
Showing posts from July, 2014

sql server - SQL WHERE clause for column all capitalized -

table_beatles में कॉलम name में निम्न डेटा है। जॉर्ज रिंगो एमएस-एसक्यूएल में वैसे भी है किसी भी आइटम को पाने के लिए जो सभी कैप्स हैं? उदाहरण के लिए SELECT * table_beatles जहां नाम है (AllCaps यहाँ SYNTAX) पॉल और रिंगो लौटने के लिए। आप ऐसा कैसे करते हैं इसका उपयोग परिकलन पर निर्भर करता है। यदि आपके पास कोई केस असंवेदनणीय मिलान है, तो आप एसक्यूएल को कम और ऊपरी मामले का इलाज करने के लिए कह रहे हैं। तो आपको यह करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है: SELECT * से से table_beatles जहां ऊपरी (नाम) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS = नाम COLLATE लैटिन 1_General_CS_AS यह एक मामला संवेदनशील (सीएस) समानता जांच के लिए तुलना। यदि आपके पास पहले से ही एक केस संवेदी मिलान है, तो आप दो COLLATE को छोड़ सकते हैं। लेकिन आपने इस सवाल का जवाब दिया है, मुझे लगता है कि आपके पास नहीं है।

.net - How To Remove Foreign Key Reference In Entity Framework -

I am updating my model which is made by the unit structure I removed a unit from the designer and then An error in the pop-up said "foreign key constraint 'FACOGABLE 1_Table2' ... table not specified for table 2. Mapping I do not really want to map table 2 into entities. What should I do to clean ADMX and To avoid this kind of error What? Can I map foreign keys to an int 32 field in just 1 table? Thank you! I am using EFV1. The .mmx file has 3 main sections, which is a copy of the storage model , Which represents the conceptual model and a section that represents the mapping between the two models If I understand correctly, you have removed Table 2 from conceptual model and Therefore, you should remove anything in the ideological side of the respective EDMX. Possibilities Table 1 will still have a collaboration for the table 2 which you need to delete. Unfortunately, if you ever use the designer to rebuild the model, manual edits in the .edmx file will be ov...

c# - Best practice to create typed collections/lists with internal or private Add, Remove functionality? -

I often apply type archives and lists. Often in the old versions of the collections and comprehensions I am not happy with the ways of adding and removing the public. Net has implemented the IMEMERABLE but this is a lot of work. What are the better options? I have seen a similar question, but not particularly thanks. Does it have to be sown? Edit Since you want ... ... internally in the collection / list To add or internally individually You can have a private IList and you add items, and ReadOnlyCollection & Lt; T & gt; There is a cover around this list. Since this is a cover, all the changes in the underlying list will be visible in this read-only collection.

Is it possible to run only subsets of a Boost unit test module? -

I use the Boost 1.34.1 unit test framework (I know the version is ancient, but right now or switching framework is not an option for technical reasons.) I have the same test module ( #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE UnitTests ) that There are three test suites ( BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE (Suite1);. ) which in turn meet BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE () s with many : This tester To run only a subset of the analysis module, the only trial run a test suite, or even the only possible case of a trial? Logic: I have integrated unit tests in my automake framework, so that the whole module is run on check to create . I would like to divide it in many modules, because our application does not want to generate lots of production and it is good to see the test summary at the bottom ("X failure of Y test") rather than spread across thousands of lines of production is . But it takes time to run a full test, and the test you are seeing is just as drowned; In this way, it would be good...

encode - PHP code safeguard technique for Remote call, scenario based -

I'm thinking of securing my php code in a different way for my project, but this childish method May be possible Please alternative or professional and opposition to this method please tell me . Both the client and server have lamps. The client system client maintains sensitive data, which can not be shared with the server, the client will have the ath key to access the server. When the customer confirms to the server that using the at key the server requests, the server will send the php code to the client for execution. The PHP code will be executed in the client and it will be connected to other sites from the client for processing. The client will use remote to obtain and execute the code. & lt; ? Includes Php (''); ? & Gt; The client side files are provided by the server admin with ioncube or zend safetyguard encoded. Therefore they will be processed via a secure connection to PHP code (my assumption) in...

NSIS callback function crashes installer when file is not present -

I'm stuck on this. I have this callback function at the bottom of a subscript (.nsh) file. (As you can see that I am using LogicLib): Function InstallFoo Message Box MB_OK "Install $ {if} $ {FileExists}" $ EXEDIR \ Module \ "Message Box MB_OK", within the InstallFoo function, install it! " Nsisunz :: "$ EXEDIR \ Module \" "$ INSTDIR \ Foo" $ {other} Message Box MB_OK "No Fujipas found." Do not do anything "$ {endf}" message box MBiOk "End access" functionand Everything works properly as I want when '' exists but When this is not, the installer crashes, and why can not I really understand I hope that even when '' is not found, even then able to handle it It's not doing anything like that. Now what happens is that the installer crashes with "setup.exe" Instructions on "Some-Address" referenced memory in "some-other-a...

c# - Create an InterfaceProxyWithoutTarget with a default constructor -

Castle.DynamicProxy का उपयोग करना, मैं "बस" एक इंटरफ़ेस-प्रॉक्सी-बिना-लक्ष्य प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन ... डिफ़ॉल्ट-कन्स्ट्रक्टर के साथ, मैं प्रॉक्सी-प्रकार का पुन: उपयोग करने में सक्षम हूं। UPDATE मेरा मतलब कुछ ऐसा करना है ... var प्रॉक्सी = जनरेटर। क्रिएट इन्टरफेसप्रोक्सीवाइटआउटटैगमेंट (टाइपफ (टीइंटरफेस) ...); Var प्रॉक्सी टाइप = प्रॉक्सी। गेटटाइप (); Var newprxy = Activator.CreateInstance (प्रॉक्सी टाइप); ... उस जनित प्रकार को छोड़कर डिफ़ॉल्ट-कन्स्ट्रक्टर को लागू नहीं करें। मेरा वास्तविक संदर्भ WCF अनुकूलन से संबंधित है, लेकिन यह एक और कहानी है। नहीं, यह इस तरह से काम नहीं करता जब आप कॉल करें प्रॉक्सी जनरेटर पर फू प्रॉक्सी विधि, आपका प्रॉक्सी प्रकार होगा तब तक पुनः उपयोग किया जाएगा जितना संभव है। यदि आप रुचि रखते हैं, तो विवरण के लिए देखें। यदि आप डैनिएन्मेटिक प्रॉक्सी के आधार पर डब्लूसीएफ कस्टमाइज़ेशन के कुछ प्रकार कर रहे हैं तो आप कैसल डब्ल्यूसीएफ सुविधा की जांच करना चाहेंगे। यह DynamicProxy का उपयोग करता है और इसमें कुछ बहुत ही शांत ...

