
Showing posts from February, 2014

c# - DependencyProperty with TwoWay Binding -

मेरे पास एक बेहद अनुकूलित संपादन नियंत्रण है जो RichTextBox को प्राप्त करता है मैं एक मूल्य इस पर नियंत्रण करने के लिए बाध्य करने के लिए एक तरह से की जरूरत है, तो मैं एक नया DependencyProperty पंजीकृत, लेकिन मैं इसे कोड करने के लिए है कि मैं जरूरत परेशानी है। सार्वजनिक स्थिर केवल पढ़ने के लिए DependencyProperty ValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ( "मूल्य", typeof (स्ट्रिंग), typeof (XliffRichCellEditor), नई PropertyMetadata (नई PropertyChangedCallback (XliffRichCellEditor.OnValuePropertyChanged))); सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग मान {प्राप्त करें (रिटर्न (स्ट्रिंग) इसे प्राप्त करें। गेट वैल्यू (वैल्यू प्रॉपर्टी); } सेट {this.SetValue (ValueProperty, value); }} निजी स्थिर शून्य OnValuePropertyChanged (DependencyObject घ, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs ई) {// RichTextBox में दस्तावेज़ को बदलने के लिए जब बाइंडिंग स्रोत बदल गया है // लेकिन यह भी उपेक्षा करता है, तो परिवर्तन RichTextBox जो केवल DependencyProperty // अपडेट कर रहा है से आता है की आवश्यकता है। इस मामले ...

javascript - how to make information displayed only in child window? -

I have written the code to open the window to the child (Toolbar has been disabled here) by the parent window (body online load Using the function) Calling the same (login.jsp) page again. Opens the first time in the browser (such as login.jsp) (by typing URL) it displays all the information and then goes to the hair window where I have disabled the toolbar. I want to type url and I want to go that I do not want to show any information in the original window ... I want to show only in the child window. I'm not sure that I understand your question correctly, but my script After all, the child has done everything in the window, and should try to see the focus () about the parent's location about: empty : location.href = 'about: empty'; Of course, pointing it to an empty page within your site would be the same thing.

html - Is there an out of the box Javascript "Tweet this" link solution with URL shortening, which does not eagerly load files from other domains? -

Third-party server requests slow down my site, so I'm trying to minimize as much as possible . In my book, the ideal "Tweet it" solution should be I have a small javascript snippet hosted on my site There is no activity on the page page (at least as low, but there is no additional HTTP request) Just click, get it shortened url and tweet it Is there anything like this? I have nothing to do about scripting around me, but of course I do not want to invent the wheel, if there is a good solution. EDIT: If anyone has ended in the end, then there is an interest in it. I decided to implement the API call My backend is triggered by an AJAX request when the user clicks on a button, from customer's perspective, this solution requires less resources and It can be as lazy as it is. Plus: Addressing the API directly is actually trivial. However: retweet.js (posted below) is still the best out-of-the-box client-side solution that I have seen so far....

c# - TypeConverter in propertygrid only converts from string, not to -

When the property grid is reached, only the conversion mechanism (often called) is called "Foo!" Returns the property string in the grid when I click to edit I get an exception Type.oo. Object type can not be changed to type. (Not properly translated,) What is a clue from the convert format, why not? And the error indicates that it is trying to convert to a string, not from. I think that when I want to edit this object, it will have to be converted from foo to string, and when the editing ends. Public class FooTypeConverter: StringConverter {public override object ConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext Reference, CultureInfo Culture, Object Value) {New Foo (string) value); } Convert the public override object (Type the ITE DiskText Contact Reference, CultureInfo Culture, Object Value, Type Type) {Return "Foo!"; } Public override bool CanConvertFrom (ITypeDescriptorContext reference, type source type) {back true; } Public Override Bull CanConvertTo (ITypeDescrip...

Problem with Url.Content in ASP.NET MVC on Default Route -

अगर मैं अपने डिफ़ॉल्ट दृश्य / होम / इंडेक्स & lt; स्क्रिप्ट भाषा = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "& lt;% = Url.Content (" ~ / लिपियों / jquery-1.3.2.js ")% & gt;" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; अगर मैं निम्नलिखित यूआरएल http : // 99 99 / होम / इंडेक्स का उपयोग करके इस स्थान पर सर्फ करता हूं तो पृष्ठ सही ढंग से प्रस्तुत हो जाता है & lt; स्क्रिप्ट भाषा = "javascript" src = "/ स्क्रिप्ट / jquery-1.3.2.js" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; & lt; / script & gt; अगर मैं निम्नलिखित यूआरएल http : // 9999 / (डिफ़ॉल्ट / होम / इंडेक्स से जुड़े वायर्ड) का उपयोग करता हूं तो पृष्ठ यह रेंडर करता है: & lt; script language = "javascript" src = "// स्क्रिप्ट / jquery-1.3.2.js" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; & lt; / script & gt; क्या किसी को भी इस मुद्दे को हल करने ...

mysql - paging with php? -

Hello I want to list contents as 10 content per page This is for every content The source code is & Lt; Br / & gt; Yayan: & lt; Strong & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Ronnie C Linwood & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Strong> & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt ;? = $ Arama [Ticlama]? & Gt; KJ Ocunmus & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt ;? Php rating_form ("$ Arama [id]"); ? & Gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;? = $ Arama [location] & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - / articles - & gt; I think you better use a paging class instead of making your own It will save a lot of time in your next projects. Your current problem will also be resolved

java - A customizable diff tool that can produce report (in XML, HTML) -

I want to provide a difference report for a non-regression test. My program is Java based, but I did not find any API to fill my needs. So I am using an external device (CSDIF) which takes 2 files as logic and returns an HTML report. It's nice and easy to setup. The only problem now is that some changes need to be made to use the HTML report and I am roaming it with the report, it changes some different parts, style ...) Does anyone know a different tool that has a powerful command line support, allowing to generate custom reports? Good reports will see options 2 pan, regex filtering, easy styling options ... like HTML would be as good as a VIM difference scene. I have already read stuff about the DIFIFO tool in stack overflow, but I many thanks / p> I would recommend. It provides HTML or original FIP components that you can change in style and yourself.

