
Showing posts from May, 2012

css - Can anybody point me to a link that describes what the url (dots) mean for example? -

क्या । / CoverFlows_files / coverflow.js मतलब है? I ../coverFlows_files / coverflow.js को समझें [एक निर्देशिका को ऊपर ले जाएं] और /CoverFlows_files/coverflow.js का अर्थ [यहां से नीचे जाना] इसके अलावा एएसपी.एन.टी. में इसकी जड़ जैसे कि ~ / ...? P> & lt; link rel = "stylesheet" प्रकार = "text / css" href = "कवरफ्लो_फ़ाइल / कवरफ्लू सीएसएस" & gt; और & lt; SCRIPT प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "./ CoverFlows_files / coverflow.js" & gt; & lt; / SCRIPT & gt; क्या इन दो टैगों को सिर में या शरीर में जाना पड़ता है या इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता? मुझे लगता है कि किसी के पास वेबपेज के लिए लिंक है इन बुनियादी विषयों पर जो बेहद उपयोगी होगा। सादर PQ पथ aren केवल "वेब-वातावरण" में उपयोग नहीं किया गया है इसलिए मैं इसे समझाएंगे लेकिन आगे की कोशिश करूँगा (मैं निम्नलिखित सिंटैक्स का उपयोग करूँगा: जहां हम हैं + हम किस प्रकार = पूर्ण पथ है ) । / Path / to / file केवल ...

Difference of two date time in sql server -

Is there a way to distinguish between sql server in two datetime ? For example, my dates are 2010-01-22 15: 29: 55.090 2010-01- 22 15: 30: 09.153 Therefore, the result should be 14.063 seconds . 1, because this limit is from January to February It has crossed, though this period is 2 days, the value of dated 1 Sessions will - it has exceeded 1 date. Dates selected (mile, '2010-01-22 15: 29: 55.090', '2010-01-22 15: 30: 09.153') returns 1, again, it passes a one-minute limit, so also it is about 14 seconds, while using the minutes as units it will be returned in the form of a minute.

drupal - How do I create a webform for each user? -

In my website, each user requires a webform to receive user inquiries from the manager role. The webform is created It should be used like a webform instead of a contact module in the core drupal You can turn it on, and configure the permissions so that each manager Can be contacted through that form. If you need additional fields that come with the contact form, then hook_form_alter () should work slightly with you to add additional fields. Unless any part of the requirements is sent to keep a record of each contact?

Django: Overriding the clean() method in forms - question about raising errors -

I'm talking in a clear way like this: Cleaned_data ['type']. Organized_by! = Self.cleaned_data ['organized_by']: forms.ValidationError ('type and organization do not match.') If self.cleaned_data ['start'] & gt; Self.cleaned_data ['end']: forms.ValidationError ('The start date can not be more than the end date.') But then it means that the form only increases one Can one of these errors be formulated to increase these two errors at a time? Edit # 1 : Any solution above is great, but there will be anything that looks like a scenario: Self.cleaned_data ['type'] Organized_by! = Self.cleaned_data ['organized_by']: forms.ValidationError ('type and organization do not match.') If self.cleaned_data ['start'] & gt; Self.cleaned_data ['end']: forms.ValidationError ('Start Date can not be more than the end date.') Super (FooForm, Self). Skin () Where FooAddForm is a mode... mvc - Pass ViewData to RenderPartial -

I am trying to call this method: Renderparty extension. Method (HtmlHelper, String, Object, View DotAxpectory) But I do not see any way to create a view data in expressions such as: & lt;% HTML.RenderPartial ("blog post", post, new {ForPrinting = True})%> How to consider any? This works me: HTML .RenderPartial ("BlogPost", Model, New ViewDataDictionary {{"ForPrinting", "true"}});%>

Display JSON array in a list -

Can anyone help me with it? I hope that ... OK, I've been killed to display a JSON array in the HTML list: [{"foo": "30000", "bar": "": "30100", "Bar": "Els"}, {"Foo": "30110", "Bar": "Branox Lace Telelage"}, {"foo": "30110" "Bar": "la la lange"}, {"foo": "30110", "bar": "laameloos"}, "foo": " ":" 30110 "," bar ":" laval pedal "}, {" foo ":" 30110 "," bar ":" les sals du garden "}, {" foo ":" 30110 "," bar ": "" Foo ":" "30110", "Bar": "Suu Cecil de Andorrej"}, {"Foo": "30111", "Bar": "Kongge {"Fu": "30114", "Bar": "Boiseir"}, {"Foo": ...

ibm mq - MQ EOL Data conversion -

We are sending data trough MQ from AS / OS / CIS system to AS 400. The CCSID 500 of the original encoding message is with a MQIB format, the client application is getting the message with the Convert option and CCSID 819. The data has been almost correctly converted, which is to the end of the line character. Any remedy? Z is sending 0D (CR) as the end of the line character. If they have 0D + 0A (CR + LF), then the CCSID automatically turns into 500 to 437, and the end of the line is still not right on the client side. Have you already tried "0A" (LF)? Have you tried without any explosive conversion? We have no problem with this part of the conversion and there are windows, AX, Linux as well as our machine talks. Almost all times we rely on automatic conversion. In addition to this, you can check your job user who chooses the MQ message from Cuev. Most of the time the user uses system attributes (as defined in the appropriate SYSVAL) Perhaps this userprofile is...

.net - How to set a baud rate to 10400 -

क्या बॉड की दर को 10400 पर सेट करना संभव है? (नेट का प्रयोग करें) आपको इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं है। मुझ पर विश्वास करो। यहां तक ​​कि अगर आपको लगता है कि आप करते हैं, तो आप नहीं करते।

Remote deployment to Websphere 6.1.x using wsadmin -

I am trying to remotely deploy a war file on a websphere application server. I think it is possible using wsadmin, but i am a websphere newb. I know that I can run wsadmin and use SOAP from a remote api server, but that's where I am. It seems that this should be a common use case, can someone help me? I think the cases of use are as follows: 1. Update the application 2. Save all changes 3. Restart I will help you I am also going to deploy using the Hudson Vas Builder or Maven Because the WAS Builder plug-in is relatively new, I have not tested it (the evaluation is already on the ToDo list). We use the Geothon-script and wsadmin to run from the command line. My understanding is that I need to be on the machine where I want to deploy. You can deploy on a separate machine ID which is at a level compared to your targeted machine compared to your targeted machine (same version and similar feature pack). See for more information on wsadmin BTW, when you depl...

