
Showing posts from September, 2011

serialization - deserializing messages from msmq send via netmsmq binding -

We have a wcf service and we error the system. Instead of using the messaging method of messaging, using the NetMMM bindings, send messages to the "poison" queue. (). We tried to bring those messages from that poisoned queue but when deserializing I found too much junk data with hexadecimal values ​​... You can deserialize using binary messages encoding using the element please

version checking before application launch cocoa -

I am developing an application in Cocoa, which is not compatible with the ice OS. Does the user show a warning message It is possible to start the application in the OS #ifndef NSAppKitVersionNumber10_5 # NSAppKitVersionNumber10_5 949 #endif (NSAppKitVersionNumber & gt; NSAppKitVersionNumber10_5) {NSLert * Warning = [NSLert WarningEmessage Text: @ "Failed OS Detection" Default Button: NSLocalyased String (@ "OK", @ "") and Alternate Button: Zero Other Button: Null Informational Text With Format: @ "I am a difficult developer I can not live with my customers. If they only buy more of their app, then I will have a new Mac Mini with Snow Leopard The problem is that unless I can update my app, I will get many customers, if you know how this art is with graphic. Please tell me may be finished. "]; [Warning run model]; } Other {// start up ap} * (thanks adim)

sql - In Excel how to create multiple rows from a single data row -

I have an excase datasheet with data that looks like this id part No 1 quantity 1 part no 2 quantity 2 part no. 3 quantity 3 1 parts 38 a. 382 a1001-3-0 3 382 a2 3-3 3 382 a 0012 -2 3 And it should look like this ID Part No Volume 1 Part Name 382A012-3-0 3 1 Parts Name 382 A 023-3 / 42-0 3 1 Parts 388A012-25 / 86-0 3 From this SQL table, I can do it in SQL If it makes it easy To suggest to anyone that anyone has to fix this? just sql SELECT id, desc, partNo, parts union As part of the selection ID for a UNION make , in the form of QTY 3, as part number, qty3, as part , No.

makemaker - How do I add multiple Perl modules to Makefile.PL? -

How many PM files are searching for some insight about adding to MakeMaker script? I see and all the examples look like a file, how do I add more than one file? Use ExtUtils :: MakeMaker; WriteMakefile (NAME = & gt; 'Your :: Module', VERSION_FROM = & gt; 'Lib / Your /'); Do I just add another set of values? Usage ExtUtils :: MakeMaker; WriteMakefile (NAME = & gt; Your :: Module ', VERSION_FROM = & gt;' lib / Your / 'NAME = & gt; Your: Module 2', VERSION_FROM = & gt; 'lib / Your / '); Maybe you can try using PM Are there. The doctor says: For installing .hp files files and * .pl files eg I was looking through some other modules downloaded for an example from your use of CAPN, and found it in code: WriteMakefile '' NAME '= & gt; GD ',' VERSION_FROM '= & gt; ',' PREREQ_PM '= & gt; {'Math :: Trig' = ...

localization - Displaying dates in localized format on Android -

I am currently preparing my first app for Android. Anything that bothers me is a local display of storage and dates in relation to a SimpleCursorAdapter . I have a class that opens access to a SQLutedatabase with three tables. This class takes care of depositing all the dates in the ISO format ("YYA-MM-DD"). When the date values ​​are read from the database and displayed on the screen, I want to format them in the local format. The approach I have come here uses ViewBinder to formatting: adapter.setViewBinder (new SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder () {@Override Public boolean setViewValue (see view, cursor cursor, int ColumnIndex) {if (view.getId () == {((TextView)) .set text (getDateFormatView). Format (parseDatabaseDate (cursor. GetString (columnIndex));; Else if; (view.getId () == {(see TextView) .set text (cursor.getString (columnIndex)); true;} Else {return false;}}}); getDateFormatView () is read from a strings.xml with a pattern ...

How can I check compilation errors in python? -

#! / Usr / bin / python str = "this" अगर (1): प्रिंट "हाय" और : Print str.any_random_function () जब मैं प्रोग्राम चलाता हूँ तब यह विफल नहीं होता I मैंने py_compile की कोशिश की, लेकिन उसने 'एफ़' में त्रुटि को इंगित नहीं किया, अब मैं प्रोग्राम को कैसे संकलित कर सकता हूं और पायथन कोड में त्रुटियों को विश्वसनीय तरीके से पहचान सकता हूँ? धन्यवाद। मुझे लगता है कि तुम्हारा सबसे अच्छा शर्त होगी।

c# - Split a string on a string not a character -

I want to split a gridview line on an html tag. How can I do this preferably at C #? e.row.cells [1]. Lesson The sample ("htmltag") yes String Split (string [], string split option) or string. Split (string [], int, StringSplitOptions) Example: var split = e.row.cells [1] .ext.plit (new [] {"& Lt; / b & gt;"}, string split option. RemoveEmptyEntries); But pay attention to Strixveraria's comment above. Parsing the HTML is very bad, unless you're a specialist offload that works for someone else

Password Protecting Resources | ASP.NET MVC -

I am working on an mvc app, and I have some ideas that I want to protect passwords I am No method type in the form of a username / password. When a user tries to visit one of these protected pages, I want to keep them in the password. I came with a path to do this, I want to get some beliefs that this is a good way. When a user arrives at a protected page, I am checking a dictionary stored in the session, if the page's ID is there and marked as unlock, then those pages can be viewed. If not, they will be directed to the unlock page, where they have to enter a password. After they enter valid passwords, this dictionary will update and they will be able to see the page. Is it a legitimate approach or someone has a better idea? Thanks This is essentially a standard username / password form authentication It seems that the user name is shared between everyone / hardcod / users. Some thoughts: Do you want different passwords for different closed areas? If so, i...

