
Showing posts from July, 2012 - How to Bind Sql DataSource using code? -

I have a SQL data source that I have built with Gridview. Where I have the column name. I am updating the value in the data base, using the AJ rating, and I want to show that value even after updating. But this will not show an updated value until the page is refreshed. & lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Table range = "0" cell padding = "0" cell area = "0" width = "auto" & gt; & Lt; Tr style = "width: 150px;" Valign = "top" & gt; & Lt; Td style = "height: 30px;" & Gt; & Lt; Asp: Label ID = "lblTotalRate" runat = "server" text = '& lt;% # DataBinder.Eval (container.datetime, "total right")% & gt;' & Gt; & Lt; / Asp: Label & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; Tr style = "width: 150px;" Valign = "top" & gt; & Lt; Td style = "height: 30px;" & Gt; &...

php - "Target feed is read-only" in Google Analytics API using PEAR HTTP_Request2 -

I am trying to bring all profiles for some Google Analytics account into PHP I am using HTTP_Request2 class from PR (with curl adapters, but I have also tried with socket) and when I try to get data I get the "target feed read only" error I 'using the client login authentication method and as far as I can see the correct authority header, each API is sent with the request (I can test for the header Being sent that used observer class). Here's the code I use (stripped-down, trial version): Expected 'HTTP / Request2.php'; Class GA {secure $ email; Protected $ passwd; Protected $ auth_code; Public function __ composition ($ email = '', $ passwd = '') {$ this- & gt; Email = $ email; $ This- & gt; Passwd = $ passwd; } Authorize Public Function ($ email = '', $ password = '', $ force = false) {If (! $ Force and empty ($ this- & gt; auth_code) and $ email == $ this- & gt; ; Email and $ password == $ this->...

java - How to set the ListModel of a JList in Netbeans? -

I have designed a swing GUI with the help of Netbeans IDE and there is a JLIT in this GUI. Bydefault, it uses the Abellestrist MODEL to pass it as a logic in the JLIT constructor to make JLIST. I want to specify the DeliList model to pass in NetBinx to pass in the JLIS model as passage so that I can retrieve it later to change the list model. How can I do this? You have two ways to do this: 1) In your code Manually call call.setModel () is also called after initComponents (). 2) Do it through Netbans - Right click on the list, go to "Customize Code" The first code section is the constructor call of the list. Change the dropdown from "custom code" to "custom creations" and simply enter your lists mode in the constructor call. You can do this by setting a new javax.swing.JList (new DefaultListModel ()) or immediately by calling your listmodel before calling Can code initComponents () and then javax.swing.JList (defaultModel);

How do you resume one workflow from another process in windows workflow foundation? -

I have an application that uses the Windows workflow and I am trying to write a service which is time - Will reload workflows on time and check whether they I thought it would be straightforward and straight forward, but I can not get it to work is quite right and I have many things have tried. thanks :) Persistence service, which manages outside the distribution box Autostore will resume continuous workflows and any change in workflow should be done through workflow, neither out-of-band mvc - Testing an MVC Controller action with an ActionFilterAttribute -

A well known advantage of MVC is its suitability for test-driven development (TDD) because you can call directly from your controller functions. Your test methods Did you return a ActionFilter attribute (using OnActionExecuted by ActionResult )? If I just call action, this action returns ActionResult , but the filter feature is never implemented, I think you can get it by the controller. Action Inkker Invoke Action (Controller Consort, "ActionName") , but you have to suffer the Controller Contex to do this work so that it is a real pain. / P> Has anyone done this successfully? The unit test is not about the combination of single units of them Regarding the test methodology / procedure / testing of a unit of work, you should examine the properties for different controller action. You should first check that your controller action is working as expected and returning the expected action result. Two separate unit tests, not one. strong>

php - Filtering Search Results with Wordpress -

I'm trying to set up a search result page with two columns. The first column will present results of all categories except one (gallery), and the second column will only present the gallery category. query_posts () simply resets my results This is what I have so far received. Broken: & lt ;? Php $ s = get_query_var ('s'); Query_posts ('s =' .s $ s '& amp; cat = 164'); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php / first loop? & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "contentLeft" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "postlists related" & gt; & Lt ;? Php while (is_pos ()): the_post (); ? & Gt; [Accessories] & lt ;? Php timeline; ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php // second loop? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php query_posts ('cat = -164'); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php rewind_posts (); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php while (is_pos ()): the_post (); ? & Gt; [Accessories] & lt ;? Php timeline; ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php else:? & Gt; [Access...

Undocumented Yahoo! Weather API? -

According to , one should be provided to obtain weather information for a specific area. WOEID can be obtained by using the service. If I have a ZIP code, then it has two API calls to get meteorological information. Get WOEID from zip code:. .. Get Weather Information Using WOEID: However, after some web crawling I found out that you can do the exact same thing with an API call: I did not find any documents on this. Is it safe to use in the production application? API documentation: Note: The old location parameter 'P' Has been disliked and will be removed in future releases. That's why users are encouraged to migrate to the 'Y' parameter, which provides deep integration in Y! GeoPlanet The old document has been archived. Using this: p I do not think the best idea for the output code.

sql - Java: Trouble connecting to MySQL -

I am writing a desktop Java application on which I want to connect to a MySQL database on a server. The code to do this is: import; Import java.sql.Connection; Import java.sql.DriverManager; Import java.sql.SQLException; Personal stable connection throws getDBConnection () SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {String Username = "myUserName"; String password = "myPassWord"; String url = "jdbc: mysql: // 3306 / databasename"; Class.forName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); System.out.println ("Connecting to the database ..."); // hangs here Conne conn = DriverManager.getConnection (url, username, password); Return canon; } When I run it, it hangs on DriverManager.getConnection () call. Why does this happen Is my URL bad? (I can not find an error message, but the program does not react like an unlimited loop. I have not been waiting more than 90 s...

c# - How to identify whether folder is opened? -

In my application I am trying to rename the folder, but if the folder is opened in Windows Explorer, Code> IOException . How can I identify that the folder has been opened in C # in Windows Explorer? Capturing IOException? As others have said, just try to do whatever you like, grab the exception if this happens and take appropriate action, whatever in your context. You really do not like it much as I see, but consider: bool iHaveAccess = CheckAccess (folder); If (iHaveAccess) {RenameFolder (folder, newFolderName); } What happens if RenameFolder locks some other folders in order to succeed and call between CheckAccess? then what will happen?

