In fact, cellRoborov redundant without endpath is probably scanning the table again.)

multithreading - Who is calling the Java Thread interrupt() method if I'm not? -

I have read Java interaction in practice and have read it again, I have read several formulas on this subject, I have an IBM article And yet there is something that I feel that can be broken into two questions: If I do not ever disturb other threads in myself, Interrupted exponent ? If I have never used the other thread in my interrupt () because I am using other methods, Like to cancel my thread, such as poison pills and while (cancel!) style loop [both are explained in jsiip]), an interrupted option So mean? What should I do if I catch one? Close my app? thread interrupt mechanism (cooperative) thread to prevent a request Asks for what it is doing. at the thread. In practice, general use-case for interrupt () to some kind of structure or manager to tell some worker thread what to do to prevent it. If the worker thread is "aware block", then it will notice that it has been interrupted by the exception or is checking the interrupted flag from ti...

php - Some images only showing alt text in Firefox but load fine in Safari or Chrome yet other images on the same page load fine -

I am creating a simple website for myself and try to hook some WordPress to the web for myself and fun Teach a little about coding. I have fixed my website and I am using a four-series series on the front page to navigate around the site. Three of these categories and these images look fine. Another link for a WordPress page and though I have used the same code, it is showing alt text only for the image. This bug occurs only when Firefox is used, I tested it with Chrome and Safari, Which show both pages as expected and I have not tested it with IE because I am using OS X and I have not got a chance. This problem is with the logo in the top left corner, this logo is linked to the main page and only shows alternative text in Firefox. I have also tried to use Mobile Safari on iPhone and it has only one problem. Code for the main index: & lt ;? Php get_header (); ? & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "main_link" & gt; & Lt; A href = "

c++ - Is this a memory leak? How should it be done? -

मेरे पास ऐसा कुछ है: शून्य परीक्षण (शून्य) {char errorMessage [256 ]; Spintf (त्रुटि संदेश, ... ब्लालाब्ला); नया CustomException फेंक (त्रुटि संदेश); } यह स्मृति रिसाव हो सकता है क्योंकि त्रुटि संदेश मुक्त नहीं होगा? या जब अपवाद के संदेश को एक प्रयास {} के अंदर पहुंचने पर अपवाद होता है, तो फ़ंक्शन से बाहर निकलने पर त्रुटि संदेश मुक्त हो गया है ?? पहले से धन्यवाद। त्रुटि संदेश की स्मृति पहले से ही मुक्त हो जाएगी जब कैच हैंडलर द्वारा एक्सेस किया जाएगा। हालांकि, आप इसे केवल std :: string में CustomException के निर्माता में कॉपी कर सकते हैं। एक स्मृति रिसाव, दूसरी ओर, अपवाद के कारण हो सकता है, क्योंकि आप उसे ढेर पर रख देते हैं। यह आवश्यक नहीं है।

apache - mod_rewrite loops even with L flag -

I have a problem typing the URL in a fastcgi dispatcher if I only leave: Rewrite rule ^ (. *) $ Dispatch.fcgi / $ 1 [L, QSA] I hope L (last rule) only one Write reason only I know that can be decided with: RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} }! -FRRITRULY ^ (. *) $ Dispatch.fcgi / $ 1 [L, QSA] But what is the reason for many re-writing? L Does it feel like doing something else? I know this is an old question, but the real answer Here's what others search for: [L] flag No .htaccess work in files. It tells the rewrite module to leave all the following rules in that specific .htaccess file. It does its job, writes Apache URL again and exits the .htaccess file. However, at the end of the .htaccess file If the request URL has been rewritten, then the entire url matching again with the new URL Starts. This is the same, ^ (. *) $ The current URL will always match , it causes an infinite loop, only maximum adroid rewrite option (10 by defa...