Fluent-NHibernate : how to map one-to-many relationship into 3 tables (many-to-many, kinda) -

मुझे इस तरह 2 संस्थाएं हैं: class A {int id {get; सेट; } स्ट्रिंग का नाम {get; सेट; }} वर्ग बी {int आईडी {get; सेट; } एक रिफोटा {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } स्ट्रिंग का नाम {get; सेट; }} मैं इस 2 वर्गों को कैसे मैप कर सकता हूं ताकि मेरे पास इस तरह 3 टेबल हों: 2 कॉलम के साथ तालिका ए: id और नाम 2 स्तंभों के साथ तालिका बी: आईडी और नाम 2 स्तंभों के साथ तालिका एबी: एआईडी और बीआईडी ​​ अगर मैं यह सही समझता हूँ तो आप एक रेफरी टेबल बना रहे हैं क्योंकि आप चाहते हैं नल होने के संदर्भ यदि ऐसा मामला है, तो आपको एक रेफरी टेबल की ज़रूरत नहीं है बस तालिका ख के रूप में एफबी में नल योग्य सेट करें उसके बाद आप इसे एक साधारण संदर्भ मानचित्रित कर सकते हैं। 2 टेबल के साथ तालिका ए: आईडी और नाम 2 स्तंभों के साथ तालिका बी: आईडी, नाम और सहायता (नल योग्य) Li> और आप इसे इस तरह से मैप कर सकते हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग एएमएपी: क्लासमार्क & lt; ए & gt; {सार्वजनिक एएमपी () {आईडी (x = & gt; x.Id); मानचित्र (x = & gt; x.Name); }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग BMAP: क्लासमार्क & lt; B ...

url rewriting - Rewrite Application Path ASP.NET C# -

How do I rewrite / path /default.aspx?i=ID to / path / id / have to go? = Share of query url? You can do this in an 1.1 with the http module / 2.0: ASP.NET 4.0 basically adds support for URL reconstruction (it was added as part of 3.5 SP1 but only for ASP.NET MVC, now it's all ASP.NET App is being made available to).

scala - Any practical coding dojo/kata ideas? -

People asked me to run a workshop and coding doozes to try Scala and try something with it has gone . All of the attendees are going to be new to Scala, and any one of the many languages ​​can come (I think they can code at least one mainstream language - I have Java, C #, Python and Ruby With syntax comparison). The part of Scala's appeal is that it is practical - you call it a "drop java" (low synthetic dislocation, closure, stability, FP, properties, singleton objects, nifty XML management, type information etc. ) Which is still running on GVM (and is considered on .NET CLR) and you do not need to change build tools, server infrastructure, libraries, IDE and so on. I have seen that most of the spellings were fun, but not the 'real world' - mathematical challenges such as project altars and so on. This does not look right because we are trying to use it as a practical, real-world language, which people can consider using for both hacking and work, and beca...

visual studio - VS2008 targeting .NET 2.0 doesn't stop me from using C# 3 features -

I had a VS2005 solution and wanted to get VS 2005 for the new year. I was mostly happy with the upgrade process and it was pleasantly surprised to see that my build script works primarily still. My question is around multi-targeting feature - .NET 3.5 is not installed on my server., So I have to continue targeting the Net 2.0. It has worked, mostly, but I came to know that I can do things like var returnMe = "result:" + result.ToString (); ... and still debug this project successfully When I got that server up to the build server, the build failed, saying "var" "Was not defined. So, what should I expect? VS2008, targeting .NET 2.0, when I try to do things in C # 3 then errors must be thrown build server, I know that I I am targeting .NET 2.0, I should understand that I am doing this and compiling it in a 2.0-compatible binary Any ideas? The problem is that the build server does not have the right compiler You can make it on your wo...

WPF ListBox Show WAIT Cursor? -

I have a WPF ListBox, which usually shows images loaded from a local folder between 1-3) I am using a converter in my image and show thumbnails of images to make sure, and do not have images in their full size. Even while doing so, it can take several seconds to initially load. My question is, how do I know in my list box when listbox items start / ends, so that I can set the mouse cursor in the waiting position? I am looking for a way to inform the user that something is happening .. It is that my list box appears in XAMML: Thanks! I answered the same question. If you do not want to do a pop-up, you can do anything with a message / animation in front of it by attaching a translucent rectangular (or some other fill control) linkboxes or their guardian Control which is linked to asynchronous, like popup in the connected answer I did something that was before the busy indicator for startle, and it worked very well. I should be setting it as a user control with a proper...

c# - COM pointer to struct -

I am using Visual Studio 2008 / .NET 3.5. I used VS to create COM component interoperable in .NET. I added a reference from the application to the COM DLL. COM DLL is a third party object - part of an SDK. Everything is working well for all methods and events - COM objects / events are displayed as first class .NET objects / events. Here's what's happening: Scan () method runs. At the end of its execution it enhances an event. According to the document - Logic - lStructure -: ImageBuffer (int lStructure) Description: The ImageBuffer event will notify the client application of the completion of a scan and pass a composition in which The width, height, size, and image buffer of the image were collected which were collected as part of the scan. The client application is responsible for freeing the memory allocated for image buffer and to freeze the memory for the structure. This event view may not be compatible with the original applications. Parameter: int lStruct...

c# - Effect of unused methods and properties on library or executable -

I'm playing with creating a source code generator for C # (.NET). Will the person who generates qualities or methods never get the reason for my code to run at a slow pace? How about the "use" details for the use of libraries? I agree to the compiler that not enough use to use in "statement", but there is no way for it to know about properties and methods because they use external applications Enter can for. The compiler is already sufficient enough to list only the assemblies referenced in the last executable, which in fact is used to. There is no need for Bella to use assembly contexts or instructions. The JIT compiler will only generate code for those methods which are actually called. So you will not have any machine code or due to code that will not be time overhead which is never used. Your executable image is referenced by CLR through a memory-map file. RAM will be used only when the actual content in DLL is used by CLR. It depends on the m...

When to use a single-group or multi-group permission system? -

As far as I know there are two main styles of permissions systems out there, I would like to know that the multi-group option is actually additional Whether the problem or system load (more questions) is worth it. It seems that there is no need for more than one category with proper app design - although my app has not done enough to know me. (Group / Role with Users) Sam is a Member - He Administrator Can not reach the content. Which is an admin - can author change the post one user in a group , and the group permissions Cascade do. But he still can not access the admin content. Each user can have multiple groups , which all can show / can not do. Why not just Sam is in the form of an intermediary and members of all the arbitrators are privileged? Besides, which works better with ACL? Recently many work "work areas", each of which provides provision for access. can go. These work zones, eg, A, B, and C are not sequentially related,...

selenium - verify rtsp capabilities -

I have to load a test of a site that provides service to Flash Video through RTSP. I have seen no support for Selenium and RTSP in JMeter and Embedded. Are there any testing tools that support RTSP load testing? If you can get a net library that allows you to make RTP calls, Instead of RTSP, you can override a visual studio web test. This allows you to test loads for RTSP. Use 2010 if you can.

winforms - Multiline Textbox Resizing in C# -

I have two different multilingual text boxes between a splitContainer when I pull the splitter left or right, I Would like to resize the text box accordingly. How do I do this? I am using Microsoft Visual C # 2008 Express Edition. If you set the dock property of the text box to dock, it should be for you .

winapi - What are good resources to learn about creating a custom WS_CAPTION style for Windows 7? -

I want to know more about creating my own, custom WS_CAPTION style, at the end, to create a custom CMainFrame Will my application respond appropriately to Windows 7 drag events, any books, web sites etc. People recommend learning such things? Petzolid's probably a good start. It is too wide.

