
Showing posts from January, 2013

hudson - Maven LifeCycleExecutor with an incomplete configuration error -

"postproperty" itemprop = "text"> I am using the latest version of Hudson CI 1.341 (2.2.0) to build my Maven -2 project Made) But I get some warnings that are executed through a command prompt, not me Can anyone give me the problem to debug this problem? ------------------------------- ------------ --------------- Executed Maven: -B-fd: \ Work \ Software \ Data \ Hudson \ Jobs \ Bio \ Vertical \ Trunk \ pom.xml Install [Warning] * *********************************************** This Maven sequence is a LifecycleExecutor component with an incomplete configuration. LifecycleExecutor class: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutorInterceptor Required missing component: org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder Note: This is a third party Maven derivative you are using. If so, inform the developers for this derivative project of the problem. The Apache Maven team is not responsible for maintaining the integrity of third party component overrides. [Warnin...

Does javascript still allocate memory for the "IF" scenario if the condition evaluates to false? -

So many people ... I have an IF statement that is now 99.7% accurate , Which has a check, to see if the browser is DOM 1+ enabled, and then loads a large block of code. Therefore it is logical to put "if (true)", and leaving it is the "other" part, but I wonder if the old browser will still continue to parse the code and allocate memory First, before deciding to break execution .... It is not that I will take care of this point, because we I think my question More or less: The browser pauses the entire file b> and First, allocate memory before executing the conditional statement, which is the first thing before anything else? Thank you in advance :) Two things have been implicated from the execution context And these are an effect, even if the code in question never arrives: function and var . As soon as the block is entered a var , that code block will have "reserved memory" for that variable, but that variable's value ...

c# - string output to html formatting problem -

मेरे पास निम्न स्ट्रिंग चर है: string feedImage = "http: // im / m / img / rss / RSS_Default_Image.gif "rssImageStyle =" style = \ "पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: url (\ '" + feedImage + "\') \" "; मैं इसे निम्न HTML का उत्पादन करना चाहता हूं पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: url (' img / आरएसएस / RSS_Default_Image.gif '); लेकिन मुझे पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: url ( मिलता है। gif); आपको बच नहीं जाना चाहिए: स्ट्रिंग फ़ीड इमेज = "" rssImageStyle = "शैली = \" पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: url ('"+ + फीड इमेज +"') \ "" ;

What are the advantages of using a schema-free database like MongoDB compared to a relational database? -

I used to use relational databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL, and MVM frameworks such as Symphony, ROR or Django , And I think it works great. But recently I've heard a lot about Mongodebi, which is a non-relational database, or, for quotation, is a scalable, high performance, Open source, schema-free, document-oriented database. I'm really interested in staying on the shore and I must know all the options and choose the best techniques for a next project. In which cases is the use of MongoDB (or similar database) better than using "classic" relational database? And what are the advantages of mangodibi versus mysql generally? Or at least, why is it so different? If you have documentation and / or example signs, then it will be very helpful. Some advantages of mangodibi for creating web applications: A document-based data model is the basic unit of storage compatible with JSON, Python dictionaries, ruby ​​hash, etc. This is a rich data structure ...

java - What is the best way to catch an IllegalArgumentException -

When would the best use of this type of exception occur, and is it properly hand-picked, like caught in the catch? hold (exception e) Or does it need to be clearly caught? hold (illegal authorization exception e) will be caught in advance - but it should not be as high as the bunch of other exceptions you actually want. The second thing is better if you actually is to catch it ... but usually this indicates a bug in the calling code It is sometimes a case of another method which is thrown at illegal agreement exception at any given time, in high quality its arguments, etc. at any ideal time, collar There should be a way to validate the value before passing it, or call that version Take that which fails in a non-exceptionally manner (like TryParse in pattern .net, which is without Java in / code> parameters). This is not always the case, but whenever you get a invalid archive exception , it is worth to see if you check the values ​​before calling th...

Javascript,calling child window function from opener doesn't work -

I am developing a web application that opens popups using (..). I need to call the function on the opened window using the handle given by "", but I'm always getting the error message "addWindow.getMaskElements function is not", such that this function can not declare the hair It has behavior in both IE and FF on the window. My code looks like this: AddEmail (target, category) function {if (addWindow == tap) {currentCategory = category; Var left = getDialogPos (400,220) [0]; Var Top = Radialogopos (400,220) [1]; AddWindow = ("adicionar_email.htm", null, "height = 220px, width = 400px, position = no, resizable = no"); AddWindow.moveTo (left, top); AddWindow.getMaskElements (); }} I have read and read from different reliable sources and apparently have to do this work, though it is not. One more thing, in the child window, the function is declared in a separate .js file which is called ADCIener_Emai...

c++ - storing a type's type for processing variable argument lists -

Is it possible to do something with: type t = int; // It will be a function that recognizes how the next argument is (t == int) printf ("% d", va_arg (theva_list, t)); In a relatively trivial way? The only object that I know how can be of a type is type_info and how I can use it like this. Thanks, Patrick Generally speaking, no. In compiled time, types can only be actually stored, manipulated. If you want something at run time, then you have to convert it to some type of value (for example, a calculation) (usually through hair-metogramming). Perhaps it would be better if you are somewhat of a high level of detail which you are actually trying to accomplish - combines the variable logic list with an attempt on "switch on type" This happens when a train accident occurs ...

winforms - Default dialog padding -

What should be the default value for the dialog bar? 8px 10px? "itemprop =" text "> Windows UX guidelines tell you to use a 7 DLU paddle all the way around on a dialogue . A dialogue unit (DLU) is based on the average size of a character. It has been defined that "average" character 4 DLU width is 8 DLU high. The average character size, font size, and DPI that the user is currently running on the basis of the font means that the DLU machines or the stationary between users on the same machine Are not there. Different fonts have different aspect ratios which means that the size of a DLU in pixels will be different in horizontal and vertical directions. 96dpi dlus pixels py pixel py ============================================ ====== 1x1 1.75 1.875 1.250 1.625 4x8 7 to 15 6 to 13 Definition of DLU: Average Character = 4x8 7x7 12.25 13.125 8.75 11.375 Dialog Box Margin - All Parties (7) So user is running Segoe UI 9pt 96...