Finding fast default aliases in Python -

Is there a faster way to do the following for too many big names? aliases = country name = surname [country name] 1). You can do something like this to save some typing: country name = aliases.get (country name, country name) (But I think it is very easy to read your code) When it comes to speed, then what is the best solution if "hit" or "miss" Will be the majority of. But it probably will be in the nanosecond range when it comes to difference.

postgresql - sql database model for contact details -

I need a DB to store, that means user records. Regular accessories: Name, e-mail, address, phone, fax and so on. The problem is that in this case more than one phone number per user can be. And more than one e-mail in more than one address and a lot more than one of the stuff One way is to store everything in one table, e.g. Serialized Phone Array in a Phone Column Or a phone call separate from a comma, but I really do not like it in this way, I want to make more database to simplify programming logic in another way. Individual table for another phone, personal table for address and so on: Column: ID , customer_id , phone . customer_id context customer . id Now it looks like a real slip, in which approximately 10 tables are for contact details to be stored. And I have another idea, such as id , customer_id (& lt; -reren key), key , Value . Where the key can be "phone" and the value is "+ 1233435454", or the key "e-mail" and the...

Likelyhood of a PC having .net 2.0 framework installed -

आजकल स्थापित। 2.0 फ्रेमवर्क वाले पीसी की संभावना क्या है?? मुझे माइक्रोसॉफ्ट द्वारा जारी किए गए किसी वास्तविक ट्रांस्ड नंबर नहीं मिल सका लेकिन अलेक्जेंडर मैककेब ने अपने वेब लॉग्स से जो 70% पर एनआईटी 2.0 है।

pthreads - Modifying PC in jmp_buf to go to another function -

The user-lever thread library, I need to jump into the function by modifying the PC value stored in jmp_buf. / P> I have written this: jmp_buf env; Zero print (zero) {printf ("\ nHello World!"); } Fixed int ptr_mangle (int p) {unsigned int ret; Asm ("movl% 1, %% eax; \ n" "xorl %% gs: 0x18, %% eax;" $ 0x 9 roll, %% eax; "" movl %% eax,% 0; ":" = R "(ret):" r "(p):"% eax "); Return return;} int main () {int i = setjmp (env); env [0] .__ jmpbuf [5] = ptr_mangle Print); long jump (nv, 2); return 0;} I am trying to modify the function in jmp_buf by setting the function to that function address for which i try to jump I am getting a division mistake, I am unable to understand what should I do. Can I also revise the SP? Any help would be greatly appreciated. what do you do Trying to do? Are not you checking the return value of setjmp ? I do not think you are doing it correctly. Take a look at the ...

starting with flex - please let me know if the direction is right (ActionScript vs MXML separation) -

I have already started learning Flex through "programming flex 3.0". After completing three chapters and completing the fourth (action script), I have started practicing if there is not enough patience to wait until I complete chapter 22 About a bit about me Most concerns are dual coding mode (MXML vs. Action Script) Please see your code below (it compiles it through mxmlc design.mxml , second file 'code. As' should be in the same directory) Advises that if I visual design and proper separation went to use the code. Besides - If a smart person can show me how to read an example with a class file [.as with package], then it would be highly appreciated I was lost with the directory structure for the package - and it did not get the most intuitive, especially for small projects which are two files like my example code: design.mxml & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Mx: application xmlns: mx = ...

Python, len, and size of ints -

Then, cipher (2.4) has some interesting behavior when some of the length is near 1; & Lt; Lena (R) == 1 r = xrange (1 30) with an emphasis of 32 (size of an int) OK, but: r = xrange (1 Alex also has this behavior of Wurrenz (1 OK, but lane (warez (1 What's really happening here? (It has been sorted out very well!) How can I go around it? Long? (my specific application random.sample (xrange (1 If people want to deal with that question directly CPython considers that lists are fit in memory, it is extending to such an index that lists the lists Behaves like, for example, the xrange essentially expects the lane function to return to the __lane __ method something that is size_t Children will not if the number of logical elements is too large, even if they do not exist in the memory of those elements.