java - Storing properties in JNDI? Environment specific locations -

I want to access a storage folder but its actual location may vary with the environment Do I store properties in JNDI Can I do something similar to a datasource in Jebos? Thank you. Regular way to pass parameter to Java EE application, env-entry By using the deployment descriptor, through the property, they will be bound to JNDI so that you can inject them. & lt; Env-entry & gt; & Lt; Env- Login Name & gt; Docroot_path & lt; / Env- Login Name & gt; & Lt; Env entry type & gt; Java.lang.String & lt; / Env entry type & gt; & Lt; Env- Access Price & gt; / Usr / local / foo & lt; / Env- Access Price & gt; & Lt; / Env entry & gt;

C/C++ Control Structure Limitations? -

I have a nested if statement (somewhere in the ballpark of 300). The code was of the form: if (a) ... else if (b) ... else if (c) ... ... I was surprised by the fact that is is such a limit, and this limit is so small that I am not looking for comments about coding practice and with such things Why not completely avoid it. Here is a list of things that I can imagine may have some limitations: The number of expressions in the same statement (for example , Condition of premises). Li> Number of cases in a switch. The number of parameters in a function The number of classes in the single hierarchy (either inheritance or prevention). There are such limitations in other control structures / language features? Did the language standards say anything about these limits (possibly the minimum requirements for an implementation)? Is this arrangement done with any particular compiler / implementation in the bounds of a particular language? Edit: Please note t...

C# Getting the Type of a Public Variable based on an Enum value -

I have a class that parses data in a comma-delimited text file. I have an enum for field So that I can help parsing data easily. The square that parses all records, holds public variables for each field, and of course their variable types. I need to get the type of these variables on the basis of the alpha. public enum DatabaseField: int {NumID1 = 1, NumID2 = 2, NumID3 = 3,}; Public class databaserecordinfo {public long NumID1 {get; Set; } Public Professor NumID2 {get; Set; } Public Short NumID3 {get; Set; } Public Static Type GetType (DatabaseField Field) {Type Type; Switch (field) {case DatabaseField.NumID1: type = typeof (long); break; Case DatabaseField.NumID2: Type = Type (int); break; Case DatabaseField.NumID3: Type = Type (Small); break; Default: type = typef (int); break; } Return type; }}; NumID1, NumID2, NumID3 all meet within my constructor. However, I want to get these types without ever making an example of DataBaseRecordInfo . Right now my static method will work ...

events - Flex - Problem with ResizeEvent.RESIZE -

I have a problem with my resume event ... I have created a component myself, and this component is available on each Change the size of the event, a complex method runs here is the problem: when I maximize or restore my window, this event is sometimes called in real time, to run completely before someone else starts For not giving enough time to my method ... I Anna would like to see if there is any way to run only this method at the end of each resize movement. Thanks Instead of reacting to a ResizeEvent, which will set fire to every frame during a shape (i.e. If you maximize the hit and take 3 frames for the component to reduce it widh / ehight = 0 to width / height = maxwale) then again the size event will fire three times, you can see the width and height properties Are there. Wid width: ChangeWatcher = (this, 'widht', resizeHandler) var heightWatch: ChangeWatcher = (this, 'height' resizeHandler) This will effecti...

cross site - Use jQuery to check if a URL on another domain is 404 or not? -

On the client side using JQuery, I want to know if I can only check if a link URL is valid or not (i.e., T 404 comes back). This link points to another domain, so if I only use $ .get (), then the permission problem ends with me. I remember reading something about using a JSONP request, but I do not remember. I found a solution that looks like (using YQL): $ GetJSON ("" + "Q = Select% 20 *% 20from% 20html% 20where% 20url% 3D% 22" + encodeurIComponent (url) + "% 22 And format = xml 'and callback =? ", Function (data) {if (data.results [0]) {// do anything}}); The url you want to see is in the variable 'url'.

ini - PHP parse_ini_file() performance? -

I know that some people store settings in an .ini file and parse_ini_file () Without running tests in PHP, I'm curious about the performance. Do you know whether the opoad cache can cache any such content if the setting is in the INI file? serialized normal files INI files XML files edit YAM files (08/02/2012) If the server or other accelerator server is available on plain PHP files, it will be the fastest due to the fact that they will only be parsed once and will be kept in memory for further use.

vba - Microsoft Excel – How to copy cells to a different worksheet on every nth row -

Microsoft Excel - How to copy cells in a separate worksheet on each inline row I have an interesting problem It is probably easy , But I can not understand it. I have a list of cells (in almost 10 columns and more than thousands of rows, soon to expand) A1-A10 and below these are my headings and main input cells (let's summarize this Sheet Call) I copied these cells and preferably connected to the adjacent worksheet (detailed sheet), but in this way we need every cell (or across 10 cells) every 20th line Is copied to many times i The rows should be added and removed from the summary sheet. So I would love to be able to use in automatic sheets or in specific sheets such as specific features. After that I can update my summary sheet and then update the detailed sheet by automatically following the formulas More detailed information:. For each row which are copying these cells each becomes a top row for 20 line modules. The 19 lines below the copied headings are empty and the...

java - How to trace sql commands for a specific connection to db2? -

I'm in the process of installing a central build server, the server is responsible for producing official building artifacts which Will be deployed for. One of the applications is a build step for one that writes to a database. At the deployed time we will need to run this build phase for proper construction. Since it is difficult / expensive, after rebuilding this build phase, the idea was to capture SQL scripts only for SQL running. I have no control over source code which generates SQL This is a Java program that uses hibernate. I have not yet figured out where can be used to access the hibernate trace functionality. And can there be a problem with 'prepared statement'? Instead of the actual value. Does anyone have activity monitoring of DB2 and how to use it? Or are there other (simpler) options like changing the DB2 driver into the hibernate configuration? I still want to use the DB2 dynamite driver, though. Edit: I do not have co...