ASP.Net MVC Ajax RenderPartial not rendering correctly -

I have an AJAX form which gives a partial view, but is updating instead of the targeted division, when I submit I am shown only partial scene, as far as I can tell, I have everything, as is the way it is believed to be wrong? & lt;% @ control language = "c #" Inheritance = "System.Movc.ViewUserControl> ApplianceSurvey.Models.Item & gt;" & Gt%; By using {%> & lt;% = Html.Hidden ("itemID", & lt;% (Ajax.BeginForm ("AddSurveysAJAX", new AjaxOptions {UpdateTargetId = "SurveyListContent", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace} Model == Zero? ViewData ["itemID"]: Model.ItemID)%> > General Nick partial visual AddSurveysAJAX (FormCollection formValues) {// do stuff return PartialView ( "ItemSurveys");}

tooltip - JQuery Hover Tip -

I am trying to modify the following script to show / hide tip when "?" H & lt; Ul class = "tips" & gt; Not placed on the entire page and the entire "li" block & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" class = "tooltip" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Feature 1 & lt; Div class = "tip" & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Tip title 1 & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Tip question & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Tip A & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" class = "tooltip" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Feature 2 & lt; Div class = "tip" & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Tip title 2 & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Tip question & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Tip A & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li ...

database - How to filter posts with multiple category names in WordPress? -

I'm trying to work around a plugin for word press, this plugin lets you create events, and then make them The feeds in the SQL table in the Wordpress database. However, this plugin does not discriminate between different types of incidents, such as repeated events, one-stop events. The beginning of my solution was to create a category called "recurring event", and when I posted the event, it was tagged again to the repetitive event. I then tried to compose a question that they would return the post, which was classified "function" but it will also make "repeating the developments." S.post_ID and r.term_taxonomy_id = t.term_taxonomy_id and ts.term_id = t.term_id and name! There is a problem, in those positions whose range is "duplication", they also have a category "event" (they are meant to show in the calendar). Therefore, posts with category "recurring" are still shown because their category 'nam...

memory - iPhone: leaks from other Apps taking up RAM? -

I'm reading some people if someone else's (third party) app on someone's iPhone is leaking memory , Then your app will otherwise be available to reduce this amount of RAM. It confuses me - does not all app memory release happen when the app stops by the user? And an app has just opened on the iPhone? Generally, any memory that will allocate your application when it exits, then release it However, after many Apple apps remain "closed", keep running, so the memory leaks in the mail, for example, can affect the available memory Additionally, there are apps that empty allocated memory They claim to be actually doing something other than leaving some dirty pages of buffer cache G do not, but they are appear to some , because people believe that they will do something useful.

rating - Prevent users from voting multiple times in Rails -

I have a simple rating system setup in a blog model, I use a custom method to increase ratings, Which blog is an integer in DB. def increase @ post = post.find (params [: id]). Increment! (: Rating) if logged_in? Current Flash [: Notice] = "Thanks for rating" redirect_to posts_url end Now, I can vote as often as I want, certainly a recipe for disaster many users Bar can vote and can drive in a number of ways. How do I make it so that the vote deposit button once went after depositing it. I had the idea of ​​creating a different model for rating and using a custom token, but it seems to be useless for a simple app. Any help? Senthil One way to do this will be your post model and rated post model. In the rated post model there may be information such as incremented: boolean , subtraction: boolean , changed_b: integer (user_id) , post_id: integer . You can then identify when RatedPost.find_by_post_id_and_changed_by (, returns any record...

c# - transfering files using TCP -

I am trying to develop a program to transfer files to TCP (in the local network) with C # Files should be in encrypted way, transfer My knowledge about C # is average, and just basic information about socket programming. Currently not know how to start. If you would have good Thank you in advance. You can use WCF with netTcpBinding. It will encrypt the file during the transfer and will reduce the effort of the development, because you do not have to program any low level socket code.

c# - Heterogenic list of delegates -

Is it possible to create a list of different types of delegates? For example, keep these two representatives in mind: class MyEventArg1: EventArgs {} class MyEventArg2: EventArgs {} event handler I would like to do something like this: list & amp; Lt; Event handler & lt; EventArgs & gt; & Gt; Handler = new list & amp; Lt; Event handler & lt; EventArgs & gt; & Gt; (); Handlers.Add ((eventhandler & lt; eventArgs & gt;) handler1); Handlers.Add ((eventhandler & lt; EventArgs & gt;) handler2); But artists are not possible from one representative to another. My goal is to store delegates in the list to call them; But just to unsettle them. Thanks You will be able to do this Thanks to C # 4.0, but then So far you have to find (perhaps) in some other way.

javascript - Simple Modal with Autocomplete in ASP.NET -

I am quite new to this, so any help is greatly appreciated. I am creating a modal pop using simple modal, it works fine. Now I want to add the jackus autotomplet to the element txtEmail. When I run a page outside the simpler model, I can use autocomplete, though it does not work when the page loads through simple modal. I have ensured that the element is full, and it is allowing me to change the text color, but I can not add it to autocomplete. The code is / ** * @ Author * Daniel * / jQuery (function ($) {$ (", AA.M.A. "(Function (e) {e.preventDefault (); $ (" # Osx-modal-content "). Modal ({Attachment: 'form', overlay id: 'OSX-overlay', container id: 'OSX -container ', close HTML:'

least squares equation for a vertical line -

निम्न 2d बिंदुओं को देखते हुए: 213 106.8 214 189 223 414 223 414 मुझे उनके माध्यम से चलने वाले कम से कम वर्गों के ऊर्ध्वाधर अक्ष रेखा के लिए एक समीकरण प्राप्त करना है। मेरी योजना को एक रेखा का समीकरण प्राप्त करना है, ताकि मैं उस कम से कम चौराहों की दूरी के लिए उनके अंतराल के बाद के बिंदुओं का परीक्षण कर सकूं। धन्यवाद कड़ाई से बोलते हुए, कम से कम वर्गों को एक ऊर्ध्वाधर पंक्ति के लिए परिभाषित नहीं किया जाता है (चूंकि प्रत्येक बिंदु के लिए त्रुटि वाई अक्ष के समानांतर मापा जाता है)। हालांकि, यदि आप एक्स और वाई स्वैप करते हैं, आप क्षैतिज रेखा को सर्वश्रेष्ठ न्यूनतम वर्गों के साथ फिट कर सकते हैं। यह केवल वाई समन्वय मानों का मतलब समझता है: एक क्षैतिज रेखा का समीकरण केवल y = b है। प्रत्येक बिंदु (x i , y i ) पर त्रुटि है (y i - b)। त्रुटियों के वर्गों का योग SSE = sum ((y i - b) 2 ) है। हम बी के मान खोजना चाहते हैं जो एसएसई को कम करता है। बी के संबंध में एसएसई के आंशिक व्युत्पन्न करें और इसे शून्य पर सेट करें: योग (-2 (y i - b)) = 0 सरलीकरण, योग (y ...