Joomla Chronoforms Dynamic To -

I have successfully created a basic Chronforms form with the standard 'to' field of sending form data in an email to a recipient However, I would like to create the 'to' field as a 'dynamic two', which will send to different users based on the value of one of my dropdown fields in the form. I did not find any good documentation about 'dynamic two' or how to complete it. Anyone have any ideas? In the chronoform, you use dynamic fields by typing the name of the form field in the respective e-mail field . So if your dropdown name is email_choose , then you type email_choice in the "Dynamic Two" field of the e-mail setup box and you ' Good to go again.

.net - How do I use PIA to open an Excel workbook and save the first sheet to a text file? -

I am not very familiar / PIA assembly for Office Interop (Office 2007) and a workbook by .NET / C # Need to open and save the first sheet as a tab delimited text file. Can anyone direct me on how to do this? Thanks! This is a big question, but take a look at the bottom. [TestMethod ()] Public Zero ExcelTest () {Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelApplication = new application (); String file = @ "C: \ testheet.xls"; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wkb = excelApplication.Workbooks.Open (file, 0, wrong, 5, missing value, missing value, wrong, missing value, lost value, true, lie, lost value , False, false, false); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet wks = wkb.Worksheets [1] as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet; Wks.SaveAs (@ "C: \ savedFile.txt", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlTextWindows, Type Missing, Type Missing, Type Missing, Type Missing, Type Missing, Type Missing , Type missing, type missing); } Remem...

C++ print packaged binary to stdout -

I have to print binary data packed in stdout in C ++. Is there any STL library that meets it Could? I know that Pearl has this functionality but I should be able to do this only in C ++ if C ++ does not have this functionality then someone can guide me on how to do this about programming How to go Thank you It is generally how you write arbitrary data for stdout in C (this is C ++ Also works for): char * binary_data; // Start to indicate your data size_t binary_data_length; Size_t n = fwrite (binary_data, 1, binary_data_length, standout); // check n to make sure all requested bytes were written

flash - Problems with playing a sound in AS3 from a page that is not in the same directory as the SWF? -

O overflow Long listener, first time collar So what do I have here: I Trying to create a sound player in AS / AS3 that will take the external MP3, load it, and play it with the sound (). Your typical music player, nothing super fancy. The problem is that it works and everything is just fine, no error throws ... unless I link it to a different part of the site. I place the swf in . I have found an MP3 that puts it in a subdirectory of that directory on and embeds the MP3 as a flash parameter Moves: Fsp.swf? File = music / song.mp3 If I test it with , then it only works Fine. Swf loads, MP3 loads, everything works without a grip However, if I embed SWF from another location, for example / Blog , Suddenly we die in water, swf loads but the MP3 does not I am as surprised as the cat. In both instances SDF load is fine, it is the second step of loading MP3...

ironpython - String is null or empty -

OK, these are some easy points. PyBinding came with this script: def IsNotNull (value): return value is none It is closed, but what do I need? bool isNotNullOrEmpty (string value) {return (value! = Null) & amp; Amp; (Value length & gt; 0); } To check that a string is empty, you will use it. Try it: def IsNotNull (value): Return value is none and Lennon (value)> 0

dom - Can a signed Java Applet/Web Start manipulate content in a cross-site IFRAME? -

Is it possible for a signed Java Applet or Web Start App to write the DOM of IFRAME under a different domain Is they a signed applet / warning that they can ignore browser's standard cross-browser security? If it works, then how well are browsers supported it? Edit : My motivation is to add a browser plug-in tool for third party websites. I do not have control It does not necessarily mean that I use Java to all - any ideas or suggestions are encouraged. Java, even signed Java applet, do not give JavaScript power.