Jquery loop after click -

I'm using Jquery to submit a form. After receiving the selector option, I should loop through the form after clicking on the user submit button. There are many different selection areas, using PHP, selection options are generated. A sample HTML: & lt; Select ID = "selectHome_1" & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Select id = "selectHome_2" & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Inpupt type = "submit" id = "update" /> JQuery $ ("# update"). Click (function () {// Loop every $ (field) (// output code will be warning '(test') through all the selection; // Test it to see it works ... }) $ ("Input [id = 'selectHome_']").;}); The code searched for id = selectHome _ is not working (the warning box never shows). Any ideas will be highly appreciat...

spark view engine - ASP.NET MVC1 - Not all Request fields being returned in Model... (NOOB question) -

I am working on my first ASP.NET MVC project, and when I return data from any data, weird behavior See Viewing View of my Administrator in action. Right now, I have 3 text boxes on the page, as well as for a hidden PK. I is all being properly populated with vendetta, but when I submit the form, 3 Out of the models are shown in only 2 returned models. However, all three areas are properly populated in the requested object. I may not have understood this very well, but hopefully it shows some fair code: edit public functioning (System.Guid Id) {SetBase sb = setBaseRepository.Get (Id); See Return ("Edit", SB); } [AcceptVerbs (HttpVerbs.Post)] Edit Public Functionality (SetBase Setbase) {// if (setBase.Title.Trim (). Length == 0} // {// ModelState.AddModelError ("title", "title Is necessary "). //} if (setBase.Year.Trim (). Length == 0) {ModelState.AddModelError ("year", "year is required."); } If (ModelState.IsValid) {Return Vie...

latex - How do I create a new Beamer environment with a verbatim environment? -

I am creating a Beamer presentation in which there are a lot of latex examples, which must go into a verbatim environment. I'm tired of typing \ begin {example} \ begin {verbatim} literal text \ end {verbatim} \ end {example} I Want to create a new order or environment which will shortcode this for me. I also need this for blocks and theorems, because I am using them often. But if I can understand it for example, then it should be easy to translate into any other example. I can not create a new environment or command using just the start of {verbatim}, because this is the remaining order so I switched to use the FVRB package, and tried the following: \ DefineVerbatimEnvironment {MyVerbatim} {Verbatim} {} \ newcommand {\ makeexample} [1] {\ start {example} \ {MyVerbatim} # 1 \ end {MyVerbatim} \ end {example}} \ Makeenvironment {VerbExample} {\ start {example} \ start {MyVerbatim}} {\ end {MyVerbatim} \ end {example}} And \ start {VerbExample} ... \ end {VerbExampl...

python - How do I get stacktraces from epydoc when it is loading my code? -

When I load my code in epydoc and loads the top module it fails Error: type error: 'any type' object is not able to call (line 10) where NoneType It is an epodol trying to load on a 98 line referencing it. How can I get epydoc to understand that it is not able to load in line 9 and instead of loading an error, it can not load on line 9? Per NOSCO'S REQUEST. Here's the same example, where no stack trace is given: # import bar bar.baz () # def baz (): print 'baz' Import os os. Environment ['DOES_NOT_EXIST'] Run with: python2.6 epydoc --html Production less than useful: + -------------------------------------- | /home/ross/ | Import failed in (but source code parsing was successful). Error: KeyError: 'DOES_NOT_EXIST' (line1) I know that epydoc to tell me that the failure line is on 6 i the I can not reproduce my specific problem in a small example, but my The basic r...

How to access USB ports in java -

I am trying to write a Java application that accesses the USB port and connects to devices connected through USB Writes. The problem I am facing is that I do not know what to really use to do this in Java. I searched online and found something called JUSB , but all the posts are quite old Currently I am using RXTX libraries, but I sometimes go into some sync error when I use C # to equalize it requires very little code and I do not have to face the same sync error My question is, Anything in the latest version of JRE ( which is as easy as equal to C # code ) Java does not have anything equal to C # USB support. If you want to implement a cross-platform USB application, in fact your best bet is to write an abstract. Interface that talks to Linux, Mac and Windows Native Library that you have to write yourself. I want to handle Mac and Linux, as you've seen, it is very easy. I had come only from a one year long project which was only that, and unfortunately this i...

c++ - const pointers in overload resolution -

जीसीसी इन दो कार्य घोषणाओं को समकक्ष मानता है: शून्य एफ (int * a) {} Void F (int * const a) {} test.cpp: फ़ंक्शन में 'शून्य एफ (int *)': परीक्षा सीपीपी: 235: त्रुटि: 'शून्य एफ (इंट *)' का पुनः परिभाषा test.cpp: 234: त्रुटि: 'शून्य एफ (इंट *)' पहले यहां परिभाषित किया गया है यह कुछ समझ में आता है क्योंकि कॉलर हमेशा इस मामले में कॉन्स्ट को अनदेखा कर देगा ... यह केवल फ़ंक्शन के अंदर पैरामीटर 'ए' के ​​उपयोग को प्रभावित करता है। मैं क्या सोच रहा हूं जहां (यदि कहीं भी) मानक कहता है कि अधिभार रिज़ॉल्यूशन के प्रयोजन के लिए फ़ंक्शन तर्कों के रूप में इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले पॉइंटर्स पर क्वालिफायरों को त्यागने के लिए विशेष रूप से ठीक है। (मेरा असली मुद्दा यह है कि मैं यह जानना चाहूंगा कि जीसीसी इन बेकार क्वालीफायरों को आंतरिक रूप से खींच लिया जाता है, और जब से सी ++ जीसीसी के फ्रंटएंड मानक को संदर्भित टिप्पणियों से भरा जाता है, तो मानक के संबंधित खंड में मुझे मदद मिल सकती है इंडस्ट्रीज़ को सही स्थान।) मानक 8.3.5 / 3 में बताता है कि प्रयोजन...

security - Help with mvc authorization -

You want to display a menu that contains several elements ... unique to the users with some element "administrator" role Are there. I know how to restrict controller methods that use [authorized (roles = "administrator")] user Specific HTML items example & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Menu item 1 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;% // If the administrator is% & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Menu item 2 (Admin only) & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; How can I do this? and lieutenant; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Menu item 1 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;% if (roles.isearer innerol ("administrator")) {%> & Lt; Li & gt; Menu item 2 (Admin only) & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt;%}% & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt;

php - What are the differences between backtick and single quote? Can I use IF statement in a query as above? -

