
Showing posts from January, 2015

selenium - Assert css locator is equal to it's expected value -

I'm doing some drag and drop JS testing with Selenium-Client (it works) Taking the elements clearly before and after Scragrebra), but I am having difficulty in this revolutionary emphasis. Am I mental, or I can not do anything like this: selenium.assert_equal ("css locator", "expected ID of element") Which, in this case, will look something like this: selenium.assert_equal ("css = li: nth-child (1)", "li # List_item_2 ") Any suggestion about implementing this would be great. Thanks Adam EDIT: If I had selenium.get_element then he would take a selector and what would happen then I could claim in the next step i.e. element = selenium.get_element ("css = li: nth-child (1)") (I think). Your example will not work because you're comparing two strings that are not equal. One way to move your element is to use isElementPreset as the display given below: drag and dropto (selenium.isElementPres...

How to validate Hibernate mapping against database -

How to check the database matching the hibernate mapping configuration? I would like to know that I am using the wrong version of Hibernate Mapping before I start before updating and performing queries, which will then fail. I have a bunch of sections mapped with hibernate annotation. I have a connection to the related database. Now I want to see that the mapping matches the database in Hibernation I want to check at least the following things: All mapped tables in the hibernate configuration are related to the objects in the database (for example table or view) all the mapped fields are present in the database all mapped Fields are the right type I like that I do not need to execute the query for the mapped tables, preferably the check database is fully based on the meta data. From: When SessionFactory is created, Automatically verifies or exports Schema DDL to database. With Create-Drop, the session schema will be dropped when the ...

iphone - The Objective-C++ language: where can I find more information about it? -

I am learning C ++ for a few months and it gets excellent language with my allowances. I was thinking that in fact the so called Objective-C ++ and if it was a major development language to target the Apple environment (i.e. Mac OS X, iPhone OS) As is worth learning. Looking around the web, I find only good articles: mainly from one and the other. Wikipedia says: Objective - The end of C ++ GNU compiler is the collection which can compile source files that are C ++ and Objective- C uses a combination of syntax. Objective-C ++ extension adds to C ++ Addition to Objective-C. In the Mac Dev Center article it says: Objective of the apple, the C-compiler allows you to freely enter the same source file in C ++ And purpose-to mix the code. This purpose-C / C ++ language hybrid is called Objective-C ++, with it you can use the existing C ++ library from your purpose-oriented applications. The purpose of the Apple article- C ++ is a language, is it right? I would like to...

delphi - Rave Reports DataText Left -

I am using Delphi 7 and Rev Reports. How do I set up datatypes? Left property (from noise reports) dynamically according to the size of another datatext which comes first. I tried to use the width from the previous datatext, the length of the field, the first dataet is showing ... none of them work. The length does not take into account the width of the letters, which will be different depending on the font settings. // Assume that autosystem property is correct // Note: 8 is added as a transfer DataText.Left: = LastDataText.Left + LastDataText.Width + 8; If you load the data from the dataset, take a look at the property of the TField class. // Calculate the width of the previous field TextView: = Dataset.field [0]. DisplaysWall * QuickRapport Cavanus Textwidth ('M'); DataText.Left: = LastDataText.Left + TextWidth;

c# - where to find MyGeneration.dOOdads.dll -

How to Obtain MyGeneration.dOOdads.dll In fact I have produced the code from the Generation Utility and it requires this dll file is. I searched in many places but failed. My generation offers dudids, an elegant .NET architecture available C # and VB Net Able to support any NAT and managed data provider Dowds are currently available for Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Firebird, Access, PostGrace SQL, Vistadbi, SQL, and MySQL (Dooded architecture is no longer being maintained)

powershell 2 event handling -

I want to handle the system. Window.form. BalloonTypeClide of Notification This means that when I click on the tip I want to handle the incident. My code is down, although I can not hold the event. Please help! [System.Reflection.Assembly] :: LoadWithPartialName ("System.Windows.Forms") [Zero] [System.Reflection.Assembly] :: LoadWithPartialName ("System.Timers ") ## This is the location of your download files $ Notification =" E: \ TDdownload "$ Notification = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon $ notification.Icon =" C: \ Users \ Sefler \ Desktop \ PerfCenterCpl. Ico "$ notification.BalloonTipIcon =" info "$ notification.BalloonTipText =" Windows will now try to clear scheduled as "+ $ fileLocation +". $ $ Notification.BalloonTipTitle = "Windows Auto Maintens" $ notification.Visible = $ True $ notification.ShowBalloonTip (15000) ## One Click Event Register R-objectevent $ Notification Register Balloo...

jquery - Find and Replace -

I have a table on which I am scrap using jQuery load function, with a function text and graphics Returns the table. The images that I scrawl use relative paths for images, so when I send the code back to my page the images are not displayed. I am looking for a jQuery function to search the tag. And either updating the cancellation sites url in the src attribute, but I'm not fortunate enough. The current tag looks like this: What I need to do is incorporate into the source attribute, so it looks like this: & lt; Img style = "border: thin solid black; margin-top: 5-x;" src = "" & gt; each (function () {$ (this) .attr ( "Text" itemprop = "text"> $ ("table IMG") after "src", "http: //www.somesite") .com "+ $ (this) .attr (" src "));}); & lt; Script src = "path_to_jquery.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script ...

How to use Ajax to inject specific PHP function using URL, or other method? -

I am just moving from JS to PHP and Ajax. I have had a dispute with PHP in the past. I appreciate really how Stackworflow is helping to help me with basic questions. Say I have a device called #divName . I use the following JS for Ajax. Some of these are just fake codes. var request = false; {Request = New XMLHttpRequest (try); } Hold (trymicrosoft) {try {request = new ActiveXObject ("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } Hold (other Microsoft) {try {request = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } Hold (failed) {request = false; }}} If (! Request) Warning ("Error Starting XMLHttpRequest!"); Function getAjaxInfo (& lt; name of php function ??? & gt;) {// & lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; This function requires me help with var myfunction = nameOfPHPfunctionIJustGot; Var url = "filename.php? Func =" + myFunction; ("GET", URL, true); request. Request.send (zero); } Function Update Page () {if (request....

