
Showing posts from May, 2015

htc - Android: Start activity from a MenuItem -

I'm new to Android, and the user is trying to start an activity from a menu event. Actually, my menu (and is working properly) from my main activity class by using a menuflatler: @Override Public Boolean Permit menu (menu Menu) {super.onCreateOptionsMenu (menu); // Menu Inflator class XML file menu Menflett Inflar = Main menu allows to create a menu from the Inflator (this); Inflater.inflate (R.layout.menutest, menu); Back true; } and im handling menu selection using the following code (working fine too): public boolean-on-option itam selected (menu item Item) {switch (item. GetItemId ()) {case R.Did.MenuEtimanWeb website: ShowScreenAudite (); break; Default: Break; } return false; } I have second and last activity in the name of Adviceite, and I would like to start it, but the following code does not work: protected Zero ShowScreenAddSite () {Intent I = New Intro (AddWebsite.class); StartActivity (i); } Do you know what extra thing do I have to get from...

android - Relative Layout and a Button to the left of a TextView - Squishing problem -

In a relative layout, I have a button on the right side of a TextView. The problem is that the text view on the left side of the screen is squash I want to squash the button on the right and the textview takes all the remaining space. I can not use 'Fill layout' on TextView because the button is completely removed from the scene. How do I do this? your textView android: layout_weight = "1" Give.

browser - Use WebBrowser Navigate2 method without additional parameters in .Net -

I have a VB6 application that uses the Navigate 2 method WebBrowser control 8 versions of the Navigating method in the Net version of the webbrows Are there. Which method has the mapping functionality of Navigating 2 of the code given below: dim url url = " com" WB.Navigate2 url You can call like this: Web browser. Navigate ("")

What should be the sspn value for 1mile X 1mile square on map for google local search api -

What is the 1mile X 1mile class SSPN value for Google Local Search API? I tried to reduce the SSPN value to 0.01,0.01 but it is not certain about this. I have to search for businesses within Google Earth Search for businesses within a 1 mile radius of the current user. The latitude portion of SSPN is 0.0145. The longitude part depends on you where you are. The closer you are to the pole, the distance of the short mile is one degree per degree. If you are on the equator, then it is 0.0145, is similar to latitude, but when you move towards the poles, it grows in proportion to 1 / (cos (latitude)) equation 180 / (3959 * cos (latitude) * Pi) per mile However, since you need the right value within a panel of SSPN 2, the value 0.015,0.025 is sufficient for most of the Earth Would be accurate from

git - Break a previous commit into multiple commits -

Despite having a bunch of funky work on a new branch and a new branch, it is possible to break a single commit Can do this. You earn according to the needs of the people. If this happens again in the tree, then $ git rebase -i HEAD ~ 3 where 3 is how much he gets back. If it is in excess of the tree, $ git rebase -i 123abcd ^ where 123abcd Siaat is what you want to divide. When you receive the Resize Edit screen, you want to break it individually. At the beginning of that line, replace with with edit (short for e ). Save Buffer and Exit Ribas will stop just after you commit to edit. Then: $ git reset HEAD ~ Repeat the pieces in different ways, the less you have to reduce, then $ git rebase --continue

iphone - How to hide the popup of URL in UIwebview -

I have UIwebview when clicking on a hyperlink or button on UIwebview, a small bar of urls is visible. How can I hide this? In Iphone applications that use IUI with UIwebview, this address popup bar is a distraction. Would you please answer me? Thanks in advance .... I got it ... answering my own question = "none"; This code was tricked .....

blackberry - can't use DecimalFormat class within Eclipse -

I am developing a BlackBerry project through the latest Eclipse IDE. I want to use the decimal format class, however, I have seen that eclipse does not recognize this class. Even if I change the JDK compliance level to 1.5, then this project is properly prepared but it will still not be able to recognize it (hence you still see the locals underlined with red lines). Even if you were trying to import the class from the java.text package, Eclipse does not recognize that package and just "import java.text can not be resolved". So what am I doing wrong? Or am I accepting the fact that the Blackberry project will never recognize some Java classes? Thank you in advance Good day. AC The decimal is not part of the Blackberry API You will need to use it instead

jquery - How to get a serialized array from a client form to a server using the GM_xmlhttpRequest -

I used JQuery.serializeArray () on a form to create an array of objects on the GreaseMonkey app: I need to use GM_xmlhttpRequest to return these areas to the server side. What is the best way to return these areas? JSON.stringify (obj) ex> to change my serialized field to a Jason string. Then I should be able to serve that string as a data argument in the GM_xmlhttpRequest POST request on the server.

objective c - Replacing one colour with another in an NSImage -

I have a NSImage and want to change it in one color with another (like all Change blue color with green) Is this an easy way to do this and if not, how do I get this functionality? This is a job for the core image, or you have quartz creator to remove your image filter You can use, and embed a QQView in your app.

Ruby Enterprise 1.8.7 and standard Ruby 1.8 have overlapping gem paths -

I installed Ruby Enterprise 1.8.7 on an Ubuntu server which is already installed on standard Ruby 1.8.6. They both have the same local user gem directory / home / {username} /. Mani / Ruby / 1.8 put them in Manipath. Is it safe and proper? If not, Ruby is a way of replacing the Manipath of Enterprise 1.8.7 (but Ruby 1.8.6) through an environmental variable, so in the / home / {username} /. Gem / Ruby / 1.8 but instead of / home / {username} /. Mani / Ruby / 1.8.7 ? Something like It is not possible that you have big problems with this because the gems are actually both Are similar to However, you should check that it is a type of problem that needs to be resolved. As you try translators of other Ruby, you will thank yourself.

Deployment of Asp.Net MVC app on Win2k3 issue -

I have an ASP.N on my Windows XP machine Now, I'm on the forum where I want to deploy my application. I have done some goggle about installing / configuring MVC app under IIS 5.1 and 6.0, but I still have problems, although I have done anything, so I believe in this book. In my XP box, I have created a virtual directory and added application mapping. Unchecked ". *" And "Check that file" When I navigate to the Local Host / Vince / My page, great is displayed! After logging in, I am being redirected to: Localhost / Vince / Transaction / Index View (Transaction / Index.aspx) simply displays business information ... The user has the freedom to edit his account by clicking on the MyAccount link: Localhost / Vince / Account / Index I have a canceled button at the bottom of that scene Basically you Returns: Localhost / Vince / Transaction / Index The visual source of that cancel button is: Click on the input "location.href = '/ transaction ...

c++ - How do I copy the binary code of an executable into a new file without using a system copy command? -