What is the point of WCF MaxReceivedMessageSize -

Only when we see the information of this value appears to be a service because the price is very low, the quick way to fix it To set up a large number. Then there is no problem. What I was thinking about, is there any negative device to set this value high? I can see that this could possibly give some protection from the denial of service attack, but is there any other function? This helps reduce stress on your WCF server. If you allow 1'000 connections, and each connection is allowed to send 1MB of data - you probably need 1GB RAM in your server - or there may be many swapping / garbage. The limit of the message size (and the concurrent connection / call limit) helps in keeping RAM usage (and even CPU usage) at that handle level. It depends on your server,. If you have a core CPU and 4GB or RAM, then you probably will not be able to handle a lot of traffic as you have 16-way CPU and 32 GB RAM or higher, with different settings including MaxReceivedMessageSize, you...

jquery - Using Prototype to load a JavaScript file from another domain -

Using prototype, anyone knows how to load a JavaScript file using Ajax.Request from another domain to be done? Or if it is possible? I believe it is possible with jquery, Digg to do it for loading the Facebook API: jQuery.ajax ({type: "GET ", URL:" ", cache: true, datatype:" script "}); Source: Without looking at the code, I'm assuming that the URL is smarts in jquery to use a proxy when violating the same basic policy And the data type script is check out. It seems that a specific plug-in which enables the functionality in the prototype library, the author mentions that for example JQuery support is long, but it seems that this prototype is not supported by default.

php - Page break in Html2Pdf -

I am in the process of creating a dynamic PDF file, which includes about 10,000 users, the app develops in general MySQL And dynamic content using PHP is so heavy that I have been able to process with the fpdf () class so I created my output PHP page as an HTML file with ob_get_clean () . Now the HTML file is generated successfully and also the PDF file. But I want to leave page break after every user's data, that is, every user's data should start in the refresh page. I can not use any HTML tags because, in a dynamically-generated HTML file, everything is going to & lt; Html & gt; and & lt; / Html & gt; is out of the tag please help me make some page brakes in PDF file after some data of how I do ... Thanks in advance ...) I understood it after having the same problem. The parser they use supports the support of Page-Break-tags, but html2pdf does not work. I think I am doing this with the following modifications in html2pdf.class: ($ Th...

parsing - Reading EDI Formatted Files -

I'm new to EDI, and I have a question. I've read that you can find out more about the EDI format by looking at the last 3 characters of the ISA line. It is fine that every EDI uses line breaks for different entities. Done, but I've found that many single line files are with the characters used as breakdowns. I have noticed that the last character parsed in every EDI is the brake character I have seen a few hundred, and there is no exception in it. If I catch that character for the first time, and use it to get the last 3 of the ISA line, then do I have a reasonable expectation that I will be able to parse the data from EDI? I do not know that it helps, but EDI type '850, 875 in question. I'm not sure whether this is a standard or not, but it might be worth mentioning. The type of transaction EDI does not really make any difference (850 = order, 875 = grocery p) You should be able to rely on trustworthy breadth on ISA (and only ISA) (105 characters as des...

AppData\Roaming\ Folder absent on Vista -

The way I work, writes in the User \ Application Data folder on XP and in the AppData \ Roaming folder on Vista. The AppData \ Roaming folder does not exist on one of Vista machines. Consequently, some features of the application are not working. Have any of you faced such a scenario? I'm not sure what to do in this case. Can I create an AppData \ Roaming folder? Thanks jbsp72 If you are harsh on those paths, then you Instead the environment variable should be used. On the machine in question, open a command prompt (WinKey + R> cmd> Enter) and encoded% apedata% and press Enter. The application data path for the current user should be returned. ... oh, and to use environment variables, for example c: \ Program Files \ MyProgram \ data % programfiles% \ MyProgram There are several lists available with \ data , of which is on

.net - Linq Query not returning IEnumerable -

I have followed Linq queries that are in a web application that was changed from .NET 1.1 to 3.5: dim objListOfFilteredDataRows = datarows from objDataSet.tables (0) in the form of datarow .rows _ where datarows ("SomeColumn") = some value my The exact exact same query is that an application that was created using .NET 3.5 and returns an IEnumerable query. However, the query is returning in the converted application: {name = "where numericiteror 1" fullname = " Next + ou numericator11 [[[System.Data Edit Data: When I highlight the expression, say intellisense. DataRow, System .data, version =, culture = fair, public keynote = b77a5c561934e089]] "} ** Edit: That it does not know the type of ObjListOfFilteredDataRows and a type of its "object" Why is converted 1.1 has not been applied, but the "original" in 3.5? ** What am I missing here? How do I convert "WhereEnumeratorIterator1" to ...

java - initialize ServletContext using a method on a Resin server -

Is there a way to start ServletContext for a webpage on a Ralin server using a method? I need something that runs once, when the server starts. You get a ServletContextListener . This J2EE tip shows the use of Savlevate Constantststerner. This event class handles information about the changes in the servlet context of the web application, which is their share. It can be explained that someone is present on the server and dynamically informs us about upcoming events on the server. It requires authors, therefore, the Serpentacentileistner is helpful in conveying information about intrusion and destruction.

jvm - does java -server flag make any sense? -

I think everyone knows - whether it's running on server command line JVM parameter Java running the server as a server Also means kind of ?? I've read that it does some more optimization, and because of this, some of your Java code can behave differently boolean flag = true; While (flag) {if (checkMethod ()) {flag = false; }} [edit] This code will work fine in both scenarios 1. Without-server and 2.with-server , Please update once again with the correct test code. It will never come from the time of the loop .. We have just launched a new project, should we use the server to test? Are you using it? & amp; I wonder if it really makes sense and it is really important, why do not use server documents / official documents such as Tomcat / JetT / Geronimo etc / code / show-server tags in any code examples ??? ? Cheers Yes, when you use the server flag Java can behave differently, but for this program requires at least one error. The only case that I ...

windows vista - How to use pthread library in DevC++? -

I have downloaded the pthread package from what I should do now to use it in Devak ++? Download pthreads devpak Install it in Dev C ++ Create new project in Dev C ++ Then go to Project Menu -> Project Options -> Select "Parameter Tab" Select the "Add Library or Object" option Select the "libpthreadGC2.a" file from the Dev C ++ installation directory in the LIB directory. OK Li> Now test the sample code ready to run .. Sample code: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Pthread.h & gt; using namespace std; Void * fun_thread1 (Zero * data) {for (int i = 0; i

Can I set a PHP class property from an existing variable? -

I'm trying to figure out how I want to handle settings in my PHP app. I have to make a lot of decision that I would like to use a config class file so that it will be automatically loaded and flexible in the future. Below are some things I was playing with. I know that you can not set a variable to prevail a stable, so I try to use a public stable property I Public stable $ ip = $ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; & lt; Why can not I set up php //? Config.class.php class configuration {const url = ''; Const DB_User = 'dbname'; Public stable $ trial = 'test string'; Public stable $ ip = $ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// //index.php // Functions Echo Configuration :: URL; // Work Resonance Conf: $ test; // echo Config :: $ ip; ? & Gt; Although it does not answer your question (jspcal responds correctly Here's an alternative, a quick solution that you can...