Migrating from SQL Server to ORACLE ¿what to do with temporary tables? -

Currently we use SQL Server and we have a lot (read around 5000) fly temp tables There are different scripts. Now we are migrating to Oracle, so we can not make fly over temporary tables. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance You probably need a temporary table whenever , Then you might want to dynamically create tables with execute immediately : - Create a table and execute immediately q! Make a table tmp_foo_bar (col_1 number, col_2 varchar2 (50), etc.) '; End; / - Use the table: enter values ​​in tmp_foo_bar (42, 'forty-two', sysdate); - Skip table: Execute 'drop table tmp_foo_bar' immediately; End; /

.htaccess - RewriteRule variables blank -

I have some duplication rules in htaccess. I work on one server but not another. My script is as follows (I have commented on how the URLs look like): RewriteEngine RewriteBase / RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI}! ^ / Images / # / regions / fife / revised rule ^ areas / ([a-za-j 0-9 \ - \ + \ '] +) /? $ /regions.php?region=$1 [L] # / regions / fife / dunfermline rewrite rule / region / ([^ /] +) / ([^ /] +) $ /regions.php?region= $ 1 & amp; city = $ 2 [L] This two variables (area & city) I can manipulate PHP, and throw the appropriate content. I have a rackspace Servers, and the script works perfectly, but on any other server (Freedom 2 Surf) it still works. It does not return the variable I get a blank $ _GET array ... Any thoughts? F2S is not giving me any clue, just looking at my code, but if it works on any other server, then what does it give? Is this Apache setting different? I think that you can be after the 'QSA' flag, the ...

Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece -

I currently have a code that reads a recording from the Device Mike using the AudioRecord class, and then using Audiotrack It runs back My problem is that when I play it, this speaker plays through the phone. I want to play it through a piece of ear on the device. Here is my code: Expands the public square LoopProg activity [Boolean isRecording; // Audio Manager is not currently used; Int count = 0; /** Called when the activity is first created. * / @ Override Crate on Public Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. Contents (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.main); Am = (AudioManager) getSystemService (reference. AUDIO_SERVICE); Am.setMicrophoneMute (right); While (calculations & lt; = 1000000) {record record = new record (); (); Count ++; Log D. ("COUNT" is "calculated:" + count); }} Expands the public class record thread {Static Final Info Buffer Size = 200000; Last short [] buffer = new small [buffer size]; Small [] readBu...

how to manage sql server 2008 that came with Visual studio 2008? -

I install Visual Studio 2008, installation is STL Server 2005 Express. How can I manage this SQL Server? Is there a visual tool to create tables? Download from Microsoft's homepage! >

javascript - Create a range or html fragment in IE from a string -

How can I get a string and with this I can make an html piece in IE. It works fine in non-browsers var str = "& lt; div> Foo "; Var range = document.createRange (); Var frag = range.createContextualFragment (str); Var e = document.getElementById ("element"); E.appendChild (frag); Would you like to consider using jQuery? Cross-browser compatible and easier to use: $ (document) .ready (function () {var str = "& lt; div> Foo and

sql server - Filtering capabilities of WPF datagrid -

In a WPF application, I need to implement convenient for quick and easy search for a particular record from a SQL Server database. Please, can you share your Experience and Opinion with WPF Dotgrid Filtering capabilities in a WPF Toolkit, compared to third-party datagrids? - Initializing a textbox value in with Option Strict On -

मैंने । टेक्स्ट संपत्ति Textbox.Text = 0 लेकिन मुझे त्रुटि मिल रही है विकल्प सख्त पर 'पूर्णांक' से 'स्ट्रिंग' तक अन्तर्निहित रूपांतरणों की अनुमति नहीं है। ये दोनों काम करेंगे: TextBox1.Text = 0.ToString ( ) TextBox1.Text = CType (0, स्ट्रिंग) TextBox1.Text = CStr (0) TextBox1.Text = "0" विकल्प के साथ सख्त आप अपने रूपांतरणों के बारे में अस्पष्ट नहीं हो सकते। आपको स्पष्ट रूप से यह बताए जाने की आवश्यकता है कि आप मूल्य निर्धारित कर रहे हैं। यह सोचता है कि TextBox1.Text एक स्ट्रिंग डेटा प्रकार है, और यह 0 एक पूर्णांक डेटा प्रकार है, इसलिए त्रुटि को फेंकने उन्हें समान सेट करने से पहले 0 में स्ट्रिंग में कनवर्ट करें।

How to wrap git commit comments? -

Is a git command a way to wrap the comment (when viewed through git logs ), So they are not cut at the end of the line? It seems that there should be a very simple solution, but I can not find one. Thank you. 2011 Edit: Default pager to go At the end of my reply the comment is still standing: Even if you see a long-standing message, it does not mean that other devices that are dealing with (long) messages will be able to process them. According to the original answer (January 2010): Message format policy: Because GIT log does not wrap any type, The line length needs to be formatted git logs does not have special special wrapping of committed messages. With the default pager of low-s , it means that your paragraphs are far from the edge of the screen, making it difficult to read. At a 80 column terminal, if we decrease the 4 columns for the indent on the left and decrease the 4 for the homogeneity on the right, we have been left with 72 columns. git format-pa...

asp classic - VBScript's CopyFile not working -

I think there may be something with an external file but I'm getting the error path not found and do not know why the code given below. & lt;% fs set fs = Server.CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fs.CopyFile "", "softvoyage.xml "Set FS = None%> FileSystemObject is designed for local disk files only, try it: http: Send "" response. Type xmlhttp.responseText set xmlhttp = nothing% & gt; Found on

Find a "work" email address for a person in iPhone Address Book? -

Can anyone get a specific type of email address from the e-mail address book? I know how to get all the email addresses for a person, and not how it should be recognized that what kind of e-mail address is ("home", "work", etc.) ... and neither And it would be better), a way to access that address without recurring it directly through them all. Thank you. For example, if you have an ABR recorder named "person", then this code is a single nsetring set, called "NASTERD". Will use: // email address (if there is only one, then use it; Otherwise, first work email address Cfndex number = ABMultiValueGetCount (multi); if (calculation == 1) {value = ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex (multi, 0); email address = (NSString * ) Value; [email credit ;); CFRelease (value);} Else {for (CFIndex i = 0; i & lt; count; i ++) {label = ABMultiValueCopyLabelAtIndex (multi, i); value = ABMultiValueCopyValueAtIndex (multi, i); // check If label (& amp; a...