This is the code I have, but the file is a bit shorter and does not execute: int WriteFileContentsToNewFile (string infiline, string outfilename) {ifstream infile (inFilename.c_str (), IOS :: binary); Offream outfile (outFilename.c_str (), iOS :: binary); String line; // Initial Reading infile & gt; & Gt; Line; Outfile & lt; & Lt; Line; // Read the remaining time (infile) {infile> & Gt; Line; Outfile & lt; & Lt; Line; } Infile.close (); Outfile.close (); Return 0; } What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to read the executable file in binary and write it to another name immediately? Examples of any code? I need to do this without system copy for simulation writing on disk. There is a way to use stream inserter for a streambuf: int WriteFileContentsToNewFile (string infiline, string outname name) {ifstream infile (inFilename.c_str (), iOS:: binary); Offream outfile (outFilename.c_str (), iOS :: binary); Outfile & lt; & Lt;...

javascript - Better RegEx to extract GoogleVideo ID from URL -

Hi! I use the following regex with JS to remove that ID from 6321890784249785097 url.replace (/ ^ [^ \ $] +. (. {19}). *, "$ 1"); But I have only cut the last 19 digits from the tail. How do I bullet proof more? Maybe with an explanation that I can learn something? It should work a bit better: /^.* DocId = (\ d +) $ / it matches all the characters with 'docId =', then after that you give all the points to the end of the URL.

java - Homework: how to write own multiplication of big numbers? -

I want to multiply a large number of my project (maximum java.long) in my own BigNumber class as int [] . Actually I need to implement something like this: 157 x 121 y ---- 157 Results 1 314 + result 2 157 + result 3 ------ 18997 final Result But how do I implement it? I thought the result was zeros (3140, 15700) and adding them with the expansion of 2,3. But first I need to navigate between each of the y numbers and multiply it by every digit of x. Fill the numbers. 36 x 92 3 6 + ----- + ----- + | 2/5/9 | / | / | | / 7 | / 4 + ----- + ----- + | 0 / || 1/2 / | / | | / 6 | / 2 | + ----- + ----- + Add numbers to each diagonal Visit at least-important digits (lower right) more than (upper left). 2 2 (at least-important) (6 + 1 + 4) = 11 (make it) 1, and move it to the next digit) 1 (5 + 7 + 0 + 1 (done) = 13 (make it 3, take 1) 3 2 +1 (recovered) = 3 3 (most important) Answer 3312 Create two-dimensional array of points. Write some arguments to scrape the ...

html - What changed in firefox 3.6 to make <ul>'s render differently? -

edit (solution detected) Thanks everyone for the help. The problem was an error in CSS that was being included (this is a large project with a large composite CSS file, which can be difficult). This problem line was: Background: transparent url (sf-pager.gif ') repeat-x scroll down; See missing apostry IE 6, IE7, and Firefox 3.5 ignore this line and there is no problem with the remaining CSS files. Firefox 3.6 and Google Chrome refuse to include the error and the remaining composite css file on this line. I am developing a webapp for IE 6 (unfortunately), but I am also using Firefox and Chrome together. I've seen a strange problem, where my ul lists in Chrome did not render properly, they were working fine in IE 6 / IE 7 and Firefox 3.5, but after upgrading to Firefox 3.6 it now looks like a chrome . Here's what this menu looks like (IE 6 / Firefox 3.5): And here it is that looks in Chrome and Firefox 3.6: The code looks almost like this: & lt...

svn - A example of a change that is NOT a conflict -

I am trying to understand the details of severance orders. I think understanding the difference between a change which is a struggle and a change, which is not a struggle, will help. This is a follow up for this. itemprop = "text"> A conflict that occurs, when 2 people have made a change both ways in the same file , Then two changes can not be resolved automatically. 1) Start with an example of a non-dispute merging. The original file line1 line2 line3 The person changes it on: line1CHANGED line2 line3 person B it gives the change to: line 1 line2CHANGED line 3 when checking into them and are merged, there is no dispute because it can be easily solved by making the final file: line1CHANGED line2CHANGED line 3 Subversion will automatically handle it as a merge. 2) now provide a confl original file line1 line2 line3 person A. it varies on this: line1CHANGED_BY_A line2 line 3 person B changes to this: line1CHANGED_...

c# - Insert takes too long, code optimization needed -

I have some code that I call table1 to the second value table2 (Windows Mobile Smartphone) What do I do? Can i do CMD Type in the CommonText = "Select 2 to + + Select + + Table Name". "+ TableName +" "cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); Edit The issue has not been resolved I am also after the answer. 1] You have your connection string string connection string = @ "data source = e: \ myDB.db3; New = true; Version = 3; Praga cache_sage = 20000; Prava Page_sys = 32768; Praga synchronous = off "; Check for details for which its limits are The above cache size will eventually increase (cache_use and Page_isize), but you When closing the system, some data may be lost (synchronous = closed). 2] You can wrap your insert details within such transactions DbTransaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction (); DbCommand.Transaction = DBTransaction; // Your Personal Insertion Statement here dbTransacti On.Commit (); 3] There is anothe...

javascript - Jquery autocomplete with jquery 1.4 -

Reference and I am trying to apply tag search for my blog / website, using the SO tag system , I'm using jquery 1.4 latest version so I'm not sure whether it works with it or not, once I've used this plugin before. So without any further jibr-jabr here is html to complete: This is my JavaScript: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {function findValueClallback (event, data, formatted) {$ (" "). Html (! Data? "No match!": "Selected:" + Formatted). AppendTo ("# result");} function format item (line) {return line [0] + "(strong & gt; id:" + row [1] + "& lt; / strong & Gt;) ";} function form (row) {return line [0]. (/ (& Lt;. +? & Gt;) / gi, '');} $ (" #post_tags "). Autocomplete (" Click http: // localhost / tags / filter / ", {Width: 260, selectFirst: false}); $ (" # clear ") (function (...

DOJO Dialog Submit with weird results -

I have a problem with the following code execution does not implement executing the forest form (a button is being created) But even before the dialog appears, the program flows only you click on a button and the dialog should be created. Any help would be greatly appreciated. dojo.addOnLoad (function () {theDialog = New Viewed dialog ({}); Newlog. RTR ("Class", "Soria");} Function vsDialogues () DET ("title", "add new"); DLOG.Tttr ("content", build content); DIOLOG.TETR ("executed", warning ('Hello')); Dojo Parser.Pars (The Dial Podnet Node); DIOL. Show ();} before calling this function As a function You are supposed to quote "Alert" ("Hello") and pass the string? Otherwise, the warning is evaluated immediately.