ASP.NET MVC Dynamic RenderActions in jquery tabs -

OK, so, that title is a mouth ... but, I think that you understand what I do I am trying to I have a page that has jquery tab controls, and I present various tabs by looping through my model. Now, the divisions (which are "links" on those tabs) are also created with the same loop. So I have the same tab + divisions attached to those tabs. The problem is that, this is called only the first Render Action, the others are all the same. The code renders the edge: foreach (var domains in model. Model) {%> & Lt;% = string.format (@ "& lt; div id =" "domain_ {0}" "& gt;", domain.ID)%> & Lt;% = Html.Encode (domain.ID)%> & Lt;% Html.RenderAction ("DomainView", "person", new {domainid = domain.ID}); & Gt%; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt;%}% & gt; Therefore, there is an ID of "domain_NUMBER" in each div, where the number is definitely omitted. And the projection calls the ...

php - Counting how many times a image is being served from server? -

I want to count the number times One image is being served to our server. I have some images in a website and I Number is to be calculated. When these images are shown on the web page (the server is served on my website and hotlinks). Is there any way to accomplish this. I know php, if this is done in PHP in some way it would be really helpful. Please advice Thank you. If you want something beyond parsing the server-logging, then you need to manage the list of pictures Have to set up a database, and serve images through several times' reused '.php' scripts which increases the DB value with each request. You can also use a flat file system, but I like the DB-solution. If you apply mod_rewrite to .htaccess and apache, you will not need to worry about the source of your image. You can serve URLs in this way: Which server will be deemed to be: Thus providing database-based actions, and t...

delphi - D2010: Format only selected text? -

Whether the format source (CTRL + D) command is in selected text only (or the existing method applies only to the carat) )? I'm asking this because the formator is a very small cart (well, really useless) when anonymous functions are used anywhere in the module to be formatted. I stopped using code formatter due to all bugs One There is a better option Here are some other

c - Weird crash with pointers / malloc() on if check of the pointer value -

I have some very strange accident here, Ive got it first, but I thought I had it = announcements: #include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; ... glutton * tx = null; Integer TEX_MEMSIZE = size (glut) * 1024 * 1024; ... some zero (1) () {... TEX = (glutton *) Molk (TEX_MEMSIZE); ...} some 2 zeros () {... // This line is going fine. If (tex! = Null) {// crash on this line code / / do not move anything after the line above Free (TEX); } // ... and even since it crashed ... ...} It crashes on my laptop / Vista, but my desktop Not on computer / winXP When I remove it, check and free (), it does not crash anymore. I do not take it, what's wrong? What could be the cause of this? I can only mis-predefined arrays for the reason of some inconsistency errors, I believe there are no such bad eras in my code, so I am waiting for more ideas. (And because checking of 20k lines of code can also be quite slow) Edit: Now I have seen that it will not crash before free () but after that I...

silverlight - Error With DataPager and DataGrid/DataForm -

Do anyone know what this error is? When I'm on more than 161 pages in a datagreat, I get it. The system. Unauthorized Operation Exception: When there is an item verification error or its edit and autocomitor is wrong then the currency can not be changed Check the data from which it is being binding and see what is wrong with the number of rows (80 * rows per page) and (81 * per page rows)

message - Deserializing unknown inherited type [C++] -

Let's say I have a class that sends messages to their handler, this class is getting messages from another class The message that receives through the socket. Therefore, the socket receives a type of message buffer. Roots messages that are know about class message types. Every message is the successor of the message class, in which there is a message id, and of course its own parameter is included. The problem is how do I correctly transfer the message from a buffer to an active message instance? For exmaple, I have a DoSomethingMessage that receives message messages, I get a buffer with a message, but I need to convert buffer into two group messages, it's actually anything Do not know about I could transfer the buffer to the messenger, and make the id and the exact example, but it really looks like a bad design for me. Any suggestions? You may summarize the message deserialization is a "message holder" class in which the object is buffer Has start...

Why does Delphi warn when assigning ShortString to string? -

I am converting some legacy code into Delphi 2010. Old shortspring, like string [25] Why is the assignment below: Type S: string; Shorts: string [25]; ... S: = shorts; The reason for the compiler to generate this warning: The W1057 integer string was inserted from 'short string' to 'string'. There is no data loss to be here. In what situation would I have useful information for this warning? thanks Tomw short string type is not change Has happened. It's an array of examples, actually going on. By specifying this as a string type, you are taking a group of AnsiChars (one byte) and putting it into a group of WideChars (two bytes). The compiler can do such a thing, and not enough to lose data, but the warning is to tell you that such a conversion has happened.

c - Passing variables to #include through #define -

क्या इन पंक्तियों के साथ कुछ करना संभव है: #define import_and_other (s) \ Some \ #include s ऐसा है कि: import_and_other ("file.h") हो जाता है : कुछ #include "file.h" असल में, कुछ फाइलें हैं जिन्हें हमेशा शामिल किए जाने से पहले ही उसी कार्रवाई की आवश्यकता होती है, इसलिए मैं इन कार्यों को करने के लिए # अप लपेट करना चाहते हैं। नहीं! सीएमएक्स मानक कहते हैं (खंड 6.10.2): फ़ॉर्म का एक प्रीप्रोसेसिंग निर्देश # पीपी-टोकन नया -लाइन (जो दो पिछले रूपों में से एक से मेल नहीं खाता है) की अनुमति है। निदेशालय में शामिल होने के बाद प्रीप्रोसेसिंग टोकन को सामान्य पाठ के रूप में प्रोसेस किया जाता है। (वर्तमान में एक मैक्रो नाम के रूप में परिभाषित प्रत्येक पहचानकर्ता को पूर्वप्रक्रमित टोकन की अपनी प्रतिस्थापन सूची के द्वारा बदल दिया गया है।) सभी प्रतिस्थापन के परिणामस्वरूप दिए गए निर्देश दो पिछले रूपों में से एक से मेल खाते हैं। हालांकि, एक अन्य नियम (खंड, 'द ऑपरेटर' पर) जो कहते हैं: फ़ंक्शन-जैसे मैक्रो के लिए प्रतिस्थापन सू...

windows - Programmatically modifiy environment variables? -

Windows 7 This is for my own machine, so no matter what it requires, administrative rights or something else is required. Preferably in Python or .NET, but I can learn some required Win32 (C / C ++) programming. If you want to permanently set the environment variable, Can insert values. For example, with vbscript, add path "c: \ test" to the path variable set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") strReg = "HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ session manager \ environment \ path "strSetting = WshShell.RegRead (strReg) strNewSetting = strSetting & amp;" c \ test "WshShell.RegWrite strReg, strNewSetting Languages ​​used by Python or others, you can use your own language API / module to read and write the registry.

