
Showing posts from May, 2013

What are the cons of returning an Exception instance instead of raising it in Python? -

I'm working with Python-couchdb and desktopcouch, I'm doing a db.update The function is wrapped with Coachbab. Function for any person who is not familiar with Python-couchdb is following: def update (self, document, ** option): "" "Make a large update or submit the document using an HTTP request. & Gt; Server = server ('http: // localhost: 5984 /') >> = Server.create ('python-test')> db.update for doctor ([... document (type = 'person', name = 'john do'), ... document ( Type = 'person', name = 'Mary Jane'), .. document (type = 'city', name = 'gotham city') ...]: ... print reprint (doctor) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS ( True, '...', '...') (True, '...', '...') (True, '...', '...')> gt; & Gt; Dell server ['Python-test'] The return value method of this' is a tubulated list for each element in the sequence of documents. The ...

XML data visulization -

What kind of structure would I need to create like a chart? If you can provide me a link to an XML file that shows which type of structure would be great thanks This really depends on the framework / visualization engine that you use to create graphs. The data is likely represented as a group of those series, which contain the categories and labels The XML data used in the examples of Axis is their

testing - Introducing testers to HTTP and Fiddler? -

We really want our testers to determine page size and site speed as part of our pre-release test process. Need to use Fidler I have sat down with some of them to talk about intelligence, but I am going to understand the resources to learn to learn a little easier. More importantly, I think that this can be ideal if I am easy to read resources, which is the difference between http and browser using web (probably http and upper layers Explanation but a tester can understand) explain the role of using the web. Anyone suggestion or resource link? Our testers are from most points and click on UA ​​Testing School instead of a more dynamic ending of things. Everyone very much appreciate. Thank you, b worth seeing them A video product is the author of Eric Lawrence.

How to redirect stdin from my app to another knowing its PID (C,in windows) -

I have a script vbs that redirects some of the data to my app's studin (written in windows c). If my app was already launched first MyApp first gets the PID of the MAP session and gets it through stdin which gets the stdin of the first session of stdin which handles stdin. So when my app receives a studin and no other example of my app is running, it handles the studin and stuffs it with it. So the question is how to redirect STDIN from one app to another to know the SPP's PID? Language = c forum = ms window Is this any use for you? This article creates a child procedure with the re-directed IO using anonymous pipes, you can use named pipes. Using this function: You can test that the named pipes already exist - if not, you can create one and wait on its input. I'm not sure r.e. Many files that write the same named pipes - I believe that all the files come in the form of a file, so I use a designated pipe as a negotiator, which gives the designated pipes per cli...

Hibernate: constraintName is null in MySQL -

I have Hibernate 3.3.x. With a code using JPA. This Java code can be used with Oracle 10G or schematic stored on MySQL 5.1.x. Tables are defined to define unique records. When a barrier is violated, I want to get the name of the obligation with the exception. With Oracle, the name of the hindrance is properly recovered. With MySQL, the compulsion name is NULL . Any idea how to get the name of the compulsion with MySQL? thanks I have the following solution I came with: Existing Hibernate MySQL5Dialect extension: Public class extends MySQL5Dialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect {/ ** * {@link SQLException} to remove compulsion name from violation. * / Personal static final pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile (". * Barrier \\ W + (\\ w +). *", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Private Infringement Insert Extractor Obstacle Designer; Public MySQL5Dialect () {constraintNameExtracter = New ConstraintNameExtractor (); } @ Override Public Vaulted ConstantName Extrac...

Objects in PHP including other objects -

I think the title is correct, but please correct me if it is wrong-headed. Problem: I have a class that wants to use DB class, instead of being "global $ db"; In every method I want to use the DB object, I want to be able to set object references in my class properties. Still the following? Ok here: class user {personal $ id = 0; Private $ name = NULL; Private $ password = NULL; Private $ db; Function __ conversion () {$ this- & gt; Load_db (); } Private function load_db () {global $ db; $ This- & gt; $ Db = & amp; $ Db; } I get an error "Class DB can not be converted to object string" which is disturbed because I do not know how to set var type in PHP. . Now my question is two times: 1) How can I fix it or 2) Is there a better way to do this because it is actually "cake-hand "Feels. Thanks Dorjan Edit: Just to make sure that I'm clear that I do not create many examples of the same DB object Want to At least I believe ...