python - Django InlineModelAdmin: Show partially an inline model and link to the complete model -

मैंने कई मॉडल परिभाषित किए हैं: पत्रिकाओं, मात्रा, volume_scanInfo आदि। एक जर्नल में अधिक मात्रा हो सकती है और एक वॉल्यूम में अधिक स्कैन इन्फाइड हो सकता है। मुझे क्या करना है: पत्रिकाओं के व्यवस्थापक पृष्ठ में मुझे वॉल्यूम इनलाइन की सूची बनाना है पिछली सूची के प्रत्येक संस्करण को उसके व्यवस्थापक पृष्ठ पर जोड़ने के लिए जहां मैं वॉल्यूम को संपादित करने के लिए फ़ॉर्म और "स्कैन जानकारी" इनलाइन की सूची को दिखा सकता हूं। इसलिए मुझे ऐसा कुछ करना है: जर्नल # 1 व्यवस्थापक पृष्ठ [नाम] [प्रकाशक] [यूआरएल] ..... वॉल्यूम इनलाइन की सूची [खंड 10] [.. (अन्य फ़ील्ड) ..] & lt; a href = "/ link / to / volume / 10" & gt; पूर्ण अभिलेख & lt; / a & gt; [मात्रा 20] [.. (अन्य फ़ील्ड) ..] & lt; a href = "/ link / to / volume / 20" & gt; पूर्ण रिकॉर्ड & lt; / a & gt; तब मात्रा # 20 व्यवस्थापक पृष्ठ [मात्रा संख्या] [.. (अन्य फ़ील्ड) ...] ...... की सूची स्कैन इन्फो इनलाइन [स्कैन इन्फो 33] [.. (अन्य फ़ील्ड) ..] & lt; a href = ...

call a function of a flash script from another flash script -

Hello I am a novice of Flash, I am trying to do the following: A flash Page Script I want to call a function related to another flash script, how to do it? Thanks in advance. Local connection: local connection / constructor inside (local connection = new local connection (); // if / If both SWFs are in separate domains then the local connection.Oldommen ("sender.svf.s.domain"); // If the receiver is in HTTPS and the sender is a non-HTTPS local connection. Alok Unsor Demon ("sender.swf. S.domain "); localConnection.connect (" connectionName "); LocalConnection.client = this; // initialize textfield (tf) here} public function writeMsg (msg: string): zero {t} F.text + = "\ n Received message \ n" + msg;} Sending SWF: Private var Local connection: Local connection ; Personal var connectionName: inside the string; // use the same name as the connection {connectionName = "connectionName"; // localConnection = new local connectio...

Getting the SQL from a Doctrine Migration -

I am looking for a way to get the SQL statement created by a generated migration file. Extend this factor Doctrine_Migration_Base Basically I would like to save the SQL as a changing script. The execution path leads me to Doctrine_Export, which contains the methods that make the SQL statement and execute them. I just have not found any way to ask for them. Export methods found in Doctrine_Export only work on the Doctrine-Record model and do not migrate script. Go to path './doctrine migrate version #' from the command line: Doctrine_Cli :: Run Doctorate_Cakgrid :: Set Arguments (RGS) DoctorateBigrite :: Execution () Doctrine Migration :: Migrate (To) Doctrine_Migration_Process :: Doctrine_Export :: Create, Drop, Sql Changes in methods with equivalent. Has anyone ever encountered this before? I really would not want to change the principle original files Any help is greatly appreciated. Can you create a dev server, and migrate to it, storage a SQL tra...

clojure - How do I include java stuff in .jar files? -

OK, so my question is: I am creating a data parser in the closure. One part of my program is that we should be able to graph data. I think I will use jFreeChart. However, I do not have any ideas on how to include stuff in JR files: What do I mean if I have an app.jar file in my roompack, then I do not seem to be able to: Import app.thing.thing2 The classpath should be inside the jar file without making changes. Here is the idea that I do not think I can change my classpost, because I have to set it to run the closure (or what?). Global classpath is currently / usr / share / java. And please do not ask me to use Maven, Ant or any project-building tool, unless it's the only way to do this. This is a script for personal use that does not require an overhead or not. I wonder if I should just open every JR file, so that I can reference directory structure? Is this bad? Let me know if you need any explanation! The content of environment variable is available for the ...

actionscript 3 - Compare Two Arrays, Get Uncommon Values -

I have a common problem that is having trouble bothering me: var OldValues: array = [4, 5, 6]; Var Newellus: Array = [3, 4, 6, 7]; I want to get value from new values ​​which are not in old prices - 3, 7 I get those values ​​from those old values One way to add both sets of values ​​of the same kind would be good - 3, 5, 7 I only want to Can I think of a complex method using some nested loops that do nothing redundant? ? Thank you. You need a bunch of loops, but you can customize them and fully nested Using a loop, a lookup object var old valve: array = [4, 5, 6]; Var Newellus: Array = [3, 4, 6, 7]; Var oldNotInNew: array = new array (); Var newNotInOld: Array = new Array (); Var old makeup: object = new object (); Var i: int; For each one (in old values) {old lookup [i] = true; } For each (in new values) {if (oldLookup [i]) {Delete old lookup [i]; } And {newNotInOld.push (i); }} For (var k: string in old script) {oldNotInNew.push (parseInt (k)); } Trace (...

audio - iphone voice memos 'ping' sound -

I am writing a voice recording application, and I would like to play ping-ping sound when the sound memo program when it ends recording Is then there is a way to fulfill this program? If not, then someone knows where I can find the sound? Thanks! You can always use the cable to connect your computer to your computer, ping sound Play and record it on my computer I do not know if there are copyright issues with doing this One option is to use one of the royalty-free sound archives which you can find on the web. If it were mine, then I would rebuild the sound with just one tone generator and an envelope, and I will copy and paste it to ping twice.

algorithm - Convex hull of 4 points -

I need an algorithm to calculate the convex hull of 4 2D digits. I have seen the generalized problem algorithm, but I am surprised that there is no simple solution for the 4 digit. Take three points, and determine whether their triangles are clockwise or counterclaimed: triangle_access = (by-o) * cx + (bx-ax) * ci + (for ax right-handed coordinate system, this value will be positive if ABC counterclockwise, negative for counter-clockwise, and If they are parallel to zero, then this value will be positive. But, with a left hand sync The system will also work well because the orientation is relative. Calculate the comparable values ​​for the three triangles of the fourth point: triangle_abd = (AI-bye) * DX + (BX-AX) * DY + (x * by-bx * AI) triangle-bcd = (by-c) * dx + (cx-bx) * DE + (bx-sic) -x-cx * DE + (CX * IX * S) If all three ABDs, BCD, CADs have ABC equivalent Is a sign, then inside the ABC, and the hull is triangle ABC. If two ABDs, BCDs, CADs have the same m...