Someone is eating my <?xml version="1.0"?> returning an Excel XML in MVC -

I'm playing with VB XML Litles for Return and Excel XML files. ?. The problem is that & lt; XML version = "1.0" & gt; is not for download Here is the code: Public Class ReservasController Function Test () Response.Clear () Response.AddHeader ("Content- Configuration "," attachment; file name = test.xml ") Response.ContentType =" application / "Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding (" utf-8 ") Response.Write (GetXML ()) '' // It works: '' //Response.Write("<?xml version = "" 1.0 "" & gt; "+ GetXML () ToString ()) Response.End () Return Anything end function GetXML method is very simple:? Return PrivateXGetXML () function & lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt ;? Mso-application progid = "Excel.Sheet"? & Gt; & Lt; Workbook xmlns = "vase: schema-microsoft com: office: spreadsheet...

regex - Use php to trim URL to just domain name by removing protocol and path -

"" की यात्रा "" क्या php और regex उचित होगा? होस्ट भाग का उपयोग करें और प्राप्त करें।

c# - Windows Forms - How to kick of a seperate thread and hold current thread -

I have a windows app and a DLL (windows form) that is trying to open (activation check) In an attempt to stop im the current thread open a new thread (activation check) to wait for that form to be true, continue the main thread. Someone can explain to me what I'm doing wrong - thanks. Fixed class program {Private Static Splash Screen Splash; Apps by leaving Private Static Bull; Private Static Bull activation; [STAThread] static zero main () {thread thread = new thread (activation probe); Thread.Start (); Do {Thread. Sleep (1000); } While (activating); If (left app) {Thread. Sleep (0); // Wizards (); Application.Run (new main (riff splash)); }}} Private Static Zero Activation Test () {splash.SetStatus = "Checking License ..."; Guid productId = new Guid (properties.Settings.Default.ProductId); Gid version iid = new guide (properties settings default.versionID); Client.u. Entrypoint entrypoint = new entrypoint (); Activation field = wrong; Client BLL Product Activatio...

How to Highlight dynamically loaded menu item in ASP.Net? -

I am facing some problem with the highlight menu item on user selection. I have loaded all the menu items from the database, I used StaticMenuItemStyle CssClass = "Item" StaticSelectedStyle CssClass = "ItemSelected" StaticHoverStyle CssClass = "ItemHover" and Dynamic Select Style CssClass = "Item Selected" But this is my Is not working for Have a suggestion or share ideas with me. If you have Li> .. & lt; A & gt; .. & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; Highlighting on the structure "Lee" applies and also add these attributes: & lt; Li onmouseout = "unselected (this)" onosavor = "select (this)" & gt; which is supposed to handle mouse events using Javascript, hope it will help!

java - What are "multiple processes" in PHP? -

"I like to write it in PHP or Java (I know PHP can not do many threads, but it Can be completed with many processes) ". What does this statement mean when it says "multiple processes"? Is there a good example? Multiple processes mean many processes, probably executed in parallel. / P> And a "process" is just a program execution. Therefore, multi-processes means hanging many of a program - in parallel, results for obtaining multiple types of threads: Instead of having a program with multiple threads, which is in PHP Not possible, you launch the same program multiple times in parallel (and, generally, each instance of each program will work with a subset of the total amount of data) .

ruby - Using a self-signed certificate -

I'm just trying to get my head around SSL. I have installed on a Jetty server Now I can not trust this certificate's error when I go. I use keytool -export -alias pongus -keystore keystore -file certfile.cer certificate which I think The client needs to authenticate with the server to create (this is where I can be very wrong!) I have the following ruby ​​code: Requires 'net / https' 'openssl' is required 'open-yuri' file 'yes' if file is required. Axis? ('Certfile.cer') uri = URI.parse ("https: // localhost: 8443 /") http_session = Net :: (, uri.port) Http_session.use_ssl = true http_session.verify_mode = OpenSSL :: SSL :: VERIFY_PEER http_session.ca_file = 'certfile.cer' res = http_session.start do | Http | # Some request here is http.get ('/') end this is printed 'or', hence the certificatefile.cer file exists. But I get errors / application / netbins / net...

visual studio 2008 - Crystal Report file deployment from Class Library project -

I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution that is multi-layered. One of those projects (which is not the main project and actually is the class library) I have a crystal report file, which I want to include in the application deployment. I tried several settings with no success. How can I get the deployment of this report file using "hacking" (without copying in the main project) or other "obscure" way ... thank you in advanced! It has been reported that the report should be configured in its creation to call an embedded resource report To be done through the name of your class (accelerated and so on) then according to the report, the source has to be set on this report object. Loading a report will not work due to the nature of the project: it is a class library.

c# - Property with Enumerable or list -

I'm playing with LINQ and related topics and was thinking about the following. There are 2 ways to get a Fibonacci sequence I started: Public Fixed IEnumerable & lt; Int & gt; Fibonacci {i {ii = 0; Int j = 1; Int temp = 0; While (true) {yield returns i; Temp = i; I = J; J = temp + i; }}} But I got to think about this, why would I choose it: public static IList & lt; Int & gt; Fibonacci (long time) {IList & lt; Int & gt; Fidel list = new list & lt; Int & gt; (); Int i = 0; Int j = 1; Int temp, index = 0; Whereas (from index & lt;) {fibList.Add (i); Temp = i; I = J; J = temp + i; Index ++; } Return Fibliël; } ILIT is also a countable + I would like to add some parametrations for this. I'm not really looking for things like optimization or stuff or use & lt; Long> Because the numbers grow very fast, it is only a quick example of something just logic and understand each method, what other method should I use? One imp...

R array manipulation -

In python lists this can be truncated as x [4: -1] Some can be completed with x [4: length (x)] for similar vectors and for multi-functional arrays such as x [,,,, 4: dim (x) [5], ,,,] . Is it a more elegant syntax for the action of slicing arrays from a element to the last element of a particular dimension? Thanks You can use drop element syntax: & gt; (1:10) [- (1: 4)] [1] 5 6 7 8 9 10

concurrency - Java locking of elements inside array -

I have a dynamic array of hashtables Do I use synchronize for each of them separately Can i do Synchronize (array [1]) {code ..}, synchronize (array [2]) {code ..} thanks You can definitely synchronize the object in a particular state in a certain position: syn (arr [x]) {. ..} However, be careful to make sure that you understand that it is doing what you want to do. This particular object will lock referenced by arr [x] however, it does not buy you any thread-protection as access to the array - in other words, For example: When you are locking the object on [x], the second thread may still change potentially, which is in orange [x]; If two threads arr arr arr place (either that hash map / object, or to set a new position), there will be a race condition. I also agree with Ackappa - what you are doing is a little unusual, and this again the question is, "what do we need to do to do ? " Assuming that an array of hamppas is appropriate from the be...