php - jQuery and IE8: Form action and submit problem -

I have some code that I do not want to do in IE8. When you press the "Preview" submit button, jumps in a bit of javascript and changes the action of the franchisepreview.fpp form. This sets a session variable, when you go back to the form you will not loose anything "pressing" or "insert" to go directly to a query that contains a franchise. Do not jump in javascript in IE8. This ever submits form without changing the action. The jQuery bit I'm using: Tie: jQuery ("# ​​preview"). Tie ("click", changeForm); function changeForm : function change form (event) {warning ("before:" + jQuery ("# Franchiseform ") .attr (" action ")); JQuery ("#franchiseformform"). Ether ("action", "franchiseprech. Php"); Warning ("After:" + jQuery ("#FranchiseFormform"). Entry ("Action")); JQuery ("# ​​franchiseform") presented (). } ...

php - mySQL "Rank in Highscore"-Query -

Hi is a worldwide codec, I am working on a project where the user does something Things and profit points for this, to simplify this question, let's say that we have received 2 tables users and points . - Table user - Table numerals + --- ------------ + + ---------------- ------------- + | ID | Name | | ID | Points | User_id | + --------------- + + ----------------------------- + | 1 Tim | | 1 5 1 2 Tom | | 2 10 1 | Mark 3 | 3 5 1 4 Tina | | 4 12 2 5 Lutz | | 5 2 2 + --------------- + | 6 7 1 | 7 40 3 8 100 1 + ----------------------------- + Full Coordinate list I use the following question to get the SELECT u *, SUM (p.points) user by sumipoints as UIII Sum_points DESc First of all users with the highest score + ------------ ---- -------------- + | ID | Name | Sum_points | + ---------------------- + + | 1 Tim 127 | 3 March 40 | | 2 Tom 14 | | 4 Tina 0 | | 5 Lutz 0 | + ------------------------------ + Go back to the exact same question I want to show hig...

perl - Can Kinosearch do mathematical comparisons on numbers like "greater-than"? -

I am using Pearl's KinoSearch module with a bunch index of text. Some text has numerical fields related to each word, for example, the word "pizza" in the index can have a dollar field value such as "5.50" (dollar). How can I write a search in KinoSearch which is all words that exceed the dollar value 5? I'm pretty sure that if a full text search engine can talk about this type it looks like a SQL query. After a bunch of searches (hey, heh), I found it: RangeQuery I may be able to do this work but it seems that the new essential classes are still not part of the standard release.

networking - What are some tips for buffer usage and tuning in custom TCP services? -

I am researching many types of networking libraries and frameworks such as libevent, libev, facebook ternado, and symmetry (Python ). One thing I see in their implementation, application-level per-client read / write buffers (such as Iostream in Tornado) are used - even such buffers in Haproxy Are there. In addition to these application-level buffers, OS kernel tcp implementation buffers per socket. I understand the use of buffer's app / lib: App / Libill reads out of buffer, does something with app buffer and app data (for example, a message in it deserillise However, I have confused myself about the need / use of writing a buffer. Why not only send / send buffer to kernel? Is this system to avoid overhead of call (written)? I think the kernel should be ready to write the buffer with more data, when the kernel shows the App / Lib that the socket is "writable" (like the EPOlout) but, not just with the app writing buffer Why do so far and configure Kernel...

php - Is there a way to use SVN for web development in a Mac shop that uses coda? -

So we are motivating to make a good process in our office. I work in a web shop which is building a web site for more than a decade and we do not use version control. I know! It's bad, it's not my fault. I'm pushing it for a soft e background at least. The beginning of the technology is paying attention to it. We use all the Mac workstations and most codas use it for editing because it is a great IDE, but SVN support has been created but hope to work on local files. We are trying to explore the web directory with a SFTP device as a local network drive. We are an LAMP shop, BTW. I'm thinking what the model is here. I think we usually check out the whole site on our local machine where we have an apech and then tested it there? It's not that how we work so far, we do everything on the server. We pay attention to things and checking out, but some files are owned by Apache and ownership changes when I check them, because I'm not Apache. I just want to kn...

iphone - Include a picture in mailto: -

I am interested in having a picture (with some text) in a prepared email to send to the user. Is there a way to use mailbox? to do this? No mail: scheme does not support attachment (see). If you type an app, then you MFMailComposeViewController . .