How to find Javascript syntax errors -

I am writing a javascript section of code and making heavy mistakes in syntax. But the only way to figure out the error on which line is to comment on the section of the code written to it and to reload it in the browser, where to say where I am missing ');' is. How do you "compile" the JavaScript source to make sure that this syntax is correct so that I can debug it in the browser? "Post-Text" itemprop = "text"> Ctrl + Shift + J , if you make mistakes by your runtime, of course firebug works better, but this is a quick way.

Classes that mimic the behavior of iPhone Application Settings...but within an app? -

Has anyone written the iPhone classes that mimic the behavior of application settings? It would be nice to be able to define settings tables for use within my app using the exact same XML structure, etc. See The ASP Library has mentioned there: mySettings [...] uses a plast configuration file to be used by the Settings app with some optional options. [block] By default settings are stored in the standard user default object ([NSUAS default default value standard user defaults]) , But you can use any object that supports key-value coding. This enables you to use your model classes directly in the settings view.

Using WSPBuilder Tool with SharePoint -

How can I disable all my features in SharePoint using the WSPBuilder tool without having to manually unite it ? You can not do this with WSPBuilder, you can easily do the features of the site in an explorer-like view You can use it to disable or write PowerShell or .NET code to it.

c# - Trying to rearrange my listview, but not sure how to get the property I need to edit -

Then, I have a list view that contains one step in one process, on the left is a label that states that What is this step, and there is a text box with instructions on the right. Then there are general editing and delete buttons on the right side of that textbox, but I also have an up arrow and down arrow. If clicked, I think that would like a set of current items to move to that slot. This list view is bound by a LinqDataSource and if I can use the property of an item from that set, where the button was clicked, I could just call ListView.DataBind () and call it myself Can be sorted. The property I am talking about is in the label which is saying which stage is there. I've set it up like this: & lt; Asp: Label ID = "lblStepNumber" runat = "server" text = '& lt;% # Eval ("StepNumber", "step # 0}")%> '/ & Gt; So if I can do just that ListView.Items [Where_btn_clicked]. StepNumber ++; ListView.Items [Wher... - How to pass dymanicaly generated reults into a print friendly new window -

So I have a quiz user, and in the end they clearly get results. A "Print result" feature that the customer wants to load in a new window with new CSS etc ... My question is, I used a new window using Javascript How do I pass the results in? Generally I will do this with all the sessions, but the quiz and the results were all done with javascript. I originally have this: $ ('# quizId .printquiz'). ("Click", function {event.preventDefault (); resultsHtml = $ ('# quizResultsContent') .html (); ('QuizResults.htm', 'Print', 'status = 0, Toolbar = 0 ");} I have to pass the resultsHtml on the QuizResults.htm page. Is this also possible?

python - Can someone help clarify my confusion about syncdb and import loops, 'Do you have to be explicit on imports?' -

I have been having difficult time creating a database with syncdb on Python 2.5. I think that some of this problem is due to the use of wildcard * to import some of the forums. The model is making this loop. & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import Settings & gt; & Gt; & Gt; In the forum Import the manager from Question Manager, Tag Manager, Answer Manager, Vote Manager, Flagged Entity Manager, Reception Manager, Reward Manager, Traceback (most recent call final): file "console" gt; line 1, & lt; Module & gt; File "/home/username/webapp/username/sousvide_app/forum/", in line 6, in the & lt; Module & gt; From the stage Model Import * File "/home/username/webapps/username/sousvide_app/forum/", line 18, & lt; Module & gt; In the forum The manager can not import the name of Question Manager, Tag Manager, Answermaker, Vote Manager, Flagged Entity Manager, Reception Manager, Award Manager, Import Errors;...

multithreading - .NET Remoting thread locking mechanism -

I have a pressing problem and I hope you all can help me I try my best to understand it Will do At the same time I can do this. I am pushing a system that allows calling on the net to call a thin client. The data access components in the server have been installed on it, so it creates the actual call in the database, and gives datarows only for thin clients. I recently added transactions in these modules. I wanted to make this thread-safe, where Client Thread A started a database transaction, Client Thread B Client Thread A is not able to access the transaction Will happen. Client Thread B is not required to allow its own transaction, it is only necessary that I do not allow Client Thread B to use client thread A's transactions. There are only 1 references to the remoting objects that share both of them, and due to the underlying architecture I will not be able to change it, I can not change it. All Reservation Objects are stored on the server in this remote object. I d...

javascript - How can I improve my sites IE6/7 JS performance? -

So I was recently involved in writing a site again and with the big improvement in the way we have Have gone live (not that it is not right, we live with the deadline and always improve: D) With one exception: it will be locked after page is shown in IE 6/7. I know that this is JS because it has been disabled with it and I know from a few simple things like we use very slow, but with this Google ads have removed it (just now Also a crawl (+ 8sec)) I have seen through the firebug profiler and increased the load of JS / CSS changes: Our IMG error except all IMG handling the bottom of the page Sprite images used commonly Reduce the complexity of the CSS selector / Li> This was good for all browsers And I know I can do more, but I am not seeing a major improvement in IE 6/7 which I need, we use DD_roundies_0.0.2a.js for ID7 but IE6's Not for I tried DineTrace, but I was not able to see anything clear, although I lost a bit of depth in it. Point to here and / o...

javascript - How do I select all text contained in <pre> using jQuery? -

I have a content, editable iframe line numbers with line numbers and text in a div and all text & lt; Pre & gt; -element is in. It looks like: & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "line_numbers" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; 1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; 2 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; 3 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Pre & gt; Text & lt; / Pre & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; Now, when someone presses Ctrl + A everything is selected, which also includes line numbers. I & lt; Pre & gt; I would like to change this behavior to include the contents of . I have set a function that captures Ctrl + A and prevents the default operation. Now, I'll call & lt; Pre & gt; ? will help me; You should be able to select the pre-element by using jQuery and pass it to the given function: SelectText ($ ('pre') [0]);

iphone - Buttons and Cartesian Coordinates -

I have this scrollview full of "curious" buttons (4 lines per line), and like iPhone apps icons, I want that to be able to rearrange the user, he / she wants if it was just a line of buttons, then Apple would be an excellent example to follow the Autosol tutorial app. Not the case, it's 2D and I did not know how to do it. Tried some ideas: An array containing buttons are referred to as references; At this time I'm trying to find a way to pick buttons with "low / low" coordinates instead of pulling them. I have been searching and researching successfully. Is there any mathematical algorithm to do this? I suspect that there are some other solutions seriously tested and are you can pin some point? Thanks a lot. Why do not you use TTLauncherView ?