Neural networks - why so many learning rules? -

I am starting a neural network, currently at least three (different?) Learning Rules (Hebeşi, Delta Rules, Backpropages) are presented in the subject of supervised learning. I'm missing something, but if the goal is to reduce the error, only error (whole_set_off_wits) ? Edit: I have to answer not only to implement the shielded lineage, it would be useful if someone could point out the actual difference between those methods, And the difference between them may be due to the descendants of the straight shield. To know this, the rules of learning are accounted to layered structure of the network. On the other hand, the entire weight set completely ignores it for finding the least error (w) . How is it fit in? One question is how to break "defect" for any error. Classic delta rule or LMS rule is Essentially gradient lineage when you apply the delta rule to a multi-level network, you receive backpop. "Why?" On your specific question Not only t...

sql server - please help me to create a sql query -

मेरे पास 3 तालिकाओं हैं बनाएँ तालिका [dbo]। [Dspartner] ([ dspartnerid] [bigint] पहचान (1,1) नहीं NULL, [नाम] [varchar] (100) SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS नहीं NULL मुक़ाबला, [प्राथमिकता] [int] शून्य) टेबल [dbo]। [होटल बनाएं] ([hotelid] [ पूर्णांक] प्राथमिक कुंजी पहचान (1,1) नहीं NULL, [नाम] [varchar] (100) मुक़ाबला SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS नहीं NULL, [DSPartnerid] [bigint] शून्य,) टेबल [HotelSourceMap] ([hotelsourcemapid] [bigint] प्राथमिक कुंजी बनाने स्थिति इस तरह की है: P> मैं तालिका करना चाहता हूँ: dspartner डेटास्रोत साथी के बारे में विवरण होते हैं। तालिका: होटल होटल तालिका के विवरण शामिल: HotelSourceMap hotels.hotelid, dsparnter.dspartnerid के रिकॉर्ड नया मैं होटल तालिका को अपडेट करना चाहते हैं, जिससे कि सेट hotels.dspartner = hotelsourcemap.dspartnerid जहां hotels.hotelid = hotelsourcemap शामिल । होटल और होटलसोर्समैप.डिस्पैनरिएरड = डीस्पर्टनर.डिस्पेनरनरैड (जहां डीस्पर्टनेरियस की प्राथमिकता उच्च है) नोट: -प्रायरीटी में इंट मान होता है और अधिकतम इंट मान ...

c# - Creating UI Controls In Mvc -

Respected member, I'm new to MVC and currently having trouble creating my own textbox I'm experiencing, use buttons, and use it to store my data in a database. Please help me. If you are interested in following ASP.NET MVC, take a look at the first.

C++ type traits to check if class has operator/member -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: क्या किसी विशिष्ट टेम्प्लेट पैरामीटर में एक ऑपरेटर / फ़ंक्शन है, उदाहरण के लिए, यह बूस्ट प्रकार लक्षण या किसी अन्य तंत्र का उपयोग करना संभव है std :: vector एक टेम्पलेट पैरामीटर के रूप में ऑपरेटर [] है, जबकि std :: pair नहीं करता है। आप इस प्रकार के गुणों के माध्यम से हल नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि आपको हर संभव नाम के लिए परिभाषित करना होगा। सूचीबद्ध सामान्य समाधान हैं, जिनमें एक समस्या है, हालांकि: कई एसटीएल लागूकरण मूल कक्षाओं में सामान्य कोड डालते हैं और यह विधि इनहेरिट किए गए नामों की जांच नहीं करता है। यदि आपको भी इनहेरिट की गई सदस्यों के लिए जांच की ज़रूरत है, तो देखें । जवाब एक समाधान प्रदान करता है जो जांचता है कि प्रश्न में वर्ग में उस नाम का सदस्य है और यह कॉन्स्ट-नेस और तर्क गणना के लिए भी जांच कर सकता है। यह हालांकि तर्क और वापसी के प्रकार और सदस्यों की दृश्यता सहित पूर्ण हस्ताक्षर के लिए जांच करने में विफल रहता है, कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता। आपको लिंक का उपयोग करके आंशिक रूप से हल करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए (अब तक का समय नहीं देखा गया है)।

jquery - slide show with css and javascript -

Hello everybody just want to create an imsge slideshow with the help of CSS, Javascript or jquery like . It's in flash but I want this image to come in dynamically from the database in PHP, can anyone please help me is a good jquery plugin that can be interesting to you: and an example how to dynamically add slides (found in the 'more even more' section): relation, harpax

visual c++ - stop video preview using directshow in vc++ -

.. I just wrote the application for the preview show for the user and the capture graphor filter for capture image Image using Pin.PREEPE Pin User For Preview Video Only going good. But when I close the preview it has an effect on the capture capture capture image I am using the control stream for stop preview. pl Please help To use a solution, you can add several graphs together and control them independently can do. In this way, you can get 3 graphs, which connects your source with two sinks: source - (capture pin) - & gt; Capture Sync - (Preview Pin) - & gt; Preview Sync For a preview: Preview Source - & gt; Renderer and to capture the other: Capture Source - & gt; Sample Strike Using GMFBridge, you can hook Capture Sync to Capture Source and Preview Sync to Preview Source. Once this happens, you can start or stop the preview graph without affecting the capture graph, and vice versa. Hopes

java - Get a exception of "error connecting with login URI" when running Google Data's example -

When I run Calendar FeedDemo example Java package of Google Data API client libraries have to face me such an exception does java-classpath "category: lib / *" Kailenderfeeddomo Myaddr@gmailkcom Mypassed Http://wwwkgooglekcom/calendar/feeds/myaddr@gmailkcom Com K Google gdata.util.AuthenticationException: Error on on ( ( with login URI adding ( on CalendarFeedDemo.main ( to ( because: on (no outside network access to the Basic Law) etImpl.doConnect ( (...

rational unified process - Learning RUP: How to start? -

I would like to learn RUP ... What are your suggestions? how to start? What are the resources? ..... some initial words that you find a good Starting point is

mapping - Google-maps? Or something else? -

I want something like Google-maps, usable on a business project Can I use GoogleMaps? What if they should change the terms of service? Will I be better off somewhere with the Open Street Map? I need full coverage for North America, but also for Europe and Asia. Which can be the best? Thank you I think using Google Maps based on worries due to changes in the terms of service Avoid the mistake. Google Maps is very well established and in order to compromise Google in some way, it means that a large number of people should get distracted, there is nothing to do. In technical terms, I talk about it mine.

internet explorer - What are the html rendering differences between IE 7 and IE 8? -

