hudson - Maven LifeCycleExecutor with an incomplete configuration error -
"postproperty" itemprop = "text"> I am using the latest version of Hudson CI 1.341 (2.2.0) to build my Maven -2 project Made) But I get some warnings that are executed through a command prompt, not me Can anyone give me the problem to debug this problem? ------------------------------- ------------ --------------- Executed Maven: -B-fd: \ Work \ Software \ Data \ Hudson \ Jobs \ Bio \ Vertical \ Trunk \ pom.xml Install [Warning] * *********************************************** This Maven sequence is a LifecycleExecutor component with an incomplete configuration. LifecycleExecutor class: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutorInterceptor Required missing component: org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder Note: This is a third party Maven derivative you are using. If so, inform the developers for this derivative project of the problem. The Apache Maven team is not responsible for maintaining the integrity of third party component overrides. [Warnin...