how to code simple motion tracking? -

I am creating Sentry Burj with servos and paintball guns and gun shoots do anything to implement real time motion Is it necessary how can I code this (some good algorithms, books, tutorials)? I want to make it myself and do not want to use premade solutions. Lukas-Kanade roti with Klein filtering and butter speed tracking algorithm However, it is a bit old.

c# - MVC 2: Can Ajax.ActionLink pass a parameter without it going into the url? -

मेरे पास आंशिक दृश्य में निम्नलिखित हैं & lt;% = Ajax.ActionLink (" लूट ऑन "," संसाधन ", नया {नियंत्रक =" संसाधन ", अभिभावक = मॉडल.ToJson ()}, नए AjaxOptions {UpdateTargetId = Model.ResourceType})% & gt; नियंत्रक पद्धति के लिए: सार्वजनिक व्यूसंयोज्य संसाधन (/ * ModelResource अभिभावक * /) {Debug.Assert (अनुरोध। Parm ["parent"]! = Null; Var jss = नया सिस्टम। Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer (); Var पेरेंट = jss.Deserialize & lt; ModelResource & gt; (अनुरोध। पैरा ["अभिभावक"]); वापसी देखें (parent.PlunderAmount); } लेकिन यह एक अपवाद फेंकता है क्योंकि json यूआरएल के माध्यम से ठीक से नहीं निकलता है, इसे 'प्रकार' पैरामीटर नहीं मिल सकता है। ModelResource एक्शन के लिए एक पैरामीटर के रूप में, लेकिन यह शून्य के रूप में आया यह क्रिया किसी आंशिक दृश्य को भी वापस कर रही है यदि यह किसी भी तरह से मायने रखता है। एक्शनलिंक का उपयोग यूआरएल के लिए एक एंकर बनाने के लिए किया जाता है - URL वैध होना...

largenumber - Python: how so fast? -

Morden Twister duration used in module random (I'm told) 2 * * 19937 - 1. As a binary number, this 1 991 is in 1 line (if I am not wrong). Python is darned very fast in Davis: $ python -m timeit '2 ** 19937' 10000000 loops, best 3: 0.0271 per loop $ python -m timeit -s 'Result = 0' 'result = = 2 ** 19937' 100000 loops, 3: 2.09 best use per loop I think the second version needs conversion? And it's not just binary, it's also faster (instead of showing numbers, I show the length of decimals changed in the string): gt; & Gt; Import Mathematics & gt; & Gt; & Gt; N = 1000 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; S = str ((int (n * math.e)) ** (int (n * math.pi))))> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Len (s) 10787 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; N = 5000 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; S = str ((int (n * math.e)) ** (int (n * math.pi))))> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Len (s) 64921 Time: Python - 'Import Mathematics' -' n = 1000 ...

c# - Access ini file from documents for reading -

I have inserted a config INI file "config.ini" to read and write from my C # program, this thing If the user has enabled the UAC then this program does not read and write the file for some strange reasons, but this file has been successful but it can not be read or written. How can I get it? This file is saved in DOCUMENTSFOLDER \ ProductName \ config.ini I class file: Code snippet of config. Ini: Quick suggestions before going forward, you know Should take care of a clean INI handler and reading / writing INI files Sample use of code read from the IIi file. using Nini; Using Nini.Config; Nomenclature ninidemo {public class ninidemoclas {public ballet (public) {string configFileName = "demo.ini"; IniConfigSource configSource = New IniConfigSource (configFileName); IConfig demoConfigSection = configSource.Configs ["Demo"]; String Demo Val = Demo Configuration Gate ("Demovell", string. Apt); Hope this helps, Best Codes, Tom. ...

c# - Create a custom Full sized Calendar Control -

How do I make a custom control that shows calendar controls in a bigger view? Like or similar to the calendar view in Outlook 2007. Do I have to create a custom class or I can try to resize the calendar I am doing it in WPF so that I can use WPF Toolkit You probably need a custom class - the control is designed to be a picker in WPF, not a display of data on the timeline. He said, you can try to expand the calendar control to allow data to display in the form, and try to make improvements. If you are looking for only a huge, flexible date picker, then you only make one bigger, and more lickable.

t4 - How can I get MVC add view dialog out of Views folder? -

Since I followed a to implement a theme engine in an MVC website, but by doing so ~ I / Themes Can not display the "Add View" dialog by right-clicking on the / folder, by default, when the "Add View" dialog is only shown when I click ~ / view / folder, do I set it to ~ / themes / folder Can you get a chance? Edit: My partner wants to change some options, they put CodeTemplates in the website root folder. He can not find an option from his T4: Add -> New Item ---> MVC View Page It seems that the view folder can not be changed in ASP. Net Other names in MVC Otherwise you will lose those T4 related items in VS IDE. You can add add -> new item ---> MVC view page

r - I can't print the mean value of survfit(...) -

I used data, AML in the package of existence in "R" and used to "save" a function of a living Calculated Since the avoidance of the mean does not show the average value, I mean the following code to print it: & gt; Print (saved (answer (aml1 $ time, aml1 $ status) ~ 1), show.rmean = T) (The data I used is aml1 ) The above code worked in my friend PC, but not mine. Therefore, I thought of downloading some extra package to use the print (... show.rmean = T) . But, "print" is original, so I do not need anything to run the print. Then why can not I find ME? print is a generic function, with the option to print it In this case, alternatives are provided by the option print.survfit . Although my version of existence does not actually contain show.rmean . Maybe you want print.rmean ? See help for print.survfit for more information. & gt; Print (Surf (AML 1 $ time, status of ml 1 dollar) ~ 1), print. Armin = T) Call: Gmail (F...