IE 7 और IE 8 के बीच html rendering अंतर क्या हैं? यहां हमारे IE के तीन नवीनतम संस्करण में सीएसएस समर्थन के संबंध में कुछ लिंक हैं।

groovy - Hows the syntax to getProperty dynamically? -

क्या यह संभव है और यदि, कैसे? = "moo" def X = "foo" आइटम। [X] = "moo" मैं हूं सुनिश्चित नहीं है कि मुझे आपका प्रश्न मिल गया है, लेकिन ... def आइटम = {def foo} def x = "foo" आइटम [x] = "मू" मद पर जोर [x] == " Moo " ==" म्यू "पर जोर दें

c# - Forms Authentication and All fine except blank datavalue field -

I am trying to create and read a form authentication cookie in the AC # web app that I am developing. I create a ticket formAssistationTiticket authTicket = new formattingTat (1, "MyData", Datetime.Now, (60), true, Hello "); // Now Encrypt String String EncryptedTetic = Formatting Encrypt (authTicket); HttpCookie authCookie = New HttpCookie (Form Notification.FirmKookname, EncryptedTicket); // Add cookie to outgoing cookies collection. Add cookies. (Ash Cookie); Then when I get back to the ticket using: http cookie aithkuki = context. request. Cookies [cookies]; FormAffnotificationTit authTicket = null; AuthTicket = forms.Authentication.Decrypt (authCookie.Value) I can see authTicket Now all the data, cookie creation date, end date, name = "mydata" ... etc. / P> But there is nothing in the data value ... I'm hoping for "Hello". When I debug, I can see that it is already in the ticket before encryptio...

dependency injection - What if I want to have my own plug-in architecture within Grails? -

Let's say I want to define an interface, a duplicate, and then many implementations of the interface available on runtime (maybe even as personal services). In my controller class, I want to be able to make all known implementations of this interaction interface on runtime so that I can highlight the user as "option" to get different types of "foo" items. This will allow my server-side code to be more modular and many people will be allowed to define different ways of plugging in the phupro provider services. What I see, Grails only gives me the option of an injection. Example of a service implementation in my controller / domain classes Grails is a way to injection multiple instances of a service based on an interface type ? I think I am parallel with the ability to inject the implementation of an interface available in OSGi's OSGi container ... any ideas? Grails uses spring below, so that you can inject many services in your controller like you Wheth...

php - Streaming multiple tweets - from multiple users? - Twitter API -

लगभग 1000 मेरे पास ट्विटर उपयोगकर्ता की एक बड़ी सूची है, / Strong>। मैं इन उपयोगकर्ताओं से स्ट्रीम ट्वीट्स के लिए स्ट्रीमिंग एपीआई का उपयोग करना चाहूंगा, लेकिन मुझे एक उचित तरीका नहीं मिल सकता है ऐसा करें। सहायता बहुत सराहना की जाएगी के अनुसार, आप केवल 400 उपयोगकर्ता तक का अनुसरण करने के लिए स्ट्रीमिंग एपीआई का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। उस से अधिक के लिए, आपके द्वारा एपीआई तक पहुंचने के लिए उपयोग करने वाले खाते के लिए आपको करना होगा।

multidimensional array - C# create 3x3 2d map with labels -

To create 2D "map" with data, create 3 rows with 3 column labels (or similar) Any way? An easy way to manipulate? Just 9 labels are easy to keep, but I want each label to be accessed with the same array. What it looks like: Label 1 label 2 label 3 label 4 label 5 label 6 label_ label 8 label 9 If I label 5 If the asset needs to be changed then I would like to use it something like this: labelarray [1] [1]. Text = "test"; (Labeled [row] [column]. Property) How can I do this? Or can it be achieved in any other way? class data {private string text; Public string text {{return text; } Set {text = value; }}} Class program {static zero main (string [] args) {data [,] map = new data [3, 3]; Map [1, 1] = new data (); Map [1, 1]. Text = "test"; }} Editing: Fixed Error

What is the definition of modular scripting in the FileMaker world? -

How do you define modular scripting in filemaker context? I am not providing my definition yet on purpose. I want to know what you think. Thanks! A modular script is that which does a useful function outside the script with no external dependencies. This is a 'one-shot' script, which takes no or no criteria, but there is a specific dependency for that file which is being used by it. On the contrary The ideal modular script takes zero input, does some useful functions, and its results are not required. An example of this would be a script that current window on the screen is present for the center The size of the window varies. Because there are no I / O hookups and there is nothing to change outside the script, there is no cost to use this script. More practical examples will require input parameters and output results. However, keep in mind that by increasing the number of parameters and complexity, the benefits of modularity have decreased. There is a tiping poin...

visual c++ - Does anybody load sos.dll in vc++ 2008? -

Do anyone know whether to load sos.dll in vc ++ 2008? I tried to run the following command and received an error: .load Error during command: Extension not found .load sos.dll Error during command: Extension not found Add an answer to the comment: / P> I solved the problem by adding path to DLL - Never, I thought it. It also works for me. I used the command. Load "C: \ Windows \ Microsoft \ .Net \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 \ sos.dll"

c# - Implicit Operator Conversion and Generics -

यह रूपांतरण क्यों काम नहीं करता? सार्वजनिक इंटरफ़ेस IMyInterface {} सार्वजनिक इंटरफ़ेस IMyInterface2: IMyInterface {} सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyContainer & lt; T & gt; जहां टी: आईएमआई इंटरफेस {सार्वजनिक टी माइइमप्ल {प्राप्त; निजी सेट;} सार्वजनिक MyContainer () {MyImpl = Create & lt; T & gt; (); } सार्वजनिक स्थिर अंतर्निहित टी (माइ कंटेनइयर & lt; T & gt; myContainer) {myContainer.MyImpl; I MyContainer और lt; IMyInterface2 > से IMyInterface2 में कनवर्ट नहीं किया जा सकता ... hmmmm आप इंटरफ़ेस में एक अंतर्निहित रूपांतरण को परिभाषित नहीं कर सकते। इसलिए आपके सामान्य अप्रत्यक्ष ऑपरेशन इंटरफेस के लिए मान्य नहीं होने जा रहे हैं। देखें आप ऑपरेटरों को नहीं बना सकते जो एक परिभाषित अंतरफलक के लिए एक वर्ग को परिवर्तित करते हैं। यदि अंतरफलक के लिए रूपांतरण आवश्यक है, तो क्लास को इंटरफ़ेस को कार्यान्वित करना होगा। आपको अंतर्निहित जादू के बिना निम्नलिखित लिखना समाप्त करना होगा: IMyInterface2 myImpl = नया MyContainer & lt; IMyInterface2 & gt; ()। MyIm...

actionscript 3 - Unloading swfs loaded with Loader::load() -

मैं Loader :: load () का उपयोग कर रहा हूं सफलतापूर्वक अपने मुख्य SWF में swfs लोड करने के लिए तो मैं उन्हें स्प्राइट के एक बच्चे के रूप में जोड़ता हूं। जब अन्य घटनाएं होती हैं तो मैं आवश्यक रूप से swfs को निकालना चाहता हूं मैंने अनलोड () और removeChildAt () सफलता के बिना देखा है I मैंने केवल addChild () को लोड किए गए इंस्टेंस को पिन करने की कोशिश करने के लिए कॉल किया था इसलिए मैं इसे हटा सकता था। लोडिंग addChild () के बिना ठीक काम करती है; मैंने भी खिलाड़ी v.10 को प्रकाशित करने और myLoader.unloadAndStop () का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है; लेकिन इसका कोई प्रभाव नहीं है; निम्नलिखित डेमो कोड मेरी समस्या को दर्शाता है I मैं एक बच्चे को जोड़ता हूं और एक हटाया जाता हूं लेकिन int.s.sf अभी भी खेल रहा है। आयात करें flash.display.Loader; आयात करें flash.display.Sprite; आयात करें Flash.Display.LoaderInfo; आयात करें; Var myLoader: लोडर = नया लोडर (); Var होल्डरएमसी: स्प्राइट = नया स्प्राइट (); Var myRequest: URLRequest = नया URLRequest ('int.s.sf'...