java - Calling a midlet jar for retrieve data into a python code -

I have a JAR file midlet JAR file, which returns INT values ​​according to some input data ... The problem is, I have to get that INT value by calling the jar file (and sending the necessary input data to get the result data) through some python code. How can I get the functions and variables of the midlet jar file? I try to decompress Java code to DRCom, but the result was useless. Itemprop = "text"> The basic access to the Java code is , But I'm not sure that it supports MIDP.

java - What's the conception behind: Type - Element - Mirror -

I am working with the annotation processing of Java 6, i.e. javax.annotation.processing (No APT of Java 5). I wonder what is the transitional difference between different element , type , and mirror class is as it is to me Actually do not understand, this is an annotation processor is difficult to program efficiently, among these methods 'convert' in different ways, but I am not sure what I am doing while using them. For example, let me know AnnotationMirror . When I call getAnnotationType () , I get an example of declared type (for whatever reason TypeMirror applies). So I can call asElement () on this and get an example of Element . What happened? type of object javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror your code Represents an annotation in The declared type annotation class represents. Its element is the general category (see for more information on that topic) Element can be a generic version of a class, such as list , where the declared...

sql server 2005 - Can I trust Execution plans? -

I have these questions: CTE (comno) as (separate comno selection select with = company) ID ErpEnterpriseId = ROW_NUMBER () (select command), CTE by comno comno comno = ErpEnterpriseId, RowNo = ROW_NUMBER () (company order by erpEnterpriseId group) over ErpEnterpriseId selection erpEnterpriseId over ROW_NUMBER () (order erpEnterpriseId) RowNo to select so (the company DISTINCT erpEnterpriseId) x the three returns similar costs and the actual execution plans..why and how? When the main thing to try to optimize all the query optimizer is below a query should, and you should know which one is the best, just try them Compare performance and each version Run a SQL Profiler trace to see term / reads. To compare to average I drive usually 3 times each variant of a query to weed out every time, expulsion plan and data cache Oblique results to stop. It is worth reading on the adapter.

Binding a jQuery click event to each element within a foreach loop -

I am creating a plugin that matches an element, finds a link in it and the basic element is that location Click on I have a loop in the main body: this return.each (function (option) {$ to_link = $ (this); // matching item link_href = $ ('A', $ to_link) .attr ('href'); // link location $ ($ to_link, $ parent). (Function () {warning (link_href); window.location = link_href; return which I'm running against this HTML & lt; div id = "a" & gt; & lt; h2 & gt; The problem I have is that the click function always jumps into the value of the last matching divis, even though the title of the element is the correct value obvious To be behaviious, should be behaviious: div # is the title of "title / product /" and when clicked / products / div #a is the title of "thinking / thinking" and when clicked / thinking / Instead, what Occurs: div # a " Title / products / "and when clicked / t...

Zend Framework Error handling -

I would like to use the default ErrorCongtroller to handle the error. I registered it as a front controller plugin and this is something Does not I have to set some more to hold current controllers and tasks or should I add some code to other controllers? Here is the code snippet for registration: $ front = Zend_Controller_Front :: getInstance (); $ Front- & gt; RegisterPlugin (new Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler ()); $ Front & gt; ReturnResponse (right); $ Front & gt; ThrowExceptions (right); Which version of JFF are you using? As far as I've seen in the latest versions, the error handler is registered by default only "cheese" is needed by a errorController a errorAction See the manual for details in the default module with:

registry - Add menu item to windows context menu only for specific filetype -

I have developed an application that loads an image using window context menu (right click on file) The moment is working, but the reg key is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * and it works with all the files. I want the menu item on the context menu to be displayed with only .jpg files. How can I do this? 1) Identify file type (.poped) for .jpg files This can be done by checking the default value of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ .jpg . It can be anything based on the things you have established, but for the purposes of this example, we will call it a jpegfile , a normal default call. 2) Set the context menu item (verb) attribute for that file type You HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Classes \ jpegfile \ shell You can set per-user context menu items in . This key has a list of actions for the file type. There is a similar key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Classes \ jpegfile \ shell \ / code>, and the system default for these file types. You can also place an action key ...

c# - ASP.NET MVC URl Routing: How to deal with ?Action=Test parameter -

I have to implement a simple webapp for a simple game for an online competition. I need to get a request and respond to it. I thought, just use a bare ASP.NET MVC app and handle it URL. The problem is, the URL I want to handle is: Public Performance Index (string action, string foo) {if (action == "doo") {return content ("end" ); } And {return material (action); }} The problem is that string action is always set as the action name of the path I always get: action == "Index" It seems that the ASP.NET MVC action parameter overrides the input, and uses the actual ASP. Net MVC Action Because I can not change the format of the URL that I have to handle: Is there any way to get the parameter correctly? Take action from the street address, old school: String action = request .QueryString ["verb"]; You can then run a statement on a case / if it is run public action ...

python - PyGTK, how can I lock a window so it cannot be resized? -

I'm exploring a way to lock the window. I found window.set_resizable (false) , but it changes the window to its requested size and then locks it I would like to be able to resize my window , And then lock it in size size. Maybe you can press set_resizeable before the existing window size ( From window_get_size ) with set_size_request ?

java - nio FileChannel.transferFrom transferring 0? -

I am trying to use NIO to transfer a file out of many smaller files to use the transfer I am To return to call 0. From the call return no exception. Do nothing to trigger synchronous behavior. fileAutupputable stream fos = new FileOutputStream (path); File channel filebang.synine = (); Int progressive offset = 40 9 6; FileInputStream fis = New FileInputStream (tmpT5); File channel channel = fis.getChannel (); Channel.position (0); Int thisItemLength = (int) channel.size (); ("writing" + tag + "at" + progressive offset + "length" + thisItemLength); FileBeingAssembled.position (progressiveOffset); Long x = file bngsembel TransferForm (Channel, Progressive Offset, This ITML Lamb); ("transferred" + x); Progressive offset + = ITMLM; An example log: 4409 [main] INFO com.basistech.seg.writing.ModelOutputTask - Available 1856216 4409 [Main] INFO com.basistech .seg.writing.ModelOutputTask - 15024620 Length 1856...

java stack dump on windows -

I have a java process running in the standard windows command window. I mean i have run CMD and type in java-jerper Have done ... I probably need to be able to get a full stack dump of all the threads. i Remember that under Linux, you can send a message to JMM via an option on the command. In the state of the sun To generate stack trace on Windows 95, or Windows NT platforms, enter the key sequence in the window where the Java program is running, or Click the Close button on the window. This is clearly wrong, because there is nothing to stop the terminal, kill the process and close the window. typing Ctrl + brake on Windows one The correct way to generate thread dumps is Are you suppressing Ctrl + c (= blocking)? This will send a SIGINT, which will usually kill your process.