निम्न में लिखता है। $ this-> db-> select () एक वैकल्पिक दूसरा पैरामीटर स्वीकार करता है यदि आप इसे गलत पर सेट करते हैं, तो CodeIgniter आपके क्षेत्र या तालिका नामों को बैकटीक्स के साथ सुरक्षित करने की कोशिश नहीं करेगा। यह उपयोगी है अगर आपको एक मिश्रित चयन कथन की आवश्यकता होती है। $ this- & gt; db- & gt; भुगतानों से ('SELECT SUM (payment.amount) चुनें) भुगतान कहाँ हैं I Invoice_id = 4) AS_paid ', FALSE); $ Query = $ this- & gt; db- & gt; प्राप्त करें ('mytable'); ... और मेरे पास निम्न कोड है। $ this- & gt; db- & gt; चयन करें ('स्लग, टाइप करें, IF ( `मूल्य` =" ",` डिफ़ॉल्ट`, `मान`)` मान` के रूप में), गलत); प्रश्न 1। बैकटीक `और एकल उद्धरण 'के बीच अंतर क्या है? प्रश्न 2 क्या मैं उपरोक्त प्रश्न में IF स्टेटमेंट का उपयोग कर सकता हूँ? Q3 इसका अर्थ क्या है? यदि (`मान` =" ",` डिफ़ॉल्ट`, `मान`)` मान 'के रूप में MySQL में, बैकट्िक्स नाम उद्धरण करते हैं, जबकि एकल उद्धरण तार । यदि आपके ...

linux - open() fails to open files -

For some reason I can not open () open a file. Here's my code. Static Int context_actor (X86Context * ctx) {char file [512]; Mmateset (CTX, 0, SIFF (X86 Contact)); Sprintf (file, "% s.% D", "test", getpid ()); Ctx-> Fp = open (file, O_RDWR); If (CTX-> FP & lt; 0) {printf ("Error% d% s \ n", error, file); Return VISUAL_ERROR_GENERAL; } Ctx-> Buf = mmap (0, MAXFILESIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, ctx-> FP, 0); Printf ("context_ctor:% p \ n", CTX-> Buff); Close (ctx-> FP); Exit (0); } And here's the output: errno 2 test.12356 Seeing the error code Disclaimer: I know that I have permission to read / write / execute files in this directory. Any ideas I tried /tmp/ If you are trying to create a new file then you need to use O_CREAT, Therefore: ctx-> Fp = open (file, O_CREATE | O_RDWR); Anyway, you may want to use strerror (errno) to show your errors

.net - How to store arrays in a database? -

I have a simple messaging service that uses file-based storage so far. Because the number of users of the system is increasing gradually, I would like to switch to database based storage. List of message server users in the code (with their credentials) and keeps a list of messages. The main field of a message object is in the form of a sender (type user), recipient (type user []) and a content (type string). Generally, a user requests messages that they receive the server and receive all the messages in which the recipient fields contain their username. So, I imagine the following tables for the database: - A user table - A message table (- A host for each user who addressed it by message ID Specifies the message)? I have a problem on how to store the recipient field (which includes an array) in such a way that a database query can be searched for the user who receives the addressed messages Requests for I can not get a better solution than to create a table dynamically f...

c# - Trying to upload a file with ASP.NET MVC Error invalid character in a base-64 string -

Trying to upload the file using the mvc error "has an invalid character in a base-64 string" Without the code, I can google only for you here are the links: Make your choice or postcode about all the different reasons and reasons.

web services - Given wsdl + xds type file, how do I create a stub WCF webservice? -

I think this is a basic topic, but never before did it start with wsdl. I am leaving a group of XSD with a YSDL file and type definitions. I have no clue if they are made from the WCF service (I think due to the split out format) but I need to create WCF service which implements the contract. Question: How do I get the service agreement interface? I know about wsdl.exe and svcutil.exe - but what is not known to me is that what I think is that whatever is left after the service agreement is applicable Has been doing. Appreciate any help! I had another question about this, but I tried to do a lot in the same question - so let's keep it simple for now. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You have two options: Option 1: on the command line svcutil.exe Usage. It must be installed in your C: \ program files \ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows \ v6.0A \ Bin \ / code> directory (or something like that, depending on the machine and OS you have) Use Svc...

automated tests - QTP - getting value of element -

I am starting with QTP and can not figure out how to get value of an element. For example, when I just want to compare the number of results met by Google I tried to select an element with object detective and value in the variable to use the value ... but this does not work. Can anyone help with this? BTW, I'm not sure it is right to choose the text to compare with Object Detective. Thanks! You should use GetROProperty to get the text and then use the value Pars this for. By viewing a Google results page, I think the result 3 is in a paragraph with bold code in the id = resultStats . & lt; P id = "resultStats" & gt; Results & lt; B & gt; 1 & lt; / B & gt; - & lt; B & gt; 10 & lt; / B & gt; About & lt; B & gt; 2,920,000 & lt; / B & gt; & Lt; B & gt; Qtp & lt; / B & gt; for. (& Lt; b & gt; 0.22 & lt; / b & gt; seconds) & lt; / P & gt; Then the following scrip...

c++ - Call dll - pcshll32.dll using delphi -

I need to use the hllapi function of pcshll32.dll Delphi. It works with IBM's personal communication, how can I change the code of Delphi? Thanks !!! The EHLLAPI entry point (hllapi) is always called with the following four criteria: EHLLPI function number (input) Data buffer ( Input / output) buffer length (input / output) the presentation position state (input); Return code (output) The prototype for the IBM Standard EHLPPI is: [Long HLPI (LPD, LPTR, LPDord, LPW); The prototype for IBM-enhanced EHLPPI is: [Long Helipi (LPINT, LPTR, LPIANT, LPINT); Not every parameter has been passed by reference to the price. Thus, the function call should be an indicator for each parameter value, not the same value. For example, the following EHLLAPI query session is a perfect example of calling the session state: #include "hapi_c.h" straight HLDQuerySessionStatus QueryData; Int Funk, Lane, RC; Long rc; MEMAX (query data, 0, size (query data); // Init Buffer Quer...

php - How can I dynamically add a Zend_Dojo form element to a zend_form? -

Currently I can add a Zend form element dynamically to a form after first loading. I do this through a mouse click and some AJAX. However, I want to add the exact same element with a different name (basically I am giving the ID to each element) However, when I add the field it looks just like a normal field and is not a dojo-feed. To start the Dojo form elements. This usually happens when the browser is served to the browser when the DOM is ready. Dojo will parse the page and start form elements. When you get the element through AJAX or make them dynamically, then you have to start new elements again

c - Segmentation fault occurring when modifying a string using pointers? -

context I am learning C, and I want to reverse the string using a space I'm trying to give the hints. (I know that you can use an array, it is more about learning about pointers.) problem While trying to run code below I'm getting split error. It looks like * end = * start; Not like the line Why is that so? Especially when my code is almost identical #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; Zero my_strrev (four * start) {char temp; Four * end; End = begin + strlen (start) - 1; While (end> started) {temp = * end; * End = start * * Start = temporary; End--; ++ start; }} Main () {char * string = "foobar"; My_strrev (string); Printf ("% s", string); } One problem is that with the parameter passing the function: char * string = "foobar"; This is a fixed string allocated in the read-only part. * end = * starts when you try to overwrite it; You will receive segfault. Try Four ...