Adding iframe to google code project hosting wiki page -

Is it possible to add iframe within Google Code project hosting wiki? I do not have to embed an external application using the iframe in my Google Project page. My idea is to create a Google wiki page and add an iframe to that page. How to do this? The hosting project does not support the iframes directly on Google code, but embedding the gamet within the wiki page Support for is the documentation describing how to use the gadget on the support project wiki:

Access 2007 Encrypted BackEnd Slow Only With New ACCDB -

I encrypt back-end ACCDB on the Win / 2003 network. Front end on user workstation Link tables and make copies all work perfectly. I open a new blank database and link to the same back-end. It is very slow, but only clicking on any table from a new front-end launches forever. This seems to be just a problem, if other users have a front-end app. I have tried to change the name of empty DB for the match which works; that does not matter. It seems that if you open a front end in a back-end ACCDB, then another front-end (such as the empty ACCDB with the new link), the same back-end of serious latency Experiences happen. Any thoughts on what might happen? The solution is to maintain a constant connection. If you want to open a table which is too small (probably just a record) and keep it open then everything responds quickly. You can also open a form which has a small table in its record set, as long as the connection is kept open / continuous.

c# - Custom ListView binding it to a object list [winforms] -

संपादित करें: सवाल रिवार्ड किया गया मेरे पास एक सूचीबैक है जो डेटा को प्रदर्शित करना चाहिए जिसमें 2 फ़ील्ड हैं: समय और संदेश पाठ की 1 पंक्ति को प्रदर्शित करने के बजाय, मैं चाहता हूं कि प्रत्येक आइटम को 2 लाइनों के रूप में प्रदर्शित किया जाए - पहली पंक्ति एक समय है और दूसरा पंक्ति संदेश है, जहां प्रत्येक पंक्ति में एक अलग शैली है। मैं कैसे कर सकता हूं यह करो? मैं ऑब्जेक्ट सरणी को सूचीबद्दी में बाँध सकता हूँ, लेकिन मैं इसे किस प्रकार शैली देता हूं? आपके उत्तर के लिए धन्यवाद। पी.एस. मैंने WPF को देखा, मुझे लगता है कि यह जानने में कुछ दिन लग सकते हैं; इसके अलावा, बाकी का कोड winforms है मैं अपने डेटा स्रोत को तारों के संग्रह में बदल दूंगा: time1 , Message1, time2, message2 ... और बाकी आसान है - बस सूची बॉक्स में नए डेटा स्रोत को बाध्य करें।

java - What is best way to update Google datastore with new fields? -

I have to add the new table to the existing table, after adding the fields, the application breaks because new records are added to the old records Are not fields and throw exceptions, is there any way to update all old records with newly added areas? However, according to my expreiences, I am in datastore You have two options for updating a model: You have two options: Existing rows in the datastore with the default / zero values ​​for newly added columns Update Add a version based fetch function for pre: To throw an exception in the Cache block, add a new column. A. Use a try catch block, a regular write, which will return the version of the Datastore object 1. Type migration object

Embedding an icon in a Linux executable -

I wrote an application in java and successfully compiled it. In (X) Ubuntu file manager, my application appears with the default Linux executable icon, which I would like to replace with myself: I have noticed that other applications display a custom icon such as Firefox, such as Firefox, but it is not known how to deal with the problem. Is there a resource editor for Linux Binaries? Desktop entry I tried to create a desktop entry file that executes the application as follows: [Desktop entry] version = 1.0 Type = application name = MyJavaApp comment = Exec =. / MyJavaApp path =. / .. / .. / libs / terminal = true mark =. / Icon.png X-KDE-Library =. By double clicking it pops up a terminal and disappears again, and that's all I'm sure. This application does not start because it can not find the required SWT library. I was hoping to see the output in the terminal, but I can not launch it from there. In addition, Ubuntu icon does not accept. I have tried sever...

.net - What pattern/patterns work best for developing rule/decision engine -

I'm working on decision engine / rule assessment engine. For example: Input: All crimes committed by the customer and customer Output: The result of the crime A sample case will be: Input: Customer (Jhoney Chimpo, 99 -00-1111), Crime (Broke window, Slap boss, Lead team lead in his tongue) Output: Pink slips So I want to write code piece evaluating various crimes based on the rules of each offense and joint crime Is there. The current code is just a maze of other statements if I am sure that such business problems are common, which design / enterprise pattern is used to solve such a problem? Is this the specification pattern? I want to open the code for expansion, cleanliness and flexibility. Basically the business rules appear All the rules: if & Lt; Condition & gt; Then doAction (); Using scores to seriously classify all the crimes, perhaps additional bonuses for "bad reactants", some offenses can be timed and whatever is needed The...

python - Matplotlib with dual scale mouse over -

I use the default GUI component to plot some curves with matplotlib and try some trouble to select which of the two y axes That mouse should be selected on the functionality Default case It seems that ax2 has been selected, but I would like to use ax1 instead, is it possible to fix it in a few easy ways? This code I use at this time is plotting my curves. Regards Anders Olm delta = np.median (np diff (measurementvalues.measvalues) myscale = 10 myrange = (measurementvalues.lowerlimit - delta * myscale, measurementvalues .upperlimit + delta * myscale) figure = plt.figure () AX1 = figure.add_subplot (111) (n, bins, patch) = ax1.hist (measurementvalues.measvalues, 10, range = myrange, normed = 0, facecolor = 'Green', alpha = 0.75) AX2 = ax1.twinx () mean = np.average (measurementvalues.measvalues) sigma = np .std (measurementvalues.measvalues) y = mlab.normpdf (cans, mean, sigma) ax2 Plot (bins, y, 'r-', linewidth = 1) ax1.set_xlabel ('Measvlues') ax2.set...

actionscript 3 - Box2D in Flash runs quicker when drawing debug data than not -

I created a small game with Box2d for AS3 - I have spirits attached that take their position from the underlying box 2D world These spirits are mostly PNG When the game draws every update with bubbing (buggy), it runs smoothly and smoothly. However, when I comment on this, then it runs chatter and in both cases all my sprites are being sung. It seems that when it depicts debug data additionaly (i mean that my preites are on screen in both cases!) What's going on? Does debug data have any kind of 'quick render' switch shock? If so, what is the switch! I can not see it in box 2D code Function update (e) {m_world.Step (m_timeStep, m_velocityItations, m_positionIterations); // Debug Draw? M_world.DrawDebugData (); // With the above, I get 27 fps, without it, I get 19 fps. // This is the only change that is creating such a huge difference. } Interestingly, if I set the debug draw scale to separate from my world level, it slow down to 19 fps. So something like thi...

mysql - The Integrity of linked data entities on update -

What is the best practice for maintaining the integrity of linked data organizations on updates? My scenario I have two institutions "customer and invoice" [customer definition and invoice transaction.] After issuing multiple invoices to the client, it is necessary to change the client information such as "his billing address / location change or business name ... etc". It is normal that users should be able to update client information to maintain the integrity of the data in the system. In Invoice "Transaction Unit" I not only know Client ID but all client information related to invoice such as "Client name, address, contact", and well known for data collection in that transaction Institutions If the user has created a new invoice, the new client information will be stored in the invoice record with the same client-id (very clear!). My question Is it ok to pair data entities "clients" from different location...