vb6 - Encrypt printable text so result is still printable (can be typed) -

I want to encrypt some information for a licensing system and I want the results to be typed by the user. Update: This operation must be reversible (decrypt-enabled) Example, Encrypt (ComputerID + Producted) -> (A standard ASCII character that can be typed. . So far what I did was to convert the encrypted text to hex (hence it was any letter from 0-F), but it doubles the number of characters I I am using VB6. I think I'll do some operations on each pair (input $ (x) and key $ (x)) and then keep it within an adcion values ​​(maybe 0-9-az) See an MOD a good algorithm in any suggestions Base 64 is a number up to 64 different ASCII Will convert characters into characters, hex which is only 16 different ASCII characters ... Base64 is more compact and you find Create it. EDIT: Code to do this in VB6 is available here: Below the Fuzzy Lollipop, below, Base 32 looks like a better option. If you can find an example of that . Edit: I got one though I have not don...

wxwidgets - Is there anyway to enable MultiSelect in the StyledTextCtrl -

I have noticed that StyledTextControl (originally in Scintilla) is a great feature in wxWidgets that allows multiple selection of text Gives TextMate though wxRuby does not have function calls to support that feature. I wonder if there is any way to enable it or if there is any way, then I can rewrite that cover to include that function. It feels awkward that they would like to come intentionally because it appears to be the most complete call on all functions. Any insights on this will be highly appreciated. I am trying to write an open source textmat clone in Ruby and it can be very difficult without multi selection, maybe I can do something together but it will be ugly. Thanks before time. Write the version that you are using wxWidgets, but only AFAIK Sintala library support 2.x version of multislact, which is not available in stable wxWidgets. WxWidgets uses 2.8.10 uses SVN trunk.

c++ - cant exchange widget in QSplitter (Qt) -

I have a coupler with two widgets. One of them is static, the other should be changed on the press of a button. But the problem is that the widget can not change? I have an indicator for the widget that is changing - switch to a widget called "Widget- Pointer" - this-> Content . Here is a code snippet where I switch the widget: qDebug () & lt; & Lt; "First:" & lt; & Lt; This- & gt; material; This- & gt; Content = widget; QDebug () & lt; & Lt; "After:" & lt; & Lt; This- & gt; material; This- & gt; Content-> Updates (); This- & gt; Content-> Repaint (); My debug output confirms there that the indicator indicates the second widget: First: After QLineEdit (0x363850): SCTableView (0x3644c0) Any thoughts? Post-text "itemprop =" text "> The problem is resolved. Thanks to some people at #qt on Freenode. After having switched to widget, I forgot to cal...

Allocating a char buffer with JNA, Rhino, JavaScript -

नारहल में, हम जेएनए को libc कॉल की तरह getcwd और chdir । मैं इसे केवल जेएनए इंटरफ़ेस के अपने सीमित ज्ञान के साथ उपयोग करने में सक्षम हूं क्योंकि यह राइनो में जावास्क्रिप्ट से संबंधित है, जो केवल पुरातन पुस्तकों के साथ ही काम करता है। मुझे पता होना चाहिए कि कैसे चार बफर को आवंटित करना है, इसलिए मैं इसे getcwd पर भेज सकता हूं, उस बफर से जावास्क्रिप्ट स्ट्रिंग प्राप्त कर सकता हूं और संभवत: अंत में खंड में बफर को हटाना चाहता हूं यहां chdir कार्यान्वित किया गया है: JNA के लिए भाषा में मदद मिलेगी। आप एक nio.Buffer या jna.Pointer का उपयोग एक आउटपुट बफर, जैसे कुछ: invokeString (नई jna.Memory (4097), 4097) getcwd इनपुट बफ़र को एक चार * लौटेगा, इसलिए अधिक से अधिक पथों का समर्थन करने के लिए, आप एक वैकल्पिक लंबाई ले सकते हैं जावा में, नया फ़ाइल ("।")। GetAbsolutePath () प्राप्त कर सकते हैं वर्तमान पथ, इसलिए आपको getcwd की आवश्यकता नहीं हो सकती है ...

visual studio 2005 - Invalid ESP when using multiple inheritance in C++ (VS2005) -

I am creating a game that uses a box 2D physics engine, and I have some strangeity with the stack pointer (ESP) and Multiple Succession I have reproduced it in the minimum code, and it seems that in the order in which I declare the classes used in many heritage, it decides whether the program crashes Whether or not they are. # include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; using namespace std; Class IFFixics Object {Public: Virtual Zero Collide (IFeXix Object * Other, Float Angle, Int Pauses) = 0; }; Square iBoordFeature {public: IBORDFeature () {}; ~ IBoardFeature () {}; Virtual Bull Onet (int x) {returns true; } Virtual bool update (int x, float dt) = 0; }; / * Class CScorezone: Public IBoardFeature, Public IPhysicsObject // Break it !!! Class CScorezone: Public IFGics Object, Public IBoardFeature // It Works !! * / Class CScorezone: public IBoardFeature, public IPhysicsObject {public: CScorezone () {} ~ CScorezone (zero) {} Virtual bool update (int...

ruby - Regex that expresses "at least one non-digit" -

I want to validate the user names according to this schema: acceptable characters: The first letter should be one letter or one number User name can not be all numbers This regular expression 1 and 2 , But I can not understand how to satisfy 3: / ^ [a-zA-z \ d] [\ w \ -] + $ / (I'm using Ruby if it's relevant) Not very efficient, but simple: / ^ (?! \ D + $ ) [A-zA-Z \ d] [\ w \ -] + $ / The lookhead means the only meaning: "The number of running numbers Not a string ".

ruby on rails - What DataMapper plugin gives :null property option -

I am trying to customize a piece of code containing: Property: Email, String,: Index = & gt; True,: Cord = & gt; Wrong, length = & gt; In the model definition, I get this error: Logic: option: blank /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ Dm-core-0.10.2 / lib / dm-core / propertiesRb: 901: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/dm-core-0.10.2/lib/dm-core/property.rb : 811: In 'assert_valid_options' in 'Start' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/dm-core-0.10.2/lib/dm-core/model/property.rb:51:in/your 'New' 1.8 / gemstone / DM-Core -0 0.10.2 / BbD / DM-Core / Model / Property from / lib / ruby ​​/ jems /. RB: 51: In `property ' So I think I remember the Datamapar plugin. I do not know of any Datamapar plugin that is : null option . On the older versions of the DataMaper, you can see the : nullable = & gt; Want to use. False . The most recent datamaker (0.10.2) provides clear syntax : required => True . The second option is still supported, but it has...

Winform .NET enhanced treeview? -

What is a good trivium replacement with the attributes added with the standard that comes with Word-Net 2008? Please include both a free and commercial option. has always been my favorite.

Feasibility of entity framework and linq to sql -

Do you have to spend time in these frameworks? Or they have developed another framework such as Microsoft's MFC Library. I do not want to waste precious time, so please help which scenario would be useful under these scenarios. are EF and L2S. Wherever one ORM is used, they will be used. Stack overflow Linq uses its ORM layer as SQL, for good effect. The unit framework is up-and-coming, and although there are currently problems, this will improve greatly in the upcoming version 4.0. Your time will be good to learn one or both of these frameworks, because it will be very likely that you will use an ORM at some point in your applications.

