
Showing posts from July, 2015

Is jquery worth a try with an webform application? -

Friends, I'm using JavaScript to get my beliefs, effects and so on. .. now I have decided to use jquery in one of my webform applications What jquery is an ASP.NET Webform application with a Is worth the effort? What would the AJAX update panel have an issue for me when using jquery? I have read that there will be no fire for asynchronous postback due to the Ready Events UpdatePanel control ... Yes, if there are many JavaScript functionality in the application which you can take advantage of many plugins No, jQuery's. The event occurs only when you reload the page and the DOM is ready for an asynchronous postback of UpdatePanels for the fire: Sys .WebForms.PageRequestManager .getInstance () .add_endRequest (endRequest); Function Endurance (Sender, Args) {}

developing applications for windows mobile,c# -

I work on Visual Studio 2008, now I want to create an application for C # in Windows Mobile. What rd requirements and how to make them ??? Do I need some type of simulator Answering the question, with the correct scope of answering that it deserves, it is beyond the scope here. So I advise you!

date format in msbuild script? -

I am creating a zip file in my MS Word script which contains the year / month / day zip filename, but the month and day Not always written with any leading zeros. Is there a way to add leading Zero in my zip file name? & lt; Time & gt; & Lt; Output Task Parameters = "Year" Property Name = "Year" /> & Lt; Output Task parameter = "month" property name = "month" /> & Lt; Output Task Parameter = "Day" Property Name = "Day" /> & Lt; / Time & gt; & Lt; PropertyGroup & gt; & Lt; ZipOutDir & gt; C: \ Production & lt; / ZipOutDir & gt; & Lt; ZipFileName & gt; Application _ $ (year) $ (month) $ (day) .zip & lt; / ZipFileName & gt; & Lt; / PropertyGroup & gt; And the result is: '' (with no leading zeros for January, as you can see) You can bring the MSBuild extension pack: Or use format on format from c...

java - How to create line like this -

I would like to create a horizontal line like this, using SWT: Of course, without red frame If I remember creating a simple label and passes it as a second initialization argument : SWT. SEPARATOR | SWT.HORIZONTAL .

collections - push_back() and push_front() in Java -

क्या जावा में कोई संग्रह वर्ग है, जो push_back () और push_front ) तरीकों? वर्ग ने पहले / अंतिम जोड़ दिया है), getFirst / last () और निकालेंप्रथम / अंतिम ()।

Can anyone describe in a nutshell differences between 3 closures proposals and their current state in Java? -

I'm reading about closures coming in Java 7. And I'm a little confused because there are so many good articles with a hand that describe the new Java Closer. But on the other hand there were 3 different specs and some articles are out of date because the latest proposal has not been described. Therefore, if someone tracks the progress of shutting down Java, please describe in general terms all 3 offers and their current status very soon. One more thing I wonder about if only one development line is present or different versions are being developed (i.e., off from the sun, from Google, from Apache etc). If I miss it correctly CICE is just as a synthetic Chinese Anabolic stones are easily formed, the anamika looked like a way off. BGGA was a very powerful proposal that not only allowed true closures, but syntax to define structures which use new Syntax Elements (aka blockbase block)}. The FCM was an additional offer, which tried to settle between two with a f...

c# - Searching Hierarchical List -

मुझे एक साधारण वर्ग परिभाषित किया गया है: पब्लिक क्लास अनुक्रमणिका Entry {public bool उच्च स्कोर {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; सूचकांक प्रविष्टि & gt; उप-प्रविष्टियां {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } // अन्य प्रॉपर्टी, आदि ... अब मुझे सूची के माध्यम से खोज करने की ज़रूरत है जिसमें एक हाईस्कोर प्रॉपर्टी है जिसे true । चूंकि यह एक सपाट सूची नहीं है, लेकिन एक पदानुक्रम जो अज्ञात स्तरों की गहराई से गहरा हो सकता है और चूंकि मैं जो आइटम देख रहा हूं वह सबईन्टीज़ सूचियों में से किसी एक में निहित हो सकती है, मैं एक सरल लम्बेडा की तरह नहीं कर सकता यह: var foundHighScore = myList.FirstOrDefault (आईई = & gt; IE.HighScore == सच); यहां मेरे पास कोड है I मुझे पता है कि यह बदसूरत है (कम से कम मुझे ऐसा लगता है) यह काम करता है, लेकिन यहां तक ​​कि दूर की बड़ी सूची पर पाप के रूप में धीमा होता है और मुझे यकीन है कि वहाँ एक बेहतर तरीका होना चाहिए। निजी सूचकांक Entry GetHighScoreEntry (IEnumerable & lt; सूचकांक प्रविष्टि & gt; प्रविष्टि सूची) {IndexEntry result = श...

How to empty a SQL database? -

I am looking for a simple way to delete all data from a database and to structure (table, connection, etc.) ..). I am using postgreSQL but I think if there is a command to do this then it is not specific to postgrads. Thank you, pg_dump code>. Drop the database, recreate it and load the schema. Dump the database schema (-s tag) into one file: pg_dump -s -f db.dump db-NAME Delete the database: dropdb DB-NAME make it happy: createdb DB-NAME Reinstall the schema only: pg_restore db.dump & gt; Psql DB-NAME This should work on PostgreSQL; For this, other DBMSs can have their own devices Edit: For the following comments, you can use the dropdb command, And just create another database with the dump schema if everything went well, then you can leave the old database: pg_dump -s -f db.dump db-NAME Created DB-New-name pg_restore db.dump & gt; Psql DB-NEW-NAME At this point, you have full database on DB-NAME, and there is a blank s...

Is there any metaprogramming patterns catalog for Python? -

I've just read Python Cookbook. The book is amazing I think the best use of this book is that it provides many examples which show the dragon in the real problem applications. Metaprogramming techniques are included in many phrases. I wonder if there is a catalog that summarizes metaprogramming idioms in Python? Python Cookbook is very rich in examples and techniques. But I think there is also a pattern catalog which gives specific names for each technique and creates the main features of the solution technology from the solid application area because the design pattern of the gang of four is booked.