security - Is it possible to block php scripts in upload folder? -

I am experiencing my first form in php where the images can be uploaded. I have seen some articles on the web that say that it can be dangerous, so there is no way to block the script on a specified folder? Is there anything with .htaccess or php .ini instructions? The best way to ensure that your upload directory is outside of your webtrot until the webserver You have been able to read / write, you will be fine - no worries about executable uploads. This was discussed.

c# - How to check if the resize is still in progress with OnResize event? -

After regenerating it I have to redo a control, because its size is not changed, because It takes a lot of time to redo a control and it ruins many resources. My control receives control class and I'm overriding the OnResize event PS : Onesize Changes is exactly the same Parental control / form Only after resizing, a solution can change the size of your control. You can do this by using the 'ResizeEnd' event. For example: Private Zero User Control 1_load (Object Sender, EventErgus E) {(this form) .President). ResizeEnd + = New EventHandler (UserControl1_ResizeEnd); } Void UserControl1_ResizeEnd (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {MessageBox.Show ("Change the Size of the End"); }

stream - platform-independent /dev/null output sink for Java -

एक अज्ञात वर्ग ( new OutputStream () {...} ) के अलावा, कोई भी कर सकता है नया FileOutputStream ("/ dev / null") के एक नैतिक समकक्ष का सुझाव देता है जो विंडोज पर भी कार्य करता है? अगर कोई सोचता है कि 'यह क्या है?' मेरे पास एक प्रोग्राम है जो किसी फाइल पर एक स्थिरता विश्लेषण करता है। इसमें एक 'वर्बोस' विकल्प है जब वर्बोज विकल्प चालू होता है, तो मुझे बहुत आउटपुट दिखना है। कार्यक्रम जल्दी में नहीं है, यह एक उपकरण है, इसलिए उन सभी अतिरिक्त लिखने के बजाय विवरणों का परीक्षण करने के लिए अगर मैं आउटपुट चाहता हूं, तो मैं इसे बिट-बाल्टी में लिखना चाहता हूं, जब वांछित नहीं होता आप एपर्च सीमन्स से NullOutputStream का उपयोग कर सकते हैं या बस अपना स्वयं का लागू करें पैकेज mypackage; आयात करें; आयात; सार्वजनिक वर्ग NullOutputStream आउटपुट स्ट्रीम {सार्वजनिक शून्य लिखने (int i) IOException फेंकता {// कुछ नहीं}}

cocoa - IBPlugin and paths to framework -

IBCocoa simulator crashes when IB structure can not be found, I think that happens with you too I have the IBCocoa simulator I can run without crash, when I manually copy my framework + IB plugin from the build dir in / users / username / library / frameworks . I'm doing it with Finder, it is not optimal, but it works I have searched in a clever way and I am looking at each solution (BWW, BHD, Pokit, KTUKit), Works very differently. A solution runs a pseudo script that copies it to the system's extensive / library / frameworks and another set @ loader_path And again uses another @executable_path . I had no luck with any of them and due to great differences this pattern is hard to see. I'm confused How can you configure the IB plugin, so that you can embed it in your app? Update 1: However, to solve it, after reading about using @rpith , I came to know how it works with my IBPlugin. Set the @rpath / code> for the MySmallFramework Runp...

iphone - Adding UITableViewControllers tableview to new UIView -

मेरे पास एक सरल प्रश्न है। मेरे पास एक सामान्य UITableViewController है जो एक UITableView प्रदर्शित करता है। जब उपयोगकर्ता मेरे ऐप्लिकेशन के ऊपरी दाएं कोने में एक बटन को टैप करता है, तो मैं चाहता हूं कि TableView को दाएं से बाएं फ़्लिप करें और फिर एक नया UIView प्रदर्शित करें। मुझे एविशन UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight मिला है जो वर्तमान दृश्य को फ़्लिप करता है और इसे किसी नए के साथ बदल देता है हालांकि, एनीमेशन में इसके पर्यवेक्षण से वर्तमान दृश्य को निकालने और उसके बाद एक ही पर्यवेक्षण में नया दृश्य जोड़ना शामिल है। समस्या यह है कि जब मैं यह मेरे UITableViewController वर्ग में करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, तो मेरे पास केवल एक दृश्य है - यूआईटीबल दृश्य - जिसे मुझे निकालने की आवश्यकता है जब UITableView को हटा दिया गया है, तो मेरा नया दृश्य जोड़ने के लिए मेरे पास कोई दृश्य नहीं छोड़ा गया है, और स्क्रीन रिक्त हो जाती है। इस समस्या को हल करने का मेरा विचार एक UIView बनाने और उस दृश्य में UITableView को डालना है । मैं एनीमेशन में UITableView को UIView से निकाल दूंगा और फिर मेरे न...

ASP.NET MVC Wizard, WCF and validation -

I have an ASP.NET mvc wizard with 5 steps. My business model has been implemented using DDD Web The architecture of the application is something like this. See-> Controller-> WCF-> DDD-> Repository and Database. Business data verification has been implemented in DDD, and calls it to validate the WCF data. I have come to know that in order to check every step in the wizard, I need to call WCF (as part of server-side verification) if the data is valid, and then the result of the controller Returns Is this wrong? Will the data be part of the verification model which is close to the controller? Is there a better solution? Data Validon should remain in the model, I have cetralized validation logic in this way, and if you If you want to change the business rules for verification, you have to change it to only one place.

C#: N For Loops -

मैं इस कोड को loops के लिए n नेस्टेड कैसे परिवर्तित करूँगा: int num = 4; के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; = num; i ++) {for (int j = 0; j + i & lt; = num; j ++) {के लिए (int k = 0; i + j + k & lt; = num ; कश्मीर ++) {के लिए (इंट एल = 0; आई + जे + कश्मीर एल एंड एलटी; = num; l ++) {कंसोल। विरहित लाइन (आई + "+ +" + + "+ + +" + + "+ + l); }}}} इसलिए यदि संख्या 2 है तो केवल दो छोरों के लिए; I और j। यह होमवर्क नहीं है और मैं इसे फिर से करने की उम्मीद कर रहा था। प्रत्येक कंसोल.प्रकाशित () को एक तत्व की तरह एक साथ सभी तरह से संग्रहीत करने की आवश्यकता होती है। इस कार्यक्रमों का आउटपुट एन आयामी हाइपरसेज एक्सपोनेंट बनाता है। ठीक है, आप गैररेक्रिसिव समाधान चाहते हैं जो पैरामीटर में num और में निरंतर संख्या में नेस्टेड छोरों , हाँ? यहां एक विधि का स्केच है जो ऐसा करता है विवरण भरना एक अभ्यास के रूप में छोड़ दिया जाता है। सबसे पहले, मुझे लगता है कि आपके पास एक अचल प्रकार "वेक्टर" है जो 0-ट्यूपल, 1-ट्यूपल, 2-ट्यूपल, 3-ट्यूपल, ... एन...