performance - In javascript, is accessing 'window.Math' slower or faster than accessing the 'Math' object without the 'window.'? -

I do the best practice while referring to the 'global' namespace in javascript, which is only one window Shortcut to an object or (or vice versa, depending on how you see it). I want to know that: var answer = monastery. Floor (value); This is better or worse than: var answer = window.math.floor (value); Is there a little better or worse for performance, processing, or compatibility? Is anyone's cost less? (An additional indicator or something like this) Edit note : While I am a readability on Nazi performance in most situations, in this case I will notice differences in readability I'm ignoring completely on performance. First of all, never compare things like these because of performance. Math.round is clearly easier on the eyes than window.Math.round , and you will not see a significant performance increase using one or the other, then some Do not impersonate your code to increase performance. However, if you are only curious what you...

mergesort - Tim Sort - where to find some good documentation? -

Does anyone know where some documents about tim sort on the basis of the example and maybe the pseudocode to describe it? I am not interested in how it works, but the document I have found so far is fine, mistake, ^^ are not very pleasant to read. The documentation is here:

jquery plugin syntax -

I am trying to create a jquery plugin, and I have the following options: $ Plugin_name (variable) $ (selector) .plugin_name (variable) The first case is not required to apply the plugin to any element (it can create one for example), the second case is selected by the same plugin which element / s is selected My The question is how do I specify within this plugin: if (not selected selector) {create an element} and {(for example) insert the match with the selector The variable You can use the jQuery.fn . MyPluginName = function () .... which work on jQuery objects. jQuery For a standalone function in the namespace, you can simply JQuery.func_name = function () ... . A test e: jQuery.fn.erase = function () {return.Each (function () {jQuery (this) .remove ();}) ; }; . Erase JQuery ("body"); JQuery.erase = Function (Element) {jQuery (Element) .rase (); }; JQuery.erase ("body"); // Exactly same result

ffmpeg - How do I set the first and last frame of a video to be an image? -

The HTML5 implementation is different in different browsers In Firefox, the placeholder will display an image specified by attribute unless the user has posted the video. Not clicked. In Chrome, the placeholder image is displayed until the video is loaded (not played), at that point the first frame of the video is shown. To solve this problem, I think that the first frame of the video for the placeholder image will be the same in both browsers. I would prefer to use this ffmpeg or mencoder, though I have limited experience in using these, so if someone can point me in the right direction, then I must be very compelled. Thank you!

php - Auto Refresh Wordpress Post Div -

I want to auto-replace a certain device with blue ID, when I update a post with that ID I am I know that Jquery code looks something like this: var auto_refresh = setInterval (function () {$ ('# blue'). Load ('load.php'). FadeIn ( "Slow");}, 10000); Rather than loading "load.php", I would like to reload the updated content in that div which is externally through the WordPress admin panel. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone! It was also my problem, one thought: You can do one Create the Javascript function that loads the contents of your RSS file created by WordPress () and using .html () .html () In blue the ID puts the contents of the new article with xyz. Previous> function getContent (id) {// Here is your function that loads your RSS file and with your ID-id = id} var content = getContent (& lt ;? php the_ID () ;? & Gt;; // the_ID () A WordPress function function refresh (content) {$ .get (cont...

.net - When should you not use an ObservableCollection and Databinding? -

Dipton helped me to think about why you do not want to use the Observeable Collection in some circumstances? When you want more control over the notifications sent by the Observe Collection. Example: Default implementation, while it supports the addition of categories of elements, instead of food, instead of food, a reset for the entire collection (I believe) throws the same notification with all the new items on it This is a part of this because the default archive view in WPF does not support INotifyCollectionChanged NotesSize> 1 (It throws if you do so), so that more pre-production for it Krishna is not. However, if you are using a third-party grid, such as AXD, then there is a collection view derivative in it, which does supports uncontrolled notification sizes, this means that when you have a If you are collecting data in the list, you can get some very good barriers to performance by grouping the information. Note that there are some interesting inventory points r...

c# - looping in unit test bad? -

I have a unit test which depends on the random dice roll I roll to 20 sided die and if the value 20 is counted as an important hit. The one I am doing now is rolling 20 side rolls up to 300 times. If one of those rolls is 20 then I know that I am an important hit. This code looks like this: Public class dicril {public full value {receipt; Set; } Public bool ethical {get; Set; } // Here is the code, which is set to "true" at 20}, if it determines the truth, then it determines the truth [test] Public Zero DiceCanRollCriticalStrikes () {bool IsSuccessful = false; Dicrrol dice roll = new dicirol (); For (int i = 0; i Although the test does exactly what I want I can not help but I think That's something I'm doing wrong. On the related note, there is other information about this in the Dias Roll class but my question is specifically about looping in a unit test, so I left it to make it more clear The problem with this approach is that you are relying on a ra...

java - Official reasons for "Software caused connection abort: socket write error" -

इस स्टैक ट्रेस स्निपेट को देखते हुए इसके कारण: java .net.SocketException: सॉफ़्टवेयर के कारण संबंध रोकता है: सॉकेट लिखने त्रुटि & nbsp; पर (मूल विधि) मैंने निम्नलिखित का जवाब देने की कोशिश की प्रश्न: यह अपवाद क्या कोड फेंक रहा है? # के संबंध में: P> सूर्य के जेवीएम स्रोत में यह सही संदेश नहीं है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि पाठ सॉफ़्टवेयर के कारण कनेक्शन रोकें: सॉकेट लिखने की त्रुटि SocketOutputStream के मूल कार्यान्वयन से है : निजी देशी शून्य सॉकेट Write0 (फाइल डिस्क्रिप्टर एफडी, बाइट [] बी, इंट बंद, इंटेल लेन) IOException फेंकता है; के बारे में # 2 मेरा अनुमान है कि जब ग्राहक पूरी तरह से प्रतिक्रिया प्राप्त करने से पहले कनेक्शन को समाप्त कर देता है (उदा। प्रश्न: क्या उपरोक्त मान्यताओं सही हैं (# 1 और # 2)? क्या यह स्थिति से भिन्न हो सकता है: " सर्वर पक्ष पर एक नेटवर्क त्रुटि के कारण क्लाइंट को नहीं लिखा जा सकता"? और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण: क्या कोई आधिकारिक दस्तावेज (जैसे सूर्य से) ऊप...

