iphone - Very Intermittent Orientation on Device & Simulator -
I have noticed that I am receiving very intermittent orientation on my device & amp; Simulator I have a modal view controller that I present, and this is the only job in my app that supports rotation. If I launch the app without any picture in the device, open the model vc and then it usually works to rotate the device. However, sometimes if I capture the app in the scenario, then rotate in the image, launch the VC and then rotate the device, there is no rotation. It seems very intermittent. Occasionally if I launch the app in portrait mode and then open the vc and the device does not have anything to rotate, and until I release it and launch it again, this app There is no orientation in It's weird because 50% of the time it works! Whenever I launch it via Xcode and set breakpoints in ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation, it always works! Did anyone know this or what is happening? Since you have mentioned "intermittent", so I would say what you doin...