Batch files/table read ins -

I am trying to write a small script that zips my office to an FTP site and uploads the extractor myself Will help. They have to make many zimps / cells and give them names of different things. I think that they have a small table for which they can type (i.e. the name that they call the file, the place of upload, where they want to remove it etc.) and then mine The program will handle it effectively (so when they want to upload 'line of data', they only select through GUI and run scripts). I am normally new to batch files and programming. Just wondering if anyone has a tip to read the batch file from a table to the data? this help? Data.txt with the data file one, two, three a, b, c Send the CMD file ReadData.cmd @echo off for / f "tokens = 1-3 delims =," %% (data.txt): Every line %% A %% b %% G is available: eof: Every line is @eachi first% 1 second is% 2 third is% 3 goto: returns output The first one is second second third third is f...

class - c++: Dynamically choose which subclass to create -

I'm new to c ++ and I have any questions. We say that we have a base class base and have two derivative classes, Derived1 and Derived2 eg Derived1 have a constructor in which an integer and a conclusion that the cooler takes a boolean. Is it possible to determine whether on the runway (or in time compilation), which of the two subclasses is the base class? Something like this: base b = ??? (Value), where the value is of integer or boolean. Thanks in advance! You probably want to

c - Copying an array of characters -

gcc 4.4.2 c89 I was just working on some signals. However, with the program below, I can not copy the source to the destination. Whenever I try and print for a loop, I can display the characters in the source, but the destination is empty. When the pointer returns, the destination is empty. So it has not copied anything. I have stayed for about an hour for this problem, and it is not clear whether this is not doing the work. Any suggestions? Many thanks, Four strows_source [80] = "A string for demolition purposes"; Four str_dest [80] = {0}; Char * my_strncpy (char * dest, const four const * source, const size_t size) {size_t i = 0; Printf ("size [% d] \ n", size); For (i = 0; i ============== Edit Four Straw_source [80] = "Democracy for a string Purpose "; Four str_dest [80] = {0}; Printf ("str_dest [% s] \ n", my_strncpy (str_dest, str_source, size (str_dest)); Char * my_strncpy (char * dest, const four const * source, const...

networking - Network I/O serialized -

Why network I / O has been serialized Is not it parallel? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Good, like actual packets (they can all root differently, for example) But at some point you're going to want a stream, where you read the data in the same order in which you put it - this is the main point of TCP, how will you do it? Can you always use different sockets to give additional parallels? Or have I misunderstood your meaning? Some network protocols offer "broadcast", but it is not always available (for example, many network devices, which will deliberately configure UDP to block broadcast)

javascript - Local HTML 5 database usable in Mac Dashboard wigdets? -

I am trying to use the HTML5 local database feature on the Mac Dashboard widget. I am programming in the following Javascript Dashcode: if (window.openDatabase) {database = openDatabase ("MyDB", "1.0", "Sample DB", 1000); If the database (database) is ... ... the database code is here ...} Unfortunately, always calling the database-variable after the call is always empty. I think local databases are not supported in widgets ... Any thoughts? / pom No, you will not be able to give it up. And even if you still would not be able to distribute the widget without distributing the database, assuming it was a MySQL or SGLite. (Not sure what that means by local DB of HTML5. Here are several ways: - You can add a data source that is a JSON file Maybe, or an XML file or RSS feed. For example, to do this with JSON, you will write a page on a server on PHP or in a situation that can access the database so that the URL is called JSON string JSON ...

html - Strange input field indent in Safari -

यह कोड: & lt; तालिका सेलपैडिंग = 0 कोशिकाएं = 0 बॉर्डर = 0 & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td bgcolor = red & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = 'टेक्स्ट' / & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / तालिका & gt; सफ़ारी और अन्य सभी ब्राउज़रों में यह आउटपुट देता है: सवाल यह है कि पृष्ठभूमि रंग के साथ हाइलाइट इंडेंट को कैसे निकालें सफारी में केवल समस्या होती है, सीएसएस मार्जिन / पैडिंग / सीमा मदद नहीं करती है। शायद कुछ उस पर है इनपुट तत्व इसे निकालने का प्रयास करें, उदा।: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = 'टेक्स्ट' शैली = "मार्जिन: 0" / & gt;

c# - Is it possible to map multiple DTO objects to a single ViewModel using Automapper? -

I was wondering if many DTO objects are possible to use a View Model object to automate? Basically, I have many DTO objects and want to display information from each on a screen in ASP.NET MVC 2.0. I want to do DTO objects (or parts of them ...) to do this. Would like to be leveled in the villa and passed to see the view model. If I had a DTO, it would be easy, but I have never done it with many. Of course, there are many ways to do this (outside the automaker), but this is the way I probably would like to take. You can create a composite DTO which holds two or more than two DTO objects and the output view model Makes the entire DTO in

netbeans6.8 - How can I create a class diagram with NetBeans' 6.8 UML module? -

I think NetBeans' UML module is a little too easy to create UML diagram in Netbeans 6.5. No plugin install required or sth choice. Read where I found a zip file to install the UML module. And now, after this process, I got the UML module back, but I think I can not create a class diagram with it. Do you know how can I do this with Netbeans 6.8? Update1 : No support Update2 : Still working on it. Changed to answer: UML plugin is no longer supported in newer versions. That's not why, but this is such a matter, does not answer your question, but it keeps in context that I can be just gradually breaking, so you are connected to both you and Blogger who work to do the work can not do.

css - How to stretch an empty element horizontally -

I'm trying to get an effect in HTML + CSS like this _____________________ [Something Div] ____ is a border below . It should not have a div border on the right side. I want to stretch this limit as much as possible so that it can capture the width of the parent together. I am trying to avoid any fixed spacing layout. I did width: 100% : & Lt; Td id = "contentDiv" & gt; Some Div & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt ;? Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; Instead of the first place, the extra space goes to the other td I also tried to float the content div right: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "contentDiv" style = "float: correct" & gt; Some div & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "borderDiv" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; But div with the border div now fills the whole parent's place. There was no way to hinder it in the ...