How to supress re-post when refreshing a page - ASP.NET MVC -

I am creating a wizard using mvc. At present, when the user hits the next (or the last), the form values ​​are posted for any action which makes the necessary processing and then presents the next scene. I think the problem is that if users influence refresh in that new view, they are prompted to post form values ​​again, which causes many problems is. The message is getting in Firefox: "To display this page, the application must send information that wants to repeat any action (such as search or order confirmation) that was done earlier Was. " Is there any way to stop users p > Using PRG Pattern

.net - Difference between and Seq.collect in F# -

What is the difference between the function "Seq.collect" and "" in F #? They seem equivalent to the description on MSDN. Seq.collect Firstly, each sequence element has a New sequence and adjust these sequences in a single. new element to each element.

automation - QTP - testing while browser/page title changes -

I'm trying to do simple test, but failed because I do not have any indication that to make changes during testing How to handle with a browser title I Simple Example: Google> "Blobol" Find Once it's done, the title of the browser in QPP is "Google - results. ... ". This is clearly a problem when the search text is a variable that changes between iterations because the browser text is hard I will need something like "this browser" and "this page", what do you say to me thank you In some words, you can use different properties to identify objects in the QPP, and add more flexibility to you Regular expression for Can yoga. For example, in your case, the possible ways to address web browsers will be as follows. 1) First browser window (previously opened) and addressing any page set obbroborzer = browser ("build time: = 0") objPage = objBrowser 2.Page ("title: =. *") 2) If you believe that you always...

python - Set auto-incrementing attribute in XML node -

I am trying to set an attribute in one of the nodes below for my XML: S for images in the rank = 1: image = feed.createElement ('image') images .appendChild (image) image.setAttribute ("rank", rank) p = feed.createTextNode (str (main_url + photo) Display) .url) image.appendChild (p) rank + = 1 The result in this error however: An attribute in the 'int' object 'Replaced' References to the line: image.setAttribute ("rank", rank) What do I remember Ha? A string is expected, so you have to change it: image.setAttribute ("rank", str (rank))

problem with convert text to time in sql server 2008? -

I have this Ttime as nvarchar (10): "09:52:48 "And I have TmpTime as the date and I try to convert it like this:" Update Main Set TmpTime = CONVERT (DATETIME, Ttime, 108) " And get in i TmpTime : "1901-01-01" Why? Thanks in advance If you also have a date field, you To insert, they must be added first: create table # sample (Dated: Varchar (10), Timefield varchar (10)); # Include in sample values ​​('2009-01-24', '09: 52: 48'); # Choose Convert (convertime, datefilled + '+ + timefilled) from converted to converted format and you will get: converted -------- - -------------- 2009-01-24 09: 52: 48.000

.net - VB.Net and C# Projects in 1 Solution -

Is there a way to create multiple projects using different languages ​​under VS1 solution 1? if so, how? Like Oeded, you make them like post-text "itemprop =" text "> . By right-clicking it on the solution node, click Add & gt; New project , select the type of language and project you want, and give it a name. Tools & gt; Option & gt; Projects and Solutions ) When you do not have both languages ​​installed, for example, if you have Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition has installed Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition or vice versa, or if you unselect one language during installation Note that in addition to the Express edition, each version has all the languages ​​by default. If you are having problems, then I will verify that none of the above problems are applicable. Just click the Tools & gt; Under Options> Settings and Installed Products list Help>. About Microsoft Visual Studio If you need to change the inst...

javascript - Can I assign Objects operators? "e.g. +, -" -

इसलिए मेरे पास एक सरल जावास्क्रिप्ट वस्तु है: फ़ंक्शन वेक्टर (एक्स, वाई) {this.x = x; यह। Y = y; This.magnitude = function () {}; This.add = समारोह (वेक्टर) {}; This.minus = समारोह (वेक्टर) {}; This.normalise = function () {}; = function (vector) {} // ...} मैं निम्नलिखित कार्यों को पूरा करना चाहूंगा: var ए = नया वेक्टर (1,1); Var बी = नया वेक्टर (10,5); Var c = a + b a + = c; // ... और इतने पर मुझे पता है कि अन्य भाषाओं में ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए ऑपरेटरों लागू करना संभव है, अगर मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट में यह कर सकता हूं सहायता बहुत सराहना की जाएगी धन्यवाद! :) यह जावास्क्रिप्ट में संभव नहीं है। आप यह निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं कि संख्यात्मक संदर्भों में आपके वस्तु के साथ होता है: vector.prototype.valueOf = function () {return 123; }; (नया वेक्टर (1,1)) + 1; // 124 ... लेकिन मुझे नहीं लगता कि यह वही है जो आप के बाद कर रहे हैं। कैसे प्लस तरीका? - = फ़ंक्शन (v) {रिटर्न / * नया वेक्टर, इसे जोड़कर + v * /; }; Var a = नया वेक्टर (1,1);...

java - Does using scriptlets affect the performance in JSP? -

I've read a lot of things that tell JSTL to use JSPL or EL ... I'm just curious I am Does the scriptlate in JSP affect the page's performance? Instead of using JSTL and EL, general advice is nothing to do with the screenplays ; If anything, the screenplay is likely to get better performance. But they also lead "tag soup" which is difficult to maintain. You should use JSTL / EL because JSP is considered a presentation level and there is no significant argument in it.

ruby on rails - How to parameterize/transliterate in Javascript? -

In Ruby on Rail, you can easily convert "any" text into a format that can be found in subdomain / pathname Will work for 1) "I am no one." - & gt; "I-None-Anyone" 2) "Gruncoll is a German word." - & gt; "Grunkohl-is-a-german-word" I want to do this on the client side for high response (option will be through Ajax). The last example is called transliteration (Transliteration of alultis and other non-Latin alphabet in Latin people) Transliteration will be a good 2have feature (in such cases, I can return to Ajax to do this to the icon ). Nobody knows how to do this with javascript? My current code works fine but there are problems with many spaces, and Tête-à-tte becomes Tte - tte which is just ugly. When I need this, I use the Django JavaScript implementation for this Most are also included :) It can be found here:

c++ - What does (1U << X) do? -

मुझे यह कोड मिला: enum {isDynamic = (1U & lt; & lt ; 0), // ... इसाशेलेबल = (1 यू एंड एलटी; & lt; 1), // ... आईसस्ट्रॉंग = (1 यू एंड एलटी; & lt; 2) // ...}; (1 यू एंड एलटी; & lt; X) क्या करता है? यह बिटमैस्क सेट करता है: 1U & lt; & lt; 0 = 1 1 यू & lt; & lt; 1 = 2 1 यू & lt; & lt; 2 = 4 आदि ... क्या होता है 1U (अहस्ताक्षरित मूल्य 1) ​​को एक्स बिट्स द्वारा बाईं ओर स्थानांतरित किया जाता है। आपके द्वारा पोस्ट किए गए कोड के बराबर है : enum {isDynamic = 1U, // बाइनरी: 0000000000000000000000000000000001 IsSharable = 2U, // बाइनरी: 0000000000000000000000000000000010 IsStrong = 4U // बाइनरी: 0000000000000000000000000000000100}