xml - Actionscript stripping whitespace when it shouldn't -

I am using a URL loader in the Action Script project to read in some XML. I then process it, and put it in a text field. Everything looks fine though, I do not really have to exterminate XML from my SWF so I did this: var internal XML: XML = & lt; Content & gt; & Lt; P & gt; This & lt; City & gt; Paris & lt; / City & gt; That I did before & gt; Activity & gt; Walking in nature & lt; / Activity & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Content & gt; That is, I have taken the same XML and put it directly into my action script on the XML object instance. I then run the same exact process. But at this time, the white space between any XML tag content and plain text has been stripped The text field is read in the above: "It was in the punctate, I had already awakened in nature . " In both cases I got the XML. I also tried XML PerttyPrinting = No help at all. Does anyone know what is happening? Perhaps whotspa...

java - Multimap with HashMultiset for values -

I have a (hash-based) multi-dimension (hash-based) trying with multiplexing values ​​for each key I am here. See examples: multimap & lt; Object, object & gt; Mamp = multimap NEm multimap (map object, archive & lt; object & gt; newhashmap), new supplement & lt; archive & gt; object & gt; & gt; () {public collection & lt; object & gt; Get () {HashMultiset.create ();}}}; Mmap.put ("1", "2"); But then, System.out.println (mmap.get ("1") example multiset & lt;? & Gt;); // False, returned collection is not HashMultiset, // but a (private) wrapped compilation It seems that I can not use built-in multiset? I wanted to be able to back it up, as a multilevel (wrapped in multisets.unmodifiableMultiset ()) I do not want to copy it every time in a new multiset. Maps & lt; K, Multiset & lt; V> & Gt; Switching back to and adding complexity to my code, I have another option, which is to elim... mvc - How to route MVC URL mistakes to a view of our choice? -

यदि हम इस मानक मार्ग का उपयोग करते हैं: routes.MapRoute ("Default", / / रूट नाम "{नियंत्रक} / {action} / {id}", // मापदंडों के साथ यूआरएल नया {नियंत्रक = "होम", एक्शन = "इंडेक्स", आईडी = ""} // पैरामीटर चूक); और विंडोज 2008 IIS7 के साथ MVC 2 सेटअप के साथ हम यहां जाते हैं: "" और फिर Application_Error विधि के तहत हमारे पास यह है: सुरक्षित void Application_Error (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, EventArgs ई) {Response.Clear (); रूटडेटा मार्गडेटा = नया मार्गडेटा (); RouteData.Values.Add ("नियंत्रक", "त्रुटि"); RouteData.Values.Add ("एक्शन", "इंडेक्स"); Server.ClearError (); IController त्रुटि नियंत्रक = नया त्रुटि नियंत्रक (); ErrorController.Execute (नया RequestContext (नया HttpContextWrapper (प्रसंग), मार्गडेटा)); } हमें एक मार्ग और एक पृष्ठ प्राप्त करने के बजाय, हमें एक गंदा 404 सर्वर त्रुटि पृष्ठ मिलता है। किसी भी विचार से यूआरए...

Binding linq result to list box -

I have the following piece of code, that for some reason that I am unaware, LINQ does not populate the result set in the list box ( And there are many results in this list), however, I bind it with the original figures, it works well any thoughts: datatable t = _partitionsDataSet.Tables [0]; Choose from new customizedPartitions = t.AsEnumerable (). New {name = string.Format ("{0} [{1}]", r ["name"], r ["username"]), BlobId = r [ "Blobid"]. Toasting ()}; If (Customized Partition .ts ()> gt; 0) {_dataView.Sort = "Name"; ListBoxPartitions.DisplayMember = "name"; ListBoxPartitions.ValueMember = "BlobID"; ListBoxPartitions.DataSource = Optimized section; } To call you listBoxPartitions.DataBind () Method after setting the data source.

php - Send Facebook Message from Personal website - possible? -

I have been sent to complete a website with several user groups, along with the user login system, users of this site There will also be administrators of Facebook groups. Does anyone know that it is possible to associate Facebook credentials with login, and be able to send group wide messages from this separate site? I have planned to use php / mysql for bulk site function. Thank you. Connecting your site user accounts with Facebook accounts is possible, however there is no API call Which you can do to send a message to the group, possibly because Facebook is worried about spam risks (using the link of "compose message" form) and creating a pre-filling message in a user id It is possible to do this, but it is one at a time Works for ID, so would not be useful again. (If you try to send more than one message in sequence, then you have the possibility of closing your account for spamming by Facebook's auto-detection algorithm.) Recent changes to Facebook Thi... - if else statement within formview -

I have a form that is, it provides fields from an SQLServer database, but it is specific to the database value that I get it. I do not know that it can be done behind the code and can put all this in a function. I put it in my form view & lt; Item template & gt; & Lt;% If Eval ("Feature1") = "Yes" then% & gt; & Lt;% # Eval ("Username")% & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Too many lessons & lt; / P & gt; & Lt;% elseIf Eval ("Feature1") = "No" then% & gt; & Lt;% # Eval ("Username")% & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Too many different text & lt; / P & gt; & Lt;% end if% & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; If I code above, I get an error message: Database methods such as Eval (), XPath (), and Bind ( ) Can be used only in the context of a database control, can it be done within your presentation? Many thanks for your help. You can use DataBinder.Eval a...

c++ - i violated D.R.Y. help me please? -

I am making a blackjack SIM and I want to deal with the card, how it will be in the casino, i.e. But all players are dealt a card, the dealer faces a face, players get another card, the dealer gets the same face But look dormant to me vomiting :( How to do it again ?? zero blackjack :: newHand () {for resetHands (); (unsigned Runt int i = 0; i next card); card * c = deck-> next card (); C-> Set Visible (wrong); // Dealer face-down card dealer-> AdCard (C); (unsigned int i = 0; i & lt; players [i] ++) players ] -> AdCard (Deck-> Next Card ()); Dealer-> AdCard (Deck-> Next Card ());} " Post-text "itemprop =" text "> Move duplicated code to another function: zero blackjack :: addDealerCard (bool) Dry granting) (card * C = Deck & gt; Next card (); C- & gt; Set visable (visible); Dealer-> AdCard (C);} zero blackjack :: addCards () {for (unsigned int i = 0; i