pdf generation - Converting a flash chart to image / pdf -

Need help finding a device that is embedded in the flash (.swf) chart to add any image A PDF report that can be transformed into the format I am using Ruby on Ruby on the Rail platform. I have used the tool from swftools (especially switactrect programs), but it does not fit the case of my use because it removes the individual element (size, movie clip, frame etc.) which is not very useful. In addition to this, it would be very useful if someone can guide me on conceptual level logic, so that no device is fit in my bill, then I can write my own program Thanks! I will see as3corelib from Adobe. They include a library to create / compress PNG and JPG images directly from any DisplayObject, so basically you will attract your charts in flash and one Start the function, which will grab your chart, save it as a JPG / PNG and send it as a post variable in server side script. The sections that you want to see are listed. If you are unable to do this work, tell me I have a s...

c++ - Design choice for sound effects -

I'm trying to decide how I want to implement sound effects in my program. There is a debate. 1) Create an intuitive interface soundproofing and get every sound effect from it. Each sound effect is its own orbit. On creation, it opens the sound file and plays, and closes the file on destruction. The main drawback I see this approach is that I have many small things that will increase the number of files a lot. I could put many sound effects in a single header (which is related), but I'm not sure. 2) Since the sound of any sound effect says the same thing, this file opens with only the difference, I can generate a single sound effect, its creator is a calculator in which the sound effect names I class will use a switch to play the appropriate sound. Obviously I am arguing over a "traditional" approach from an OP approach, and I am thinking that what is the best design option here. I am leaning towards the OOP approach, but I'm not sure how to structure t...

Simple Java web framework -

Is there an easy Java web framework such as Papara (for Ruby) or (for Python)? If you want a strict Java framework to be optional: Fixed postponement impedance. Public category halovald {public static zero main (string [] args) {get ("/ hello", (rike, ridge) -> "hello world"); }}

wordpress - Are out there any PHP to Haxe translators? -

So I want to close Wordpress code. I need HP for real translation. Where can I get the first place? Translators currently do not have any PHP yet. I can try to write one, but I It seems that you will not be very successful, because PHP does not use any kind and as a result the hack code will be a large group of dynamics. Boxes use wrap for many things (like arrays), so you have to switch between hacked data and PHP data everywhere. If you really want to do it, then it is only to be closed with your hands (which is writing a lot of code lines).

PhP/MySQL Storing User Searches between Pages so the User Can Go Back to Them -

I am writing a php-mysql application, allowing the application to run a search against the database. When a search is run, the user clicks the returned item after checking the returned item, then they are asked if they want to send the query again (uses this post) which The search will be run again in the database, the use of receiving will not be in the request of a reporter - but still will run the search again. Is there a way to archive and remember the search, again in the database? This can save it to the database, or somehow in PHP - maybe with the session? There are lots of data coming out of these searches, I think that is probably too much for the session In the second way I can imagine that it is to be stored in a database in some temporary table. The table that I intend to query, making the table with it, then choosing one to insert. Then select * from the table. It also sounds like a bad idea floating around the dynamically built floating tables. I know that it ca...

Javascript Strings don't compare, escape characters not being escaped when using jQuery.val() func -

मेरे पास है: & lt; input type = "text" value = "राफेल \ nkicks \ nbutt! " id = "tzbox_txt" & gt; Var inputText = $ ("# tzbox_txt")। Val (); Var stringText = "राफेल \ n किकटें \ nबट!" इनपुट पाठ === स्ट्रिंग टेक्स्ट - झूठी! अगर मैं $ (इनपुट) का उपयोग करता हूँ .val () मुझे "राफेल \ n किकटें \ nbutt!" जहां \ N लाइन ब्रेक के रूप में व्याख्या नहीं की जा रही है। और अगर मैं var text = "राफेल \ n kicks \ nbutt!" करता हूं तो यह बच गया है और लाइन ब्रेक के साथ पाठ शो करता है। मैं कैसे इनपुट टेक्स्ट वैल्यू को कैसे समझा सकता हूं लाइन ब्रेक के साथ? एक इनपुट [प्रकार = पाठ] तत्व में नहीं हो सकता रेखा खंड क्योंकि टेक्स्ट इनपुट केवल एक ही पंक्ति की पाठ्य को स्वीकार करता है। क्या आप सोचते हैं कि नई लाइन एस्केक सीक्वेंस को सादा पाठ के रूप में परिभाषित किया जा रहा है। यदि आप इसका मिलान करना चाहते हैं, तो अपना मिलान कोड इस पर बदलें क्योंकि यह वही है जो से वापस किया जा रहा है ) फ़ंक्शन: var string...

c++ - How to use GetNumaProximityNode (Win7+)? -

The GetNumaProximityNode (Ex) function is available with Win7 / Server2008R2. It should help to regain the distance between NUMA nodes, but I can not understand the documentation () how to work. It says that you give it a distance, and it gives the associated node (if any). Reading some code from the Linux kernel and some HP epic documents I saw that the distance 10 is expressed in the integer multipliers (the distance of self 10), but it slowed 18 times twice) but I still have this To understand the distance between the two nodes, using the Windows API (under a Linux Libanum that has a 'distance' function that is this). Does anyone have to use this function? I got a solution for Windows (though not yet tested) Distance SLIT - The system can be found in the Locality Information Table - an extension is provided by the OEM and is available through ACPI. There is an N_CPU x N_CPU matrix that describes the distance ([1] [3] the distance between nodes 1 and 3; [Y] [Y] i...

iphone - UITableViewCell cell.editingAccessoryType not working -

I have a tableview. Everything is installed and working. I had a cell. Auxiliary work is working well, but once I have not received the cell. It worked with the deprecated method to make the assistant work work, but with the new ... No luck at least for the first section, my code is here: - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForAind Pound: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {UITableViewCell * cell = zero; switch (indexPath.section) {/ Case RFE_SECTION: switch (indexPath.row) {case 0: {static NSString * RFECellIdentifier = @ "RFECellIdentifier"; cell = [Tableview decouwer reusable cell identifier: RFECIL identifier]; If (cell == blue) {// create a cell to display "add visit" cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: RFECellIdentifier] autorelease]; Cell.textLabel.lineBreakMode = UILineBreakModeWordWrap; Cell.textLabel.numberOfLines = 0; Cell.textLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName: @ ...