Oracle table(s) data to INSERT statements with JAVA -

How can I get SQL inserts from Java from an oracle table? Is there an Oracle API for this? I need to store it in a file, as a result the file should have these lines of lines: - Insert "test" ("code" "," Family "," SUB_FAMILY "," SEVERITY "," STATUS "," ANOMALY_DATE "," DESCRIPTION "," COMMENTS "," VALUE0 "," VALUE1 "," VALUE2 "," VALUE3 "," VALUE4 " "VALUE5", "VALUE6", "VALUE7", "VALUE8", "VALUE9") value (1, 'family1', 'subfamily11', 'bad', 'initial', 'to_date' ('0005 -11 -21 ',' DD / MM / RR '),' some description ',' some comment ',' some value ',' some value ',' some value ',' Useless value ',' useless value ', empty, empty, weak, zero, zero); The example line was creat... - Shared code libraries and cruise control testing -

I have 2 apps for sharing a common library Both apps and libraries are in active development. Both the applications include project files in their solution. Folders are placed in source control: Root app 1 app2 library We currently have separate cruise control Is anytime committed to a file for app 1, app 2, or library folder hierarchies. Then a successful creation of the library will speed up the construction of App1 and AP2. For the most part, it works well; The problem occurs when someone changes the library and app 1 (or app 2). This is usually done as a result of implementing a function, which requires any additions / additions to the library to be implemented. When triggers will be activated for both of these libraries (change in library \ foo.cs) and app 1 (change in app1 \ bar ccs). Both will see that the file base \ library \ foo.cs has been changed and an attempt has been made to rebuild the library. Only one will succeed because Fire will get a unique file lock...

python - How to separate one list in two via list comprehension or otherwise -

यदि इस तरह से डिक्शनरी आइटम की एक सूची है: एल = [{"a "": 1, "बी": 0}, {"a": 3, "b": 1} ...] मैं इन प्रविष्टियों को मूल्य के आधार पर विभाजित करना चाहूंगा "बी" का, या तो 0 या 1. ए (बी = 0) = [{"a": 1, "b": 1}, ....] बी (बी) = 1) = [{"एक": 3, "बी": 2}, .....] मैं साधारण सूची के आकलन का उपयोग करने में सहज हूँ, और मैं वर्तमान में पाशन कर रहा हूँ सूची एल के माध्यम से दो बार एल = डी ["बी"] == 0] बी = [डी के लिए एल में एल अगर डी ["बी"]! = 0] ए = कोड> स्पष्ट रूप से यह सबसे कारगर तरीका नहीं है। एक और खंड सूची समझ कार्यशीलता के भीतर उपलब्ध नहीं है। क्या मैं कर सकता हूँ क्या सूची की समझ से मुझे क्या चाहिए? क्या ऐसा करने का एक बेहतर तरीका है? मैं पठनीयता और दक्षता के बीच एक अच्छे संतुलन की तलाश कर रहा हूं, पठनीयता के प्रति झुकाव। धन्यवाद! अपडेट: सभी टिप्पणियों और विचारों के लिए धन्यवाद! मेरे लिए सबसे आसान एक पढ़ने के लिए है थॉमस द्वारा एक है। लेकिन म...

jquery - Close the child of the parent of the parent -

नमस्कार, मेरे पास ऐसा HTML कोड है & lt; div id = "top" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पैनल" & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; toppanel & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; p & gt; टॉप पेनेल की सामग्री & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पैनलधारक" id = "ptop" & gt; & Lt; एक वर्ग = "खुला" href = "#" & gt; खुला & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; एक वर्ग = "बंद" href = "#" & gt; बंद & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; समय से अधिक के लिए केवल डिफेंन्से पहली डिव से आईडी है मेरा jQuery कोड इस तरह दिखता है // विस्तार पैनल $ ("। खोलें")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (#### ###)। स्लाइड डाउन ("धीमी");}); और मेरा सवाल है कि मुझे $ (#######) के लिए लिखना है, अगर मैं स्लाइड को वर्ग पैनल के साथ डाइव करना चाहता हूं // विस्तार पैनल $ ("। खोलें")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this)। ...

ajax - jQuery live click binding issue with IE6/7 -

I have a problem in IE 6/7, where they ignore live binding of elements. I can not find any solution on this issue, and I really need both IE6 and 7 support (fixing should be done anyway). The first click of my elements works as a purpose, but afterwords binding goes away and I can not get it to work. It is not in IE8 or any other current browsers This is my code as you can see, I am alerting the hrefID variable on line 5. After the first click, with HIV, I find that the binding disappears because it completely separates a href. Can anyone help? // AJAX page $ ("#mContainer a: lt (6), # home one"). Live ("click", function () {var clickID = 0; var hrefID = $ (this) .attr ("href"); alert (hrefID); about 'case': clickID = 3; break; case ('' Home '': clickID = 0; break; case 'portfolio': clickID = 1; break; case 'resume': clickID = 2; 'contact': clickID = 4; break; case 'tutorial': clickID = 5; ...

osx - Why does Ruby's ri not return to a bash command prompt? -

When I execute R ... in the terminal on my Mac, maybe 50 blank rows, then output I hope, then one last line: (END) , I have not been returned to the bash with the white character displayed on the black background (END), though - I'm still running, and I can not enter anything. Besides, why all the blank lines? Why is this happening? / code> , Maybe / usr / bin / more or / usr / bin / less ). Rather than scrolling up and down in the terminal, it lets you move the spacebar (between other good characteristics) and go to page through the skinfloor of data. To exit, just type q .

sap - What is "POSNR" an abreviation or acronym for? -

I am working with some data which is coming out of a SAP system, it has a name that POSNR appears to be a line item / database identifier of a type. What is this an abbreviation? This is not very important for what I am doing, but every time I focus on this word, it looks purely emotional and may be a little distracted. I am not a SAP expert, but can it be "?"

c# - Uploading/Pushing Data To A Website -

I need to push your site to a notification. What is the best way to explain this? I am talking about how this is currently done with your previous website: This company is established by the website A CSV file is uploaded in FTP. The website then processes the CSV file and puts it in a SQL database so that the website can be used. In this case, I am a website and I am working with the company. Both sides are ready to make changes as they wish. So my question is ... What is the best way to accept this kind of batch information? Is there any other automated way that does not include FTP? In the future, many companies have to do this, and I hate setting up accounts for each one. Project C # ASP.NET is MSSQL Let me know if I need more information ... Set up a web service In order to accept incoming data, you can immediately validate and reject bad data before entering your system. You can.