php - How to push both value and key into array -

इस कोड को देखें: $ GET = array (); $ कुंजी = 'एक = 1'; $ Rule = विस्फोट ('=', $ कुंजी); / * Array_push ($ GET, $ नियम [0] = & gt; $ नियम [1]); * / मैं ऐसा कुछ ढूंढ रहा हूं ताकि: print_r ($ GET); / * आउटपुट: $ GET [एक = & gt; 1, दो = & gt; 2, ...] * / क्या ऐसा करने के लिए कोई फ़ंक्शन है? (क्योंकि array_push इस तरह से काम नहीं करेगा) नहीं, वहां है कोई array_push () समकक्ष सरणियों के बराबर नहीं है क्योंकि अगली कुंजी निर्धारित करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है आपको उपयोग करना होगा $ सरणी नाम [indexname] = $ value;

actionscript 3 - Ways to protect a Flex app on a public website -

I am preparing a Flex app that will run publicly, and therefore I have saved SWF as much as possible from a reverse engineer Probably would like to Once I hear about how to deny access to browsers directly to SWF files, it still allows it to play within the main HTML page. Can be used to harass any public webapp created in Flex, I would like to know any such practice (and how to work them). You can not save SWF from being downloaded The browser should be able to download SDF to run it. There are some things that you can make it a bit safer, such as a simple SDF that loads a second SDF, possibly after some challenge / feedback test, but in the end, the SDF required to run by you always For the client to download The best you can use is an obfuscator. amayeta swfencrypt - Secure SFF irrFuscator ActionScript 3 Obfuscator But with ambiguity, the code can be decompressed too . So below the line, if the code is actually doing something special, then do it on the serv...

The difference between MapReduce and the map-reduce combination in functional programming -

I read the mapreadaid, how to calculate the "word" in many "documents", understood the example. Although I did not understand the following line: Thus MapReduce changes the list of values ​​(key, value) pairs in a list of values. This behavior is different from the functional programming map and reduces the combination, which accepts the list of arbitrary values ​​and returns a single value that adds all the values ​​back to the map. Do any differences again (reduce mapfreads framework VS map and combination)? Especially, what does programming programming do to reduce programming? Thanks a great deal. The main difference will be that MapReduce apparently has patents. (not able to help me, sorry ...) On a more serious note, mapraudues paper, as I remember, described a method of calculating large scale Does parallel fashion this method reduces the mapping / construction which was well known for years ago, but goes forward in the distribution of da...

iphone - how to scale and get mirror image after rotating a UIImage? -

In my app there is a feature like Photoshop in which the user can create a new image which is the combo number of images "n" (Sub Images) Users can select, rotate, flip and zoom these sub images at once, and finally save the whole canvas as an image. My problem once resembles a sub image and then if I try to flip it or zoom it, the subimage scale becomes very low (sequence 0.0000076 etc.) and the sub image is not visible . If I zoom the sub image, after a fixed AMT of the zoom it is visible then One more thing is that the above behavior is observed only when I am 90 or 270 degrees from the subcontinent. Revolve If I rotate sub image again to 180 or 360 then image scale is intact and I have permission to flip and zoom. For all 3 operation scales, zoom and rotate, I am using "Cagefin Transformmaskel" and "CGAffineTransformRotate". I know that the "transform" property I use is not actually changing the image size. Is there any better way...

javascript - How to get info from another website from my HTML page? -

What is needed like this: I have an HTML webpage and I have another website and its Get something from the source code. I have to do something like this link = ""; Doc.querySelectorAll ('# curriculum_menu> gt; ul & gt; li & gt; a'); // Apply to link What do I need from the link and to use it However, I am using JetPack slide bar. Can you do anything with HTTP requests? I think you can drag the whole page using an Ajax request in the hidden iframe Content, and then manipulate iframe in IOM. Something like (using the jQuery framework here) & lt; Iframe id = "holder" style = "display: none" & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ ("#holder") .load ("", function () {$ link = $ ("# holder"). Content (). Find ("#circle_menu"> ul & Gt; Li> one;);}); & Lt; / Script & gt;

c++ - How do I install g++ on MacOS X? -

I want to compile C ++ code on MacOS X, using the G + compiler. How do I install it? This is the compiler that comes with Apple's XCoda Tool package. They've hacked a bit on this, but basically it's just G ++. You can download XCode for free (well, you have to sign up to become a mostly ADC member, but this is also free) here: 2013-01-25 Edit: In 2010 this answer was correct. It requires an update. While the XCode tool still has command-line C ++ compiler, the latest version of OS X (I think 10.7 and later versions) have switched (mostly because Apple is open source All the advantages are that they do not contribute back and a quarrel is licensed BSD). Secondly, I think that you only have to install XCode, download it from the App Store. I am pretty sure that it is free. So, to get G +, you get some (basically Debian's Apes System OS X / Darwin) or OS X / Darwin (originally to be used for OpenBSD ports system) to do. The mess is definitely the corre...

java - How do web.xml filters work? Can you have two filters map to all pages (/*) and specify the order? -

I want to use spring security, and this tells the filter to map / /. But I have already mapped a filter which is a Tasky URLREFR filter. Is it possible to map two filters to the same thing, and this is also a way to specify the filter Yes, you can: : The order in which the filter is applied Filter-mapping announcements that match the request URI for the servlet, are shown in the list of filter-mapping elements this web.xml In & lt; Filter-mapping & gt; Depends on the sequence of elements.