c# - zip and unzip string with Deflate -

I need to zip string and unzip Here's the code: Public Static Byte [] Zstrator (String Straight) using {DeflateStream gzip = New DeflateStream (Output, Compression Mode.Compay) using and public static string UnZipStr (byte [] input) {(MemoryStream inputstream = New memorystream (input)) (DeflateStream Gzip = new DeflateStream (Input Stream, Compression Mode. DcpPress)) (reader.ReadToEnd ();) using the StreamerMinder Reader = New Streamminder (GPIP); Return System. Text. Encoding.utf 8.greatstring (inputstream.toArray ()); }} It seems that the UnZipStr method has an error. Can anyone help me? There are two different problems first, ZipStr in MemoryStream StreamWriter is to close DeflateStream . In the second, UnZipStr , you are creating your result string with compressed bytes in the input stream . You should return the results of reader.ReadToEnd () instead. This would also be a good idea to specify string encoding in StreamWriter and StreamRe...

Android: AutoCompleteTextView - how to customize sort order -

How the general way view autocomplete text shows the suggestion is that it only shows the strings The user entered that text, but the sequence order of the results is undefined. Can I sort them in some way by myself? So when the user enters "ji", I'll show him the result that starts with "jee" is most relevant to him. I suspect that if you apply a custom filter and Find it in your ListAdapter & amp; Filterable implementation that you place on AutoCompleteTextView , that you can achieve your goal in this way, but I have not tried to do this.

iphone - release NSData in NSManagedObject -

I use data modal to store 2 objects: video, images. The video contains only string attributes and images have 2 "binary data" attributes. Initially, 2 binary data features were in the video object. But loading during all videos UITableView start binary data to 400 videos represent 20 mo, so imagine with 4000 video ... Now the job of loading UITableView with 2 objects Okay. I binary data load when it is necessary in law: tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath But the more I grow up scroll, more memory in this list: ( Look at my method : - (UITableViewCell *) tableView: (UITableView *) myTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {static NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "videoCell", video * theVideo = (VIDEO *) [ [Self FetchedResultsController] objectAtIndexPath: indexPath]; VideoCellViewController * cell = (VideoCellViewController *) [myTableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; if (cell == zero) {[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNib...

visual studio 2008 - Changing the color of a selected CTreeCtrl item? -

(using the CTreeCtrl), I need to select the text "itemprop =" text "> (VS2008, MFC, feature pack) after Pay attention to the item "better" when the control loses focus. My tree is created with the "TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS" option in the Resource Editor, but the color is not adequately visible. I already have the custom color message (NM_CUSTOMDRAW) to change the item color via this type of code: zero MyTree :: OnCustomDraw (NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * PResult) {NMTVCUSTOMDRAW * PCD = (NMTVCUSTOMDRAW *) pNMHDR; Switch (PCD-> nmcd.dwDrawStage) {Case CDDS_PREPAINT: * pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; break; Case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: {HTREEITEM hItem = (HTREEITEM) pcd- & gt; Nmcd.dwItemSpec; If (this-> IsSelected (hItem)) {pcd- & gt; ClrText = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); Pcd- & gt; ClrTextBk = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); } * PResult = CDRF_DODEFAULT; // not set * pResult = CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT break; }}} It's working, b...

python - How to make pyuic4 automatically set tabs to "MainWindow"? -

After adding a new label and text, edit in a grid above these tabs, when I with pyuic4 Generate file, it generates the following lines for many different tabs that gives errors about not having enough logic. self.tcTab.setTabText (self.tcTab.indexOf (self.tab_6),) Before I made changes though .ui fix this Will arise. self.tcTab.setTabText (self.tcTab.indexOf (self.tab_6), QtGui .QApplication.translate ("MainWindow", "", none, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8)) This code works fine, and if I edit this in filed your changes also work fine though I get it to automatically use when I use pyuic4 . Because what I think is that you should never edit the file. Thanks EDIT: I did not take any advantage of everything. Any older changes that I do in the old UI file, will cause this problem if I use pyuic4 on it if it matters then qtDesigner has been translated into currentTabText under this function of the .py file What happens in: DEF retr...

c# - Java encode and .NET decode -

एन्क्रिप्शन जावा में है: स्ट्रिंग नमक = "DC14DBE5F917C7D03C02CD5ADB88FA41"; स्ट्रिंग पासवर्ड = "25623 एफ 17 -0027-3 बी 82-बीबी 4 बी-बी 7 डीडी 60 डीसीडीसी 9 बी"; चार [] पासवर्डचरों = नए चार [password.length ()]; Password.getChars (0, password.length (), पासवर्डचरों, 0); सीक्रेटके फैक्टर कारखाना = सीक्रेटकेएफ़ैक्टर। गैस्ट इन्स्टेंस ("पीबीकेडीएफ 2 विथ एचएमएसीएएचए 1"); कुंजी स्पीक स्पेक = नया पीबीईकेएसपीईसी (पासवर्डचर्स, नमक। जेइटबेट्स (), 2, 256); गुप्तकी sKey = कारखाने.generate सिक्रेट (कल्पना); बाइट [] कच्चे = _sKey.getEncoded (); स्ट्रिंग toEncrypt = "एन्क्रिप्टेड होने वाला पाठ।"; साइफर साइफर = साइफर। गेट इंस्टेंस ("एईएस / सीबीसी / पीकेसीएस 7 पेडिंग", "बीसी"); साइफर। इट (साइफर। एनसीआरवाईपी_एमओडीई, स्की); एल्गोरिथ्म पैरामेट्स पैराम्स = साइफर.गेट पैरामीटर (); बाइट [] initVector = params.getParameterSpec (IvParameterSpec.class) .getIV (); बाइट [] एन्क्रिप्टेड बॉइट्स = साइफर .डोफनल (toEncrypt.getBytes ()); जबकि डिक्रिप्श...