c# - How can I strip zeros and decimal points off of decimal strings? -

निम्न कोड वर्तमान में आउटपुट करता है: 12.1 12.100 12.1000 12.00 12 12.0000 मैं इसे कैसे बदल सकता हूं, इसलिए यह आउटपुट करता है: 12.1 12.1 12.1 12 12 12 मठ। बात, लेकिन यह मुझे परिभाषित करता है कि कितने दशमलव स्थानों को मैं चाहता हूं, लेकिन मैं उन्हें ऊपर के रूप में चर होना चाहता हूं। यदि कोई ऐसा करने का कोई गणितीय तरीका नहीं है, तो मैं शून्य और दशमलव स्ट्रिंग्स के दाहिनी ओर बंद करता है, लेकिन लगता है कि इस पर संभाल करने के लिए एक गणित का तरीका है। सिस्टम का उपयोग करना; System.Collections.Generic का उपयोग कर; नेमस्पेस test8834234 {सार्वजनिक वर्ग का कार्यक्रम {स्थैतिक शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; दशकों एसएसट्रिंग = नई सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; {"12.1", "12.100", "12.1000", "12.00", "12", "12.0000"}; फॉरचाव (डेसीमल्स एसएसटीआरिंग में विविध दशमलव एसएस स्ट्रिंग) {दशमलव दशमलव = दशमलव। पर्स (दशमलवएस्टस्ट्रिंग); Console.WriteLine (डीईसी); } कंसोल। रीडलाइन (); }}}} ...

url routing - Serving HTML or ASPX files with ASP.NET MVC -

मैं यूआरएल को लागू करना चाहता हूं जैसे: / श्रेणी / उत्पाद 1 यह विशिष्ट उत्पाद का विवरण देगा (जैसे विनिर्देश) श्रेणियों की सूची और amp; प्रत्येक श्रेणी में उत्पाद सीमित हैं, मैंने सोचा कि उत्पादों के लिए डेटाबेस का उपयोग करने के लायक नहीं है। इसलिए मैं इसे एचटीएमएल या एएसपीएक्स फ़ाइलों का उपयोग कर कार्यान्वित करना चाहता हूं। इसके अलावा, मुझे यूआरएल को फाइल एक्सटेंशन के बिना होना चाहिए (यानी यूआरएल के पास। Html या .aspx एक्सटेंशन नहीं होना चाहिए) मैं इसे एएसपी.नेट एमवीसी के साथ कैसे लागू कर सकता हूं? क्या मुझे उसमें एचटीएमएल / एएसपीएक्स फाइलों के साथ नेस्टेड फ़ोल्डर संरचना का उपयोग करना चाहिए, ताकि यह यूआरएल के अनुरूप हो? तो यूआरएल में विस्तार से कैसे बचें? मैं इन विचारों से भ्रमित हूं एस्प.net एमवीसी माइक्रोसॉफ्ट से रूटिंग लायब्रेरी का उपयोग करता है। तो फ़ोल्डर संरचना या फ़ाइल एक्सटेंशन के बारे में सोचने के बिना इस तरह की संरचना को प्राप्त करना बहुत आसान है। mvc के साथ आप एक विशिष्ट फ़ाइल पर अनुरोध नहीं बताते हैं इसके बजाय...

How to replace fixture generator on Rails 3? -

I am trying to use factorygir instead of the default fixtures in Rail Ranger 3. I In this way (config / application.rb) config.generators Do it G. G.orm: active_record g.template_engine: erb g.test_framework: test_unit ,: fixture => True g.fixture_replacement "factory_girl" ,: dir = & gt; End of "examination / factories" looks good, is not it? But it does not work ... any ideas? It seems that there is a proper way to do it (at least now :) :) slightly different Is: config.generators do G | G.orm: active_record g.template_engine: erb g.test_framework: test_unit ,: fixture_replacement = & gt; : Factory_girl End

Functional Programming Documentation -

Is there a standard document for functional languages ​​(like UM for OO)? After downloading the sofa db, which were written in erlang and shocked me by looking at the source code, there is hardly a line of documentation. Is there no need to document these how they all depend on each other? Is better recorded medium size projects freely available, to know how this paradigm is used? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> The code should be documented regardless of language. It seems that ADOK is capable of creating external API documents; Quoted from a source: The Edercharging API is the Erlang Standard Application for documenting directly within the Erlang Code. The context is in this context: EDOK will use the tag on "@Name ...", the source code of the ARLing program I write in the form of comments. A source file does not have the tag to generate its documents for ADOK, but the result of the tag will contain only the basic information availa...

osx - Mac: Setting up SVN for personal development -

I have noticed that I already have svn and svnserve (and a .subversion dir in my house). Svnserve should be svn server, as far as i know, but how do i run it? I do not need some very basic things associated with Apache or a server for version files on my own computer for personal development (STV is integrated with Textmatt, which I use). Thank you. If you need it on its own machine, you do not even need svnserve just plain file Use: URL For example, make a repository: svnadmin create testrepo then you can use it with the URL file: /// Full / Path / In / testrepo / The .subversion directory in the home folder is for settings only. mvc - Run an action on link click, jQuery -

I have a series of images, and I want to record only when each click is done. They never show up in their own thoughts, so running code is useless. I've wired a click event using jQuery. Post does not work, what can I achieve with any idea? The 'hit' is stored in view of only one HTML element, when it pulls the link for the image. The hit hit refers to the controller, and then the "hit" method accepts an ID. Yes, I have fixed the id error - still not working. Click (function () {$ (this). (Function () {var hit = $ (this) .attr ("hit") ); $ .post ("hit / hit /", {id: hit});});}); Hmm, the ID might be an undefined variable, the warning (id) shows the appropriate result?