How to think of Javascript-is this accurate? -

I am working through some JavaScript examples, and I have done this: & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Stronger // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Page Title & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function display text () {document.getElementById ('targetDIV'). InnerHTML = "You are using JavaScript"; } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body onload = "displayText ()" & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; It should be before other lessons. & Lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Div id = "targetDIV" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt...

symfony1 - Problem with Symfony form validation -

I am unable to see that I am doing the wrong with the following SIMPhone 1.4 form validation. Actually, I just want to take all four situations correctly into account (required, minimum-length, maximum-length, regular expression). It actually works, but fails to display my custom error message for the 'required' condition and instead says "required". Is there a way to show my error message? 'UserName' = & gt; New sfValidator and (array (new sfValidatorString (array ('required' = & gt; true, 'min_length' => 4, 'max_length' => 20), array ('required' => Enter username. ',' Min_length '= & gt;' Your user name must have at least 4 characters. ',' Max_length '= & gt;' Your user name can not be longer than 20 characters. ' ), New sfValidatorRegex (array ('pattern' = & gt; '/ ^ [A-z0- 9] * $ / i'), array ('invalid' = & gt; Or numbers can ...

hashmap - Java multikeymap put-method -

I put in Java for a multimimate and applied methods with two keys pointing to a value Want to do I have written this way: public value type type (keypie key 1, keytype key key 2, value type value) {Hashmap However, when I test this method (I have started the map properly as my own multi-type type) mappi.put "xxxxx", 13, "xxxxx"); I get a NullPointerException at me (if mappi.containsKey (key2)) { what is the reason Exceptions? In my class multicomap I initialize the multimimize object into the constructor, so it should be fine. If this is not a homework, you can use it, instead of resuming it from scratch . To answer your question, I suspect that in error hashmap and lieutenant; Ketip B, Value Type & gt; Mappi = outerMap.get (key1); . If there is no value in key 1 in external mark , then mappi will be zero, from which NullPointerException

erlang - Mapreduce with Riak -

Does anyone have example code for cartridge for Riak which can be run on a riege node. cd ~ / riak erl -name zed@ -setup riak -pa apps / Riak / ebin In Open: Connect to Server & gt; {OK, Client} = Repeat: Client_connect ('RIK @'). {OK, {riak_client, 'riak @', & lt; 6,201,208,64 & gt; & Gt;}} Create and insert merchandise & gt; Customer: put (riak_object: new ( > > "yours"> gt; & gt; [["egg", "sausage" ]), 1). OK # Make maps and reduce the functions & gt; Calculation = Fun (live, 'undefined', 'none') - & gt; [DC: from_list ([[I, 1]) I & lt; - riak_object: get_value (g)])] end # Fun & LT; Erl_eval.18.105910772 & gt; & Gt; Merge = Fun (Gcounts, 'none') - & gt; [Lists: GUN (funny (G, ACC) -> Dict: Merge (funny (_, x, y) -> x + y and, g, acc) end, dictionary: new (), jicount)] end . # Fun & LT; Erl_eval...

Django: Redirect to current article after comment post -

I am trying to use comments in my project. I have the code ({% Render_comment_form, incident%}), shown in the document given here: And the question is that after the submission, the form is same Redirect to the page. Apart from this, the big question is: If at present we have received an error for this, then we have been redirected to preview the template. Is it possible to avoid this behavior and display errors in the same manner (on the same page)?

javascript - What is the real benefit of using external css and js in terms of page loading speed? -

The actual advantage of using external CSS and JS is directly loaded in the context of code ... and in the context of the page Speed? If we are controlling the whole site with a header.php / aspx file? Does the use of external files load the page fast? My question only relates to loading speed of the page. the basis of the counter-request (i.e., only considering the page load performance of a page), speed -According to separating the files you actually affect the small display. But when looking at performance, you increase efficiency while loading multiple pages using the same JS or similar CSS. In those cases, the contents of JS / CSS are only once filled for all requests. Although you did not ask it as part of your question, it also helps in retaining the code. If you make a change in your CSS and load into multiple pages, if you embed JS / CSS in the page then you have to make the same changes to all your pages.

listview - Applying CSS styles to Asp.Net DataPager Next/Previous Buttons -

अगर मेरे पास का डेटा डेटा पेजर है & lt; asp: DataPager ID = "DataPager1 "रनैट =" सर्वर "पेजिड कंट्रोलआईडी =" lstBlogPosts "पृष्ठसिज़न =" 1 "परपर्रेडर =" डाटापेगर 1_PreRender "& gt; & LT; फील्ड्स & gt; & Lt; asp: NextPreviousPagerField बटन टाइप करें = "छवि" अगलापृष्ठ इमेज यूआरएल = "~ / _Content / images / blog / btn-next.jpg" पिछला पृष्ठ इमेज यूआरएल = "~ / _Content / images / blog / btn-previous.jpg" / & gt; & Lt; / फील्ड्स & gt; & Lt; / एएसपी: DataPager & gt; मैं सीएसएस के साथ अगला / पिछला बटनों को स्टाइल करने के बारे में कैसे जा सकता हूं (अनिवार्य रूप से एक को छोड़ दिया गया है और एक दायीं ओर दाएं) धन्यवाद आपका DataPager ऐसा दिखेगा: & lt; asp: DataPager ID = "DataPager1 "रनैट =" सर्वर "पेजिड कंट्रोलआईडी =" lstBlogPosts "पृष्ठसिज़न =" 1 "परपर्रेडर =" डाटापेगर 1_PreRender "& gt; & LT; फील्...

c# 4.0 - C# 'dynamic' keyword... is it really a RESERVED keyword or just a identifier that means something special when used as type? -

I have a C # 4.0 parser. I accept 'dynamic' as a type of keyword. Trips on the statement found in working as a Crescent 3.0 program for my parser: dynamic = & lt; Exp & gt; ; So, is this really a keyword dynamic? Or can it still be used as an arbitrary identifier name? (If yes, why not 'int' is done in the same way)? Is there any reference imaginable that explains what dynamic keywords are? There is no mention of 'dynamic' in the latest ECMA C # 4 specification, and the best on MS site can be called a "initial specification" which is a keyword, but I doubt it is just writing loose. dynamic is a relevant keyword as C # 4.0. The fourth version of ECMA C # spec does not refer to C # 4.0. (Note to date 2006 publication.) Describes this as a keyword. Also in this (scroll down.)

c# - xsd schema not valid? -

I downloaded the official "schema of xsd". \ Temp \ xsd.xsd ", FileMode.Open), valid); Sc.Compile (verify); It has failed with the exception that she can not get some DTD. Question number 1 : Why XSD schema defines XML can not handle legalization? I removed the DTD definition from the top of the file and I found these (and many more) validation errors: "Restrictions on any type of typing" Not allowed. " Question number 2 : Why does the XSD schema effect fail? I did it with XMLSkmat Set.add (...) and this worked . Question no.3 : What is the difference between validating XmlSchema and XmlSchemaSet ? Then I create a dummy schema which imports the XSD schema from the disk: When I add this schema to the schema set then it's like the above Question number 4 : Why is it different then to directly add the xsd schema (work)? You need some other files Ogi referenced by the schema: and. Once you download the...