Receive Adium messages in Applescript -

I am trying to write a simple chat bot for the adium, which will post "ll" and "haha" Some people who continue to add questions to the original annoying group chat I have covered the "simple" part with a few simple and delayed orders, but I also need to have some conversations. For example, with a question mark, answer "yes" to anything ... Trust me or not, such simple bots will pass the Turing test for those conversations. Opening the adium dictionary does not reveal any clear way to get the message, nor does the groll dictionary either. I came to know that whenever I receive a message, I can run a script every time, is there any way to gain access to the message sent? My code: Tell the app "Adium" Activate Chat in the active chatTest message "Hello" delay 5Send "This message How is it? "Repeat Delay 10 Repeat 10 times" Release? " Delay 5 Send the message "Lol: P" Delay 15 Send...

dial up - How to get a TCP socket with CSD data call bearer on Windows Mobile 5.0? -

I am writing a mobile application that must connect to a server using a dial-up (CSD) connection. An additional request is that it needs to use TCP (the server is using this kind of combination) on PPP. I know how to use the RAS API for the CSD connection. But how can I find out how to get a TCP socket that "uses" under this connection? Many thanks in advance. Can you set up connections in settings? Choose the connection settings applet, and modem instead of gprs / cellular / bluetooth, then use the connection manager to initiate that connection. This will make a TCP / IP connection on CSD, and you should be able to open the correct socket in the correct code ...

php - Deciphering a function -

Some time ago, this function was posted in response to a question. As a learner, I am interested in understanding the ceremony. However, I can not get it to work as it is. The poster did not say that he had tested this event, so it could have a "conceptual" post to show the direction. Otoh, I can not apply it correctly Please help because I have spent some time trying to understand it. ($ data array is the one that I've put to run the function.) & lt; ? Php $ data = array ("a" = & gt; "january", "b" => "February", "c" => "march"); Render_table ($ data); $ Echo echo; // =========================================== Function render_table ($ data ) {$ Html = '& lt; Table & gt; '; $ Tr = array (); $ Currency as foreign currency (Aria_Keys ($ data [0]) {$ tr [] = '& lt; Th & gt; . Htmlspecialchars ($ key) '& lt; / Th & gt; '; } $ Html = "\ N". ...

ruby - How important is adding quiet/verbose flags to new unix tools? -

I'm writing some Unix-style ruby ​​scripts that take the option flag. Generally, I write lots of STDOUT.puts and STDERR.puts in these scripts. Now I am wondering if the STDERR is a "good form" to put in the - verbose or -q flag to switch or turn on supportive output . There are two arguments against doing so: This will make the program more complicated, User is already redirected to STDERR By logging outputs can silence / dev / null But again, one of the principles of Unix philosophy is that silence is golden, which means that always -Web mode mode But should it be stem with the principle of making small programs And who is not, who does one thing well? And the second question will be: If the mute / verbose flag is a good idea, should verbosity be the default ever? Can some UNIX programming gurus please advise? Tools that I need to redirect to STDERR to turn them off. To support cool operation This is not too complicated.

objective c - Implementing "add photo" button similar to the iPhone contacts app -

I was curious if any "add photo" process to make the image tile the same Knew that in the iPhone Contacts app, it seems that there is a single level (if it has been done) as a UITableViewCell . I did not have anything specific on a header or custom UITableViewCells but how it was done. This is just a UIButton to a UITableViewCell Has been added in You can use the UITB double view of add swoueview method to add a button to the cell.

C# Automatic references assignment - making references null -

During the detection of objects, good practice of Unity 3D in C # scripting environment (operated under mono) is destroyed All references that point to the object are automatically empty: GameAbject Rif 1 = (Game Object Instantiate) (OBJ); Game object ref2 = ref1; If (ref1! = Null) debug Log ("ref1 is not zero"); DestroyImmediate (ref1); If (ref1 == faucet) debug Log ("ref1 is null"); If (ref2 == faucet) debug Log ("ref2 is null"); Output: ref1 is not empty ref1 is empty ref2 zero How about receiving Also consider this? Thanks It is possible that the Unity 3D (AB) operator overloading Some kind of internal flag that has been deleted from bool to deleted to true on DestroyImmediate . Function then null yields true . Equality test against

Convert code from PHP to Ruby on Rails -

I am trying to use GOIP's web service for Ruby applications. They do not offer any Ruby demos, but they give it to PHP. I was wondering if anyone knew how to change this to work on Ruby on Rail? I only need data from city and city. More examples can be found on their site at $ query = "". $ License_key "& Amp; i =". $ IPADDRESS; $ Url = parse_url ($ query); $ Host = $ url ["Host"]; $ Path = $ url ["path"] "?" . $ Url ["Query"]; $ Timeout = 1; $ Fp = fsockopen ($ host, $ 80, errno, $ errstr, $ timeout) or die ('Can not open connection to server'.); If ($ fp) {fputs ($ fp, "GET $ Path HTTP / 1.0 \ nhost:". $ Host. "\ N \ n"); While (! FIF ($ FP)) {$ buf = fgets ($ fp, 128); } $ Lines = split ("\ n", $ buf); $ Data = $ rows [count ($ rows) -1]; Fclose ($ FP); } And {# error handing the code here} $ echoing the data; $ Geo = Explosion (","...

javascript - How do I create separately collapsible divs for dynamic content? -

I want to create a list which is actually a list of open divs on my site so when you click on an item in the list More information will be visible, I am using animated calculus The problem is that since I am looping on divs, they all are same IDs, and thus 'divis' will open any divs from all divs. Should I create unique IDs for each div? How is this done? Thank you very much for your help. I am using the demo. The id should always be unique in an html page When you are looping, you can add the loop index to your ID to make it unique.

c# - TreeView. US States and Cities -

I have found a list view and I have to fill it with states as root nodes, Nodes in the form. This is a difficult task. I have a dictionary & lt; String, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; and by doing so. dictionaries & lt; String, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; Location = New Dictionary & lt; String, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; (); & Lt; String & gt; Alabama = new list & lt; String & gt; (); Alabama.add ("city1"); Alabama.add ("city2"); Alabama.add ("city3"); .... places.ed ("Alabama", Alabama); .... By doing this every state and city is getting disturbed, and I can not help only, but it seems that there is an easy way. Any thoughts? By using arrays instead of syntax and lists, the number of keystrokes reduces: var location = new dictionary & lt; String, string []> {{"Alabama", New [] ("City 1", "City 2", "City 3", .....