gcc - c++ virtual inheritance -

समस्या: वर्ग बेस {सार्वजनिक: बेस (बेस * पीपीचर); / * बुनियादी सामान लागू करता है * /}; वर्ग ए: वर्चुअल लोक बेस {सार्वजनिक: ए (ए * पीपीन्ट): बेस (पीपीन्ट) {} / * ... * /}; वर्ग बी: वर्चुअल पब्लिक बेस {सार्वजनिक: बी (बी * पीपीन्ट): बेस (पीपीन्ट) {} / * ... * /}; वर्ग सी: सार्वजनिक ए, सार्वजनिक बी (सार्वजनिक: सी (सी * पीपीन्ट): ए (पीपीन्ट), बी (पीपीन्ट) {} // - यहां संकलन त्रुटि / * ... * /}; दी गई स्थिति में, जीसीसी शिकायत करता है कि यह फ़ंक्शन कॉल बेस () से मेल नहीं कर सकता है, अर्थात डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर। लेकिन सी बेस से सीधे ए, बी और ए के जरिए वारिस नहीं होता है। तो जीसीसी शिकायत क्यों करता है? विचार? टीआईए / रोब वर्चुअल आधार वर्ग विशेष है कि इन्हें आरंभ किया जाता है सबसे व्युत्पन्न वर्ग और किसी भी मध्यवर्ती आधार वर्गों द्वारा नहीं जो आभासी आधार से प्राप्त होते हैं। एक बेस के प्रारंभ करने के लिए कौन सी संभावित कई आरंभिकों को सही विकल्प मिलेगा? यदि सबसे अधिक व्युत्पन्न वर्ग का निर्माण किया गया है, तो इसे अपने सदस्यों की निजी सूची में सूचीबद्ध नहीं किया जाता है तो ...

Simple JavaScript results in "InternalError: too much recursion" -

निम्नलिखित जावास्क्रिप्ट "वर्ग" परिभाषा को देखते हुए: var कोटा = फ़ंक्शन (totalMinutes) {This.totalMinutes = parseInt (कुल मिनट || 0, 10); }; कोटा.प्रोतिटिप.वल्यूओफ़ी = फ़ंक्शन () {this.TotalMinutes लौटें; }; कोटा.प्रोटोटाइप.टस्टिंग = फ़ंक्शन (प्रारूप) {format = format || "Hh: mm"; वापसी (यह, / hh?? Mm? / मिमी, फ़ंक्शन (मैच) {स्विच (मैच) {मामला "hh": यह वापसी। कुल वापसी * ​​60; मामला "मिमी": इस वापसी कुल मात्रा; }}); }; क्या आप कृपया बता सकते हैं कि नीचे दिए गए कॉल को toString () ... var q1 = नया कोटा ( 60); Console.log (q1.toString ()); ... परिणाम निम्न त्रुटि उठाए जा रहे हैं: आंतरिक त्रुटि : बहुत अधिक पुनरावर्ती {message = "बहुत अधिक Recursion ", और ...} मैं फ़ायरबग कंसोल में कोड (फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स 3.5.7 + फायरबग 1.5) चला रहा हूँ। आदर्श रूप से मैं यह जानना चाहता हूं कि toString () पर रिकर्सिव कॉल कहां और आपके सुझावों के लिए कि कैसे फ़ंक्शन को यहां कार्यान्वित किया जा सकता है या रिटर्न स्व...

Beginner Question - Exiting while loop, input type double as condition, C++ -

I have just started learning C ++ and when there is a situation for the loop, then with a loop a little The problem is getting an input, type double, with the user, I understand that if the user does not enter the corresponding value with double type the loop is automatically broken. The point is that my console application exits when entering anything other than double. The current practice I am working on is to use the loop of that time and if many measurements are recorded in the statements and the total production user enters a value And then measurement system (25 meters at 25 meters). The highest and lower values ​​recorded in this also have to be recorded and output. Double value = 0; Double total = 0; Double high = 0; Double less = 0; String unit = ""; Where (cin> gtc: gt; value & gt; & gt; unit & amp; unit! = "Convert") {if (unit == "in") {total = total + (value * 2.54); // in = inches converted cm if (value is * 2.54 &...

http - What is the point of If-Unmodified-Since/If-Modified-Since? Aren't they superseded by ETags? -

HTTP हेडर का प्रयोग करके सशर्त अनुरोधों को कार्यान्वित करने के दो अलग-अलग तरीके होते हैं, जिनमें से दोनों को कैशिंग, श्रेणी अनुरोधों के लिए उपयोग किया जा सकता है , संगामिति नियंत्रण आदि ... यदि- अनमोदित-चूंकि और यदि-संशोधित-चूंकि , जहां क्लाइंट एक टाइमस्टैम्प भेजता है, यदि-संशोधित और अगर-कोई भी-संशोधित नहीं है, जहां ग्राहक एक ईटग संसाधन के प्रतिनिधित्व को भेजता है। दोनों ही मामलों में, ग्राहक उस संसाधन के बारे में जानकारी का एक टुकड़ा भेजता है, जो सर्वर को यह निर्धारित करने की अनुमति देता है कि क्या ग्राहक ने आखिरकार देखा है कि संसाधन बदल गया है। सर्वर तब यह तय करता है कि क्लाइंट द्वारा प्रदत्त सशर्त हेडर के आधार पर अनुरोध निष्पादित करना है या नहीं। मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि दो अलग-अलग दृष्टिकोण क्यों उपलब्ध हैं। निश्चित रूप से, ETags टाइमस्टैंप को छोड़ देते हैं, चूंकि सर्वर टाइमस्टैम्प से ईटीएक्स उत्पन्न करने में आसानी से चुन सकता है। तो, मेरे सवाल हैं: किस परिदृश्य में आपको दोनों की आवश्यकता हो सकती है? मैंने एक बार एक ही बात पर विचार किया और महस...

