selenium - Assert css locator is equal to it's expected value -
I'm doing some drag and drop JS testing with Selenium-Client (it works) Taking the elements clearly before and after Scragrebra), but I am having difficulty in this revolutionary emphasis. Am I mental, or I can not do anything like this: selenium.assert_equal ("css locator", "expected ID of element") Which, in this case, will look something like this: selenium.assert_equal ("css = li: nth-child (1)", "li # List_item_2 ") Any suggestion about implementing this would be great. Thanks Adam EDIT: If I had selenium.get_element then he would take a selector and what would happen then I could claim in the next step i.e. element = selenium.get_element ("css = li: nth-child (1)") (I think). Your example will not work because you're comparing two strings that are not equal. One way to move your element is to use isElementPreset as the display given below: drag and dropto (selenium.isElementPres...