php - html Form validation in js -

, I have a php project that has a form name, contact us In this, a user deposits a sender to a mail administrator. My purpose is to design this page as a dynamic. I mean, administrators can add or change pages in contact with us. I have applied a text editor to do this, here you can design the admin contact page. My problem is that I want to validate all areas (both server side and client side) how it is possible using Javascript .. Does anyone know this? To perform the verification process, you must have a set of predefined areas that can be added to the form is. I do my last project, I do the same. There are service forms that will be filled with visitors. The service owner can add custom fields to the application control panel, then the visitor will see the area. When designing, the limited field type that can be added, a common field: text, texteras, radio, checkboxes, dropdowns, and special fields such as email address. Whether only a single verification is required or...

c++ - How to create a ReadWriteMutex without specifying the semaphore's resource count? -

Normal pattern for a ReadWriteMutex is to use a semaphore and to get all the resources, the author is loop: inline zero-written_lock () {scosdoke lock (acquisition_mutex_); (Size_t i = 0; i & lt; source_count_; ++ i) {if (sem_wait (semaphore_) It is fine except that you have to specify resource counting during sequential initialization and arbitrarily choosing the resource number 10 or 99 999 does not seem right. Is there a better pattern that will allow "infinite" readers (no resource counting is required)? I found a solution: using pthread_rwlock_t (ReaderWriterLock on Windows) . These locks do not require a specific 'max_readers_count'. I suspect that the implementation for this lock uses any type of variable to lock the entry of readers, when an author needs to write and a nuclear reader count is required. Comparing with my house-based semaphore-based lock, it shows that the authors like (they first go).

iphone - Displaying the contents of the xml page -

I'm new to iphone development. I want to parse an XML page. The source code contains some html tags. This HTML tag is displayed in my simulator. I want to filter the tag and display only the content XML code code & lt; Description & gt; & Lt ;; [CDATA [& lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; P class = "author" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "by" & gt; By: & lt; / Span & gt; By Sydney Eber & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; P & gt; Haiti has been devastated since an earthquake in the week ... & lt; / P & gt;]] & gt; & Lt; / Description & gt; html tags to display and should not show me Please help me Thank you However, if you are going to display it in HTML form instead of a UIWebView (instead of UILabel etc.), you can add a style sheet to start the string which is 'to': Something like hidden NSString * cssString = @ "style type = 'text / css' & gt; {displ...

How to size this text with css? -

I have a problem with the font size with CSS, below you can see that I have The post is & lt; Previous> tags that are nested inside the post class, should I have to work below for the CSS of the pre-tag? It is not working but I can not understand why? The text inside my pre tag is 15px instead of 12px .post {width: 100%; Clean both; Padding: 10 px 0; Border below: #CBCBC1px solid; Background: URL (images / post_aliment.gif) no-twitter 126px21px; Font-family: aerial; Font-size: 15px; } .post pre {font-size: 12px; } .post pre {font- Size: 12px! Important; } Should work, but to answer our search, we need to look at all the HTML + CSS because it really depends ...

Installing .NET CF 3.5 side by side with standard framework -

We have a machine that needs .NET Compact Framework is installed and now we need to install the standard .NET Framework 3.5 the wanted. Any problems or known issues together with both frameworks installed? Thank you. No problems. I do this for my development on Windows Mobile devices and desktop applications on the same machine.

java - Eclipse jumping to function name on Ctrl-S -

When I press Ctrl-S to save my Java file in Eclipse, this function is jumping over the name. It is very upset that anyone knows what to do about it? Go to Window-> Preferences-> General-> Key (You can see the in the Main Preferences window. Keys can search for ). You have most likely added a binding that, when you press ctrl + s , jumps eclipsed in the name of the function. Another place to look at Window-> Preferences-> Java-> Code Style-> Clean-up and Window-> Preferences-> Java-> Editor-> Save Action This is where all Functions are defined when you save / clear a document.

count - Zend Framework. The best solution to calculate rows in the table -

I'm a newbie in ZF and some stupid questions: What is the best solution to calculate rows Is it in the table if I work with the inherited object of the Zend_Db_Table_Abstract class? I use the Quickstart tutorial () for my first web application, so if I want to calculate the count of rows in the table in the controller, then the simplest solution would be something like this: $ guestbooks = new Default_Model_GuestBook (); $ Count = count ($ guestbooks-> Fatch ALL ()); But I do not think fetchAll () is the best solution for calculating the rows in the table because the GuestBook table can actually be very large that something much easier and simpler Is it possible to use anything? I found manually that it is possible to work directly with DB adapter (such as $ db-> query ("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM GuestBook"); but in the Quickstart tutorial, Has not been found in the controller and I do not want to make it for just a simple action. Will be waiting for s...