यहां मेरा जेएस कोड है & lt; script type = 'text / javascript' & gt ; // ब्राउज़र सुरक्षित अस्पष्टता से निपटने की सुविधा फ़ंक्शन सेट ओपेसिटी (मान) {document.getElementById ("पॉपअप")। Style.opacity = value / 10; Document.getElementById ("पॉपअप")। Style.filter = 'अल्फा (अस्पष्टता =' + मान * 10 + ')'; } समारोह fadeInMyPopup () {for (var i = 0; i & lt; = 100; i ++) setTimeout ('setOpacity (' + (i / 10) + ')', 8 * i); } समारोह fadeOutMyPopup () {for (var i = 0; i & lt; = 100; i ++) {setTimeout ('setOpacity (' + (10 - i / 10) + ')', 8 * i); } SetTimeout ('CloseMyPopup ()', 800); } फ़ंक्शन closeMyPopup () {document.getElementById ("पॉपअप")। Style.display = "none"} फ़ंक्शन fireMyPopup () {setOpacity (0); Document.getElementById ("पॉपअप")। Style.display = "block"; fadeInMyPopup (); } & Lt; / script & gt; यह कोड ठीक काम करता है दोस्तों को ईम...

php - Is it better to use look-behind or capture groups? -

I'm not sure any of these is 'better', second, and why it will be, they have an original string That looks like this: $ string = '/random_length_user/file.php'; Now, there are two ways to match it, first, my new friend, look-back, and without the other: Preg_match ("% (? & Lt; = ^ /) ([^ /] *)% ", $ string, capture $); Preg_match ("% ^ / ([^ /] *)%", $ string, $ capture); They come back in sequence: array ([0] = & amp;; random_length_user) array ([0] => Random_length_user [1] = & gt; random_length_user) Basically I'm getting the result that I want to use [0] back-behind in $ capture, and $ capture Without this [1] the question now is ... do any of these methods like? The problem is that the look-up method is not flexible; When you start dealing with variable-length matches, it falls down. For example, suppose you wanted to remove the filename in your example, and you did not know the name of the direc...

html - When are inline event triggered in javascript? -

& lt; input onclick = ".." / & gt; मेरा मतलब है, बुदबुदाती चरण या कैप्चर चरण ? ऐसे ब्राउज़र में जो डब्लूएसईसी डॉम का समर्थन करते हैं, इस तरह से पंजीकृत घटनाएं बुद्घ के चरण में होती हैं I यही है, आंतरिक तत्व का घटना बाहरी तत्व की घटना से पहले आग लगाता है। (यह सबसे आधुनिक ब्राउज़रों के बारे में सच होना चाहिए ... पुराने नेटस्केप ब्राउज़र में, यह विपरीत था।) आप किसी दिए गए ब्राउज़र में इसे बहुत आसानी से जांच सकते हैं उदाहरण के लिए, इस परीक्षण पृष्ठ को लोड करने का प्रयास करें: & lt;! DOCTYPE html सार्वजनिक "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 ट्रांस्क्रिप्शन // एन" /TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> & Lt; html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; इवेंट आर्डर परीक्षण पृष्ठ & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div onclick = "अलर्ट ('बाहरी')" & gt; & Lt; div onclick = "अलर्ट ('इनर...

c++ - storing line numbers of expressions with boost.spirit 2 -

मैं स्क्रिप्ट ट्रांसफ़ॉर्मेशन उपयोगिता (विस्तारित नैदानिक ​​जानकारी के लिए) को बढ़ावा देने का विचार कर रहा हूं। 2। त्रुटियों को पार्स करने के लिए लाइन जानकारी आदि का समर्थन है, लेकिन मैं क्यूई के साथ सफलतापूर्वक पारित अभिव्यक्तियों के लिए लाइन नंबर कैसे स्टोर कर सकता / सकती हूं? मेलिंग सूची के अनुसार, Spirit.Classic का उपयोग Spirit 2 के साथ भी किया जा सकता है। पर एक पर एक लेख भी है आत्मा -ब्लॉग। मैं परीक्षण करने के लिए समय था जब मैं अद्यतन करेगा।

css - Is the use of relative values in font sizing for accessibility still useful in general, or only for IE6? -

All other browsers (not IE6) are scaling the size of the whole layout in PX. So what is the purpose of using MI and% if we are not thinking about IE6? Do you have all the major mobile devices (eg, phones)?

How to print a value from a file with comments printed? -

An input name is being named in a program .... From a file I Read Price Line From Line: Say In File ... Hello If I want to print Name of the batch file name in Hello batch file How to do this? The following (pure CMD ) will do this: infile.txt ) for prefix @echo off setlocal enabled extension enabled / / %% a (infile.txt) input file for / pre> creates this: Hello name in the batch file name in the batch file I need to adjust the "name in the batch file" bit to make the script more suitable For example (for example "Bob" ). Update: provided you enter Correk Tly name variable for loop Before, you can also use the variable for the name. For example, the following script: @echo off setlocal enabled extension enabled extension set / p name = Enter name: For / F %% a in (infile.txt) do (Echo %% a! Name!) Endlocals: c: \ pax>. Enter \ Go.cmd name: Hello Pax, Pax c: \ Pax> _

licensing - Proprietary software built on top of GNU GPL -

I plan to build software on top of the other part of the software which is licensed under GPL. I am planning to sell licensing and software. Can anyone be familiar with the details of the license, any problem or any loss of reliance on a dependency of the software licensed under GPL? If it is LGGL, then you can link with it without its effect, but are not static! Subject: Personally, I think that GPL is very restrictive, I look at alternative projects under licensing model like MPL or BSD, on which you can make your software.

python - Django-registration, force unique e-mail -

Can I force users to create unique e-mail addresses in the Django-registration? For later versions of django_registration (which use class-based views), you Can be imported from registration form by: registration. Registration. Email from registration Backends.default.views Import Registration URL Pattern = Pattern ('', url (r 'registration / $', registration .view_view (form_class = RegistrationFormUniqueEmail), name = 'registration_register'),)

sql - Return master rows based on detail filter -

I have a query where I want to return the master lines, depending on whether the extension meets certain criteria . For example, I want to return only a special master line if at least one extension rows have someProperty = X. Based on the following determination: Predicate = predicate.And (p = & gt; p.basketItems.Where (obi = & gt; obi.basketItemTypeID == (Int) basketball type. Refund. Count ()> gt; 0); Generates the following SQL: SELECT COUNT (*) FROM [dbo] [BasketetTemplate] AS [T3] WHERE ([T3]. [Basket ID] = [T.]. [Orderbosacetid]] and ([T3]. [TokiTyType ID] = 3)))) 0) This is scanning a table, so the query may take some time to run. Just by checking that I am not doing anything crazy, I wonder if there is something that can trigger this query? Thanks Duncan M.basketID, max (M.field1 ) As field1, max (M.field2) as d2.basketItems as field 2, connect to the extension on M.basketID = detail.basketID, where detail.basketItemTypeID = '3'...

