I'm trying to remove some things. So, I'm looking for advice and research material (via link). Here's the scenario: We have a library (e.g., CommonAlb) which has the necessary resources for many other applications (like APA, APB, APC, and so on ...). Now, the way it is currently working is an APA example, to see if a specific port is available or not. If it is not, then it kicks off Commonlab ("Hey, Awake") and the service is started. Then APP is happy and we go away. Now, I've done a lot of research on remoting. The channel and I have come to the conclusion that I am starting an application made on a technique that is considered 'legacy' good ... I do not like it. Honestly, WCF is much higher than us and has not been fully implemented in mono. We are targeting multi-platform compatibility (windows, mono, linux), so we are researching all the options. The idea of remoting started at the first place, because we wanted the general league to b...