coding style - Is it bad practice to use an if-statement without brackets? -

I have seen such a code: If (statement) does this; And do this; I do not like it, I think this cleaner is more readable if (statement) {do this; } And (do this); } Is this a matter of preference or will it be recommended in any other way? The problem with the first version is that if you go back and remember without adding curl braces. If without adding a second statement to other sections, your code will break into an unexpected and entertaining manner. EDIT: Nedee explains it in the comment, but it is worth the inclusion here, too, I think. This is not just a description of some ivory-tower:

multithreading - Multi-threading access to SubmitChanges() (LINQ to SQL) -

I am using Visual Studio 2010 beta 2. In parallel. For loop, I execute the same method, processed data should be stored in the database after execution with different parameter values. But I have an exception cap, which says that I can not work with the same data reference from different threads. So the question will be how to work with data contexts and SubmitChanges () from multiple contexts? I recommend creating a threadase structure to store your results. Once you have completed your parallel, you can read these structures and put them in your linux dataset.

c# - I can never predict XMLReader behavior. Any tips on understanding? -

It seems that every time I use the XMLReader, I'm trying to understand a bunch of errors and error in what I am doing. About reading about what I am versus versus versus I just read what I always consider it at the end, but even then, after using it several times, it does not seem like what XMLReader really is doing When I call different functions. For example, when I read for the first time, if he reads an element start tag, is it now at the end of the element tag, or is it ready to begin reading the properties of the element? Does it know the values ​​of properties, but if I call GetAttribute? What if I call ReadStartElement at this point? Will it finish reading the elementary element, or for the next one, will miss all the features? What if I want to read many elements - what is the best way to try to read the next element and to determine what its name is. Will the Aestart Element be read after work, or will I have to return the information about the node, I have read the eleme...

objective c - How do I use a boolean operator in a case statement? -

How do I not use the boolean operator just inside a switch statement switch ( Expression) {case & gt; 20: Break the statement; Case & lt; -20: Break the statement; } Edit : I do not want an (if) statement switch ((expression)> 20) {true fact: statements break; Wrong Case: Default: Statement Break; } What .. do you want more than 1 boolean in a matter? You can do this int ii = ((expression)> 20) + 2 * ((expression) This, IMO is a very bad code, but this is what you asked ... Just use the statement if you will be better, long time Drive.

java - Has anybody used SIKULI for testing their GUI-based apps? -

Looks like there is a huge amount of capacity, someone tried to use it as a tool for testing is? Or would it be better for automated actions for users? quote (in project): Integrated GUI is designed to support unit testing. The unit testing panel can be opened by clicking on View / Unit Test or shortcut CMD-U ​​(or Ctrl-U on Windows / Linux) on Mac. Therefore, while my understanding is that SIKULI is initially aimed at GUI automation, it can definitely be used for GUI testing (which is closely related if you Let's assume that GUI test = GUI automation + verification framework). Take a look for a full example (and see assertXXX on the picture). And in fact, I see a great potential in Sikkim for testing because it is very easy to test, even written actual application written (just for example, using some initial mockpops ) without even. SIKULI test (BDD, acceptance testing, etc.) can become a great companion for various flavors. This is actually a wonderful piece...

flex - ViewStack not showing change at first -

I'm working for some time as good as a new project, and I'm having a small problem On fine tuning The area of ​​concern is so much that I believe that I am using Vostok, but I am not sure that the details are given here. I have many check boxes (4), and only one selected radio button can be shown as a group (6) at all times. No RBTN pre-selected With the selection of a check box, I also see a new radio button group (4). None of the RBTN pre-selected here either. Now if I select one of the RBTN (6 - each is showing a different paper size measurement), then I can use the external XML data file description through size, biless and total value which This case is similar to Bespresi! This total value is located on the first canvas / label in the vista! None of the first three (3) Second RBTN Group (4) selected either RBTN! - It will show me a paper type description, and by selecting the fourth RBTN, it will show me a field with the additional cost of canvas type, and...

php - delete session files after a time from creation -

I am saving my session from other directory / temp directory using the / session> directory Please. ( using session_save_path ("session") ) Also, there is a code to kill a session that creates 10 minets and logout. But I mentioned that if the user logs in and closes his computer for example, then my logout and session code dosage is not lost, so the session file session will remain in the directory . / P> I wanted to know that there is a way to delete session files in the / session after creation time? I used this code for this if ($ handle = opendir ('sessions')) {while (false! == ($ file = readdir ( $ Handle)) {if (filectime ($ file) & lt; (time () -600)) {// 600 = 10 * 60 Unlink ($ file); }}} But, not working, I think this filectime ($ file) thanks You should not need it. PHP automatically applies a garbage collection mechanism to remove passive session files. See PHP's configuration options for more information.

Python os.path is ntpath, how? -

Can someone tell me how the Python "aliases" os.path to Ntpath ? & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import os.path & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Os.path & lt; Module 'ntpath' to 'C: \ Python26 \ lib \ ntpath.pyc' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; see, line 55-67: Try aliof 'NT' _ in names: name = 'nt' linesep = '\ r \ n' nt import *: Import import outside of import exchanges: import as import path ntpath path import nt __all __ . Extend (_get_exports_list (nt)) del nt Import ntpath as a path is a specific statement which is os.path Ho ntpath on your platform (undoubtedly Windows).

unicode - Java: Convert String "\uFFFF" into char -

Is there a standard method for converting string "\ uFFFF" into a character which means that the string in a six character Presentation is a Unicode character? four c = "\ uFFFF". TocharArray () [0]; The value is defined directly as the desired string, and the entire sequence is realized as a single character. Another way, if you have a hard-code value: four c = '\ uFFFF'; Note that \ uFFFF does not appear to be a suitable Unicode character, but try with \ u041f for example.