Check load on mysql database -

MySQL will be the best way to monitor performance and load, query per second, more than one hour total question etc. Thank you! First of all, be sure to check the slow query: is very useful. Look for some tips.

settings from qt project file in code -

Is the .pro file settings accessible from any type of code? I want to use conditional compilation but I have to know whether the testLab (or whatever) in the project file QT + = testlib Is added. / P> Thanks in advance Yes if your application has been compiled with TestLab , Then QT_TESTLIB_LIB will be defined. Then you can: #ifdef QT_TESTLIB_LIB // test code #endif

Volume control in iPhone OS from another view controller? -

If I'm playing a sound in a scene, does anyone know whether it is possible to control the volume from the other Is this what someone can explain this? I can not understand it, I have no code to show for the volume. The sound is called from one view and the volume slider is on the other. I have coded both. Code for sound # import` & lt; AVFoundation / AVAudioPlayer.h` & gt; #import "LeftViewController.h" @implementation LeftViewController - (IBAction) buttonrm: (id) This {[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: YES]; } - (IBAction playlame [[Audio play]; } - (IBAction) Poszel {[Audioso Paus]; } / * // Override the named initializer If you want to optimize the controller program that is not suitable for the visibility and make the DIDLoad. - (id) initWithNibName: (NSString *) nibNameOrNil Bundle: (NSBundle *) nibBundleOrNil {if (self = [super initWithNibName: nibNameOrNil Bundle: nibBundleOrNil]) {// custom initialization} return self; } * / // Apply th...

WorkflowServiceHost in Windows Workflow - .NET 4 version -

I work with .NET 4 / VS 2010 Beta 2 to find a meaningful documentation on the new version of the workflow service host. There is a problem in . The new version of the workflow service now lives in the system. Setemodel. There are different constructors in ActiveView and older, .NET 3.x versions that live in System.ServiceModel. I want to be able to load my workflow by passing this last constructor like .NET 3.x version ... Public WorkflowShare Host (Type Workflow type, perramury [] base address) My problem is that I do not have any other computations information, which is on the compilation of time (I type through my workflow type type Planning to guess As GetType (string), I would only have access to real workflow activities on runtime). Is there any other way that I can host workflows loaded over runtime? Thank you for your help in the Wax :) In the WF4, you get the actual workflow definition Instead of doing one type of activity, you pass as an activity tree b...

java - Use JavaMail or go with a commercial component? -

If reading and parsing email through pop is an important part of my application, is it a commercial email component, Or is Java screw that I really need? My use: I want to connect to POP3, SSL support and IMAP support. I have a web browser in the email as well as a web browser. You can use it as the basis of the home project if you have something above it Cover is required. If you want to use some business, make sure you have a source, if you need to zoom it to the local requirements. - How to add a UserControl to another within a C# library?? (Exception: Could not resolve type...) -

I have a C # library that is built and placed in the bin folder of my website. In my C # library, I have a .ascx file and I'm trying to insert another. But I get this error: The type for the "fb: FormBuilder" tag could not be resolved, make sure the proper namespace is registered. This is at the top of my user control which I want to add to others: & lt;% @ control language = "c #" inheritance = "System.web.UI User Control, Etext Control"%> In my parents' control, I have this: & Lt;% @ TagPrefix = "fb" tagname = "formbilder" Src = "~ / Resources / ControlTemplates / Backend / FormBuilder.ascx"%> .... & lt; Fb: formbilder runat = "server" id = "formcode" & gt; & Lt; / Fb: Form Builder & gt; All my files are set as build options in the form of "Embedded Resources" (.NET 3.5). Any ideas about how to solve it? The declarative syntax of doi...

Bash: run command before a script exits? -

यदि एक bash स्क्रिप्ट में set -e है, और स्क्रिप्ट में एक कमांड एक त्रुटि देता है, उदाहरण के लिए: #! / Bin / bash set -e mkdir / tmp / foo # ... के रूप में मैं कैसे कुछ सफाई कर सकता हूं? सामग्री ... आरएम -आर / टीएमपी / एफयू मैं यह कैसे सुनिश्चित कर सकता हूं कि / tmp / foo हटा दिया गया है, भले ही ... काम करते हैं ... विफल रहता है? यहाँ जाल का उपयोग करने का एक उदाहरण है : #! / Bin / bash set -e फ़ंक्शन क्लीनअप {इको "को हटाने / टीएमपी / एफू" rm -r / tmp / foo} जाल क्लीनअप EXIT mkdir / tmp / fooochidsa #Fails आउटपुट: dbrown @ लक्जरी: ~ $ sh traptest t: पंक्ति 9: तुच्छदादा: आदेश नहीं मिला / tmp / foo dbrown @ लक्जरी: ~ $ ध्यान दें कि यद्यपि कुंडदे की लाइन विफल रही है, फिर भी साफ किया गया है।

Elmah does not work with mvc -

ALMAM has spent countless hours working with MSC, but 100% can not work. I still do all the logging work, but the HTTP handlers are all schoolchildren every time I log in to an administrator account and log in From which I am redirected to the Elms list page. It does not make any sense because the path to Elmah is just LMH.XD (this is that I use the web for httphandler in .config) and my admin path is something like / MyAdmin / Login, so I do not see the connection I have also set up the paths unseen in the table of their routes for Elma. \ To sum it up. Elma logging works and such error page also displays. When I try and log in to my administrator account, it automatically redirects to Elmahs error display page. I do not know why. If I Comment route. Unknown route ("LMAXD"); My login works if I leave it there, it always redirects Elmah. I finally thought that nobody could get this ... There was a reference that got me from the book " met with...