c++ - Trusting the Return Value Optimization -

How do you use return cost optimization ? Is there a case where I can rely on a modern compiler to use optimization, or should I always go safely and use any reference as a pointer / parameter ? Is there any known cases where the return value can not be optimized? I think return value optimization will be quite easy for a compiler to perform. whenever compiler optimization is enabled (and in most compilers, when optimizing disabled ), R.V.O. NRVO is a little less common, but most compilers also complete this optimization as well, at least when optimization is enabled. You are right, optimize is quite easy for a compiler to perform, that is why compilers almost always do so only in those cases where "not created" Can be "where the optimization does not apply: RVO only applies when you return to a temporary temporary. If you want to return a designated local variable, then NRVO applies instead, and when it is slightly more complicated to implement a compi...

objective c - How to get system language in ISO 639-2 format of MAC OS using cocoa? -

I want to retrieve the system language of the Macintosh in the ISO 639-2 format (i.e., in three letter formats). Currently, I am trying to use the [NSUserdefault objectforkey: @ "Applelanguages"] . It gives the character of the language in 2 character format. Any API that I use must support MacOS X versions beyond 10.3.9. are the related sections of the document, and unfortunately I do not think there is a standard API that is 639 Changed from -1 to 639-2. As explained, OS X uses a mixture of both, and the canonical form used by the OS can be obtained by CFLocaleCreateCanonicalLanguageIdentifierFromString . But this is not what you want, unfortunately. I would suggest you process yourself in an NSDictionary on the table.

text editing with macros -

I go into situations where I have to repeat a line of text with some minor edits. For example: 1. Enter in table_name (call_on, cola_to) values ​​(val_1, val_2); 2. Insert table_name (col_one, col_two) values ​​(val_3, val_4); 3. Insert table_name (col_one, col_two) values ​​(val_5, val_6); And so on ... (1000 records) I mean, I'll just type the first query and write the macro using the text editor to generate the required number of questions, hope you get the picture . Please suggest a better text editor for this purpose. As I have already tried and failed with ultridid ​​/ steppad Maybe I am doing something wrong, because I do not get Vim to do this. For example given where only numbers change, it is possible to use editor and macro script . For example, this script is very similar. Take the number script from above to get the required result and strange number and Also numbers script Then marks the 1000 lines of columns weird columns and runs the str...

c# - What does char 160 mean in my source code? -

I am formatting numbers in the string using the following format string: ########################################## # # Back in some sort of strings like these numbers (1 234 567) 1234567 I am trying to snatch empty characters, but found that value = value.Replace ("", ""); For some reason and string 1 234 567. After looking at the string I found that value is [1] 160. I was wondering what is the value of 160? The answer is to see - where you will find; It shows that U + 00A (160 according to your title, not according to body 167) is a non-breaking space.

How does iPhone development compare to Symbian development? -

Having spent many years in developing Symbian C ++, I would like to know how iPhone development compares Symbian development . I am interested in answering the people who have spent some time on both platforms. To illustrate: Example: Compare how to: Symbian C ++ vs. Visual C - formerly the ICHHO Symbian Library vs. iPhone Library Emulator - How close is the emulator for actual devices - Symbian emulator is actually a simulator because it has been modified to run on the Symbian Library for Win32. Like a process is a thread on the Symbian emulator and there is no symbian process. The emulator is a separate build target. IDE - How do they compare (eg Eclipse or Covverrier vs. relevant iPhone IDE) Documentation - How do documents compare - Symbian documentation much to be desired. Community Support Fission - There are many Symbian OS versions and phones that can potentially target - this can be a real development and maintenance nightmare, apart from the different taste...

javascript - self destruct button in html -

Is it possible to delete html buttons? If it is clicked because it has already presented its purpose after clicking. Yes, you can disable or hide it. Example: & lt; Input type = "button" onclick = "this.disabled = true;" / & Gt; However, if you do this on the submit button, it can not work properly. Button's value will not be included in the form data, so if the server button is for data It looks like to find out how the form was submitted, then it will not get it.

decompiler - Decompiling x86 PE binary to C? -

I would like to know if there is any way to generate a code of x86 PE binary. I'm not really needed , I want to know how some closed source software is working. From my general knowledge, I think this process is: Converting the x86 binary to assembly, which can be done with a digitalizer such as OleidiBG. Converting this assembly into C. I do not know any tools for this, no one really my question really I highly appreciate your help. Thank you. PS: If this is not legal (though I am not a cracker and there is no cracking purpose) please remove this question . If you use IDA Pro with hexare decompiler then you get some readable source code You can. (But prepare for goto -s and for a group of unnecessary variables).

python - Paramiko equvalent of pipeline controls and input/output pipes -

I need a method of permikico-based file transfer with a light server (), for which there is no support or what There is a way to get a cat and style file transfer redirects, such as: ssh server "cat remote_file" & gt; Local_file with channels? What can paramiko.Transport.open_channel () or message () work? I'm unsure about moving forward. may be useful as a starting point (such as ./ Sshpipe host "command"): #! / Usr / bin / env python import system import paramiko def sshpipe (host, line): client = paramiko.SSHClient () client.set_missing_host_key_policy (paramiko.AutoAddPolicy ()) client.connect (host) stdin, stdout, stderr = client Exec_command (Line) output = () sys.stdout.write (output) stdin.close () stdout.close () stderr.close () client.close () sshpipe (sys.argv [1], sys Argv [2])