WCF - difference between a behaviour and a contract? -

WCF में, व्यवहार और अनुबंध ? कॉन्फ़िग फ़ाइल की जांच करने से, दोनों सेवा कार्यक्षमता के इंटरफेस को इंगित करते हैं। क्यों दोनों की जरूरत है? कोल के नोट्स संस्करण: अनुबंध निर्दिष्ट करता है सेवा वास्तव में क्या करती है दूसरे शब्दों में, संचालन मान्य हैं। समापन बिंदु एक वास्तविक चलने वाला उदाहरण निर्दिष्ट करता है सेवा का यह वास्तविक "सेवा" है जिसका मतलब है कि यह निष्पादित करता है , या तो एक Windows सेवा या आईआईएस के तहत। सेवा व्यवहार परिभाषित कैसे समापन बिंदु ग्राहकों के साथ परस्पर क्रिया करता है सुरक्षा, संगामिति, कैशिंग, लॉगिंग इत्यादि जैसे गुण - ये सभी व्यवहार का हिस्सा हैं। एक ऑपरेशन व्यवहार भी है सेवा व्यवहार के समान है लेकिन केवल तब ही लागू हो जाता है जब कोई विशिष्ट ऑपरेशन चलाया जाता है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए मैं आपको सुझाव देता हूं कि आप शुरू करते हैं।

php - Using Multiple Images with Favicon -

I was wondering if it was possible to use favicon in the following manner. I have 2 types of users, users of company A and user of company B When a company logs in to a user's website, I would like to see them in the URL and tab areas in the company A's icon / logo .... However, if the other users log in from company B, they are the same website, those companies B Icons / logo will appear I'm not even sure that this can be done, but any help and suggestions will be highly appreciated. head using the link Can supply favicon in The head should do some things like the following:

ruby on rails - Using find method to find NOT matching -

I'm trying to see a user by group_id, my method looks like this: User.find (: all ,: conditions = & gt; {: group_id = & gt; '90a39597a1aa3ec65fccf29ae05d9b6aefbfea6b',: id = & gt;;}) : ID status does not make sense because I do not know the syntax for this part. How do I search the user by group_id and id that does not match current_user? Hope this will be prudent. Use the array / string variation options of the conditions: User.all (: conditions = & gt; ["group_id =? And id! =?", "90a39597a1aa3ec65fccf29ae05d9b6aefbfea6b",])

How to alter images/ to assets/images in MySQL data? -

I have the following table with the data. create a table, otherwise the 'omc_product' (`id`int (11) tap etounment,` name 'varchar (255) null,' short disk varchar (255) not faucet, longscene text 'Thumbnail' varchar (255), image 'varchar (255) not tap, `class' varchar (255) default faucet, ... ... primary key (` id`)) engine = mesam default charge = Latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT = 121; - - Data dumping data for 'omc_product` -' omc_product` (`id`,` name`, `short disk ',` long dcc`, `thumbnail`,` image`, `class`,' grouping 'included Do, `condition` 'Jpg', 'newflight', 'imagebox-new', 'active', 5, '', 'none', 0.00), (2, 'ginny', 'new flight ginny', '', 'images / new 3, 'Trahas', 'Flight', 'New, Flight', 'Image Box-New', 'Active', 5, '', 'None', 0.00), 'Images / New Flight.jpg', 'Images / New Fligh...

c# - toString() of int e = 0000007 omits all zeros. How can I preserve them? -

I am trying to write a program in c # which takes it in int x and decides whether He has 7 points. Right now I am using x.toString (). To check the length == 7, but I have noticed that if the number starts with 0, then it is automatically dropped and I get an incorrect answer (i.e. the program input length is less than 7) Is there a way to fix this? thank you in advanced. Edit: Sorry, I should have said that this was a program to collect and validate the format of ID numbers (hence I did not want to do anything like 0000001 default for 1) Thanks string Input suggestion, I think I'm going to try. If you want to preserve the input formatting, you should input the int You should not store it in string . You say that your program takes a int at that time you have already lost it. You need to accept the interface string input is.

html - Not able to set 'readonly' on text input box -

Is there any obvious reason why this input box is editable? & lt; Input id = "user name" name = "user name" category = "textfield 70 pc" readonly = "readonly" type = "text" value = "my user name" /> It seems unusable to use javascript / jquery to disable this text box. If you are searching for it to be grayed out, then unsupported attribute : & lt; Input id = "username" name = "username" ... disabled = "disabled" />

linux - How to synchronize files in load balanced instances? -

One of the challenges we face during the deployment of multiple loads on balanced examples - to deploy the latest code base The risk of one or more load balanced example Idea is to use only one instance for a direct deployment, and assigning synchronized to a script that synchronizes the selected list of folders in other load balanced examples. is. Is there any device that helps us do this synchronization in the Linux box? see Rsync

javascript - IE doesn't find hidden-field values created with JS -

I have a page with some hidden areas in it, they were filled with values ​​by a script (js / jquery) Are when the user has finished choosing some options. Now, if I click on a link on that page, then go to the linked page and then hit Back-Button, FF and Safari, able to read the values ​​of hidden areas. So the work seems right to read the values ​​(it is not complicated anyway). But IE (and Opera, although I set the history. Navigation mode compatible) shows me the empty value, even though I can see the correct value in IE generated source code. I also added a test function, to show me values ​​on inload, which works fine. But killing back-button Ii still does not "recognize" them. I do not know what the problem is here. anyone? Thank you! In fact, while refreshing, Firefox also maintains the current values, while IE refreshes page Resets to. I think this is the same stuff that does not tell a standard, what exactly should be here, so you should not believe...

java - How to get model of a printer in javax.print? -

I use Windows XP Professional I package javax.print. * How do I get a printer model? For example: HP LaserJet M1311FMFP, HP LaserJet 3050 Series PCL6, ... Here I get a print service PrintService [] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices (DocFlavor.SERVICE_FORMATTED.PRINTABLE, zero); On each print service object, you can call getName () to get the printer name.