ASP.NET route passing string value -

I am trying to keep a page on an mvc based web site where users instead of a page's permission Name is allowed to choose from id. I would have thought that the route should be something like this: routes. MapRoute ("Customer View", "Customer / Details / {User Name}", New {username = ""}); Routes.MapRoute ("default", "{controller} / {action} / {id}", new {controller = "home", action = "index", id = "0"}); But whenever I use HTML I like a normal route: routes MapRoute ("customer view", "customer / description / {username}", new {controller = "customer", action = "description", user name} = ""}}); But I feel that more problems arise when it makes a mistake, which should be implemented by two. I'm not sure that I'm completely understanding the question ... are you saying That you want: A route {controller} / {action}...

class - What are the factors to consider when choosing between interfaces and abstract classes? -

While designing my software, I started with the interface because it looks "standard" then I change to intangible sections Because they look better than the problem. Although I'm not sure whether I missed the idea or not at some of the ideas I liked this design. Apart from domain-specific issues, what I have thought is what are the more common factors when choosing between interfaces and abstract clusters? I think the best option is to do both most of the time. This is not always possible when you rely on something in the base class. Both provide an intangible base class and an interface, allowing the maximum latitude by the implementers of your abstract , however, unless you need an implementer of the interface if you Required If something happens, you want to not provide exactly the interface - and you will also need to make sure that you The base class ensures that the action always happens ... Negative to both: more goo example pseudocode: Interfac...

clojure - Getting started with CSS in Compojure? -

I have found a very basic web page on the internet and now I would like to talk clearly and add some CSS so that I get good pages Can build. How can I include jQuery, as well as other style sheets? How can I include inline CSS so that I are regularly included in jQuery: & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" /> the default Hello World server without formatting: (updated to include fixed routing fixes so others will increase and speed up) (ns hello-world (use composer)) ( Defn index [request] (html [: h1 "Hello World"] [: P "It's ugly with Season!"]) (Hello [Request] (HTML "" [Title: "Very Long Title"] [: div .comment [: h1 "hello page page"] [: p "This is bad If you want to see some CSS formatting! "]])) (Defrites Greater (GET / Index) (GET" / H "Hello) (GET" / * "(or (service file...

Python Qt: embedded html bug? -

Here's a strange thing happening ... I have a QT Python for displaying a form inside the GUI Embedded HTML is used / widgets The problem is that if there is more material in the cell, then it shows a black shadow like a box on the right side of that cell / table. Here's an example of code working fine: html = (" "" & lt; tr & gt; "" & lt; td width = 837 bgcolor = '#fffff' & gt; & lt; font size = '4' color = 'black' & gt; div align = center & gt; & lt; p & gt; stackoverflow forum & lt; BR & gt; & gt; your favorite web site & lt; / div & gt; Lt; / font & gt; & lt; / TD & gt; "" & lt; / tr & gt; "" & lt; / table & gt; "" & lt; / td & gt; "" & lt; / TR & gt; "" & lt; / table & gt; ") Expected in the form, the first example demonstrates: + ----- ---------...

java - Load XML for each request -

In my application an XML loads and updates XML elements for each request. I have 10 to 20 requests at one time, the XML loading process is taking some time for each request because it is in the synchronized block. The XML size is 500 KB and the DOM Parser (Legacy code) is used Is there any way to improve performance? Without knowing more about your application, other users of XML data, or on your environment Control, you can consider keeping the data server on the data server (whether it's a bunch of files or different files, each 500kb?) And a periodic copy of the job send a proper copy back to the original source on a proper copy for.

c++ - How to convert estimated time to string with ICU library -

How to change the estimated time in the string with the ICU library? Frankly, it seems that you are misinterpreting the purpose of the ICU library. The ICU library is for basic Unicode support. A "estimated time" is only a time lag; ICU Lib is not concerned about where you got it. In addition, "Relative timing styles are currently not supported." That is, the ICU can not format time intervals.

javascript - Function won't execute -

I am trying to create a function that will be executed on one click, on condition that a variable is set to 0; However, the function will not be executed, even if set to 0. (I'm using jquery) var menuVisible = 0; $ ('#link'). Show ("slow"); menu = 1;}}); I'm testing the value of the 'menuVisible' variable with warning, and if this is really '0', why would not the function execute? This is just a suggestion that should be given the solution worked. If in fact you want to create a" click "open / close position (this is my assumption with your code then it is wrong Do not believe Use and instead hide () / show () Have fun toggle () function :)

c# - Loading Fonts for Glyphs in Silverlight -

Is it possible to load fonts on the runtime in the lightlight for the glyph object? I have tried all types - I have set the font space on the runtime at a web location - there is no happiness - I have tried to set a stream as a source in the form of a text block, but the glyph does not support it . -I kiss it forever, but it seems that the only way to fonts marked as resources in your SL project - which means that every time you need to make a new font - or at design time To know the list of fonts. So the question really is ... does anyone know how to load fonts in dynamically for glyphs in the Silverlight My friend found that FontSource is the principal point of the property, besides setting the font rendering and filler properties are essential steps for success. FontSource allows to load both remote and embedded TTF fonts by providing a stream.

visual studio - visualization of flows that happened in the code -

I'm looking for some tools that can show me when I use Am I certain functionality? Like some visualization or imaging, the code was said, or touched some variables in the code. Thanks for the help. There is an IDE with just about every programming language for a debugger and a profiler, and Some profilers create a call graph, which looks like you, for example, for example, there is a reputable GPRF: for PHP, there is a XHPR, and it also has one for Microsoft Visual Studio. If you are interested in 'Special Function Calls and changes in Special Variables, it will be really good to log in to dump lines with interesting events to your program , While your program is running and then uses the script to convert the log script to the DOT file (), and use the GR Aphviz () or Omnigraffle () to create beautiful images for you For the sector. Good luck. - Unable to retrieve session value -

On page load I am populising my own list object, storing in session & amp; It is being stored, when I'm debugging, I can see that the list is stored in the object session, but when I'm reading that page on the next page, throwing this error like type 'dispensary Resource Scheduling View SedulingPop 'exists in both' WebApplication.dll 'and' App_Web_6bndsqgu.dll ' So please help me to solve this problem. Thanks in advance. Full reconstruction on your project. If it still does not work, delete everything C: \ wINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ Temporary asp.NET files \ [mywebsite] folder, where [mywebsite] is the name of your project. If DLLs are locked, then you have to stop and restart the website in IIS. Occasionally I have noticed that Visual Studio gets confused and leaves behind the temporary DLL. It doubles your classes but it has nothing to do with the values ​​of the session.

iphone - how to add contact from the aplication? -

I want to add contact number, name etc. to my application. Is this possible? If yes, then please help me. If you want to present the user interface to create a new record for the user, then Use the ABNewPersonViewController . If you already have data and want to save it in the address book, read the apple and then you should come back with specific questions if you are having problems.

SQL Compact C# .... Couple of Questions -

itemprop = "text"> I have a few questions about compact SQL The way I am VS I am using C # 2008 Express. 1) Are there any GUI tools for creating and managing databases? 2) After the DB is created, and the app is released, will the app be required to create a database every time the user installs it? Or can I create a database and include it with the app in it? I would ask because the database will never change, but the data contained in it is big. 3) Relationships with SQL CE are possible, i.e. many of the foren keys, 1 ... A free download is from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. If necessary, you can bundle SQL Express and setup the database as part of the installation. "SQL CE supports transactions, lack of relevance of integrity" - from.