Zend Framework convert NULL string to actual NULL value for MySql -

While importing data using a multi-row insert with any (execution) function, many Rows were added for some columns with string faucet. How can I convert those null string to MySQL null values ​​so that I can check the empty values ​​by using is_null () in php when displaying data. How can I avoid this problem? I was using the quote () function for each piece of data; Was this problem using bidding on empty areas? I was importing a CSV file Thanks To insert an SQL NULL or any other expression, you You can use a Zend_Db_Expr object even if you use the quote () , then the ZF passes these objects through unquoted $ null = New Zend_Db_Expr ("NULL"); $ Table = New MyTable (); $ Table- & gt; Insert (123, "abc", $ null); Note that except for both the quote and parameter of Zend_Db_Expr , you are responsible for protecting against SQL injection. This is tangent to your question, but keep in mind that whether you are bulking a CSV file. This can ...

remove xml declaration from the generated xml document using java -

स्ट्रिंग रूट = "आरडीबी टनल"; दस्तावेज़बिल्डर फ़ैक्टरी दस्तावेज़बिल्डरफैक्टर = दस्तावेज़बिल्डर। फर्मवेयर। दस्तावेज़बिल्डर दस्तावेज़ब्लियलर = दस्तावेज़बिल्डर। फ़ेडरेट.न्यूड दस्तावेज़ब्लूल्डर (); दस्तावेज़ दस्तावेज़ = documentBuilder.newDocument (); तत्व रूट एलेमेंट = दस्तावेज़.createElement (रूट); document.appendChild (rootElement); आउटपुट प्रारूप स्वरूप = नया आउटपुट फ़ॉर्मेट (दस्तावेज़); format.setIndenting (सही); XMLSerializer serializer = नया XMLSerializer (System.out, प्रारूप); serializer.serialize (दस्तावेज़); निम्नलिखित के रूप में परिणाम देता है & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & LT; RdbTunnels / & gt; लेकिन मुझे आउटपुट से XML declaration को हटाने की आवश्यकता है मैं इसे कैसे कर सकता हूं क्या आपने देखा है कि इसके द्वारा प्रयोग किया जाता है? विशेष रूप से। ध्यान दें कि हेडर को हटाने से XML 1.0 में मान्य है, लेकिन आप चरित्र एन्कोडिंग डेटा (अन्य चीजों के बीच) खो देते हैं जो बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हो सकता है...

java - How to integrate OpenID into GlassFish? -

I want to integrate OpenID into the GlassFish 3.1 (preview) as the authentication mechanism. It is said that the use of custom authentication mechanism such as OpenID can be used to implement. Is an OpenId authentic for glassfish with JSR196? Or is there a tutorial how to write one (somewhere in blogger)? Less experimental for second-based implementation (at least I think, the OpenID extension still Alpha and it is clearly used more widely than OpenID4 Java), see that the same author posted last week.

regex - Java - Tokenize Parameter List -

I am trying to create a method that takes string parameters and then returns two-dimensional string array of parameter names and values is . protected last string [] [] set param (string params) {string [] [] params; Int i = 0; Pattern p = Pattern.compile (NEED_REGEX_HERE); Mitcher M = P. Matches (Parameters); Parameters = string [m.groupCount ()] [2]; While (m.find ()) {params [i] [0] = MGP (I) .subString (0, M.G.P. (I) .indexOf ('=')); Paramaze [I] [1] = MGroup (i) .subString ( (i) .indexOf ('=')); I ++; } Return the ultimate; } Some examples of input (inside quotes) will be: "name = ryan; \; name = John" "name = ryan; name = "John" "name = Ryan" "name = Ryan; Index = 1 " one"; "Delimiter and assignment operator of the list" = "is a valid parameter." \ "Is a throw value. Actually I see for a regex I am allowed to do this, or if one can provide a more elegant solution. ...

svn - Subversion Problem on Mac OS X -

After This is present in my httpd.conf file: & lt; Location / SVN & gt; DAV SVN SVNParentPath / users / iirp / blog / SVN Allow all #AuthType Basic #AuthName "Subversion repositories" #AuthUserFile / users / iirp / blog / SVN write-file #Require valid-user & lt; / Location & gt; This file is working When I change it: & lt; Location / svn & gt; DAV SVN SVNParentPath / users / Iirp / blog all AuthType Basic AuthName "Subversion repository" AuthUserFile / users / Iirp / blog / requirement SVN write-file / SVN #Allow valid-user & lt; / Location & gt; When I use my repository via the URL, it gives me authentication screen, but my svn repository after the screen is not displayed correctly. The message is that it is the view gives me: Internal Server Error encountered an internal error or misconfiguration in server Had to do and was unable to fulfill your request. Please contact the server administrator, admin@exam...

C# skipping first line of a text file -

Here is the code I am using using (file stream fs = New filestream file name, FileMode.Open)) (StreamReader rdr = New Streamminder (FS)) {While (! Rdr.EndOfStream) {for (int z = 0; z I want to leave the first line of the stream streamer or the string maker first Leave. Note: I want to forward a foreach."> Why not Just read the first line and Do nothing with it? using (streamer reader RDR = new streamrider (FS)) {rdr.ReadLine () ... ... Or if you do not want to do this, test for an external variable i and i! = 0

html - Why are my <pre> and <code> tags reading the markup instead of producing code snipets? -

I am working on this resource page for churches which help my organization (CURE International) in Haiti earthquake relief effort I would like to: The problem I am facing is visible below step 4 that I have created banner ads and I have to produce code snippets (aka code block) to copy and paste users. I'm trying to do I want to say "pre" and "code" tags The sum, but the browser is still rendering HTML instead of displaying markup as text. P> Why is someone receiving me this result, so can someone help me? Here is a sample markup: & lt; Li class = "Haiti Webbanner" & gt; & Lt; P class = "webBannerSize" & gt; 300 x 250 & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" title = "Click here to donate now!" Alt = "Pure Inte...

iphone - Does my application "contain encryption"? -

I'm uploading a binary for the first time iTunes Connect has asked me: Export laws require that the products with encryption be properly authorized for export. Failure to comply may result in serious penalties. For more information, click here. Is your product encryption? I use https: // , but only NSURLConnection and UIWebView . My reading is that my app is not "encryption", but I am thinking that it is spelled anywhere. The "serious fines" do not seem very pleasant, so "I think it's right" is a bit sketch ... an official answer would be better. Thank you. [ update : HTTPS usage is longer than late September 2016 ERN is free) Unfortunately, I believe that in the context of US BIS your app contains "encryption" even if you only use HTTPS (if you Exceptions included in App Question 2 are not exceptions). By the price: " How do I know that I can follow the exporting registration and reporting (ERN) proce...