Sql Server Disk Estimating Tools? -

I'm looking for a calculator to plan and estimate SQL Server disk space. I'm thinking of creating an Access database tool like this, but thought it might already be. You can do a spreadsheet that you want - some time ago it stumbled on it, but Actually do not try to get it out.

windows - How can I simulate TCP/IP errors? -

On a multi-level application, I need to simulate various TCP / IP errors to test some reconnection codes. is. Does anyone know of any device (Windows based) I can use for this purpose? Thank you. Try (formerly LCrogen.) If it does not, then it can not be done. There are 200 tools in it.

language agnostic - How to recognize that short code blocks can be refactored into something cleaner? -

I have a little code that I wrote a few weeks ago (the purpose of the code is not very important as its structure) : if (_image.Empty) {// use the real image size if they have not specified a custom size if (_glyphSize.Width> 0) imageSize.Width = _glyphSize Width // override other image With = _image.GetWidth; If (_glyphSize.Height> gt; 0) then image size. Hi = _glyphSize.Height and Choiceist Heights = _image.GetHeight} else {// No image, but they can still override it with a custom shape if _glyphSize.Width> = 0; If (_glyphSize.Height> gt; 0) imageSize.Height = _glyphSize.Height and Choiceist Height: = 0; } I was going into it tonight, and when I was cleaning it, I realized the clean version should be more concise: // Understand the width of the final image if (_glyphSize.Width> 0) imageSize.Width = _glyphSize.Width else if (not _glyph.Empty) imageSize.Width = _glyph.GetWidth else imageSize.Width = 0; // See the final image height, if (_glyphSize.Height>...

python - Word wrap on report lab PDF table -

I am using a report lab labels table to print a table on a PDF report. I would like to know whether it is possible to configure table to automate the slot of the contents of a cell. For example, I have a text that does not fit in any cell in any column. I would like the table to adjust the contents of the cells to fit the ramps automatically on the column width. Is this possible? You can make a flow in a table element. Probably good practice is to keep all the table elements in the form of flows, so they can be styled only for your case, you will need to have the most paragraph flow. For example styles = getSampleStyleSheet () text = paragraph ("long line", styles ['normal']) By data feeding in the table and automatically wrap it.

artificial intelligence - Common web problems where Neural Networks could help -

I was wondering if you can think of applications in certain situations or web environments outside the creative minds where Neural network would be suitable or an interesting spin. Edit: Here are a few great ideas, I was thinking more web-centric perhaps Bot Detectors or AI in the game. To name a few: Systems where you want to change behavior for user preferences (spam detection, for example) Validation work (intrusion detection) Computer Vision-oriented tasks ( Search engine and index, image classification to detect specific items) Natural language processing functions (document / article classification, again Search engine and the like)

php - Checkbox in first cell of each row in an html table displaying mysql query results -

I have a simple HTML table display that results from a MySQL query. I would like a checkbox in the first cell of each row. I am asking for some suggestions on how I can find information about how to make this interactivity possible, because I am sure this is not a "quick-answer" type question. Example: & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "row []" value = "& lt;? = $ Row ['id']? & Gt;" / & Gt;

php - mystery mysql error -

I'm experiencing an experienced experience in mysql and get an error in this line of code: $ sql = "($ $ showIx)" values ​​(unique_show_id, artist, date, year, city, state, location, cone, transparent_ by source, microc, race, upload_by, upload_on, show_notes, show_exam ), '$ Artist', '$ showDate', '$ year,' $ city ',' $ state ',' $ place ',' $ slaper ',' $ transferer ',' $ source ',' $ mic_loc ' '$ Lineage', '$ uploader', now (), '$ show_notes', '$ show_xml'); // to check whether (MySQL_query ($ sql, $ con)) {echo "query failed"; die ('error:' mysql_error ());} I'm sure this is a bit easier, but I do not know where the error is. I get an error message: query failError: there is an error in your SQL syntax; 'IAP' To use near 'CA', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ...

properties - C# change property of an object dynamically -

क्या किसी वस्तु की संपत्ति को सी # में बदलना है। int number = 1; लेबल [संख्या]। पाठ = "टेस्ट"; और परिणाम लेबल 1 को बदल देगा। "परीक्षण" के लिए पाठ; आशा है कि आप समझेंगे आप सभी लेबल को एक सरणी में डाल सकते हैं: var लेबल = नया [] (लेबल 1, लेबल 2, लेबल 3, लेबल 4}; और फिर सरणी अनुक्रमणिका का उपयोग करें: पूर्णांक संख्या = 0; लेबल [संख्या]। पाठ = "परीक्षण";

inheritance - What does "trait A <: B" mean? -

स्कला में, विशेषता A & lt ;: B मतलब है? क्या यह केवल विशेषता A का विस्तार बी ? जोड़ने के लिए संपादित किया गया है: मैं टाइप मापदंडों के लिए वाक्यविन्यास से परिचित हूं, और उस संदर्भ में & lt;: का अर्थ है हालांकि, उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में मुझे यह प्रतीत होता है कि ए विशेषता का नाम घोषित किया गया है, एक प्रकार का पैरामीटर नहीं। एक ही चीज़ को संकलित करने के लिए लगता है। ~ / code / scratch: scala -xprint: typer -e 'trait B; विशेषता ए एंड एलटीः :: 'बी' / 'एसआईपी सार विशेषता बी विस्तारित scala.AnyRef; अमूर्त लक्षण A को java.lang.Object तक फैलाता है। बी ~ / कोड / स्क्रैच: स्कला-एक्सप्रिंट: टाइपर-ए 'गुण बी; विशेषता A का विस्तार बी '/' सीपीयू सार विशेषता बी विस्तारित scala.AnyRef; अमूर्त लक्षण A इस के साथ java.lang.Object को बढ़ाता है। बी यह कल्पना "5.3.3 लक्षण" में नहीं समझाता है। लेकिन सिंटेक्स सारांश यह उल्लेख करता है। TraitDef :: id = [TypeParamClause] TraitTemplateOpt TraitTemplateOpt :: = TraitTemplate बढ़ाता है ...