Shell script to stop a java program -

Knowing a single name is a way to stop Java programs by using a shell script. I add ksh shell To easily recognize this, add a unique property to JVM, e.g. For test.class, java -Duniquename = 1 test to kill it: ps ax | Grep uniquename | Grep -v grep | Awk '{print $ 1}' | Kill Xargs - Failed to load viewstate -

I have an ASPX page that loads user controls dynamically: there is an update panel that keeps these controls (Once each). When I change a control with another that fails with the message: Failed to load the viewstate The control tree in which the viewstate is being loaded should match the control tree that was used to save the viewstation during the previous application. For example, when dynamically adding control, the controls added during the return must match the position and position of the controls added during the initial application. All three controls get from .Web.UI.UserControl . Maybe I can solve the problem: Load three controls in the initial time and then hide two of them as if we needed it. Use three updated panels, control for each user. Any advice? Be sure that postback is in postbox mode by conditionally setting and manually updating Is not updating unwanted panels

javascript - How to ask confirmation when closing a window? -

I want to pop up a message to confirm, if the user wants to leave the current page, just like Stackoverflow does what you are typing a question. Can someone redirect me to a script or to a reply (on this site or elsewhere)? Thank you You handle window event and a confirmation message in the form of a string Need to return will be on not work here

php - Naming Tags (Wordpress) -

Is it a good idea to design important tags with # prefixes such as # review, #notics (to the extent of Twitter hashtag) Is thousands of them separated from regular tags? What will be its effect on SEO and '#' will be stripped if used in URL? I believe that '-' has been proven to be good to use. For example, review-articles such as SEO are intelligent. And, if you use # in the title, it will be stripped from the physical structure.

create Css Menu -

Anyone has a view on how I can menus with this kind of subs in this site I need some help .. Seriously, do you also have Google tried? Check Web Page This will explain a lot about the CSS menu. In addition, try Google: "CSS menu" Go and download it one and tweak it to the cells that appear when you mouse over some width and you are there.

data binding - Adding MouseBindings to Items in a databound WPF ListView -

I am trying to get a command executed on my ViewModel when a user clicks on an item in a ListView. When I add a ListViewItem to XAM, I can add mousebending to my InputBindings . & lt; ListView & gt; & Lt; ListView.View & gt; & Lt; GridView & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn header = "test" /> & Lt; / GridView & gt; & Lt; /ListView.View> & Lt; ListViewItem content = "item 1" & gt; & Lt; ListViewItem.InputBindings & gt; & Lt; Mousebinding gesture = "left wclick" command = "{binding doubleclick command}" /> & Lt; /ListViewItem.InputBindings> & Lt; / ListViewItem & gt; & Lt; / ListView & gt; But how can it be achieved in a databaund list view? & lt; ListView ItemsSource = "{Binding Patients}" & gt; & Lt; ListView.View & gt; & Lt; GridView & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn header = "test" / & gt; & Lt; ...

What cheat sheets exist for Django? -

What exists for Django? If possible, provide details (such as scope, Django version information, pages, authors, the number of direct download URLs if it is in PDF), how do you find it, etc. There are some external resources, and, but I think Django should have a directory for cheat letters Mercuride by Andrew Dardin and Henry Keynes This model field (eg Boolean field, Cherfield, Floatfield, etc.), Template Tags, Template Filters, Template Date Format, and many others. Page 2 (PDF format, 73 KB). The grayscale version prints slightly better on a black and white printer, but not too much. This cheat sheet is very favorable for a color printer.

python - capture using v4l2 and display preview using gstreamer -

बफर / यूजरपॉन्टर को Q_BUF, STREAM_ON, DQ_BUF के बाद gstreamer में कैसे पास करें। मैं उपयोग करने की कोशिश की पीआईएल की विधि से बफर, लेकिन सफलता के साथ नहीं। इसलिए मैं अब जीएसटी सिंक का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। क्या मुझे gst.parse_launch () का उपयोग करना चाहिए और कैसे? क्या किसी ने इसे किया है? पनीर के स्रोत कोड सभी को बताता है

properties - Objects becoming null when passed to a Property in C# -

I have an abstract class employee and 2 other classes that increase (developer and manager) My problem is that whenever I make a manager employee man = new manager (1234567, 30, "bob", "pie") And try setting it in the new Developer's Manager field, employee codemonkey = new developer (1234568, 20, "code", "monkey", (manager) man) / Code> I'm getting argument execution that my manager is zero. I did some checks and whenever I try to set it up with the manager property in the constructor, then it becomes a null. Why am I getting this error, any advice about this would be greatly appreciated. TIA! The code for each is below: // Employee Class Public Abstract Class Staff {string firstName, lastName; Ent ID, Year Deployed; // name must be empty-empty public string FirstName {get {return firstName; } Set {if (! Value.Equals ("")) {firstName = value; } Then leave the new argument exception ("name can not b...

c++ - Unittest++: test for multiple possible values -

I am currently implementing a simple tray tracer in C ++. I have a class called Orthogonal Basis, which is a Or generates three orthogonal unit vectors from two specified vectors, for example: void OrthonormalBasis :: init_from_u (Cunt Vector and U) {Vector N (1, 0,0); Vector m (0,1,0); U_ = united (U); V_ = cross (U_, n); If (v_.length () & lt; ONB_EPSILON) v_ = cross (u_, m); W_ = cross (u_, v_); } I am testing all my methods with the Unistet ++ framework. The problem is, there is more than one possible solution for a valid Orthonematic base. For example, this test: exam (orthornarmlabassis_should_in_tam_u) {vector u (1,0,0); Orthonal Basis Onb; Onb.init_from_u (u); CHECK_EQUAL (vector (1, 0, 0), ()); CHECK_EQUAL (vector (0, 0, 1), onb.v ()); CHECK_EQUAL (vector (0, 1, 0), onb.w ()); } Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it fails, because in vectors v and w there can be a negative 1, and still a legitimate human Represents. Is there a way to specify many expec...

php - CodeIgniter question -

I am thinking of using CodeIgniter for a new project. I was reading a user-guide for CI and I saw a few things In all its examples, they put all the arguments in the controller and simply use the model to get and set up the data. I like keeping all my arguments in my model. For all 3 parts (models, views and controllers) all their functions are universal or if the models are trying to argue in the opposition In addition, All variables are accessible for 3 parts (models, views and controllers). If I wanted to know if the user was logged within the scene, would I have to pass that information to the controller to see it or is it already accessible within the scene? In addition, I saw that session data is stored inside the cookies, even if they are encrypted. Is encryption safe enough to use, the use of BOZ is more used to use sessions, apart from how long these cookies are stored by default? I was a bit confused about that part, if someone could clean it. If you have any othe...

mysql - What does a WHERE clause of "sql was here" mean? -

Does anyone help me understand or post any thoughts about this? sql I changed the table name, but besides that, any idea which the developer was trying to do here? There is nothing else after that, this is exactly where the section is. If (table.date_field = (choose the maximum (table2.exit_date) table 2 )) is zero, it will return 1 = 1 , which basically means that there is no section. Now we see that filthy expression I can only assume that if "a = b" is not correct then that too is equal to zero, otherwise it seems that the first branch will always stay as it seems. That is trying to say "if the latest exit date is equal to date field, then select them, otherwise there is no space". However, I do not think that it will work at all. It actually looks in any way, each row will be selected.