internet explorer 8 - jQuery 1.4 Dynamically created images aspect ratio incorrect in IE8 and max-width -

After upgrading to jQuery 1.4, when I try to dynamically add an image to a page using jQuery 1.4 in IE8, then image Lose the right aspect ratio It affects only IE8 (IE7 and Firefox works fine), jQuery 1.4 (1.3.2 works fine). Including the jQuery compatibility file does not fix the problem. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" "" & gt; & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" language = "javascript" type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt ;! - Resolving switching problem at 1.3.2 - & gt; & Lt ;! - & lt; Script src = "" language = "javascript" type = "text / ...

c++ - Atomic increment on mac OS X -

I have googled for atomic increments and decrease operators on Mac OS X and found "OSAtomic.h" but it seems That you can use it only in the kernel space. told me on a cross-platform, in which they use assembly or mutes on OS X (as far as I am among the ifdefs). Is there nothing like InterlockedDecrement or atomic_dec () on OS X? Do you think OSAtmic is the only kernel space? The following compile and works fine. #include & lt; Libkern / OSAtomic.h> # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {int32_t foo = 1; OSAtomicDecrement32 (& amp; foo); Printf ("% d \ n", foo); Return 0; }

multithreading - Android AsyncTask context behavior -

I am working with AsyncTasks in Android and I'm dealing with a problem. Simple example, working on an activity background with an AsyncTask does nothing great, it sleeps for just 8 seconds. At the end of AsyncTask in OnPostExecute () method I'm just setting a visual visibility status to view. Visual, only to confirm your results. Now, it works until the user can change the position of his phone unless the task is working in a casual (within 8 seconds sleeping window). The Android Lifecycle Activity and I know that the activity is destroyed and rebuilt. This is where the problem arises. AsyncTask is referring to a button and apparently holds the context reference in which AsyncTask first place. I hope this old reference (since the user has made an orientation change) is either to become null and to see ASCNETK trying to throw the NPE for the reference of the button is. Instead, no NPE is thrown, Async Task thinks that the button reference is not zero, it sets i...

redefine a non-virtual function in C++ -

When I read Effective C ++, it says, sometimes a non-virtual function in C ++ It is not defined again However, when I tested it, the code below was compiled correctly. So what's the matter? Is this a mistake or just a bad practice? class A {public: zero F () {cout & lt; & Lt; "A.f ()" & lt; & Lt; Endl;}; }; Class B: Public A (public: zero F) (cout A non-virtual function It is okay to redefine it, as long as you are not dependent on the virtual remittance behavior The author of the book is afraid that you will pass a B * function to a A * and then can be disturbed when the result is a call to the base method, not the view Pnn method.

Can XML be parsed reliably using jQuery's $(responseXML) syntax? -

I'm currently exploring an easy way to extract information from server XML responses using Javascript. JQuery seems like a good candidate for this. When it comes to parsing the XML with jQuery, I am coming in the same code examples as the following snippet: function parseXml However, jQuery The main document (quoted below) clearly states that you do not want to: jQuery (html, [ownerDocument]) html A string of HTML to fly that note that it purses HTML, No XML. & mdash; This makes me wonder that due to so many online resources, it is recommended to parse XML via $ (responseXml) . Does it usually work without any problem despite the ADI documentation? In what cases will the XML actually parsing not in such a way? the jQuery Ajax documentation says: Datatype "xml": Returns an XML document that can be processed through jQuery. ... If the server reports return data in the form of XML, the result may be by using normal XML meth...

json - Network IPC With Authentication (in Python) -

I'm exploring a way to connect frontend server (running Django) with backend server. I do not want to invent my own protocol above a socket, so I had to use simple HTTPSPR + Jason or XML for my plan. However, we also require some security (authentication + encryption) for the connection, which is not quite easy to implement. Any ideas for the option? What system will you use? I would definitely like to avoid the corb (we used it before, and this is very complicated for its need). itemprop = "text"> Use the client side certificate for the connection. This is a good monetization technique for earning more revenue for your client side app.

Python and Rpy2: Calling plot function with options that have "." in them -

I'm just starting to learn how to use rpy2 with python I am capable of making simple plots and similar, but I have participated in this problem that many options in R "." For example, this is an R call that works: Barplot (T, cola = summer. Collars (2), name. ARR = C ("PNN" , "PNP2")) Where t is the matrix. I want to use the same call in the python, but it is part of "Names.arg" I understand that in Python you change "." With "_", for example Name_arg, but he is not working either. I know that this is a basic problem, so I hope someone has seen it and knows exactly. Thanks! You can use a dictionary here for named arguments in Docs, and by calling For straightforward tasks, remember also that RPy2 is expecting it, it is a little weird, but on the plus side, you should be able to do anything in RP2 which you can do in R. (Note that this is for rpy2 version 2.0.x; There are some changes to which I have ye...

dijit tree and focus node -

I can not get the focus (node) or expandNode () are working I switch back to dojo 1.32 and 1.3 Also tried, there is no difference for 1.4. And I debug with firebug, the node is a valid tree node and there is no mistake, but the node does not focus on the help is greatly appreciated! & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Dojo.declare ("itcTree", [dijit.Tree], {focusNodeX: function (/ * string * / id) {var node = this._itemNodesMap [ID]; this.focusNode (node);}}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body class = "tundra" & gt; & Lt; Div dojoType = "" jsId = "Continent Store" url = "countries.json" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div dojoType = "dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel" jsId = "continentModel" store = "continent store" query = "{type: 'continent'}" rootI...

c# - Get the ListBox row object from a button that is on the DataTemplate -

मेरे पास ListBox एक DataTemplate के साथ है I इस टेम्पलेट पर एक बटन है जब बटन क्लिक किया जाता है मैं वस्तु प्रत्येक पंक्ति है कि के साथ कुछ तर्क करना चाहते हैं (इस मामले में एक वस्तु बुलाया WorkItemTypeMappings )। में OnClick मैं बटन ( ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक ) उस ऑब्जेक्ट से कैसे जा सकता हूं जो बटन उस पंक्ति पर है? यहां मेरी ListBox के XAML है: & lt; ListBox ItemsSource = "{बाइंडिंग स्रोत = {StaticResource WorkItemTypeMappingsCollectionView}}" HorizontalContentAlignment = "मांसपेशियों" ScrollViewer .HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = "अक्षम" नाम = "lstWITypes" & gt; & LT; ListBox.GroupStyle & gt; & Lt; x: स्टेटिक सदस्य = "ग्रुपस्टाइल। डिफॉल्ट" / & gt; & LT; /ListBox.GroupStyle> & LT; ListBox.ItemTemplate & gt; & LT; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; ग्रिड क्षैतिज एलाइमेंट = "स्टैच" & gt; & LT; Grid.ColumnDefinitions & gt; & Lt; स्तंभ डिफाइनिशन चौड़ाई = ...