iphone - Remove subview UIImageview from UIScrollView -

Hello I have a realviewview and I have an object of uiimageview inside uisrollview. If I start the app then I scrollview and scrollview to scroll to the right on the change, but I can see the next uiimageview object that I add - scrollViewDidEndDecelerating (Zero): (UIScrollView *) scrollView. Before I add the next object, I remove the last ... what is wrong? To use the object UIImageView * l; ([[[[[Scroll SubViews] ObjectTyndex: 0] Hackandoff Class: [UIImageView class]]) // {This code is never killed l = [[Scroll SubViews] ObjectOtindex: 0]; [Extraction Prospective]; L = equal to no; }} Then I add the next object [scroll addSubview: imageView]; I remove the previous object because my app crashes. To add 110 images to scrollview, I think the management of memory is the reason that I remove the previous object . Any help please! A few of the tips to get you on the right track: If you think the memory is an issue, then split the problem. For example, add / remo...

html - Applying a css style to several patterns -

How can I apply a CSS style block to many different classes? For example, I have & lt; Div class = "foo" & gt; ... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "bar" & gt; ... & lt; / Div & gt; ... .foo .bar ??? // This selector should be applied to both classes (font size: 50%; ...} .foo, .bar {font-size: 50%; ...} source:

feeds - Is it possible to get RSS archive -

I know RSS feeds are news ... is it possible to receive RSS feeds yesterday or before tomorrow. (More precisely, the collection of RSS feeds). No,

php - Where to find Wordpress API documentation? -

I'm looking completely but I did not get the documentation of Wordpress's XML-RPC API, which contains a list of all Functions, their parameters etc. Can anyone post a link? Is there any good? It is not very like it, but it seems to be official document. I do not think it would be better than leaving the third party tutorial.

java - Apache Axis: How to set call properties using code generated from wsdl2java? -

I am using Apache Axis 1.4 (yes, old one), to create client code for a webservice With wsdl2java I want to set additional properties on the call object before calling on the generated stub. For example, I want to set a username, password, possibly adding or modifying the existing headers, to let client operators use different implementations. Currently, I am confused "by modifying the strobe class generated and I want to get it without touching the generated files, however, I'm confused", however, because the stub is in the class: createCall () that creates the call object and sets some properties. Currently, this is where I am modifying the generated source code ; Then, the stub is included in: clientMethod1 () {blahblah call _ca Ll = createCall (); ...... _call.invoke ();} So I can not see a way that I use the service locker to get a stub I want to modify the properties, and then use the stub to call methods I call the call, call () the call stub met...

Extracting numbers from the parent attribute in jQuery -

By clicking "mylink" I want to be replaced with "123", which is removed from the parent tag. jQuery: $ (document) .ready (function () { Click $ (".link") (function () {var comid = $ (this) .parents ("div.comment"). Attr ("class") Match (/ comment - ([0-9] + Replacewith (comid);});}); html: & quot; div class = "link" & gt; mylink You only have one match, so that you want to use the 0th match (zero-based array) In addition, it will return the whole match, so if you want the number you have to remove the comment - text. $ (document) .ready (Function () {$ (". Link"). (Function () {var comid = $ (this) .parents ("div.comment") .attr ("class") .mail (/ comment- [ 0-9] + /) [0]. Replace ('comment-', ''); $ (".link"). Replacewith (comid); }); }); If there is no likelihood that there will be no match, then you want to assign the matches to a ...

javascript - World time clock with DST support and server sync -

I want to include JavaScript World Time Clock on my homepage but I do not want to change it every time a time zone Is it possible to synchronize the DST changes with the official time server so that I can present the current time for different locations live and without any change after DST? Use standard functions with . $ timezones = array ("Australia / Brisbane", "America / New York", "Europe / London"); Foreign Currency ($ Tz as $ Time) {date_default_timezone_set ($ tz); The resonance is "Time at $ tz:". Date ('r'); } This handles all daylight savings and everything for you. You can find a list of timezones supported here: Edit: Javascript implementation: Use the above method to output to all the different timezones that are interested in PPP, but to get offset seconds from UTC, date ('z') Use. Use output using JSON or some so that JavaScript can be used by: var offsets = {'Brisbane': 360...

c# - How does XML Serialization know where to put the attribute? -

I'm trying to figure out how to do XML serialization In this way I want to I know that my XML document also looks at the end So far this looks like me & Lt; Work id = "second task" /> & Lt; / Course & gt; Using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Xml.Serialization; Namespace Console Application 1 {[XmlRoot ("Course")] Public Category MyWrapper {Public MyWrapper () {TaskList = New List & amp; Work; Work & gt; (); } [XmlElement ("name")] public string name {get; Set; } [XmlElement ("Background Color")] Public String Backgrounder {get; Set; } [XmlElement ("fontColor")] Public String FontColor {get; Set; } [XmlElement ("shareholders")] {get public guide sharing; Set; } [XmlElement ("Work")] Public List & Work; Work & gt; Agenda {Receive; Set; }} Public class function {[XmlAttribute ("id")] Public stri...