reporting services - How can I allow users to switch data sources for an SSRS report? -

I have two SQL Server databases with the same schema, but different data. I have a SSRS generating report for one of the databases, in the original mode too. I report all the same shared data sources. I would like to allow users to get reports for other databases. I have created another shared data source for other databases. Modifying the report to use this second data source results in the expected reports Because RDLs are identical, excluding data sources, and because I do not want to basically keep duplicate reports, so I User input data sources have been looking for a way to dynamically switch. Is this an easy way to accomplish this? An existing solution would be best, besides, can the data source of RDL be parametrized? Or, can the RDS connection string be parametrized? You can use parameters or other expressions in the connection string. View (2005) or (2008)

jquery - how to fix html z-index problem in ie7? -

I have a popup that appears above the link when I slide on a link just above the link The image is, so the problem is that the popup in i7 is visible below the image! . It works well in IE8 and Firefox! The problem I want to fix is ​​found on this page: If you hover over "Class One", then go to "cars in this class". Please help asap I did some debugging and this is Lt; Div class = "cover boxcaption" & gt; is cutting, image is not I was not able to work with the applicable filter, so the only thing I can suggest is to implement it transparency. Instead of using CSS, it would be OK to use a semi-transparent background PGN.

svn - GIT for a solo developer -

Out of work I use SVN for private projects, which I want to keep private, I used to synchronize sources between, for off-site backups and SCM brings general advantage current trendy source control system GIT and I have to admit that I am considering moving it. But what I have used for it and which I already work against the branches, what benefits do I actually get? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> This is faster than subversion Keep all your history with your laptop You can sync between machines, even if your server is online / accessible / etc. Very good to remove the changes made off by half Without any server setup or administration, you can create a new repository by going to a directory and using is a good place,

assembly - Cheap PowerPC Evaluation Board? -

I have been trying to learn embedded software development for some time (software for almost 15 years, 10 in Java, as well as a good knowledge of C / C ++ / X86 ASM from college). PIC-based Evaluation started playing with the board. Where I work, there is a department. They have some openings on the embedded system from time to time they experience with PowerPC architecture. I have seen the interwave for cheap evaluation boards with PowerPC chips, but what I got is the board between $ 400- $ 1000 and above. I'm surprised if The embedded system on a PowerPC architecture is a cheap way of learning because I have seen the evaluation board for other architecture for the fraction of that price range. Or, if an eval board is affordable Not available at prices Land, at least to a cheaper platform in which to practice programming Pavarpisi assembly (even if it has not been embedded.) who can recommend any suggestions? Oh, and if you can recommend some books on PowerPC architect...

flash - Javascript: Automatically maximize browser window and switch to full screen mode? -

I am working on a flash app which is 900x700 pixels when viewed in a variety of browsers at browser 1024x768 Robots more vertical space and the app appears in a window with a vertical scrollbar unacceptable. The Flash app will be launched to viewers via an email. I would like to avoid resizing the flash app and wondering if there is any way to do this Maximize the current browser window Delete the current window address bar and tab / switch browser to full screen view (equivalent to pressing F11). ). To avoid scrolling, an alternative flash application has to be resized to match the browser canvas height. This could be the reason for making the app unreadable, so the best way to do this in my case is not. Thank you! UPDATE: It seems that the size of the browser and the automatic switch will not work on full screen nor the size of the flash app auto will change, what is the best way? And, some users can have browsers with Toolbar or open a small browser window. The...

c# - What are the steps necessary in creating a community driven website? -

Hello people, stack overflow! I have come to you with yet another question. :) As mentioned in my past few questions, I am interested in building a website which is to open the job and the company to browse people. I have a way of uploading CVs, applying to a situation, and uploading jobs as well as companies. Since I have never done a project of this scope before, I am afraid that I can ignore certain things needed for web-targeted applications. I know there is a very broad question, maybe it is too broad to answer. However, I really want to provide some input to someone on this. :) What should I do when I create this type of website? I am using ASP.NET and C #. Edit: Just to clarify, the website is going to be localized in a country in Eastern Europe. Enables job seekers to post jobs * Jobs enables those who want to search for job posting * Enables the employer to enter his company profile * Enabling the employer to post one or more job postings. Does

java - Can Someone Explain Threads to Me? -

I am planning to add threaded processes to my application to speed up the execution, but the problem is that I honestly do not know how to use thread, or what is considered to be "thread safe" For example, how a game engine uses threads in its rendering processes, or in which context only the thread is a Hurdle will not be considered ? Can someone tell me some resources or help explain something here? This is a very broad topic but these are the things I would like to know that I do not know anything about thread It was: They are the units of execution in the same process that are in parallel - what does that mean that the current unit of execution in the processor swiftly switches in different ways Can be obtained. Switching is called " context switching ", and some overheads are connected to it. They can share the memory! This is where the problems can occur. I talk about it later in the bullet point in depth. The advantage of parallelizing y...

url - OAuth Callback procedure for mobile devices -

I am preparing a Netflix application for BlackBerry mobile devices. I am currently working on OAuth I am at the point where I can generate the Netflix login page in an embedded browser field in my application. After the user signs in, Netflix will send the user from the login page to the specified callback URL. The callback URL will also include an authorized token, which is then required to send back Netflix. My question is how can I do this on a mobile device? Is any process fixed? I am unsure how to remove an authorized token from the callback URL and can send it back to my application. Do anyone have any ideas? Thank you, Thank you. Instead of embedding the browser frame, you can be better off creating a seamless (i.e. browserless) user experience. Just by sending all the necessary handsets with Netflix to the mobile app, you will have to set up a public domain server as your callback host for OAuth and it will talk to your new session key / secret key and it will ...

javascript - JW Player - Video works in chrome, not firefox or IE -

I have two videos on the homepage (#intro_video and #video_container) under which Chrome has no problem with me, but does not play video in Firefox and IE. This preview is loading the image, but when you click it, it attempts to load for a moment and then goes back to the preview. I tried to use Jquery Flash (load #intro_video): var so = new SWFObject ('/ swf / player.swf', 'ply ',' 670 ',' 300 ',' 9 ',' # 000000 '); So.addParam ('allowfullscreen', 'true'); So.addParam ('allowedcriptaccess', 'always'); So.addParam ('wmode', 'opaque'); So.addVariable ('playlistfile', '/ video / home.rss'); So.addVariable ('playlist', 'leave'); So.addVariable ('playlistsize', '240'); So.addVariable ('bufferlength', '15'); So.addVariable ('plugins', 'fbit-1'); So.addVariable ('dock', 'true'); So.addVariabl...