git rm - How to revert a "git rm -r ."? -

I accidentally said git rm -r How can I recover from this? I did not. I think all the files were marked for deletion and were also physically removed from my local checkout. Edit: I could return the previous commit (if I knew the order). But it would be much better if I just got to git rm -r could be undone. Because I'm not really sure what I did after the last commitment and git rm -r Before . git reset HEAD should do this . If you do not have any unclassified changes that you care about, then git reset - hard head forcibly all your final commitment Some should be reset. If you can make any changes without making changes, but the first command does not work, then save your quoted changes with git stash : git stash Git reset - hard head git hiding pop

iphone - Is fast UILabel rotation possible? -

I only want to work in landscape mode and the only way I can get proper coordination frames in the rest I Caffeine Transformmecotation (3.1415 / 2.0F); All the subawwvers also revolve around. This works very well, except that when I want to attract UILabel, the rate of the frame is crazy like drop. I need transcription and all the things that come with UILBL are my question Is there a better way to go in landscape mode or to speed up text drawing. I've seen some applications that work in landscape mode and still have text, so I'm surprised ... Probably use CEGFINE TransformMaking (M_PI / 2.0f); Instead? It really should transform a simple animation matrix.

licensing - Difference between Affero-GPL and GPLv3 -

और के बीच अंतर क्या है? निम्न मान: आप जीपीएल में एक सर्वर साइड एप्लिकेशन विकसित कर रहे हैं। अब यह एप्लीकेशन एचटीएमएल के मुताबिक काम करता है और निष्पादन योग्य नहीं है जो आपके मशीन पर सीधे निष्पादित होता है। इसका अर्थ है कि एक और आदमी जीपीएल कोड ले सकता है, इसे अनुकूलित करता है और जरूरी इसे प्रकाशित करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। अर्थात। वह जीपीएल का उल्लंघन किए बिना आपके सॉफ़्टवेयर का उपयोग करके समान सेवा बना सकता है। (हालांकि तब वह सॉफ्टवेयर को या तो प्रकाशित नहीं कर सकता)। एजीपीएल के साथ ऐसा नहीं है। जीपीएल में यह छेद अक्सर "अनुप्रयोग सेवा प्रदाता" छेद कहा जाता है। "क्यों एजीपीएल" या "एजीपीएल बनाम जीपीएल" की खोज करें या जीपीएल के साथ समस्या वाले कुछ वास्तविक परियोजनाओं के लिए बस पढ़ा। MongoDB एक और interesing बात की कोशिश करता है वे चाहते हैं कि लोग कोर डीबी (जो कि एजीपीएल) का इस्तेमाल नहीं करते हैं, लेकिन मुख्य प्रोग्राम से जोड़ा जाने वाला ड्रायवर एपाचे 2.0 लाइसेंसधारक है ताकि व्यावसायिक अनुप्रयोग के भीतर मोंगो डीबी का उपयोग किया जा सके। सा...

numeric validation in struts2 -

I want to validate the text field which should be allowed only 0-9 in any range. How do I implement it Struts2 ship with very good documentation Check the section. You want to use it: Start. The chapter is

.net - Stripping MS Word Tags Using Html Agility Pack -

I have a DB with some text fields pasted from MS Word, and I'm just having trouble stopping , And tags public function strip HTML (string as ByVal html as, string as by-wordHarmelestagens boolean) New HTML document as string-deem HTMD () htmlDoc.LoadHtml (html ) Slightly nodes are HtmlNodeCollection = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes ("// div | // font | // span") In InvalidNodes node to node brake. ParentNode.RemoveChild (node, false) Return the next html.doc.DocumentNode.WriteTo () end function This code only selects the desired elements and removes them ... but do not keep Good ... I think I found a solution: public function strip New HTML Document () HTMLDoc.LoadHtml (HTML) Invalid HTML HtmlModeCollection = HTTM as String Deam HTMDK as HTML (Buy Val HTML L String) Invalid nodes node in the node for each lDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes ("// div | // font | // span | // p"). Parent node Removal child (node, true) next return html doc. DocumentNo...

Install Mysql Gem for Ruby along with JRUBY Gem -

On my machine, the Jerubi gem microsoft is installed. However for some reason, I had to go to Ruby instead of Rabbi and everything It is working fine, except that the mysql gem is not installed for Ruby and now when I try to install Mysql gem, I get an error: It may take time ... Error: Error installing mysql: Error: Man Failed to create native extension Check for /usr/bin/ruby1.8 extconf.rb --with-mysql-dir = / usr / include / mysql mysql_query () in -lmysqlclient ... in main () check-LM ... yes check mysql_query () In -lmysqlclient ... main () has no checks for -lz ... for mysql_query () -lmysqlclient is not checked in ... main () check -lsocket ... mysql_query There is no check for () in -lmysqlclient ... in main () -lnsl ... check for mysql_query () - in lmysqlclient ... main () check -lmygcc ... No check for mysql_query () In -lmysqlclient ... not *** extconf.rb failed *** Some reason for Could not make makefile due to the reason, perhaps there is a lack of required librari...

c# - ASP.NET-MVC data/model best practices for a newb -

I am fairly new to ASP.NET MVC and MVC in general. Moving old school "spaghetti" design practices into webforms was a major change, but it seems bigger (but better) in my mind. I have some questions about data specific tasks. For simplicity, say that I have another table named Pin with a database table named PinID INT, column structure and column entry of VARCHAR (50), INT INT, Pinid INT . I have a MVC view that takes the string value in the form of a zip code. The goal is to insert a line in the entry table. To do this, I should look at the respective PINID for the value provided. My question is, where do I do this lookup of data? I can easily do this in the controller, where I am inserting a new entry object, but is it correct? Should this look be done in a model? In addition to this, I am following the instructions and practices mentioned in WROX's Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0. I have created a Data Validator Class which handles all my DB heavy liftin...