Prevent two google maps polylines overlapping -

I am creating a Google Maps application that displays GPX tracks. Some tracks overlap for the distance. They do not have similar numbers, but when they are pulled, polyline looks the same. This makes them frustrated in front of each other. The solutions will have to attract overlapping tracks next to each other, like how can I do this in the simplest possible manner? Automatically draw side-by-side polyline very hard. Mathematics is difficult even if you were doing it for a certain zoom level. Lines must be reproduced and reproduced again for each zoom level because the latitude / LAG offsets need to be offset by doubling the same pixel width for each zoom level. If you have only found some tracks, try to display different width colors, which first show the wider people. In this way you can see the side of a wide track when a narrow track is pulled upwards later.

How do I insert an HTML page using PHP? -

I wanted to know, is there any way to use PHP without the use of any HTML pages? I do not want to use an external HTML file, I want to write HTML coding directly in PHP coding. Thank you for your help! Interwal it: & Lt ;? Php / * more php code * /? & Gt; & Lt; P & gt; Blah and lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; & Lt ;? Php / * and even more php * /? & Gt; From the perspective of one of the best practices, however, avoid doing this - having a business logic (PHP) and presentation at the same place (HTML) remains harder. Edit: You can do the same to resolve your comment or use echo : & lt ;? Php if (x == 5) {? & Gt; & Lt; P & gt; Blah and lt; / A & gt; & Lt ;? Php} else {echo & lt; P & gt; Bleh & lt; / P & gt; '; }? & Gt;

winforms - Step Wizard Form in C# application -

As we have a ASP.N for web application Has seen before the Wizard componant? Is there a simple componant which applies this method to windows application using the C # language? The CodeProject looks like a fairly decent implementation of one of the best things about it That it's free: -)

php - What's the standard way to generate a url like stuff? -

$ arr = array ('key1' = & gt; 'val1', 'key2' = & gt; 'val2 '); $ Str = ''; विदेशी मुद्रा ($ arr = $ k = & gt; $ v) {$ str। = '& Amp; । $ कश्मीर '=' urlencode ($ v); } प्रतिध्वनि उपस्ट्रैक्ट ($ str, 1); या $ arr = array ('key1' = & gt; 'val1', 'key2' = & gt; 'val2'); $ Str = ''; विदेशी मुद्रा ($ arr = $ k = & gt; $ v) {$ str। = '& Amp; । Urlencode ($ k) '=' urlencode ($ v); } प्रतिध्वनि उपस्ट्रैक्ट ($ str, 1); क्या $ k को urlencoded होना चाहिए? हां; यदि आप PHP5 का उपयोग करते हैं तो मुझे लगता है कि http_build_query सिर्फ आपको क्या चाहिए;)

c# - Getting Error while read the data from table -

I am displaying all the data from the database table in Gridview. I have attached the database file to the app folder but when I am running the application, I am getting the error like Login can not open the database requested in the 'Employee' login fails User 'HOME-47F64BE31D \ Administrator' Here's my complete code: aspx page: & lt; ASP: Gridview id = "Gridview 1" runat = "server" Autogrentech column = "Fotal" & gt; & Lt; Columns & gt; & Lt; ASP: BoundfieldDefined = "Firstname" header text = "Firstname" /> & Lt; ASP: BoundfieldDefined = "Last name" header text = "last name" /> & Lt; ASP: BoundfieldDefined = "Hiredate" header text = "Hiredate" /> & Lt; / Column & gt; & Lt; / ASP: GridView & gt; & Lt; Asp: label id = "lblStatus" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / Asp: label & gt...

CodeIgniter Many-to-Many Relationship Management -

Does any tutorial for a CodeIgniter from many databases? Just try and prepare the process of making, and then update many-to-many relationships. My example uses multi-select values, thinking that you can update etc. How to monitor changes. What do I want to share in my application? This is basically the same with my answer. After the user submits, and before entering the database, I will obtain the data in the database in an array. Example: $ collection = array ('111', '112', '113', '114'); (This is just for example. In fact, it should be brought from the database then enter the value for the array) I will examine the new user input in two steps The first step is to It is already in the database or not. If it is not, ignore otherwise ignore: foreach ($ input $ as input) {if (! In_array ($ input, $ archive)) {// insert here}} Then in the second loop, I do it in reverse, which does the user to delete the data selected. (archive as ...

Which Android control to use? -

I'm taking my first step in Android programming. My application is to create entries in one database. For this work I have created a new activity all right - but I do not really like it. At present, the emulator shows: let me "new contact" activity: The button located at the bottom of the window, Not directly under other controls (I would expect that I think outside) "Box" shown in the screenshot of the button within a nice (What is the control here to control the button?) When the soft-keyboard is displayed, the button should "proceed" if not enough room , Then the entire area should be scrolled (I'll try and understand myself as well) The sample can be seen here: Which Controls the buttons above in the "New Contact" screenshot above? I want to use the same for my button. The contact layout looks like a list view relative layout or the top of the Rainier buttons stay on the accommodation for. The background o...

creating & Inserting image thumbnail in oracle through php -

Will someone help me with the code to help me & amp; Inserting image thumbnails in Oracle via PHP. If you want to save an image to a database, use BLOBs (Binary Large Objects) or BFILES Some information about using these will include you with blops, you write the binary representation of the image in the database. With BFILES you save the file to the file system and store the image in the database for links. To make thumbnails, some readings should be done in PHP, as you would like to see for larger images, because there is too much memory available for these tasks, in particular hosted environments, you have an active PHP interpreter process It may be necessary to provide some extra memory in order to make thumbnails possible. li> and so on.

iphone - Switching Views within UITabBar View -

itemprop = "text"> I have created a UITabView application. Each view selected from the bar is a separate controller with the nib file itself. I switch between them successfully In the first view I have two buttons (see screenshot). When I click on them, I want to switch to the second view which are part of the current view controller. I use it: [current current model view controller: Animated controller animated: no] ; This switch switches, but hides the UTbar How to keep the bar on the screen after the switch? Sorry for the PS Blurred Image I do not have permission to share a lot of information. OK I think you are misusing the Model View Controller for such a problem For that I would say that you should put them in a visual controller stack using the UiAVAd controller. Instead of creating each tab, a UIViewController creates a UINavigationController, then you can push and pop the view controllers on it, which still shows the tab bar. View

Checkbox on Sql Server Reporting Services Report -

I am working on a report in SSRS 2005 which is a questionnaire with yes / no answer, a checkbox Trying to get it. Attempted to set the font and use winding for an IIF statement, but while exporting to PDF it did not come properly. I am using local reports, not reports server Easiest / Easy solution Use an embedded image with an expression which is checked or checked The version does not set the source of the image. This will work on export type (except text / CSV). I believe that you want it to be non-interactive.