osx - Drag & Drop Reorder Rows on NSTableView -

I was wondering if there was an easy way to set up an NSTableView so that it could paste any pasteboard code. I should be able to do this internally within a table internally. I have no problem in writing the pinboard code, except that I'm pretty sure I have toggle the interface builder somewhere for this / seen it working by default, it definitely looks like a normal job . Thanks If you look at tool tip in IB, you will see that Option is referred to you - (BOOL) allows column restarts control, okay, rearranging the column I do not believe it There is no other way to do other than standard. Edit: (2012-11-25) In the north NSTableViewColumns drag -end-drop refers to re-ordering; And at that time it was an acceptable answer. It does not appear, now after about 3 years, to be correct, in the service to make information useful for the searchers, I will try to answer more correctly. There is no setting that allows the drag and drop of the NSTableView rows ...

c# - Simple way to convert datarow array to datatable -

I want to convert a DataRow array to DataTable . .. What is the easiest way to do this? Why not repeat through your datacraw array and add (using DataRow if necessary. So to get a copy of data RAW), something like this: foreach (dataaround line in rowArray) {dataTable.ImportRow (line); } Ensure that the same schema for your datatable is in the form of a detour in your datawar array.

c# - SQL to Linq equivalent -

I've got a stored procedure that I LINQ to SQL would, but I have some trouble because I LINQ the new (and in fact, I am not a SQL Guru) and I am not getting the desired result (I tried calling sproc with LINQ to SQL, but when I send in term dates as parameters sproc About getting the parameter to be on L2S Receives some error, but I also sent non-futile and I still get the same error.) Below is SQL: Select Persons.IDPerson, Persons.Name, Persons.PaternalName, Departments.DepartmentName, Jobs.Title, Persons.HireDate, Terminations.TerminationDate, Terminations.HireDate individuals Persons.IDPerson = left Terminations.IDPerson end joining outer left external Departments.idDepartment = Persons.IdDepartment Joining the departments on the outer left jobs.IDJob = joining Jobs at Persons.IDJob (Termin Ations.IDTermination is empty or Terminations.TerminationDate & gt; = @Pieriod) and Terminations.HireDate & lt; = @Period or Persons.HireDate & lt; = @ Term orders Persons....

javascript - Call a function if a string contains any items in an array -

If a string contains items in any array, how can I call a JavaScript function? Yes, I can use jQuery :) using you A Mozilla extension that has been added to ECMAScript 5: var haystack = 'I like eggs!'; If (['spam', 'egg']. Some (function (needle) {return greenstack.indexoff (needle)> gt; = 0;})) warning ('spam or eggs'); - How can I use jQuery to make a validation icon appear somewhats slowly, fading in -

Even so far away from me, but not really working (I have my explorer's solution explorer Has dragged the jQuery.js file from. gt; head run =" server "> gt; & gt; title & gt; & lt; / Title> gt; script src = " Script / jquery-1.4.min.js "type =" text / javascript "> gt; & lt; / script & gt; script type =" text / javascript "& gt; $ (document) .ready (function Fade ($ "name") in the context of what is inside the {// Developer's tag.} Fidine ("slow");}); & Lt; Div id = "name" & gt; Asp: RequiredFieldValidator id = "valTxtName" ControlToValidate = "txtName" error message = '& lt; Img src = "../ images / no page" & gt; ' Runat = "server" /> gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; ASP: Button ID = "BTN submit" text = "run" = "server" /> & Lt; / F...

user interface - Good looking Python GUI toolkit for Snow Leopard(64 bit) -

I am looking for a GUI toolkit / framework to create applications that run on Mac Snow Leopard and preferably other systems ( Windows, Deal Breakers: X11 based Non-native widget 32 bit / carbon As far as I know that the Tycooner runs X11 and wxWidgets and PyQT 64 bit is not running. Mac applications? [edit] Many List of futile content, but something interesting is clear ... the bell rings, but there is nothing about Python in the site. Pygui, looks like a good man project, like uxpython. It looks like Q, WX and TK are really big ... all of them can be in 64 bit or Coco ports [edit] There is no correct solution yet . Taskiner works PyObjC works, But not cross-platform PyQT and wxWidgets can work someday ... I still can not believe what to use, but I Has accepted PyQT for now. Maybe PyQt works on Snow Leopard 64 bits and try it.

ruby on rails - Can't upload photo using paper clip in RoR -

I use this code to upload photos, I think it has not successfully uploaded the photo, But other content can be updated. & lt;% semantic_remote_form_for (@product ,: html = & gt; {: multipart = & gt; true}) do F | & Gt%; & Lt;% f.inputs & gt; & Lt;% = f.input: Title ,: Label = & gt; "Name"%> & Lt;% = f.input: category ,: include_blank = & gt; Incorrect ,: label = & gt; "Category"%> & Lt;% = f.input: value ,: label = & gt; "Value"%> & Lt;% = f.input: Photo ,: Label = & gt; "Photos"%> & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt;% = f.buttons% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; Code from the server log: WARNING WARNING: Disabling session for one controller is deprecated. Sessions are now lazy, so if you can not reach them, then consider them. You can still modify the session cookie with request.session_options .. (referred to /onlinestore/app/controllers/application_controll... mvc - Inline Template, Assign HTML as string to model Property -

There is no way to do something like this in ASP.NET MVC (2): & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt;% Model.Pager.TemplateNextPage = {% & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = {link-next-page} & gt; Next & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;%}% & gt; & Lt;% Model.Pager.TemplatePageNumber = {%> & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = {link-page-number} & gt; {Number} & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;%}% & gt; & Lt;% Model.Pager.TemplatePageNumberActive = {%> & Lt; Li & gt; {Number} & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;%}% & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; The general idea is to enable designers to specify the template. Not that "Beta" code is "%>" and "& lt;%" . & lt;% Model.Pager.TemplateNextPage = {%> & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = {link-next-page} & gt; Next & lt...