ruby - How to get the size of each value of a hash -

I have hashes, each value is an array. I have a new array of each value / size of the array. Example: hash {"A" => ["1", "2", "3"], "b" = & gt; ["B", "break"]} results [3, 2] help you Thanks for some_hash {| V | | V.size} and 1.9, I believe you can do this: (and size: )

winforms - Using Ninject to inject dependencies into externally constructed objects (user control) -

I would like to use Ninject in my WinForms application. I can not understand how I can use it for my user controls Sometimes they rely on the services I want to configure through the DI Framework. These controls should be arranged through the designer (thus requiring a default constructor). So is there a way to inject dependency in the properties of this user control? Since the designer should be able to make it, because kernel.Get & lt; TestClass & gt; Will not work here Is there any way or some code that will "fill" the dependency in the Form_OnLoad () method? I can also think of other examples where I would like to inject the properties of already present objects, but th WinForms user control is easy to understand. I think that you should invert your thinking, there is only one responsibility in the scene: To display data How does this data get, the controller has the responsibility, and how it is shown in the model memory is determined by the mo...

Run Java class file from PHP script on a website -

I have a website and want to be able to allow the user to run a Java file from the server on the web. I want users to click on a button that will run the Java file on the server and printed to the standard outlet by the Java program, the user will be printed on the website to see. How can this be done (call the Java program from PHP and insert the standard file back in PHP from the Java file in real time)? Update: Thanks for answering the way to run Java programs though I also want to be able, because the Java program is printed on stdout , Where it will print a lot of text as it is executed, to be able to print it on this webpage so that the user can see which stage the Java program is in its execution. How can this be done and any additional AJAX or JavaScript required or something like this? PHP exec () function is the way to go, but whatever It is permitted to execute it must be very be careful . In other words do not rely on user input because it can pote...

drop down menu - using the contents of <a> tag to set the li class with jquery -

मेरे पास एक सरल ड्रॉप-डाउन मेनू है: & lt; ul id = "nav "& Gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = '/' & gt; अभिभावक एक & lt; / a & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = '/' & gt; बाल & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = '/' & gt; बाल & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = '/' & gt; बाल & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = '/' & gt; माता-पिता & lt; / a & gt; & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = '/' & gt; बाल & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = '/' & gt; बाल & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a ...

Python to C# Code Explanation -

My ultimate purpose is to convert the code below in the Python to C #, but I want to do it myself by learning Python Syntax I think the code is recursive. Creates polynomials of degree n with the variable of code. More specifically the list of expats for each variable. def multichoose (n, k): if k & lt; 0 or N LT; 0: do not return "error" if not: return [[0] * n] if n: return [] if n == 1: return [[k]] return [[0] + val for val in multichoose ( N There is a conversion [+] [+] [+] Val [1] I have done so far: public double [ ] Multichoice (int n, int) {if (k & lt; 0 || n & lt; 0) {new exception ();} if (k == 0) {return [[0] * n]; / / I do not know what [[0] * n] is the meaning of syntax if (n == 0) {new double [0] returns; // I think it's just an empty array if ( N == 1) {new Double [1] {k}; // I think that this is just an empty array // do not underestimate part I [[0] + value in multicau (n-1, k)] + \ [[Wall [ 0] +1] + val [1:] valves for multic...

iphone - Transform coordinates to find CGPoint after scale and move on UIView -

I have a UIView with a world map. It is added to a parent UIView, this parent is composed of two marker UIViews in UIView too. The markers are placed in the center of two arbitrary countries. Now I think that the path between these two markers transmits the world map so that this midpoint is at the center of the screen, then I have the map so much that the rectangle is attached to only two markers It fills the screen. Now my question is, how do I get the "new" coordinates for markers so they are not seen taken? That is, they are still located in the center of two countries, but the country has been expanded and it has been extended If I just want to move the map off the offset, then I can offset it I can apply to my marker, but when I apply the scale to the map, but not the markers, then I loose track of my path points. I hope someone can teach me this little geometry or maybe some cocoa is made in magic. Just do not add the marker as a sub-view of the pa...

jquery - setting a limit of items, that can be dragged into a list -

I have these two lists, out of which I can move items from jquery UI to each other and to AJAX I can add lists together. If an item is drawn, a message is generated in a php file and then appears on the screen. Now I want to put ten items in the correct list for example, at max. It would be great that it would be possible with jquery, that if the list already has ten items and you go and drag it to the eleventh, then if the item will become extinct, maybe a bit effekt. I think reading DB in a PHP file might be probably if there are already ten items, and so on. But I do not have any idea at present, if and if that way, jquery will support such behavior. Can you give me some advice? Greetings, Mashak By the example, you can: $ ("# draggable"). Draggable (); $ ("# Droppable") droppable ({drop: function} (if ($ ("# draggable"). Children () Length; 10) Return;}}); Anything in that line.

c - Append to GNU make variables via command line -

I have a GNU make makefile to create a C project with multiple targets ( all I'm using) Clear , and some project specific goals). In the process of debugging, I want to add some flag permanently without adding makefil (such as adding a debugging signal or setting a preprocessor flag). In the past I have done this (using debugging symbols example): target CFLAG = = g Unfortunately , This CFLAGS variable, but instead, to prevent it from being cleared and compiling it, CFLAGS and LDFLAGS Check that you may need to modify the Mayfile once, but you should do it Which you want. Example message file: override seaflage + = -Wall app: main.c gcc example (cflajs) - one app main.c Example command lines: $ make gcc -Wall -o app main.c $ make CFLAGS = -GGC-G-Wal-A App main.c

multithreading - Name of the thread in the ThreadPool - C# -

I am using ThreadPool to execute a set of functions in a window service . This service produces new threads of every 10 seconds. I want to record the name of the thread that raises a particular task from the database. Is it possible to get the thread name? I do not know that threaded thread is assigned a meaningful, but you always get debugging / logging purposes Should be able to use.

c# - Secure a registry key via ACL to remove all access to non administrators -

I am trying to lock a registry key with some important information that should be accessible to the client machine, I do not want to be a non administrator for accessing this key if you are an administrator then you will already make more damage than what you are storing in the key. What I am currently doing is this: // Only allow access to administrators and deny all others rights to System.Security. AccessControl.RegistrySecurity acl = New System Security. AccessControl.RegistrySecurity (); Acl.AddAccessRule (New System Security. AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule ("Admin", System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights.FullControl, System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Allow)); Acl.AddAccessRule (New System Security. AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule ("Everyone", System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights.FullControl, System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Deny)); // Prevent access to legacy from accessible software or key to access to th...