Can we increase the priority of the Garbage collection thread in java -

As we know in Java, we have priority levels for thread, and the waste collector is one of the lowest priority thread So I want to know that for a particular Java application, we can be given a higher priority to its garbage collector so that it can increase memory management for that application. It gets a little complicated, but they are documenting here: / P>

mod rewrite - How to delete .php extension from URL? -

How do I delete the .php extension from URL with mod_rewrite? For example: - & gt; - & gt; rewinding sign on rewrite ^ ([^ / ] +) /? $ $ 1.php If the user is typed in , then they http: // example Actually, this rule says "everything matches a base slot up to a slash, or if there is no slash, but it is not included in the slash. Then give to the user who connects with .php at the end. " This is going to work only for the first level of the directory; To wit. It will not match on - There are no redirects.

MongoDB Group using Ruby driver -

I am trying to bring back the list of year / month combinations with the calculation to describe the blog post January 2010 (1 post) December 2009 (2 posts) ... I have managed to use it in the Mongodi JS Shell, and it results in a useful format: ({Keyf: function (x) {return: month} x.datetime.g EtMonth (), year: x.datetime.getFullYear ()}}}, reduce: function (x, y) {y.count ++}, initial: {result: [ {"Month": 0, "year": 2010, "count": 3}, {"month": 0, "year": 1970, "count": 1}] It's very nice, okay what I'm doing after this. However, while trying to convert it to the appropriate code for the Ruby driver, I can not get it to work. Have seen, the same results in the following (I'm using Mongomper, therefore Post.collection ): @ collection = ("function (x) {returns} {Month: x.datetime.getMonth (), year: x.datetime.getFullYear ()};} ", zero, {: calcu...

How do you show instantiation in a UML Sequence Diagram? -

Is I realize how that server do refers to a scene and gets control back flow? Maybe I'm not using the right type of diagram? Thanks a bunch! picture answer Reuben is right, but the general UML missing answers. This creates a second life line when the "Create" line (in this case dashed) connects to the built-in lifelike box / label / top, by example: its action in the webserver creates a view and creates a widget made by the view is. ----- | One | ----- | [] ---- & gt; ----- [] | B | ----- | | There are also many images UML 2.2 specifications (superstructure) on page 474, Figure 14.11 is their canonical syntax / notation reference. And it is stated on page 495 in the marking section "object creation message is a dashed line with an open arrow." message type as it is defined in the UML is an enumeration said MessageSort. One value is: ". AsynchSignal - Send an action .createMessage generated by an asynchronous message - message sp...

ruby on rails - heroku current transaction is aborted -

I have a small free The app stops working from the intestine and on the screen Displays the default perforated error page. When I look at logs, I see the following: ActiveRecord :: StatementInvalid (PGError: Error: the current transaction has been aborted, ignored until the end of the transaction block To order: SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE ("user". "Password" = e 'and' user '. "Userid" = e' ') 1): app / model / user.rb: 5: Code> authentication 'application / controller /admin_controller.rb:6:in login' In my controller I am just doing the following: user = sub Ogkrta. Certify (params [: storeid], params [: password]) and in the user model: def self.authenticate (userid, password) Error message I believe that some connections are left hanging and never closed. Is it ever a matter of ruby ​​app? There are several places in my app where I am using find_by_sql. Do we need to explicitly close the c...

java - log4j sample configuration file (properties file) -

What is the easiest way to get started with log4j configuration? Put a file named in the root of your squared path: log4j.rootLogger = All, console log4j.appender.Console = org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.Console.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.Console .layout.conversionPattern =% M% n and nothing else will require Log4j to detect it and configure itself.

iphone - Parent View issues with UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera -

I have a strange problem with UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera. My application gives the option to select a photo from the gallery, or take a picture with the camera. If I choose the gallery, then I take a picture and return to my idea, no problem. However, when using UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera, it seems somewhat weird with my idea when I return it. For example, I have a bunch of code in the viewDidLoad method, which takes some objects into view if it should be based on certain factors - when I exit UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera, but when I exit the gallery. Is it expected? I think your view is dumping didReiveiveMemoryWarning by object Trigger is being triggered by resource-intensive camera stuff. You can force the simulator to generate a memory alert without the camera to test this theory. Generally speaking, you should be able to deal with call calling multiple times. This is not a init method, it is called again if self.view is ...

filestream - Best approach for a Binary column with LINQ to SQL -

My SQL 2008 table, let's call it tblDocument, after the name, the creator, the serial number, a "DocumentContent" varbinary, I am using SQL from LINQ if I am retrieving multi-megabyte binary for each line without one interface, then it is best to complete it What's the way Is there a way to do this, as long as I do not read from the property, or something like this, then the filestream is not used? Thanks You can use Linq to create an anonymous object Not including document content columns. Like this: Select new {item.ID,, item.creator, item.sequenceNumber} from the item in var list = db.tblDocument; Then use the ID to retrieve the document content later: var content = db.tblDocument Where (x = & gt; == MyRowID). Select (x = & gt; x.DocumentContent). Single ();

c++ - How to pass a row of boost::multi_array and std::vector by reference to the same template function? -

मुझे इस बिट कोड के साथ एक समस्या है: #include & lt; boost / multi_array.hpp & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; boost / array.hpp & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; vector & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; iostream & gt; टेम्पलेट & lt; typename Vec & gt; शून्य foo (वीएसी और एक्स, आकार_टी एन) {के लिए (आकार_टी i = 0; i & lt; N; ++ i) {x [i] = i; }} Int main () {std :: vector & lt; डबल & gt; v1 (10); फू (वी 1, 5); Std :: cout & lt; & lt; V1 [4] & lt; & lt; std :: endl; बढ़ावा :: बहु_अरे & lt; डबल, 2 & gt; एम 1; बढ़ावा :: सरणी & lt; डबल, 2 & gt; आकार; आकार [0] = 10; आकार [1] = 10; m1.resize (आकार); फू (एम 1 [0], 5); Std :: cout & lt; & lt; एम 1 [0] [4] & lt; & lt; std :: endl; वापसी 0; } जीसीसी के साथ इसे संकलित करने की कोशिश में, मुझे त्रुटि मिलती है: boost_multi_array.cpp: फ़ंक्शन में 'int main ()': boost_multi_array.cpp : 26: त्रुटि: प्रकार 'बढ़ावा :: विवरण :: मल्टी_अरे :: उप-ऐरे & lt; डबल...