bit manipulation - javascript trunc() function -

I want to minimize a number in JavaScript, which means to cut the decimal part: Trunk (2.6) == 2 Trunk (-2.6) == -2 My answer after heavy benchmarking is: function trunk (n) {return ~~ n; } // or function trunc1 (n) {return n | 0; } In addition to the answer, if you want to minimize always, zero It can: function threnetate (n) {return n | 0; // bitwise operators convert to 32-bit integer} or: function trunket (n) {return mathematics [n & gt; 0? "Floor": "roof"] (n); } Both will give you the correct result for both positive and negative numbers: truncate (-3.25) == -3; Fixing (3.25) == 3;

Regex lookahead ordering -

I am very good with regular expressions, and now I'm trying again to understand to understand And leave the ideas behind. They mostly make sense, but I'm not completely sure how the order affects the results. I see what places look before the expression, and look after the expression. My question is, does this change anything? A recent reply here, SO put a letterhead before the expression which is moving towards my confusion. When tutorials present the settings, they choose the simplest access case for each one. Then they will use examples such as (? & Lt;! A) b ('no' before 'or') or q (? = U) (' Q followed by 'u' q) This is to avoid avoiding explanation with only distracted details, but it is the tendency to create (or strengthen) the impression that appear in a particular sequence and begin to appear. Try to look at some more realistic examples. I get a question that involves validating passwords; For example, make sure that the ...

javascript - Prototype Toggle through Array Only Toggling Last Item -

I am making a start and my brother showed me some prototypes. All weeks successfully toggle in the array last week, but no other. Please tell me that I need to be more specific! Thanks! & lt;% = @ Athletic_program.program_name% & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt;% array of_ids = & gt; & Lt;% @ program_weeks.each do | Program_week | & Gt%; & Lt;% array_of_ids.push (> & Lt; Div id = "week_number_ & gt; Class = "week_number" & gt; Week & lt;% = program_week.week_number% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "program_week_form_ & gt; Class = "program_week_form" & gt; Do & lt;% form_for (program_week) | F | | & Gt%; & Lt;% = f.error_messages% & gt; Number of workouts & lt;% = number_of_workouts, (1.7), {}% & gt; & Lt;% = f.submit 'Next'% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ...

regex - mysql: instr specify word boundaries -

I have to check that there is no field value as a subring in a string or not. But this word does not search on boundaries. Choose from mytable * Instr ("mystring", concat ('[[: [[lt ;:]]', column_name, '[[:: & gt ;:]]'); It does not work either. To correct this? You can use it operator: SELECT * mytable WHERE 'mystring' REGEXP CONCAT ('[[: & lt;:]]', column_name, '[[: Note: However, this is slow . If you care about words, then you can make the best use. Or General InStr () , then filter the results.

Paint all pixels (excluding transparant) in PNG with Javascript/CSS? -

I need to create a PNG silhouette with Javascript / CSS. Is it possible? I tried the following: Stacking PNG with the full position and at least ambiguity with the z-index. It does not work. Unfortunately I can not use PHP or anything else then Javascript and CSS. I get overlays and some such ideas but I can not understand how to do it. any suggestion? Update: This only needs to work in WebKit Browser, so you can bring your webkit trickbox! :) This is not possible in plain HTML / CSS. It would be possible to use Embedded SVG such as feColorMatrix to set all channels apart from ambiguity and set in one color. This & lt; Canvas & gt; Using one, like drawing the first image, then by dragging a color at the top with the source-out mode. This is likely to put a maskfilter (like white) on a certain color (like black) to generate a single masking color in IE, though I think you lose any variable-obscure smooth edges Will give It's going to be a lot o...

ruby on rails - Is there any command to check what plugins I am using in my RoR application? -

Can I use any command to check whether my application is using a plugin ? correct answer bus seller / plugins directory (If you do not have a seller directory, then you are not using any plugins). Wrong answer You want to run it from inside the main directory of your Rail app: ./ script / plugin list You can also get lots of information: . / Script / plugin --help

iphone - Parsing Data returned from Twitpic API -

I just wanted to ask you if someone can help me parse the returned data from the Twitter API? I am creating an HTTPFormRequest using the ASIHTTPRequest wrapper for cocoa. All this happens in an iPhone application: NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]; NSString * username = t_user; NSString * password = t_pass; NSDTA * twitpicImage = UIImagePNG Report (imageView.image); // Now, set the post data: ASIFormDataRequest * Request = [[[ASIFormDataRequest alloc] initWithURL: url] autorelease]; [Request setPostValue: twitpicImage forKey: @ "media"]; [Request setPostValue: for user name: @ "user name"]; [Request setPostValue: for password: @ "password"]; [Request SetData: twitpicImage forKey: @ "Media"]; // Start request of webservice [start request]; If ([request error]) {NSLog (@ "% @", [request error]); } And if ([request request string]) {nslog (@ "% @", [request response string])...

CSS Horizontal sub menu - IE 6,7 both dont working, tried with whatever hover -

I'm not an expert about CSS menus but I have a basic system for creating CSS menus. This time it is not working site is please check this site This menu works with all other latest browsers but IE 6AM ; 7. I know that IE6 does not support hovering and leaving the anchor. So before that I was using whatever hover. But this time it is not working and even with IE7. I do not know why this is happening, there may be some problem with my CSS. Please check the CSS. If you do not have IE 6 or 7 installed, you can walk with one. There is a need to install a plugin. I'm using CSS for the menu . Glossymenu {background: # B4B3B3; Height: 30px; Width: 100%; Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Display: inline-block; Status: Relative; } .glossymenu ul {catalog-style: none; Padding: 0 pixels; Margin: 0; Padding-left: 0 pixels; }. Glossymenu li ul {display: none; Status: Completed; Width: 80%; Top: 30px; Left: 0px; Background color: # 5B0C10; Border: 0px; Z-index: 99; } .Glossaimenu Lee Leah ...