How to get the following DOM element using jQuery -

var पंक्तियां = $ ("। Sometable tr: last"); Var कोशिकाओं = $ ("। कुछ देर tr: अंतिम टीडी")। फ़िल्टर (फ़ंक्शन () {रिटर्न $ (यह)। Html ()। लंबाई == 0}); मैं अपनी तालिका की अंतिम पंक्ति में पहला खाली सेल प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। तालिका सर्वर से दी गई है और यह html तालिका है। मैं कोशिकाओं को पुनरावृति कर सकता हूं और पहले सेल प्राप्त कर सकता हूं यदि तत्व उपलब्ध हैं। लेकिन मैं ऐसा नहीं करना चाहता। क्या बिना किसी अन्य पाशनिंग का तरीका है? पहले तत्व प्राप्त करने के बाद मैं कुछ html डेटा सेट करने के लिए jquery .html ('set') विधि को कॉल करना चाहता हूं। हालांकि, : आखिरी और : पहले गैर-मानक jQuery- विशिष्ट चयनकर्ता हैं जिसका अर्थ है कि आपको तेजी से मूल चयनकर्ताओं का लाभ नहीं मिलेगा। इसके अलावा, आपको परेशानी हो सकती है अगर नेस्टेड टेबल्स हो। यदि आप यह सुनिश्चित करते हैं कि आपके मार्कअप में पंक्तियों के आसपास & lt; tbody & gt; एक्सएचटीएमएल और ब्राउज़र फिक्सअप संगतता के लिए), आप बेहतर कह सकते हैं: $ ('। Sometable & gt; tbody &...

jms - Avoiding serialization in distributed EHCache -

Is there a way to not use the serialization and still use eACHCHA discovers I have nested objects, which are sorted Are not, which have to be cached in distributed ahasks. I can use Jms to get rid of serialization, and still get a cash copy. But is there a way to use diskstore to avoid serialization? Why is there no such support for a discastore ... such a XML can be like a serialization. "Objects in addition to the serializable as a There is an API for non-serialized objects, except for disk storage and replication, they can use all parts of the echo, they are discarded and a warning level log is emitted. "

.net - Implementing IEnumerable<T> in C++/CLI -

मुझे सी ++ / सीएलआई में कस्टम संग्रह वर्ग में IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; को लागू करने में समस्याएं आ रही हैं । यहां कोड का प्रासंगिक हिस्सा है: नामस्थान सिस्टम :: संग्रह :: जेनेरिक का उपयोग कर; रेफ़ क्लास MyCollection: IEnumerable & lt; MyClass ^ & gt; {सार्वजनिक: MyCollection () {} आभासी IEnumerator & lt; MyClass ^ & gt; ^ GetEnumerator () {वापसी nullptr; }}; संकलित होने पर, निम्न त्रुटियों में यह परिणाम होता है: त्रुटि C2392: 'सिस्टम :: संग्रह :: जेनेरिक :: IEnumerator ^ MyCollection :: GetEnumerator (शून्य) ': संप्रदाय के रिटर्न प्रकार समर्थित प्रकारों में समर्थित नहीं हैं, अन्यथा' सिस्टम :: संग्रह :: IEnumerator ^ सिस्टम :: संग्रह :: IEnumerable :: GetEnumerator (शून्य) 'अधिसूचित त्रुटि C3766 होगा:' MyCollection 'प्रदान करना आवश्यक है इंटरफेस विधि के लिए एक कार्यान्वयन 'सिस्टम :: संग्रह :: IEnumerator ^ सिस्टम :: संग्रह :: IEnumerable :: GetEnumerator (शून्य)' यह समझ में आता है, क्योंकि IEnumerable & lt; ...