.net - How to handle paging & sorting efficiently through WCF RIA service using dataset while dealing huge tables -

I have successfully created the WCF RIA service to create a DomainService class and access the database using ADO.NET. Though ado There is boundaries for creating a domains service using the net, which is meant to create domains service using the Entity Framework in efficient sorting, paging of large tables (more than 5 million records), ADO Is there any way to efficient paging and sorting to use Net? If so, can anyone share some code? I want to document the service of the Silverlight DataGrade domain and want to sort on pagegages / datagrids. Thanks for the @HenRich Link for the sake of others like whom There are similar types of scenarios, here's one more thing that is more specific for my question, that is, the ADO Using Net (and eventually Dataset)

security - Secure Login in PHP -

What is a secure login? How can I develop one in PHP? Please keep in mind that I'm just getting started in PHP. I would recommend getting a solution in your website. For example: In addition to OpenID, you will have a good start with the basics of a PHP login

wpf - Commandbindings through xaml -

How can I execute and execute the CansSuit methods via XAML? Execute and kinaciculate interfaces are members of iComand, as if you can not use it only in XAMML. You can only use xaml in the command, the system can copy, execute and paste commands executed, which can be used on a textbox (for example). You must have support for the implementation of ICMand, you can tie it to commands with a visual model, but the code should be.

apache - Using same .htaccess in different environments -

Our website lives in three different environments to test with production Http: // / Ul> (See examples of URLs in the following .htaccess snippet) Option + Rewrite on follow-up serialink reenable engine ^ Brand / (. +) /products.php?brand=$1 [ R, NC] RewriteRule ^ Product / (. +) /products.php?model=$1 [R, NC] I capture the first part of the URL Please do this and include it in the .htaccess file so that the following URL behaves all: http: // localhost / version / product / c20 // http: // I watched on the Rivet candy , But I do not know how can I use it in this matter please, please feel free to, please. Edit: It starts working: reconciliation on pre> option + reminder rewriting engine% {REQUEST_URI} ^ (. +) / (Brand | product) / rewrite rule ^ brand / (. +)% 1 / x.php? Brand = $ 1 [nc] rewrite% {REQUEST_URI} ^ (. +) / (Brand | product) / revised rules ^ pro...

performance - Very large drupal page execution time -

I am on VPS hosting with dreamhost and am experiencing a lot of page load times. Here is the output from the development module for MySQL queries. 190 questions were executed in 227.67 milliseconds. The page execution time was 21,969.43 ms It seems okay to use module profiling: Total: 304.15 So if the modules are taking 304 mms and ISSL is taking 227 m, where the second 21 seconds go ?! This URL is Any help as usual, much appreciated! JACUS You are not communicating your javascript with CCS files, It should not be a reason for a slow page load It seems that you have your site setup for development mode, which is quite ineffective for the production site. I tried to browse around, and I did not find any page that was slow as per your description. But the above thing is a major point for improvement in performance.

regex - Distance between regular expression -

Can we calculate a distance between regular expressions? How is the idea that two regular expressions are similar? There are some metrics you can use: The length of a valid match is a few regexs, a certain size, some one upper limit and some have a lower limit. Compare what their length or potential length is. The characters that match. Any regex will have a set of characters that can be in a match (probably all the characters). Compare the set of characters included. Use a larger document and see how many each regex matches and how many of them are similar. Are you looking for tough equivalence?

Upload file from iphone using SFTP protocol -

I have an audio file that is taken from my iPhone. I want to upload this audio file using the STPTP protocol? What's possible? Is there a third party library available? Is it similar to putting files on FTP? Apple has a technical note on this topic The following sections support for discus file transfer. Note: A number of attempts have been made to make a safe 'FTP' include: FTPS - This is FTP on TLS. It is not supported by any built-in API on the iPhone OS or Mac OS X. SFTP - This is a new file transfer protocol based on SSH. There are no SSH APIs built in iOS OS or Mac OS X. On Mac OS X, you can access the SSH functionality by sifting various command line tools. This is not an option on the iPhone OS.

c# - Get localized date time string and time zone name in differnet languages on windows -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 उत्तर क्या कोई भी विंडोज़ एपीआई है या विभिन्न भाषाओं के लिए स्थानीय प्रारूप में समय, दिनांक और समय क्षेत्र का नाम पाने के लिए भाषा की सुविधा (सी ++, सी #) संपादित करें: सी # में मैं स्थान के लिए स्थानीयकृत स्ट्रिंग प्राप्त कर सकता हूं और समय, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि टाइम ज़ोन इनफ़ोन में स्थानीयकृत स्ट्रिंग्स नहीं हैं। मुझे इसे रजिस्ट्री में नहीं मिला। अधिकतर आपको अपने लिए समयक्षेत्र नामों का अनुवाद करने की आवश्यकता है। // फ़्रीनिश दिनांक समय के लिए स्थानीयकरण दिनांक = नया दिनांकटाइम.अब; कंसोल.प्रकाशलाइन (डी। टॉस्ट्रिंग ("डी", नई संस्कृति इन्फ़ो ("एफआर-एफआर"))); देखें, और फ़ंक्शन देखें समय क्षेत्र के लिए स्थानीयकृत नाम प्राप्त करने के लिए, ऐसा लगता है कि आपको इसे रजिस्ट्री से बाहर निकालना पड़ सकता है के लिए दस्तावेज़ीकरण देखें

operating system - What's the difference between a thread's stack and a process's stack -

What are the independent stacks in both threads and processes? If the answer is yes, then what is the difference between them? thank you in advanced! Threads do not have a stack in the process A process usually consists of an address space, some resources and a Or there are more than one thread. The thread runs the actual code of the process, so that everyone has their own stack. There is more information in the wiki article on the stack

postgresql - Django: Return all Values even if filtering through a related model -

Thanks for some great help on the previous question, I put my query together. Everything works an issue safely. careers = career.obages.filter (job __bar = 1) =. Anotate (dwarves_in_career = calculation ('Job _ dwarf')) In my opinion this is what I want and when I like it in my template loop: {% return to career in career%} gt; {{}}: {{Career.dwarves_in_career}} & lt; / Li & gt; {% Endfor%} I got what I expected, my point is that the above code will only return to the careers who have dwarves all careers Need to return: Assigned: 1 Construction: 1 Crafting: 2 deposits: 0 Farming: 0 My desired result is instead The last two lines are not because I'm filtering for a specific user. I know why this is happening, what I am trying to find, how does he ask all the careers to return, even if the dwarf count for a particular user is 0. I think you should give your annotated and filters segments. See - you have this method, it filt...