sql - How to create index for dynamic search strings -

I have little DB for academic purpose, and I have object tables. I have a unit-relation model in Power Designer ERM) and the program creates an index for serial ID for each table by default. I want to know how I use a query on an index like that. Then I want to find a product with my ID, but it is using index. Is it possible to do this choose a value from the supplier, where the name '% search%' like the name by to do a search like a search ? I know that it is possible to create an index for the name, but for a search like I do not know how things work. Let me know that I know when Oracle is useful, or if it is worth using index in a query, but at least, try to use index in my BD project May 1. By defining the column as the primary key (which is most likely to be your ID column), Oracle has made an indicator for this column. When you have a selection with WHERE id = 123 , then it will most likely to use that index. You can provide the Oracle in your...

jquery: LI w/ input inside, how to hide LI when focus leaves the LI and it's children completely -

I have a light inside it, when I click on ul, then the lights inside have fade fade It has an input inside (search form), next to it I have a selective input to select the section of the website that you want to search. (Both of the inside of LI) I am trying to get it, when the focus brings it inside and leaves everything (select input, search input), this fade feeds but, Right now, my code makes it so that when you click to fade in UL, it fades in, and then I click on the search input, but when I press on the other input inside the input (input) Click, I'll have Flash, if I lose Click back on the input, then you will get paid ... GAH! I just want to remove the lye, when this and everything else is inside it, do not focus now. Any help would be appreciated. html: & lt; Ul class = "ulsearch" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "lisearch" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "search" /> & Lt; Gt selection and; & Lt;...

python - (Py)GTK StatusIcon notifications on Windows -

I am currently writing a screen capture app for Windows and Linux using PyGTK, The small problem has hit the notifications. On Linux, I am using libnotify binding to provide notification, which is working very well; However, there is no equivalent on Windows. If I can, I have to display the information, but I can not find any way to get the tray icon ID from either GTK or PEGT. / P> So should I write a new Windows-specific stace icon class by cutting the bullet and using the Win32 API? Or is there a way to start a win32 notification from (Py) GTK which I have missed? If anyone has any other suggestions to display simple information on Windows, then I would love to hear them too. Seeing that the notifier is not exposed anywhere for X11, which is not equivalent And just gives 0 in windows. Maybe you can file a bug to request similar functionality. For now, you have to make your tray icon. Provides a quick search on Comp.lang.python.

c# - HttpWebRequest losing cookies -

मेरे पास क्लाइंट अनुप्रयोग है जो कुकी-आधारित प्रमाणीकरण का उपयोग कर एक वेब सेवा के साथ संचार कर रहा है। (ग्राहक लॉगिन विधि कहते हैं जो लगातार कुकी सेट करता है, जिसे लॉगऑन सत्र के भीतर अनुरोधों में दोबारा इस्तेमाल किया जाता है)। यह कुछ समय के लिए ठीक काम कर रहा है, लेकिन मुझे त्रुटि रिपोर्ट मिलना शुरू हो गया है एक नए क्लाइंट द्वारा उपयोग की जाने वाली कुछ मशीनें जो यह इंगित करती हैं कि कुकी को सफलतापूर्वक गोल ट्रिटिपिड नहीं किया गया है। (लॉगिन अनुरोध सभी सफल होते हैं, लेकिन बाद के सभी अनुरोध लॉगऑन संसाधन पर 302-रीडायरेक्ट में विफल होते हैं) मैं एक कुकी कॉन्टैनेयर का उपयोग कर रहा हूं जो कि मैन्युअल रूप से प्रत्येक एचटीटीपी वेबबर्म से जुड़ा हुआ है, यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि मैं कुकीज़ का उपयोग कर रहा हूं हर अनुरोध में संरक्षित। क्या यह संभव है कि इन मशीनों पर कुछ "सुरक्षा" सॉफ्टवेयर है जो कुकी ट्रांसमिशन को अवरुद्ध / अवरुद्ध कर रहा है? (I am SSL का उपयोग कर रहा है) यदि हां, तो क्या कुछ भी ऐसा करने के लिए किया जा सकता है जो बता रहा है कि रास्ते में क्या हो रह...

c# - How to change XML root name with XML Serialization? -

I am trying to change the root name when I am serializing XML with C #. It always takes the name of the class and not the name that I am trying to set it. using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Xml.Serialization; Using System.IO; Namespace Console Application 1 {Class Program {Static Wide Men (String [] ARGs) {MyTest Test = New MyTit (); Test.Test = "gog"; & Lt; MyTest & gt; TestList = new list & lt; MyTest & gt; () {Test}; SerializeToXML (testList); } Stable Public Zero SerializeOoXML (list & lt; MyTest & gt; list) {XmlSerializer serializer = New XmlSerializer (type (list (mytest & gt;)); TextWriter textWriter = new streamer (@ "c: \ new folder \ test.xml"); Serializer.Serialize (textWriter, list); TextWriter.Close (); }}} Using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Xml.Serialization; Name Console Applicatio...

rest - How to make Ruby on Rails RESTful routes pretty and human friendly? -

With Ruby on Rail, for a developer to simplify things and make resources easier, rest is a great concept is. , But it also creates amazing URL URLs for humans. For example, using a popular restylable authentication plugin to handle user login and authentication, this creates two authentication for authentication and authorization, user and session. The reason for this is that the user is connected to long-term resources such as login and password, while one session represents login information related to session login sessions such as cookie resources. Thus, the login URL site for a site will be / sessions / new. By default, it also creates a path to help: map.login '/ login',: Controller => 'However, it is actually only a hip, because it works correctly When submitting for routes to use, the form uses . This causes the form's position to go to session controller #, but if the form submission fails (such as due to bad credentials), then the user's browser i...

javascript - How to get class names? -

Hey, I'm trying to get the script dynamically under script. I have separate class names that are created through PHP, they need to use jQuery dynamically. As you can see below, it seems that in 2 areas I need to get the class name. At the moment it is hard coded (classes are named 'results'): 1) var new_content = $ (' #hiddenresult div.result : eq (' + Page_index + 2) var num_entries = $ (' #hiddenresult div. Result '). Length; Therefore, I would like jquery to get the name of the class instead, as seen below ./javascript "gt; function pageselect callback (Page_index , Jike E) {var new_content = $ ('# hidden page page: eq (' + page_index + ')') .clone (); $ ('#Searchresult') empty () attached (NEW_CONTENT). Description is false;} / ** * Callback function for AJAX content loader. * / Function initPagination () {var num_entries = $ ('# hiddenresult div.result'). Length; // Pagination element $ (" # Mar...