How do I run a Perl one liner from a makefile? -

I know that Pearl is very simple under a liner, works and makes a global replacement, for A; But how do I run it in MessFile? perl -pi -e "s / a / a / g" filename I have tried (now I think the rest post is junk Because the shell command increases the extension of a command line - I do not want!) The question is still standing! $ APP = $ (shell perl -pi -e "s / a / a / g" filename) without the following line and without EXE = $ (APP) and I always get the following error create: APP: command not found Which I think comes from the line APP starts thanks If you want to run Perl as part of a target action, you can use $ cat Makefile all: abc | Perl -pe 's / a / a / g' $ make echo ABC | (Note that the tab character is before echo .) Pearl's - I option files in-place To edit in, but it will confuse create (unless you are writing any) Targeting from a more common pattern sources is for example: $ cat Makefile all: ... - WebMethod return values in JSON format -

How do I return the client back in the JSON format from Webmethod? There are two stable int values ​​that I want to return. Do I need to create a new object with those 2 properties and return it? The GetStatus () method is often called and I do not like the idea of ​​creating special objects for Jason formatting every time ... [WebMethod] public static trusts () { Int statusProcess, statusProcessTotal; Status.Lock.EnterReadLock (); StatusProcess = Status.Process; // static field operation process = total status Processing total; // Static Field Status. Lock. Exterior lock (); Returns ...} I capture the return value on the client side: protected on the function (results, user context, filename) (Pageithm. GateStats (I go with an object;); What do you do with this Fits with the requirement If you have two return values, then you have to put them together structured. StatusResult of public class {public A complete completion process; Receive the public status GetSta...

algorithm - Need help with circle collision and rotation? - Game Physics -

ठीक है तो मेरे पास गेंदों का गुच्छा है: मैं यह पता लगाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि ये सर्कल कैसे करें: कई बार से निपटने के दौरान स्पर्श करने वाली वस्तुओं। संपादित करें: यह रोटेशन द्वारा इसका मतलब है > गेंद 0 विरोधी-दक्षिणावर्त को घुमाएगा क्योंकि यह गेंद 3 पर झुकाव गेंद 5 घुमाएगा clockwise क्योंकि यह गेंद 0 पर झुकाव हालांकि यह समाधान सार्वभौमिक हैं, बस के लिए रिकॉर्ड मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट और एसवीजी का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ, और इस mysel को लागू करने के लिए पसंद करेंगे लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग करने के बजाय एफ। सहायता बहुत सराहना की जाएगी। धन्यवाद! :) यहाँ कुछ लिंक हैं जो मुझे आपकी खोज में आपकी मदद करेंगे: आप फाइल डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं और देख सकते हैं कि वह आपके प्रभाव को प्राप्त करने के लिए वे क्या करते हैं। मुझे यह बताने दो कि अगर यह मदद करता है, :) संपादित करें: इसलिए मैंने आगे बढ़कर इस बारे में सोचा था कि कुछ अंतर्दृष्टि देने के लिए मैं इसे कैसे पहुंचाऊंगा। नीचे दी गई छवि पर एक नज़र डालें: असल में, ग्रिड पर कोणों की तु...

functional programming - Is there a typical name for a function like 'map' that operates on a list of argument lists instead of multiple lists of arguments? -

(I finally posted and acknowledged that "no, no, and there is no question" in fact it is normal ". ) Consider the general lisp function 'mapekar'. It takes a function and some lists as logic, and calls the function with the logic extracted from the same position in each list. Is there a function in standard libraries that usually have a list? Is there a list of arguments for each element in the list function? Normally what is called "standard" or not, such as what is a function? (This is not a LISP question, but this is the only functional language + library I know from half way.) I think I'm asking for an operation (in pseudo-Lisp): (mapcar (curry # ' Function-to-map ') List-of-ARG-lists) Already a similar name Text "itemprop =" text "> I can designate it as map-applicable or mapply if you own it or a small group. (mapcar- apply (fn arg-lists) (mapcar (lambda (Arg-list) (apply FN RG-list))...

C# how to trigg a key event in a tabcontrol specific tab? -

I have a tab in my tab with three tabp pages named TabPage1, TabPage2 and TabPage3. When tab page 2 requires me to raise an important event (arrow keys for navigation). This event should not be raised in the other tab page. How do anyone know? On the selected event handler, you can enter the sender for proper control and check its name. If event is generated from the tab page 2, then you can set the key event to fire. Something like Private Zero TabPage_Selected (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {TabPage source = sender as TabPage; If (source.Name.equals ("TabPage2") / do ... whatever ...}

ASP.NET SSL Authentication Ticket Security? -

I want to use SSL on the login form so that user and password can be encrypted during user login. However, after authenticating the user, if I come back to HTTP, then upon each request, the ottonation cookie will be sent from the customer to the server. How safe is it? Obviously I would use SSL on pages where the user is entering sensitive information, but for most reasons, I would just like to be certified and use HTTP. Please note that if I set RequiresSSL = "true" to configure in WebRes, then I can not use the authentication cookie if I use HTTP then I do not recognize the current user can. I think my question is: " This is a poor practice for setting RequiresSSL =" false "and the HTTP authentication cookie from http Is allowed to pass? If you set protection = "all" If the form authentication cookie is encrypted and your server is checked with the key of the machine, it is not particularly bad to drop back on HTTP bad

memcpy - C++ equivalent for memset on char* -

मेरे पास यह कोड है char * oldname = new char [strlen (name) + 1]; Memcpy (पुराना नाम, नाम, स्ट्रेलन (नाम) + 1); नाम = नया चार [स्ट्रेलन (पुराना नाम) + स्ट्रेलन (आर.नाम) + 1]; मेमसेट (नाम, '\ 0', स्ट्रेलन (नाम)); strcat (नाम, oldname); घुमंत (नाम, ""); strcat (नाम,; मैं समझता हूं कि यह मेम्कपी और मैमसेट का उपयोग करने के लिए कोई नहीं है, लेकिन मुझे यह समझ में नहीं आता कि वास्तव में सी ++ में इसका उपयोग कैसे करना है, अधिमानतः बिना एसटीडी। किसी को पता है? धन्यवाद। सामान्य तौर पर, std :: fill है। या इस विशेष उदाहरण में, आपको std :: vector & lt; char & gt; (ध्यान दें कि memset यदि आप #include & lt; cstring & gt; का उपयोग करते हैं तो भी C ++ में इसका उपयोग किया जा सकता है, हालांकि यह C ++ में कम मुहावरेदार है।)

How to crop image in Image_Canvas PHP PEAR package -

I can not get it to work just does nothing I use the Image_Canvas PEAR package on shared hosting I am doing but I can not crop the image. My syntax is: $ canvas-> SetClugging (array 'X0' => 10, 'y0' => 10, 'x1' => 200, 'y1' => 200)); Any ideas? I'm not familiar with that image Image_Canvas peer package, but I've just tried to do it and Have found that if setClipping you will add a second call to the same method without any parameters! $ Canvas = & amp; Image_Canvas :: factory ((isset ($ _GET ['canvas']) $ _GET ['canvas']: 'PNG', array ('width' => 500, 'height' => 333, 'file name' = & Gt; 'yourImage.jpg')); $ Canvas-> Setting (array ('x0' => 10, 'y0' => 10, 'x1' => 200, 'y1' => 200)); $ Canvas-> Image (array ('x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'filename' = & gt; './yourImag...