syntax - MySQL - SELECT WHERE date < X -

मैं इसे MySQL में कैसे कर सकता हूं? SELECT * से MyTable WHERE MyDateCol & lt; आज () मैं इस विषय पर बहुत कुछ गल गया और वास्तव में "MySQL तिथि रेफरी में देखो" को छोड़कर वास्तव में कुछ भी नहीं मिला जो उपरोक्त आसानी से पर्याप्त नहीं समझाता। मुझे पता है कि मैं निम्न कर सकता हूँ जो थोड़े अप्रत्यक्ष है: SELECT * से MyTable WHERE MyDateCol Between (0000-00-00) और आज () MySQL में, आपके पास मजेदार कैटिटन है, जो आपको आज की तारीख देगा। इसलिए, ऐसा कुछ करना चाहिए: चुनें your_table से * जहां your_date_column & lt; Curdate () उस फ़ंक्शन के मैन्युअल पृष्ठ का उद्धरण: 'YYYY-MM' में एक मान के रूप में वर्तमान तिथि देता है -डीडी ' या YYYYMMDD स्वरूप, फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग स्ट्रिंग या संख्यात्मक संदर्भ में किया जाता है या नहीं। और अगर आप चाहें वर्तमान समय (और न केवल दिन) से तुलना करने के लिए, आप फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: मौजूदा कोड और दिनांक को YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS ' या YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu प्रारूप

Handle sql-server permissions gracefully with Navision -

background I'm in the process of creating an application (referred to as MyApp ) Anyone who should read Navision managed by a SQL Server database, should use the Navision users to access their applications, without modifying the permissions in the database. Permissions are looked at Navision's handling application layer, it checks permissions without having them stored in the database. Problem In the navision database, when users, permissions and other related objects overwrite, synchronizes to the database, then the general approach of creating a DB user and just using that Do not Possible Solutions I think the most appropriate solution would be MyApp in the Active Directory role, which gives the required permissions on DB, and this role is all Combines users. I do not know how to do it, or even if it is possible, other solutions, or proposals are welcome, but please only suggest suggestions that are available for active directory or navigation. Can be mana...

interop - How to use a dll made in vb 6 to 3.5 application? -

How to use a DLL made from vb 6 to c # .net 3.5 application? Although we have an interop feature but it needs to map all the functions of DLL. Is there any other way around this that is quick and reliable, is there any further tool that can convert this vb 6 dll into a .NET assembly? Thanks in advance. In addition to Pinwok interop (call function by name from DLL) .net is excellent COM interop and also Exposing vb 6 dll functionality as a COM component should be relatively easy.

capture windows username in mvc request -

I have an intranet app mvc site anyway due to a full login system on the site, The login is to capture. I do not need to allow, but I want to do some logging on the server to track requests, etc. . If you use HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name You can use the site to set up. Many browsers will pass the username transparently.

c# - What’s wrong with this code -

Why does the loop do not return anything? I think it has to do something with .NET. I have .NET 2.0. The problem is that the time statement will execute once, then exit, as if there are no nodes with that name, when it is definitely. Here is an example of XML: & lt; RSS version = "2.0" & gt; & Lt; Channel & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; ... & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link & gt; ... & lt; / Link & gt; & Lt; Description & gt; ... & lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; LastBuildDate & gt; ... & lt; / LastBuildDate & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; User greeting & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; GUID & gt; ... & lt; / GUID & gt; & Lt; Link & gt; Http: //...< / Link & gt; & Lt; Details & gt; Voicembox number: 1 & lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; Author & gt; Free conference calls & lt; / Author & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt;...

Office Open XML Format file creation -

I want to open a new XML sheet through oris XML format. And how to export that XL sheet data without Lie Here one shows how to inject a template excel worksheet in the contents of the datatellë an open- Source uses in conjunction with the extension library. The tutorials in the series show how to perform similar actions using other data sources such as arrays, datasets, and lincs.

replace ntext (more than 4000 characters) in sql server 2000 -

How to change text in SQL Server 2000 in a ntext column with more than 440 characters? Conversion for Nvarchar (max) does not work because it lowers values. Working with text / NTAT mess - one of the many reasons to get rid of those areas as soon as possible. You need to manipulate those people, such as READTEXT, WRITETEXT, UPDATETEXT and others - see some resources for help:

Asp.Net MVC - Common Data Across All Controllers -

सेटअप: (asp.Net MVC 2 आरसी, इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क, SQL सर्वर, VS2008 का उपयोग करके) मेरे दोस्त और मैं एक ऐसे प्रोजेक्ट पर काम कर रहे हैं, जिस पर इसका उल्लेख करते हुए अलग-अलग डोमेन होंगे। हम डोमेन (वेबसाइट) को अनुरोध से प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं और डेटा का उपयोग करने के लिए इसका उपयोग करना चाहते हैं। इस वेबसाइट के डेटा को सभी नियंत्रकों का हिस्सा होना चाहिए। Ex के लिए डेटा, के डेटा के मुकाबले अलग होगा, और यह वेबसाइट के डेटा के मुकाबले अलग होगा। साइट का नज़रिया इन सभी के लिए समान है, लेकिन डेटा अलग है। मैंने एक बेस कंट्रोलर की स्थापना की है जो मेरे सभी अन्य नियंत्रक से प्राप्त होते हैं। लेकिन मुझे यह पसंद नहीं है। बेस कंट्रोलर: सार्वजनिक वर्ग बेसकंट्रोलर: नियंत्रक {निजी वेबसाइट _website; निजी रीडोनली IWebsiteRepository _websiteRepository; सार्वजनिक बेस कंट्रोलर (IWebsiteRepository websiteRepository) {_websiteRepository = websiteRepository; } सार्वजनिक वेबसाइट वर्तमान वेबसाईट {प्राप्त करें; }} इस के साथ समस्या यह है कि अब मेरे प्रत्य...