wav-to-midi conversion -

I'm new to this area - but I need to convert to a WAV-to-MIDI conversion in Java. I want WAV- Is there a way to actually know the steps involved in to-MIDI conversions? I have a very difficult idea as you would like; Sample wav file, filter it, spectral analysis, use FFT for feature extraction and then write the features extracted on the media. But I have not found a solid source or paper, how to do it all? Does anyone tell me how and where to start? Is there an open source API available for this open-to-midi conversion process? In advance thanks It is a more complex process than you imagine . The problem of this research is often referred to as the music transcription : the task of converting low-level representations of music (i.e., wave) to high- Level representation or even sheet music. The sophistication of your solution will depend on the complexity of your input data Tons of research papers only monophonic piano or the diagnosis of transcription of music on the...

Sharing classes between projects in xcode/objective-c -

I have a customer & lt; => The server app is building for Mac OS X, which I have used for purpose-c / coco and xcode, I have created a separate project for both apps, and I think the best way to share the classes between them I am here. I have created many sections which would be useful for both. So far, I'm copying them, but I think this is not the best solution. How do I share classes effectively? Should I repeat it as a 1 project and aim at just two? Thanks If you have more than two or more products that are well If you are going to share the normal code from a suite of products, then you can consider creating a single xcode project, and then you can add a different target for each product that is both shared and product-specific Will be built. With the code shared, the client / server will be great candidates for pair products possibly to go this way. Boiled down, this is the original deal to make for each goal in your encoded project that you want, you sp...

xcode - iphone textfield focus clears the value -

I have 4 textfields in a single screen. I think all the text fields have some text in it when I focus on a text field / click If I do, the value already entered in the textfield disappears. How can I restrict this behavior? any idea? Thank you, TF Check Interface Builder if If you are not using the interface builder, you can find the name of the property responsible for this behavior in the document. Edit: I saw it for you property called clearsOnBeginEditing

PHP, how to pass func-get-args values to another function as list of arguments? -

मैं एक समारोह बनाना चाहता हूँ ( my_function () ) असीमित संख्या में बहस प्राप्त करना और इसे पारित करना दूसरे फ़ंक्शन में ( call_another_function () )। फ़ंक्शन my_function () {another_function ($ arg1, $ arg2, $ arg3 ... $ argn); } तो, कॉल करने के लिए my_function (1,2,3,4,5) और कॉल करना चाहते हैं another_function (1,2,3, 4,5) मुझे पता है कि मैं shoud का उपयोग func_get_args () सरणी के रूप में सभी फ़ंक्शन तर्कों को प्राप्त करने के लिए करता हूं, लेकिन मुझे यह पता नहीं है कि यह तर्क कैसे पास करें । प्रयास करें: फ़ंक्शन my_function () {$ args = func_get_args (); Call_user_func_array ("another_function", $ आर्ग्स); } प्रोग्रामिंग और कंप्यूटर विज्ञान में, इसे एक फ़ंक्शन कहा जाता है।

python - tricky string matching -

I have to find the first index of substrings in a big string. I only want to match it with whole words and I want it to be case-insensitive, except that I want to treat it as separate words as Camel Seas. Below is the code move, but it is slow. Any suggestions I want to speed up? I was trying some regex stuff, but one that could not get all the edge matters handled. DIF word_start_index (text, seek_word): start_index = 0 curr_word = "" DEF case_change (): return curr_word and ch.isupper () and curr_word [-1] .islower () def is_match (): Return to curr_word.lower () == seek_word.lower () i, in enumerate (text) ch: if case_change () or not ch.isalnum (): if_match (): return_index curr_word = "" start_index = None if ch.isalnum (): if start_index is none: start_index = i curr_word + = ch if is_match (): return_index return if __name__ test_words = ["a", "foo", "bar", "baz" , "Golf", "cart", "fred...

java - Can I use HashMaps in J2ME? -

I can not find more documents about hashmaps in j2me Is anyone having this experience? How to make a Hashmap? map map1 = new Hashmap (); Should work, okay? Only available in.

Fluent Nhibernate Oracle Identifier Too Long - Alias Name Issue -

I have tried to do this such as Omnonymous & lt; YekidotDair Ingroup & gt; (X = & gt; x.Col_yig). Tabli ("PigatOyeig"). Child column ("YIG_GROUP_RECID") ParentsCall ("Peg_GURUPICID"); but I have found: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist I am Not trying to establish HasManyToMany connection with ID but by some other property First of all I got - Very long message when I try to enter my own table name as a nickname , Then he has not got recognition. What should I do? Define the table () method before your mapping declaration. Public employee map: classplapp & lt; Employee & gt; {Public employee map () {table ("employee"); // Your announcement ID (x => x.IdEmployee); }}

python - Django, making a page activate for a fixed time -

Greetings I am hacking the DJ and am trying to do some such tests: like , I want to sell "one item per day", so only one item will be available that day (say the default will be redirected to that item), Calling these items Consider my URL for example:<number> My model for the item: class items (models.model): Item_name = models.CharField (max_length = 30) price = models.floatfield () Content = models.TextField () # All html content start_time = models.DateTimeField () end_time = models.DateTimeField () and my idea to render it: DIF result (request, item_id): item = get_object_or_404 (item, pk = item_id) now = () if item .start_time & gt; Now: #Render and some "not yet started" error Temple Elph items .end_time & lt; Now ####################################### It seems that you have understood the basics, so I believe what it is ? You are asking to polish suggestions ... some th...

python - Communicating to server with queries through stream. What is the right way? -

I am writing my first network application. It manipulates the jabber client and communicates with some service with IQ-stanzas. But the details are not important. This interaction works through twisted XML stream (Python language). Common situations are described here: To be less, I can send a "query" and the server relies on me with "results". I did some basic actions such as "Send Message", "". The problem is working with the stream. Is it better to use suspended to request any data from the server? And how to return the result to the place where it is necessary? You can see your code here: I tried to minimize it. To add a response with the answer, you use the attribute. You can put a delay in the cache indexed by ID and can run on receipt of the answer. Since XMPP is TCP based, you will get most answers in the correct order. You can cap cache and run deficiencies if deferred in the cash for some time.