c# - How can I play video files? -

I like playing video files, such as AVI, through my C # program. Is it possible to run such video files? You should be able to control the media player Example of running the audio, you should customize it in the video: // [C #] WMPLib.WindowsMedia Player Player; Private Zero Playfile (string URL) {player = new WMPLB. Windows Media Player (); Player.PlayStateChange + = NewWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEventHandler (Player_PlayStateChange); Player.MediaError + = NewWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_MediaErrorEventHandler (Player_MediaError); Player. URL = url; (); } Private Zero form 1_load (Object Sender, System.EventArgs E) {// TODO Insert a valid path in the row given below. ;: PlayFile ("\ myaudio.wma c" @) Private Zero Player_playStateChange (Int NewState) {if ((WMPLib.WMPPlayState) NewState == WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsStopped} {this.Close (); }} Private Zero PlayerMedia error (object pMediaObject) {message box. Show ("Can not play media f...

c# - A little bug in my Login system -

I have a little problem with my simple login system Fixed class program {{STAThread} static zero main () {Application.EnableVisualStyles (); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (wrong); Bull Login Successful; Bull login retrieval; (Login login = new login ()) using {loginSuccessful = (login.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.OK); LoginRetry = (login.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.Retry); If (log in full) {application.Run (new form 1 ()); } If loginRetry {application.Run (new login ()); }}}} This works but a small problem begins with these two lines: loginSuccessful = (login.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.OK); LoginRetry = (login.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.Retry); The program reaches 'login-in-fail-line' in frames, but when it reaches the next line, then Windows applications start moving forward from its position and the login button But waits for a new click before it decides to shut itself down and go to the application of the next form or to stay in plac...

javascript - Stop a youtube video with jquery? -

I have a jQuery slider that I have created, basically only three pens that apply negative left CSS values Slide I works great, but I have a YouTube video that slides off on the slide. I have tried the display: No more visibility: hidden which works in all but in IE , Audio is going in IE. Is there an easy way to kill video with jquery? to: player.stopVideo () then in jQuery: $ ('# playerID'). Get (0) .stopVideo ();

Can GHCi tell me the type of a local Haskell function? -

Is it possible to query ghci for the estimated type of function inside any other function? This is a quick and ugly hack, but what I usually do is use the function incorrectly And reads the error message: inc x = x + 1 where f (y, z) = y + zg = f :: four GHCI Output: Estimated type `character 'from type' (T, T) - & gt; In T 'expression: f :: char Although this reference is num t = & gt; , it usually gives me enough information to continue.

authentication - WCF services: passing a token to validate a subscription and get database info -

I am creating a smart client application using the net client. A Winforms client connecting through WCF services to recover data from SQL Server 2008. I will send the username / password (encrypted and on HTTPS) and return information such as: This user (under the current address Which server / database should be used in the connection string (not necessarily credentials) because people use different databases based on their subscriptions, etc. You can. My first call is to send credentials when signing in, which is a lookup. A serigojable class will be used to create the token object (I think this is the way to handle it) which ends with server information, Database information will return. Pass this token as a parameter for every service agreement (web method) or can I leave all my existing contracts Can I pass the token in a header or any other more universal method? How do you suggest implementing a token system such as I describe? Thanks For one, I only hav...

c++ - LNK2001 error when compiling windows forms application with VC++ 2008 -

I am trying to write a small application that will work with mysql in C ++. I am using MySQL Server 5.1.41 and MySQL C ++ Connector 1.0.5. When I write a console application, then everything is fine, but when I apply equally to Windows forms (the library, the same path, the same project properties) I get these errors: error 1 LNK2001 error: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int __clrcall SQL :: mysql :: MySQL_Savepoint :: getSavepointId (zero)" (getSavepointId @ MySQL_Savepoint @ mysql @ SQL @@ $$ FUAMHXZ?) test1.obj Test1 error 2 lnk2001 error: unsolved exotic symbol "Public virtual class std :: basic_string & LT; char, struct std :: char_traits & LT; four & gt ;, class std :: allocator & LT; four & gt; & gt; __clrcall SQL :: mysql :: MySQL_Savepoint :: getSavepointName (void) "(? getSavepointName @ MySQL_Savepoint @ mysql @ SQL @@ $$ FUAM? AV? $ Basic_string @ DU? $ Char_traits @ D @ std @@ V? $ allocator @ D @ 2 @@ std @ @...

x86 - Overwhelmed while learning assembly. Orientation please -

Recently I decided that the assembly to learn is a good idea, but right now, I'm actually overwhelmed by all the content I have read about the assembly in the forums, here, Tootos etc. (some of this is really old), I would love to make some orientation about assembly language, how to "compile" etc. I would also like to be able to run it CPU, so that I can I can disturb, here's my CPU description from CPU-Z AMD Athlon 64 3200 + Supported instructions: MMX (+), 3DNow! (+), SSE (1, 2, 3), x86-64 Note: Should it be Windows-oriented if possible, is it really important?) Thanks in advance. I think one of the best ways to start learning the assembly language is that you have a language To see the output created by the compiler, which you are familiar with. For example, if you are familiar with Visual C ++, then write some very simple code in C ++ and use the integrated debugger to show the assembly language created by the compiler (make sure you compil...

garbage collection - Java heap terminology: young, old and permanent generations? -

I am trying to understand that the young , the old and Java Hip terminology in lasting generations , and more specifically the interaction between three generations. My questions are: What is the younger generation? What is the old generation? What is a permanent generation? How do three generations interact with each other? It seems like a general misconception in Oracle's JVM, part of a permanent generation pile is not. It is a separate place for classroom definitions and related data, in Java 6 and earlier versions, the interning string was also stored in a permanent generation. In Java 7, the interning strings are stored in the main object heap. This is one. I like the details given for each location of the oracle: For the hotspot Java VM, the memory pool for serial waste collection is as follows. Eden Space: The pool that initially has allocated memory for most objects. Survivor Space (Pile): Objects with pool that have escaped the Eden Spac...