c# - MVC - No Viewdata item with key of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' -

I'm new to MVC and ASP.NET and am trying to learn a bit, so I try to do something I am going to learn these and the trivial applications to boycott. Well, I'm trying to create a dropdown box in which a list of books is shown where it will show the title of the book but book_id [primary key] I get the error :: There is a ViewData item with the key 'book_id' type of 'IEnumerable' Here's what I think. & lt; P & gt; & Lt; Label = "book_id" & gt; Book: & lt; / Label & gt; See the & lt;% = Html.DropDownList ("Book_ID", (IEnumerable & lt; SelectListItem & gt;) Data ["Books"])% & gt; & Lt;% = Html Validity message ("Book_ID", "*")%> & Lt; / P & gt; What's in my controller here // GET: / home / create // This form is generating I [authorized] Create Public ActionResult () {This.ViewData ["books"] = new selectList (_entities.BookSet...

Switch optimization for many cases guarantees equal access time for any case? ( C++ ) -

I have seen answers for specific languages ​​here, with more than 5 cases switches, for any case time. Is it for C / C ++? Is this specifically for GCC? For Visual Studio? If not, then will the cases be sorted in frequency of frequency frequency support? The standard does not guarantee how the switch statement will be implemented. I have never seen that a compiler produces a hash table, although a lot of will produce a jump table unless my memory is doing poorly than usual, both VS and GCC are sufficiently dense (For different values ​​of "enough"), then VS Unfortunately, it is not impossible to say (or even find out) when the frequency of frequency will help in sorting - this is not only different between different versions of compiler but also between compilers.

ios - How to log a method's execution time exactly in milliseconds? -

There is no way to determine how often the method should be executed (in milliseconds)? NSDate * methodStart = [NSDate date]; / * ... Whatever you need to do ... * / NSDate * methodFinish = [NSDate date]; NSTime Interval Execution Time = [methodFinish timeIntervalSinceDate: Method Start]; NSLog (@ "execution time =% F", execution time); Swift: Start method = NSDate () / * ... whatever you need to do. Swift 3: / P> Pre> start the method = date () / * ... whatever you need to do ... * / methodfinish = date () execute execution time = methodfinish. TimeInternationalSign (method start) Print ("Execution time: \ (execution time)") Easy to use and the sub-millisecond accuracy.

php - How to use Google Docs for Mailer templates? -

Is it possible to use Google Docs for mailer templates? How do I change template variations via API? In fact, I want to put a template on Google and export it as a PDF file after changing some variables such as name, address etc. Is it completely possible through the API in PHP? Edit These features are providing, but I think docs are not share-able. Edit Is it true that if any answer is not acceptable then do I have to accept some answers because of the gift? It is not absolutely certain that I understand the use case here, but I think that you What it wants to do to create a series of PDFs, which has been personalized with information such as name and address, then mail it to Google Docs on shared web accessed documents. If this is correct, then yes, I think you should be able to do this. Step 1) Create a template in Google Docs. Step 2) Copy the document using the API here: Step 3) Edit the new document with personal information using the API: Step 4) S... - COM components are getting error? -

I am trying to get my point of view in my application, it is working fine in my system (local) , But when I have a code in our server where there is something I'm getting this kind of error Error in retrieving com class factory for component with CLSID due to the following error: 80040154 I added an approach reference to the server still it Tickets have been It looks like a 64-bit number. Is the server running a 64 bit version of Windows? The following links may be of your own interest.

How to build standalone python installation -

How can I create a Python interpreter which can only be installed by removing the archive? I want Python - 2.6.tar.gz The user will extract it in any directory, and start using it. (currently only windows). You can try using it directly, or you can follow the installation procedure to learn how to create such an environment. Portable Python is a Python programming language that is pre-configured to run directly from any USB storage device. You have, at any time, a portable programming environment.

memcached - Implementation of Drupal Memcache in custom modules -

I am developing a lot of custom modules for my web application and need to implement memcache with it. I have installed and enabled the Memcatch module in my Dupl installation but now I have to see how cached data is. Is there any additional work to cache my module specific data? Apart from this, what is the exact function of the caching system in Drupal? Regards, Once overrides the set-up memoryk modules , So your module does not need to be aware of the memcache. Most other modules are needed in comparison to this memcache module. This is important for you to take the necessary comprehensive steps to use this software. Install memcached binaries on your server How to install a memcache on the Daisson map or install a memkache on OSX Install PECL Memcache Exploration for PPL. Set memcache.hash_strategy = "Compatible" in php.ini. Put your site in offline mode. Download and install the module module. If you are already running a memkase module, ru...

java - With a created by timestamp, is it better to have the DB manage it, or the application? -

We have our own standard Java app under development, and we are creating a lot of records (being in Hibernate in MySQL Institutions) Now, I disagree with one of the more developers - I believe that Microsoft's CERITMTMTAMP should be the default in both those areas and then can be modified, both of which were replaced by the app Managed by app Wants to Is there any solid reason for any decision? I can not see why you want to add more explicit steps in the code, unless for some reason you are worried about your server (db, app), inconsistent timestamp. Use the DB timestamp if you can divide portability, if Too much small difference means something to apply and if you are going to be more than one application server / cluster, you may have trouble syncing nodes. Use if you are not using deadbushes, it is not certain if you have used multiple databases - for example MySQL for production, HSQLDB for unit test. If none of these arguments apply, then use that which is ...

android - How to create directory automatically on SD card -

I am trying to save my file to the following location FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (" / Sdcard / wallpaper / "+ fileName"); but I'm getting exception , however, when I change the path to "/ sdcard /" This works. Now I am assuming that I am not able to create an auto directory like this. Does anyone suggest how Directory and subdirectory Using code? If you create an object that is the top-level directory, Make a file object for the parent directory: file wallpaper directory = new file ("/ sdcard / wallpaper /"); // Creates the object directory structure, if necessary, wallpaperDirectory.mkdirs (); // Create a file object for the output file file filefile = new file (wallpaperDirectory, filename); // Now attach the outputstream to the file object, instead of string presentation FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream (outputFile); Note: Note: It may be wise to use it to get the ...