python - SQLAlchemy printing raw SQL from create() -

I am giving a try with Pylons SQLAlchemy, and I like it, there is only one thing, is it print It is possible to create raw SQL data generated from the table (). Make it () before making it? If you are using declarative syntax: Print (CreateTable (Model___ table___>> ) Update: Since my Approved answer and there is important information in it, I will add it here too. Print (CreateTable (model.__ table __) .Collection (/)> By compiling your SQL to your specific database (MySQL, Postgresql, etc.) Engine)) Update 2: @JakotNei commented on a way to do this without any engine Has added print (createTable (model.__ table __). Computer application id (bid = postgrassac LDiact ())

jquery - how to refresh datepicker? function .datePickerMultiMonth() -

Thank you very much for this great library like datepicker! I have a question for you based on this example (Inline Dotepeker): I disabled a "render callback" function on weekdays Added checkbox to ... (for example, when Saturday-checkbox is checked, all disabled on Saturday). This date picture works perfectly fine when starting the calendar with multimium (). But how can I refresh when a checkbox changes (like deselecting the ModE-checkbox)? is the same as: When I select / unselect the checkbox, the date picture remains unchanged. It only updates and disables after the change in the next month, eg all Monday. It should be immediate when changing the Monday-checkbox. Do not you have any idea how can I refresh the datepicket? Thanks a lot for your help! Cheers, Marcus datepicker ("refresh") You can view it by clicking on the "Method" tab

Visual Studio 2008 - form tool that allows you to locate a file on your drive -

What is the name of the device that you can load on a form when a user clicks it, then finding them Does a search by Drive Navigatin? And if I remember that I have to add a reference to the project to find out? Just do not remember the name ... I am using Visual Studio 2008, C # project. Thanks, R OpenFileDialog name, it FolderBrowserDialog also View Image

c# - Why would I want to stay away from DataSets, and what are the alternatives? -

मुझे यहां एक दिलचस्प चर्चा मिली: उद्धरण: डेटासेट आपकी डेटा परत कोड के लिए उप-समस्त शौकिया समाधान हैं ... उनका उपयोग करना बंद करो और कोड सीखें! :) डेटासेट्स के बारे में आपकी राय क्या है, सिर्फ कस्टम वर्गों को बाहर कर देना और उन लोगों के साथ काम करना? अन्य विकल्प क्या हैं? एक बड़ी खामी यह है कि डेटासेट्स इन-मेमरी डेटा स्ट्रक्चर हैं जिसका मतलब है कि राशि खपत की जाने वाली स्मृति आपको रिकॉर्ड्स की मात्रा के लिए रैखिक होती है (यानी ओ (एन) स्पेस कॉम्प्लेसिटी) सर्वर साइड ऐप पर यह स्केलेबिलिटी को मार डालेगा। यदि आप कस्टम क्लास टी को परिभाषित करते हैं, तो आपके डेटा एक्सेस परत से आईईइन्मेरेबल & lt; T> लौटाने से आपको अपने डेटा स्रोत से डेटा को कुशलतापूर्वक स्ट्रीम करने में मदद मिलती है (उदाहरण के लिए एक लिनक ओ (1) जटिलता के साथ एसक्यूएल IQueryable प्रदाता के लिए। नोट: यदि आप अपने डेटा एक्सेस परत से सूची & lt; T> या संग्रह & lt; T> लौटाते हैं, तो वही समस्या आती है क्योंकि ये भी इन-मेमरी स्ट्रक्चर । मैंने देखा है कि बहुत से लोगों ने इसे स्केलेबिलिटी पर विच...

popup - Opening pop up in Joomla -

I'm trying to be able to open HTML widgets by clicking on a button in my Joomla page. All widgets are different sizes The code has been entered in the form of HTML in Jamie. Currently I have been taken an action: "Open in a new window without browser navigation." The problem is that it always opens in a full screen size with the widget in one corner. How do I control the size of this new window for each widget? Thanks A code of what you are calling a new window or URL Can the sample provide? If you are not forwarding any container information to the new window (which looks like the behavior you specify) Many lightbox / slimbox options available for download, which can help you solve it too.

gcc - What are good heuristics for inlining functions? -

Keeping in mind that you are trying to optimize for speed, to decide What is good uplift for whether or not to inline the function? Obviously the size of the code should be important, but any other factor is usually used when (say) is the GCC or the ICC setting in order to inline a function call? Is there any significant academic work in this field? Wikipedia has paragraphs about it, which have some links below: Ul> In addition to memory size and cache problems, from the perspective of the compiler, the variable added to the inlineated process can consume additional registers, and in that area where the registration pressure is already higher, it forces the spilling , Which makes the use of additional RAM. " Languages ​​with JIT compiler and Runtime class loading are other tradeoffs because the virtual methods are not known statically, even though JIT can collect runtime profiling information, such as method call frequency: (for Java) Talks about static metho...

android - onClickListener on a LinearLayout -

There is a problem with a functionality that I want to apply. I want to set a onClickListener on a LinearLayout , which includes 2 TextViews , so that it's a Treat it as an item in ListView . I have tried some possible implementation of this, and it has XML attribute android: onClick of LinearLayout . is working, as I want to visually rehearse the application, click LinearLayout (like ListView ), I've put it in the listener callback method: l.setBackgroundColor (android .Redrawable.list_selector_background); l a linearLayout object, findViewById () ; Whenever I try to click on Layout I tried to change the code in a callback method by a toast message, and it works, so I think the problem Is in setBackgroundColor . Is anyone aware of this? PS: Sorry, I can not post more codes now, I am at work. you have linearLayout attribute android: clickable = "true" / Code> must be set in the XML layout file or setClickable (true) ...

sql server 2005 - Is it.. Good / Bad / Okay ... to use IF/While Conditions in Stored Procedures? -

My primary concern is with SQL Server 2005 ... I went through many websites and tells each other something different To use the scenario which is good / OK .. For example it also hurts to determine the variable value inside or if only I run a query in my SP thinking input parameters Based on a number of situations, a dynamic SQL Is it me, do I need to think again about the query ... depending on the SP, what different query runs, depending on whether some records exist in the table. etc etc. My question is not limited to these scenarios ... I am looking for a slightly more generalized answer so that I can improve my future spouses In short ... branches Which statement is useful in the situation / loop, which is bad and which is fine. Generally ... Avoid procedural codes in your database, and paste it from the query by query optimizer An opportunity to improve your work The exception will be a code that is designed to do many things instead of determining the results, a...