Where do i put the ADO script in Excel? -

I was trying to do some Excel, I was suggested to use the ADO script. I was also given as an ADO script. But I do not know where I place this script in excel. Can anyone help? Thank you You can use Visual Basic Editor in Excel and enter your scripts there. In 2007 there is a button with a developer tab that says "Visual Basic". I do not remember how it looks like the previous versions. In 2003: Tools> Macros> VisualBasic Editor .

android - Make imageview appear above Gallery -

I have gallery widget and a side and the right side to the left of 2 Image View screen, I remain on the same line Want ImageView and Gallery, but if there is a similarity, the zV-index of the imageView should be high then the gallery's. The problem appears beneath the imageView Gallery item. I have seen an Android doctor, but the solution is not available. Below is my XML file (for some reason, the opening is not showing Tag opening and closing the route relative layout): & lt; Android: layout_alignParentRight = "true" android: layout_marginRight = "10dip" android: id = "@ + id / greenarrow_right" android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: src = "@ drawable / green_arrow_right" Android: layout_marginTop = "10dip" /> & Lt; imageView android: id = "@ + id / greenarrow_left" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_hei...

mysql - How to verify if two tables have exactly the same data? -

Basically we have a table ( original table ) and it is backed up in another table ( backup table ); Thus there are two tables with the same schema. In the beginning, both tables are in the same set of data ( original table and backup table ) for some reasons, to verify this sometime after Whether the dataset has changed in the original table To do this I have to compare the dataset against the original table backup table . Let's assume that the following schema in original table is: LemmasMapping to create tables (lemma1 int, lemma2 int, btree (lemma1) Using the index ix_lemma1, index by using btree (lemma2) ix_lemma2) How can I get a dataset comparison? Update : The table does not have a primary key, it stores mapping only between two IDs I will write three questions Join in choosing one of the internal rows where the primary key is present in both tables, but one or more The value of the other columns is different. It will raise the rows ch...

java - JavaCompiler from JDK 1.6: how to write class bytes directly to byte[] array? -

That's why I recently provided the new information available in JDK 1.6. This code makes it easy to directly compile a string with a .class file: string className = "Foo" ; String source code = "..."; JavaCompiler Compiler = Toolpace .getSystemJavaCompiler (); & Lt; JavaSourceFromString & gt; UnitsToCompile = New Arrestist & lt; JavaSourceFromString & gt; () {{Add (new javasuresframe string (classname, source code)); }}; Standard java file manager file manager = compiler.getStandardFileManager (empty, null, empty); Compiler.getTask (empty, file manager, blank, blank, empty units compile) .col (); FileManager.close (); Bytereon OutputStream Boss = New Bytereunootstream (); FileInputStream fis = New FileInputStream (className + ".class"); IOUtils.copyStream (Fis, boss); Return bos.toByteArray (); You can catch the source with JavaSourceFromString . This is very easily sourceCode to Foo.class in current working directo...

difficulty getting c-style comments in flex/lex -

I want to create a rule in Flex such as using a C-style comment like / * * / I have the following c_comment "/*"[\n.]*"*/" but it never matches . Any ideas why? If you need more of your code, please let me know and I will submit the whole thing My Suggest that you use instead % X C_COMMENT "/ *" {BEGIN (C_COMMENT); } & Lt; C_COMMENT & gt; "* /" {BEGIN (initial); } & Lt; C_COMMENT & gt; \ N {} & lt; C_COMMENT & gt; {} Note that & lt; Condition & gt; and there should be no white space between the rules % x C_COMMENT C_COMMENT defines the condition, and the rule / * has been started. Once this is started, it will be returned to * / back to the initial state ( initial / code> predefined), and each other characters use it without any special action When two rules meet, Flex takes someone into the longest match, so the dot rule does not stop matching to * / . The rule is required beca...

iphone - Showing value of UISlider inside App Prefs? -

I have a settings bundle that is working perfectly, I want to optimize slightly. I have, besides other things, a PSSliderSpecifier and a PSTitleValueSpecifier . What I would like to do is to change the value of the PSTitleValueSpecifier to show the current value of the slider, the value of the slider changes at all times (in fact, what do I do) and More like the slider's slider on slider similar to that will be displayed). I know that the settings bundle is strict about what you are allowed to do about it, but is there any way to do this? I do not have much information about the settings app stuff, but if you have preferences in your own app If you put and use the UILider, then it is very easy. Simply add a UILball to it, and respond to the value of the UISLider by changing it from a method that receives the value of the UISLider and sets it as a UILBL text.

Control windows explorer from C# -

Is there a way to control Windows Explorer (file browser), programmatically from C #? In this, the Shell libraries check code also comes with many examples. About XP : I have never tried those libraries on XP (and I can not do right now), but I have assumed that not everything Win7 / Vista is not typical shell library, have you tried to compile one of the examples?

ASP.NET [How to check if SqlDataSource1 is empty] -

I am creating SqlDataSource1.DataBind (); So I'm working on the gatebound (); But if my SqlDataSource1 returns empty data then I get an error, even if I'm trying to 'check that if (GridView2.HeaderRow.Cells.Count! = 0) then I think That i have to check it on rough at SqlDataSource1 Question: How? Thanks GridView2.HeaderRow is zero when the data source is zero You can check that GridView2.HeaderRow = null

web applications - Is it possible to receive a web client request from a reserved IP block? -