iphone - Can't get UIWEBVIEW working in any view controller other than app delegate -

I am trying to coco with some open source code. I have received an application with many views, and I want to make UIWEBVIEWS to be the second, third and fourth view controller. Although for my life I do not understand that I can actually drag a black / blank UIWEBVIEW on the touch screen to the fourth view controller when I run it on my iPhone. I think this is the only URL code missing. Any guru knows that where should I put this? Here's the link from the Xcode project file. Everyone shukriya! Have you seen the views of UIViews on DIDLoad: method? When the scene is retrieved from a nib, it will be applied. You can place your loadRequest there.

firefox - javascript / selenium: get the window from the document object -

I am writing user extensions for selenium. I have document How can I get the window of the window? Post-text "itemprop =" text "> This document.parentWindow is in IE; This is document.defaultView in Mozilla. In this way you can do something like function getDocWindow (doc) {return doc.parentWindow || Doc.defaultView; }

scrollbar - HTML. Set the scrolling bar in a determinated position -

I want to set the status of the scrolling bar in a fixed state. In my case, I have & lt; Div & gt; All hours of the day are hh: 00 hh: 30 in 48 lines and I would like to set the position in the current time of day or Aprox. Is there any way to do this? Update I'm talking about a div element I forgot to forget the escape key. Can you just place an anchor in each of the 48 rows and then a link to that anchor is? UDPTP You can have the following: & lt; A name = "133000" /> Time: 13:30:00 For your time on line 1:30 pm & lt; A name = "133000" /> is a named anchor when you want to have a link to the part of your page that you do: & lt; A href = "thisDocument.html # 133000" & gt; Go to 13: 30: 00 & lt; / A & gt; Better link to what I'm talking about:

.htaccess - Redirect URL with RewriteRule if php url has parameters? -

I try to use the rewrite rules to get a temporary new link from an old link in my .htaccess (This is not a permanent new site, so I do not want a 301 redirect) The following works for php pages without all html pages and parameters, but this is not the process of the previous example Instructions - Note that the php page with one of the parameters The structure of the data is different on the new domain, but the parameters of the URL are exactly the same. Can I do something with regular expressions to be able to re-write? I do not have much experience in writing my own manifestations, so I'm not sure where to start! Mary. Htaccess file: AddType x-mapp-php5 .php AddHandler x-map-php5.php option -multi views option + followSymlinksRewriteEngine on RewriteRule investment /index.html /new_file_structure/invest/index.htmlRe-rewrite rule-old.html Rowl investment / i2 / ap / line_i2_i_ap1.php http: //

c++ - Convert float to bigint (aka portable way to get binary exponent & mantissa) -

In C ++, I have a bilent class that can have an integer for arbitrary size I want to convert the big float or double number into bilint. I have a working method, but this is a bit of hack. I have used the IEEE 754 number specification to get exponents of binary sign, mantissa and input number. Here is the code (the sign here is ignored, this is not important): float input = 77e 12; Big result; // Remove sign, exponent and mantissa, according to IEEE, 754 single exact number format unsigned int * raw = reinterpret_cast & lt; Unsigned int * & gt; (And input); Unsigned int mark = * raw & gt; & Gt; 31; Unsigned index exponent = (* raw>> 23) & amp; 0xFF; Unsigned int mantissa = * raw & amp; 0x7FFFFF; // 24th bit is always 1. Results = Mentas + 0x800000; Usage of Binary exponent has left the result or correct int shift = (23 - exponent + 127); If (shift and gt; 0) result >> >> = Shift; Other results & lt; & Lt; = -shift; Cout &...