css - Android Webapp hide scrollbar? -

Is there a way to hide the scrollbar in Android's web browser (via javascript / jquery / css)? No valid information can be found online and things working for Google Chrome (webkit engine, as well as) are unable to work for the Android browser. Thanks bunches Have you ever tried to hide the scrollbar?

ruby - How can I print information about a NET:HTTPRequest for debug purposes? -

I am new to coming from Ruby Java. I am trying to get a HTTP request and I'm getting a HTPX code 400. The service I'm calling on HTL is very special and I am sure that my request is not correct when I am requesting a head (down), to check that the request is being sent, That is, what I think is sending me, then after "code" inside "code" should be helpful. Is there any way to print the Reich object? req = net :: (, url.port) req.use_ssl = true res = req.head (PathwidthScope, Request_headers) code = res.code.to_i " Response code: # {code} "puts I tried to: " Request debug: # {req.inspect} "returns But it only prints: # & lt; Net :: HTTP Open = false & gt; set_debug_output . http = Net :: (, url.port) Http.set_debug_output ($ stdout) # ("foo.log") works a lot this more in :) - Open multiple files using arguments -

I am using this code to load many files from the windows context menu, but the problem is that Once the application is open several times, for example: if I select 14 files, open them with the application, the application is opened 14 times and the form only loads one. But once there is a way to send all the arguments? Because% 1 sends only one file, or for example a% 2 that sends all the file pat in an argument? If I'vent has been found. This is my real code: public-class program public sharing sub-main () Dim FurBase as new Core.clsDatabase FurBase.Directory = My.Application.Info. DirectoryPath dim returnValue as String () returnValue = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs () if returnValue.Length & gt; 1 then FurBase.AddTemporalFilepath (return value (1) .ostostring) If not then the process. Get Process Binam (Process.GetContent Process.programname). Langs & gt; 1 Then ShowUploader () End if End Private Shared Sub ShowUploader () Dim uploader as the new frmUploader ...

how to beautify validations in rails -

I have a simple loft rail application that is validataes_presence_of Verification make the limit of each textfield I just want the error messages that appear at the top. How do I verify these types of changes or color change? Track applications for their [application_root] / public / stylesheets Let's store in. A new Rail app will have a file named " default.css in this directory. This file contains the following: #errorExplanation {width: 400px; Border: 2px solid red; Padding: 7px; Padding-down: 12px; Margin-down: 20px; Background color: #FFF; } #errorExplanation h2 {text-align: left; font-weight: bold; Padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px; Font-size: 12px; Margin: -7px; Background color: # c00; Color: #fff; } #errorExplanation p {color: # 333; Margin-down: 0; Padding: 5px; } #errorExplanation ul li {font-size: 12px; List style: Category; } If you play about the values ​​of some parameters here - especially the border - you can find something that looks ...

php - Amazon SQS character encoding problem -

I try to insert characters such as A, A, O, I, A, etc. in the message body of Amazon SQL I am doing But these characters are converted to some other characters in SQAS (like ¤¤). There is a way to solve this problem. Thanks Thanks for the responses. I think the best way to get this problem is to store message bodies in AmazonSQs in HTMLSNTITIES format. Therefore, before saving the message, I write it in HTML_ENTITIES format using the PHP method. If someone has a better solution, please feel free to add your comment. Thanks

c++ - Non-drawing Mozilla plug-in -

I have some DLLs which apply some arguments. I want to create a cover which is the HTML page JavaScript in the Mozilla Firefox browser Will be accessible from. I've got a pseudo framework, but it only supports window control, I do not need a GUI. I'm looking for a mechanism like ActiveXObject implemented in Internet Explorer. Its documentation is excellent tutorial on MDC you are looking for. There are options to make it straightforward, but the code for NPAPI interface can be prepared (if I remember that right) and there is also the difference between the browser and the platform that hides you. NPAPI was designed to display alternative content in websites, thus non-drawing plugins are not explicitly supported. If you know that your plug-in will not be visible in the page anyway (i.e. the object or embed element will be hidden as well), you do not need to do anything in NPP_SetWindow () or if you Drag the events into NPP_HandleEvents () . Alternatively you can ...

listview - How to popup list like a spinner without spinner in android? -

I have a spinner widget in my activity that lets users choose a list name. Generally, the spinner's task is to switch between the list, but for some examples, I swap the listener to change the selection to make a separate function with the same list of options. After selection, the old listener gets restored and leads the life. This is a bad and small train system. Instead, I want to do an action that takes only one selection listener and some other parameters and shows a popup list which is made of the same cursor (or similar cursor) in the form of a spinner, without the use of spinner Done Is there any way I can do that? Use AlertDialog.builder and adapter Via setAdapter () which generates your lines. In your case, I will not use the same cursor , as an cursor current row has an internal idea, and so on Cursor is confused with , while it can screw your SpinnerAdapter spinner same cursor .

iphone - NSDateComponents returning strange hour -

I am writing some code to get images while on a server image file name is in yyyyMMdd_HHmm format (UTC ) And generated every 3 hours (1200, 1500, 1800, .. etc). When the code starts, I get the current UTC date and take time out. After this, I create an NSDateComponent from this, and while setting the current time, set the time of NSDateComponent in the time of the next image. Very strange, if I set it to 3 hours, then NSDTit gets a different hour from NSCalendar dateFromComponents ... what does it give? (I've also added to the console output too). Get the current time in UTC NSDateFormatter * dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; NSTimeZone * UTC = [NSTimeZone timezonename: @ "UTC"]; [Date-time setterzone: UTC]; // Get current hours; Minute [dateFormatter setDateFormat: @ "HHM"]]; NSDT * today = [NSDT date]; NSString * str = [dateFormatter stringFromDate: today]; NSInteger hour = [str integerValue]; NSLog (STR); // Find the next image time NS...

c# - Secure Software License Usage Audit Log -

दोस्तों, हमारे पास एक दिलचस्प तकनीकी चुनौती है एक सुरक्षित लेखापरीक्षा फ़ाइल कैसे लिखनी है जो एक सॉफ्टवेयर का उपयोग करता है, तो लाइसेंस शुल्क उपयोग के आधार पर हो सकता है जिससे इसे कम उपयोग करने वालों को अधिक सस्ती हो। विशेष रूप से, टिक्ज़ूम एक अल्फा पीढ़ी के व्यापारिक मंच को बेचता है हेज फंड जो वर्तमान में $ 2,000 / माह के लिए लाइसेंस सहित समर्थन का समर्थन करता है (जल्द ही डबल से अधिक हो जाएगा)। संस्थानों के लिए यह ठीक है लेकिन व्यक्तियों के लिए बहुत महंगा है व्यक्ति अक्सर सॉफ़्टवेयर का उपयोग करके मुनाफे का% के बदले कम कीमत की मांग करते हैं, जब तक कि वे निश्चित फीस का भुगतान नहीं कर सकते। हम उस प्रस्ताव को पसंद करते हैं। लेकिन हमें प्लेटफार्म पर वास्तव में लाभ के ऑडिट के लिए एक विश्वसनीय तरीका और उपयोगकर्ताओं को "गेमिंग" से रोकने के लिए एक ऑडिट फाइल को हटाने या ओवरराइट करके एक वास्तविक तरीका की आवश्यकता है जिससे वास्तविक आय से कम कमाई की रिपोर्ट हो। यह एप्लिकेशन सी # में लिखा है और सिस्टम के इस हिस्से को कम से कम कोड को समझना मुश्किल बना दिया गया है। दूसरी आवश्य...