मेरे webapp को से अनुरोध प्राप्त हुआ (लेकिन सिडर ब्लॉक आरक्षित है) यह कैसे भी संभव है? आंतरिक निजी के लिए आरक्षित है नेटवर्क। यदि आप एक कॉर्पोरेट वातावरण में हैं, तो इस श्रेणी में अक्सर आईपी पते दिए जाएंगे। जब तक वे इंटरनेट पर नहीं निकलते हैं, बड़ी कंपनियों के पास पैकेट्स का इस्तेमाल होता है जो कि सभी उड़ान स्थान पर। यदि आप इसे होस्ट किए गए वातावरण में प्राप्त कर रहे हैं (यानी, आपका वेब ऐप इंटरनेट का सामना करता है), तो संभव है कि आपका होस्टिंग प्रदाता आपके पृष्ठ को मार रहा है मैंने देखा है कि यह प्रदर्शन मॉनिटरिंग उपकरण के साथ होता है जो सर्विस स्तर के समझौतों पर नजर रखने के लिए स्थापित किया गया था।

flex - Access a custom property in a custom class -

I think I have a newbie question, but I can not work it yet ... Package Component {Public Square Template} Select VBox Extended {Static Public Temp Temp Selection - Baba: Dictionary; Public function templates selection () {super (); }}} I should have a custom class temp. Selecting that class as a public accessible property with a dictionary If I use this code, then the compiler tells me: 1046: type wurde nicht gefunden oder war keine Kompilierungszeit-Konstante: Dictionary Translation: The type was not found or was not compiled at a compile-time: dictionary Any help is appreciated! Error message in English: The type was not found or was not constant at the compile time: dictionary To fix this, click dictionary in your program Import Class: Package Component {Import Flash. . .

How to automatically refresh sql server olap cube -

I have created a cube in Visual Studio and have deployed SSAS. How can I refresh data using a night-by-day SQL batch job or any other medium? TIA Some options: Put a process analysis service task SSIS Schedule package with package, and SQL agent (if you already have an ATL package). To use SSMS, go to the Process dialog box, but click "Script" to begin the XMLA command then put it in a SQL Agent job.

build - Merits of bmake -

Apart from the fact that BMK equivalent to making GNU is equivalent to BSD, I was not able to understand clearly that creating GNU There are advantages of Can somebody help me out? I was only able to find one that was a little helpful, more help or indicator is appreciated. Thank you, Lord There are two free substitutions for creating BSD and creating a GNU There are different syntax in the main difference for the original AT & T making advanced interface. How to keep a shell command 's Outlook in a variable in BSD: # BSD TODAY! = Date +% Y-% m-% d and in GNU: # gnu todays = $ (shell date +% y-% m -% d) Create As soon as someone writes $ (shell ...) in a makefile, it prepares to make GNU Due to various syntax, GNU is required to make some packages, and some need to make a BSD. Starting your life as BSD PMK , to make parallel . Its author Adam D. Burr described Pimke as . Its quality was a new ability to run a job in parallel, as in make -j 3 . Thi... - HTTP POST, Redirect from ASP .Net to JSP/ColdFusion which way is best Server Side or Client Side? -

I want to post data to another server (JSP or ColdFusion). Note: Post means that the data is also required on other servers, the browser should also be automatically redirected. Is it better to use this form tag ... input type hidden fields, values ​​... and javascript form.submit (); or HTTP WebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create ("http: // ..."); MyRequest.CookieContainer = New System.Net.CookieContainer (10000); MyRequest.method = "Post"; MyRequest.ContentType = "application / x-www-form-urlencoded"; MyRequest.ContentLength = data.Length; Stream newstream = myRequest.GetRequestStream (); New Stream. Write (data, 0, data. Lang); NewStream.Close (); Return to my return; or Should I use Web Client Class? Please also provide points from security view. If you want the browser to be sent to another server correctly, Client side - Your second option will send feedback from remote server to client, but any link in rel...

iPhone App Upload - CodeSign Missing? -

For a long time now I am searching through the forum, while I enjoy myself iPhone programming , And I thank you all. You have unknowingly helped me on a massive scale! I came against a brick wall about uploading my entire application for the apple and appreciates any help / advice that you are willing to give. This is my first upload for apples, if it's all small! After some tweaking, I have successfully succeeded in adhering to Apple's guidelines to create a new distribution profile for my project, have implemented my new distribution certificate in the target information and the project It's great to have been successfully created! The problem is that when I upload it into apple, their normal "app is not signed" error is detected. After a hell of late night and after some research, I realized that any line in the broad build log of my application that does not include the word "CodeSign" as the apple suggests, it seems that While compiling,...

deployment - How to remote deploy an application in weblogic? -

I have two computers, I do not want to install weblogic and oracle in my development computer, they consume a lot of memory, The problem is how can I apply my computer to another free computer which is Oracle and Weblogic installed? I'm using Weblogic 10.3 I do not want to install my Weblogic and Oracle development computers, they have too much memory Not even in walking? How can I put my application from my development machine to another machine in which Oracle and Weblogic installed You can use the following tools: weblogic.Deployer (see) Admin console wldeploy , Weblogic WLST (See Other Options (if you are using Maven): (There is no response to you that I would not leave (does not support deployment on remote weblogic)

Do we need to change anything in main jquery library ever to use jquery noconflict? -

Do we ever need to change anything in the main jquery library to use jquery noconflict? You do not have to change jquery lib automatically, but you have to change your code using jquery. Instead of $ ('# myid') you need to use jQuery ('# myid') ). For more information on noconflict mode, go to mvc - Route with nullable parameter problem -

I have a page where you edit the "UserGroup" and I have it in my controller: Public Action Result UsergroupEdit (int? UsergroupID) Both edit and create on the same view. and global.asa: routes. MapRoute ("AdminUsergroupEdit", "Admin / Usergroup / Edit / {usergroupID}", New {controller = "UsergroupsAdmin", Action = "UserGroup Edit"}); Routes.MapRoute ("AdminUsergroupCreate", "Admin / Usergroup / Edit /", New {controller = "UsergroupsAdmin", Action = "UsergroupEdit"}); And it works when using: Html.ActionLink ("Edit", "UsergroupEdit", New {usergroupID = Model.Usergroup .UsergroupID}) But this is not a match, what's the problem with it? html.ActionLink ("Create", "UserGroup Edit") How can I create it in both cases? Since "UsergroupID" is tap, but in both cases should that action match? html Use the HTMLActionLin...