flex - Integrating Alfresco Flexspaces with JBOSS portal -

We are working on the development of a Jaboos portal, as part of the functionality, using Alfresco Need to integrate it together. Both the portal (and Alfresco) will connect to the same LDAP directory to achieve the users, to guarantee that the same user can access both systems. Just that part of the implementation has not been completed, so we have created both users / password. To present Alfresco's content, we are using FlexSpace Portlet. When the page with the portlet is loaded, a window asking for login / password on Elfreso appears. After login, the browser keeps track of the session. Then, when users log out from the portal, we are having problems, like the Portlet is having some problems, such as logging (not on the Flex, but on the old-fashioned JavaScript), but not accepting it, And "invalid ticket" to show errors As the portal knows the user who needs to log on to Alfreso system (and when it is logged out), y What would be the easiest way to integrate? ...

Selenium: Is there a way to change the hosts file on the machine the server is running on -

I want to open a local URL to the browser under the URL. I mean, when I do: ('http: // live-url /) Selenium actually returns the local URL Will open up. thoughts "post-text" itemprop = "text"> No The Selenium host file can not be changed because it can only interact with the pages provided inside a bros. You probably set your CI server to do something like this, but I have to ask again why hacking with a site and then testing will definitely invalidate your tests. ?

silverlight - Expression Blend 3 launch error -

I installed a new Expression blend3 on Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate and every time I make a brand new Try the Silverlight 3 app + Website project in Expression Blend 3 and run it. I get an error: Could not start "" due to the following error: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: App not found Blend Microsoft Expression Development Server Using the icon and the server is started in the system tray and shows, so I know that running it. When showing the details on the icon, I can see that the physical path is set correctly in the path of the project. The default. Html file is present in the folder which is also indicating Expression Development Server. I have the same set up as you like (X64, Windows 7 Ultimate, Blend 3) And when I did not take my specific issue with Blend, then I have others (generally objectionable errors). Perhaps a restoration will do the trick? Sorry, I know that this is fine.

Question on serving Images on App Engine ( 2 Alternatives ) -

is planning to launch a comic site that works on comic strips (images). So in my 2 ways I am thinking: 1 Use of LinkProperty class comedy (db.Model) image_link = db. LinkProperty () Timestamp = db.DateTimeProperty (auto_now = True) Advantages: Images are found only by disk space (and disk space is cheap, I take it?) I can easily I can set the app to be cached in the user's browser with an expiration date. I can use the memcache set to retrieve entities fast. I can use it (for high traffic) using 2 BlobProperty I used this tutorial, it is very clean Side Question: What I can say that BlobProperty does "protect" my relationships with external relationships? This means that people can not directly link directly to comic strips I have some concerns for method 2. I can clearly remember to read these institutions as quickly as possible. But then: Is it good to remember images? My images are large (100-200kb per image) I think memcache only allows...

java - EJB3: Why are transaction semantics and statefulness considered implementation details? -

लेनदेन सिमेंटिक और राज्य-पूर्णता को ईजेबी 3 में कार्यान्वयन विवरण माना जाता है। एक कार्यान्वयन तय कर सकता है कि बीन या कंटेनर प्रबंधित लेनदेन का उपयोग करना है या नहीं। यह कंटेनर प्रबंधित लेन-देन के प्रकार को तय कर सकता है। यह तय कर सकता है कि यह राज्य-पूर्ण या स्टेटलेस है। हालांकि, तर्कसंगत रूप से, ये महत्वपूर्ण इंटरफ़ेस विवरण हैं। उदाहरण: (ए) बीन प्रबंधित लेनदेन का उपयोग कर बीन कंटेनर प्रबंधित लेनदेन का उपयोग कर बीन का इस्तेमाल नहीं कर सकते। (बी) एक स्टेटलेस बीन राज्य-पूर्ण बीन का आह्वान नहीं कर सकता है। जब एक ईजेबी 3 इंटरफ़ेस के साथ प्रस्तुत किया जाता है तो आपको यह नहीं पता है कि किस प्रकार के लेन-देन सिमेंटिक की आवश्यकता है इसी तरह आपको पता नहीं है कि यह राज्य-पूर्ण या स्टेटलेस है आपको अतिरिक्त कार्यान्वयन विवरण की आवश्यकता है। उदाहरण: प्रलेखन। चलने के समय, अलग-अलग बीन्स और कॉल श्रृंखलाएं गतिशील रूप से शुरू की जा सकती हैं। तो एक अमान्य स्थिति पैदा हो सकती है। अब - कंटेनर इन स्थितियों को जाल कर सकता है; "पाठ"> लेन-देन शब्दार्थ और राज्य-पूर्णता को ईजेबी ... - Facebook API, Using FB Connect on email address -

ASP.Net C # and faceback connect. I'm connecting Facebook to my site. If a new user joins through FB, then I can create an account for them and all are OK. What I would like to do to see if they already have a registered account So if a person who has not logged in but has an account, then in my application, I want to be able to find as a link. I hope this can be done via email address? Any thoughts thanks Richard Update: You need : Use this method to create a connection between the user account on your site and the user's Facebook account. The user has not been connected to the earlier accounts. This method contains an array of account data, including the required data_hesh and optional account data. For each connected account, if the user is present, the information has been added to the user's set of accounts. If the user has already authorized the site, the connect account has been added to the confirmation state. If the user has not yet authori...

Java Sockets - Files transfered simulatanously with other data over one connection -

I have a multi-threaded server that handles client requests, and creates new threads for each connected. This is working great and I am sending a "text" message to the server without problems. Like chat system Now I have a way to be able to send the file to the server in this client connection, but every single example I see in Java, but always has a hard-coded file name server / client side - But I want to set my own for flexibility. And if I receive not only the files but also the "text" message on the same port, then I like it. I have an idea by which I have a "text" message port, the moment the server tells that a customer is being sent from a file, then the server opens the "File Transfer" port Given, just for file transfer. In this way "text" can specify the name of the port file etc. And the other port could send the file without any interruption with great pleasure. Do anyone know the best way to do this? I really do n...