java - Questions regarding BlackBerry BrowserField2 -

Do anyone know how to specify the height of net.rim.device.api.browser.field2.BrowserField? I do not have to do this in the Blackberry API. In addition, when I use a browser field in my application, am I able to load a page, and click on a link from that page and go to another? I'm having problems with doing this with BrowserField2 ... If not, how can I load a new page? Thank you! You can apply your own manager and override For link content,

uiview - Need advise about loading screen on iPhone -

Can you show me some algorithm or example code so that the picture can be shown with animation or with animation Thanks for all the advice Add a semi-transparent view (regular view with black background with ambiguity = 80) which The entire screen will cover (or code in IB), one Add a label to the UIActivityIndicator and semi-transparent view, to hide it. If you use IB, then you should also create IBOutlets for semi-transparent view (loading view) activity indicator (loading animation indicator) ... "Loading view Use the following methods to show / hide: - (zero) scrolling {{loadingAnimationIndicator startAnimating]; LoadingView.hidden = No; } - Loading hidden (zero) {loadingView.hidden = YES; [Loading animation indicator stop animation]; }

java - Writing web service to convert documents to PDF -

Is it possible to write a rental web service that will accept the file from the client, convert those files to PDF files and then Send the result back to the customer? Any information on the topic will be useful. X-to-PDF conversion and PDF generation: - - Low-level PDF API - XHTML for PhD REST: - Java API for REST.

android - onTextContextMenuItem is not called on custom menu items -

I'm trying to add some custom menu items to some EditText-instances. I appear in the menu, but When I click the onTextContentMenuItem-method button, if there is such a topic then EditText-instances are in the list list. Any advice on this matter? The relevant code: class document spreadsheet editingText {public documentfeedment (reference reference) {extends} in super (context); } @ Override Public Zero to Cretecontext Menu (context menu menu) {menu.add (menu.catigree_ALTERNATIVE, CONVERT_TO_H1, menu.NOn, "convert to H1"); Menu.add (menu.CATEGORY_ALTERNATIVE, CONVERT_TO_P, Menu.NONE, "Convert to P"); Super.onCreateContextMenu (menu); } @override public boolean on text context menu (iid) {log. ("Id", string.value (id)); // CONVERT_TO_ {H1, P} never returns the return icon Super .ontextContextMenuItem (ID); }} It is very easy ... after viewing in EditText and TextView source ... First of all, implement your EditText MenuItem.OnMe...

compilation - How can I compile C code that has already been C pre-processed with GCC? -

I am performing some source processing between C processing and C compilation. At the moment I: GCC-A file.c> Preprocessed_file.c . Do more stuff for preprocessed_file.c . Continue compiling with preprocessed_file.c . If you try to compile the preprocessed_file.c , then you get a lot of the following if you are in normal C (step 3) : /usr/include/stdio.h:257: Error: Redefine of parameter 'ban' /usr/include/stdio.h:257: Error: Previous definition of 'Restricted' Here / usr / / Stdio.h: 258: Error: conflicting type for 'restricted' /usr/include/stdio.h:258: Error: Previous definition of 'restricted' here /usr/include/stdio.h: 260: Error: 'Pratib Conflicting types of Dit '[...] And that's just #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; file.c in . Fortunately, GCC has an option to say that it is working on C code which has already been prefixed by specifying the language which should be compiled as c-cp-output (See -x ...

iphone - Does ABPersonViewController CFRetain its displayedPerson ABRecordRef? -

ABRecordRef पता पुस्तिकारेकॉर्ड = ...; एबीएनईपर्सनव्यूकंट्रोलर * नयाप्रॉन्स व्यू कंट्रोलर = [[एबीएनवेपर्सन व्यू कंट्रोलर एलोॉक] इनट] ऑटोरेक्वेस]; NewPersonViewController.newPersonViewDelegate = प्रतिनिधि; NewPersonViewController.displayedPerson = addressBookRecord; क्या यह सुरक्षित है सीएफआरईईएज़े (पता पुस्तिका); ? क्या इस बारे में कोई मानक कोर फ़ाउंडेशन पैटर्न नहीं है I मुझे नहीं लगता है कि यह CFRelease को कॉल करने के लिए सुरक्षित है। प्रदर्शित किए गएप्रदर्शन को शीर्षलेख में निम्न प्रकार से परिभाषित किया गया है। तो, प्रदर्शित किए गएप्रदर्शन को केवल असाइन किया गया है और कॉपी या बनाए रखा नहीं है जब हम मान सेट करते हैं। इसलिए, मुझे लगता है कि हम इसे रिलीज़ नहीं कर सकते हैं। @property (nonatomic, readwrite) एबीआरकॉर्डरप्रदर्शितप्रशासन

c# - IE8 won't download a file with a custom mime/type with UAC enabled -

I have a pure service run on a local machine (Windows 7 x64, IE8, .NET 3.5, C #) That gives a file on the browser in response to the action of the user. Using Firefox or Chrome, the file is downloaded properly and our app launches through custom mime type and all is fine. However, with IE8, I receive a dialog "Unable to download from the file. Open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or can not be found later. Try it. " By using intelligence, I have verified that the IE receives the payload from the service If I close the UAC, download the IE file And launch the related app Is obtained. Turning off the UAC is not a viable solution, because our customers will be able to do this. How can I get IE8 to launch an application with UAC? Edit: After re-registering the mime type as a programmatic ID, open the "Open or Save" dialog to open IE IE for the second time the address bar Can be requested for link from. Why does not this wor...

Using the browser's back button after SignOut() allows access to secure page (ASP.NET MVC) -

I have an MVC app that uses [authorized] to protect private bits. I get a signal when I select the sign () URL, but if I press the back button on my browser then it goes to a secure page and even lets me use the form action And then it shows that I'm signed out. The problem is that it takes a safe operation (inserting the row into my database) then I can do it again using the back button. If I use the back button after logging out and refreshing the browser then it shows that I am logged out and refuse to allow me access to secure page Is missing? It seems that this may actually be a big security problem. Public Action Logoff (String Return Url) {FormsAuth.SignOut (); If (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (ReturnUrl)) {Return Redirect (ReturnUrl); } And {return redirect action ("index", "page"); I think the problem is that the browser caches the page. This is the reason that when you do not reload the page after clicking on the back button. If you specify in the...