vbscript - Some validations to be done for a weblist or drop down list in VB Script -

I have a weblist or drop down list that meets many of my items. Verify that none of the items are numeric verify> All items are in the sorted state. Please suggest your related solutions in the VB script I will call this script as QPP Tool (Automation Test Device) WebList All items property supplies to all properties in a semicolon delimited list. In order to sort a list it is enough that each item will be strictly more than one already. all = ("b") page ("p"). WebList ("L"). GetroProperty ("All Items") arr = split (Ubound (arr) -1b = arr (i) cmp = StrComp (a, b) for all = "arr = 0" = 0 then MSBBX "Duplicate" ALIIF CMP> 0 then MSBBC "Unoroded" end if if numeric (B) then MSBBC "Numeric" end if A = B next

xpath - cakephp set class with checkboxes -

मेरे पास एक सरणी है जो दिखता है: अर्रे ([63] = & gt; 0 [64] = & gt; 1 [65] = & gt; 1 [66] = & gt; 0) क्या सभी मूल्यों के लिए कुंजी को निकालने का कोई तरीका है 1 (इस मामले में मुझे सिर्फ 64 और 65) सेट :: अर्क या सेट :: हटायें या कुछ अन्य विधि का उपयोग करना है? एक तरह से हो सकता है: $ new_array = array (); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ your_array को $ मान के रूप में) {यदि ($ value == 1) {$ new_array [] = $ value; }} Print_r ($ new_array); या आप फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

How does the xml:lang & lang attribute affect the rendering of XHTML Strict 1.0 pages? -

I looked inside the source of a public website which uses XHTML 1.0 strict DOCTYPE and found that it has two characteristics Is related to the language of the page & lt; Html xmlns = "" xml: lang = "ja" lang = "ja" & gt; The page is in Japanese on the way. My question is: - I suspect that the attribute is xml: lang & amp; Lang does not affect the rendering of the page in the browser. This HTTP header has content-type that specifies the encoding of the page. Am i right say: Specified information through language different ways To control rendering, the lang feature can be used by the user agent. In some situations where the information given by the author can be useful, it includes: Support Engine Assistance Speech Synthesizer Help Select the type of glyph to help the user agent Helping the user agent choose a set of quotation marks A user agent Hyphenation, Lignec And help to make ...

vb6 - How to identify or read nsf mails containing inline image -

I am trying to read the program in mail in VB6. But I'm unable to read HTML code such as mail or hyperlinks with inline images. Can someone recommend me a way to read this type of mail? Edit: I can not find an error message, but nsfDocument GETITEMVALUE ("body") (0) only returns text Pictures are not shown You can try third party APIs to help, like Midas Rich Text C ++ API Jenny Software or access to the Notes document in HTML form. Do or make examples of code shown on the site to appropriate:

Javascript trouble parseFloat and if/ else loop -

Then working on some code and I'm not opening this problem with my loop in another function, it's back to 40 I think the loop is written correctly. I'm guessing its value and passed within the other situation? If (par_hour> 40) comes from parseFloat prefix function addEmployee () {var employees = new array (); Employees [0] = window.prompt ("Enter the employee's name", "Bob"); Var hours = new array (); Hour [0] = window.prompt ("How many hours to enter!", "4.5"); Var wages = new array (); Wages [0] = window.prompt ("Enter your hourly wages", "10.00"); Warning ("test"); CalculateSalary (hours, wages); Warning ("How about now"); Document.write (regHours); } Function calculation salary (hours, wages) {par_hour = parseFloat (hours [0]); Par_wage = parseFloat (wages [0]); If (par_hour & lt; 40) {regHours = par_hour; } And (para_hor> = 40) {regHours = 40; } Alerts ("Why do no...

objective c - CoreData (for iphone) storing images -

I wonder if it is an intelligent choice to store images with binary data in binary property I have a collection of movies and I want to save the DVD cover in an image, which is the average size of a cover of 20/30 kb (320x480px) The reason I want to do this For storage management, once I I'm not sure that this is a good idea, Eta load, speed? Does anyone have experience with this? I think archiving images in main data is not a good idea, and I'm pretty sure I've read it in Apple's programming guides too. Just consider this, when you bring your collection, all the images will also be loaded into memory, even if you are only showing 8 images, your entire image collection will be loaded with core data. If you want to make sure to delete the image files when a move record is deleted, then I recommend that you listen to the notification by Managed ObjectTontext and delete the files when the movie is deleted: You can register for a WiSAway or a Dishwave Notif...

flex - Fast way to set text format for a range of Text using TLF -

I have to set text format for some tokens in plain text. I am trying to use the text layout framework to improve the speed of the operation, but I have decided that TLF is still slow (10X in my test) compared to the old settext format (). I call this function for each token: public function setTextFormat (format: textual format, start: int, end: int): zero {var selection: selection location = new selection location (This._textFlow, start, end, this._normalFormat); IEditManager (_textFlow.interactionManager) .applyLeafFormat (format, selection); } Is there any fast and clever way to perform this operation? Thanks Most of the TLF updates are recalculated and updated on processing time performance . Unfortunately, the applicable lafformate () call does both format-union and reactivation operations, with the cooperation of special formats with some parts of your text model. You need to split those two parts. Rather than dealing with their tokens in reference to their ful...

jquery - Anything Slider: Linking Directly To Slides from Static Links -

Can anyone help? I am using CSS 'Tricks' with a magnificent jQuery slider 'Some Sliders'. How can I link directly to slides from a fixed link It has been mentioned as an option (see below) but my knowledge of jQuery is very limited. "Use the link to target the ID or class (or whatever) link, and apply a click handler. Then call the plug-in function and try to link it to the slide Pass it to: " P> I think I'm looking for a demo, so I can see how this technology is used. Text "itemprop =" text "> I think I understand your question, but to make sure: you want to click on a link and Slide 5 is said to be straight, slide 5. In this case, you will follow the examples that they have listed on the plug-in page: Your markup: & lt; p class = "slide-jump" & gt; Click me to go to Slide # 5! & Lt; / p & gt; Your script: Click here (function.) {$ ('. Anything.Slider') AnythingSlider (5);}...