syntax - How can I nest this if/else as per Ruby? -

I want to do it in Ruby: some () conditional and some other_else () It does not compile, nor is anything that I tried. Is it possible to make a statement in this format or do I : if something is conditional and some_all () end if conditional, then something else ends or conditional? Some: some_all

sql - Firebird 2.1 TIMESTAMP arithmetic and civil intervals -

इंटरबेश v6 के साथ रखने में, Firebird 2.5 एसक्यूएल -92 INTERVAL कोड> कीवर्ड कम से कम, ऐसा सुझाव दिया गया है और मेरे दोहराए गए SQLCODE -104 त्रुटियों को INTERVAL s को फायरबर्ड के isql (1) के तहत काम करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। , क्या हम समय की हमारी नागरिक गणनाओं में अनियमितताओं के लिए खाते हैं - महीनों समान रूप से लंबे समय तक नहीं हैं, न ही बचत के समय के साथ दिन और छलांग के समायोजन हैं, भ्रम के वर्ष का उल्लेख नहीं करने आदि - जब TIMESTAMP अंडरगेटिक अंडर फायरबर्ड 2.1? मैं किसी दिए गए TIMESTAMP से आसानी से "एक महीने पहले" या "एक सप्ताह बाद" कैसे निर्धारित कर सकता हूं? कैसे "एक दिन बाद" या "दो घंटे पहले"? आप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और निर्मित- फ़ंक्शन में। वैकल्पिक रूप से आप क्लासिक भी उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

google app engine - Why would a Django admin site limited to 301 entries? -

I am using Django on a Google App Engine project. I saw that for some reason, the Django Administration System page lists only 301 units for a model, and there are 301 entities for another model. But actually these models have more than 500 stored examples for both. Could this be the cause of the problem? The following is related to the SO question: The problem may be Examples of that model from some foreign key that you want to be listed in admin points are not present in the database. Please check that all the foreign key values ​​of the model are set correctly. - Custom Type within ArrayList inside of the user profile in C# -

When trying to save a custom square within my ArrayList in my user profile, I get the following error: There was an error in creating the XML document. ---> System. Resident Operation Exception: Type was not required. Use the XmlInclude or the SoapInclude attribute to specify the types that are not known statically. Something like this in my web.config: & lt; Profile enabled = "true" auto-saved = "wrong" default provider = "xxxxxxProvider" & gt; & Lt; Properties & gt; & Lt; Add name = "mydata" type = "System.Collections.ArrayList" /> & Lt; / Properties & gt; & Lt; / Profile & gt; I'm trying to store a class named MyDataClass (something like) in an ArrayList in MyData. When I save, I receive an error above Class MeadataClass has only two members , Both are set as 'string'. I think I have to tell that class is self-actualizing, but I'm not sure h...

is it possible to set up drag/drop tabview tabs in qooxdoo? -

I would like to allow reordering of tabs in a tabview, using the drag and drop of the Favorites tab tab. Is this also possible? We currently have an out-of- Although this box does not have this functionality available, you can create a bug report to get this feature in future releases.

c - Place to get software for embedded components? -

I am thinking that anyone knows somewhere on the web which I can buy or download C or written software modules C ++ for interaction between microprocessors and other components such as DAC, ADC, or UATS. Sort like a git-hub for embedded C software Does this place exist? You are probably looking for something called 'board support package' or a given operating system It will have a collection of drivers / libraries to help communicate with the hardware component. To say this, for example, some standard hardware interfaces may be drivers in the 16550 Uart, which come with OS.

Converting PHP result array to JSON -

I want to convert my result array into PHP in JSON format Here's my code: $ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ result) I convert $ row to JSON format Wish and pass JSON data into a jQuery plugin json_encode is available in Php> 5.2.0: echo ($ line);

reportingservices 2005 - Force linebreak in VS05 SSRS textbox -

In a VS05 SSRS report, I have an area back from the database that I insert together. Ex: SELECT Field1 + '' Field2 I want to show it on a report in a text box but between In two fields with a line break. I have tried: field 1 + '\ r \ n' + field2 but of course, someone No luck What special characters can I use to implement a line break in my cell? You can enter CHAR (10) + CHAR (13) . Still I advise you to use the Visual Basic character vbCrLf in this case to format in the report instead of the database.

iphone - Releasing NSArray containing NSDictionary objects -

I have difficulty finding my head around memory management in the following segment of code on iPhone SDK 3.1. // Create an array to maintain each PersonClass object under NSMutableArray * arrayToReturn = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]; NSArray * arrayOfDictionaries = [auto generated online people]; [Maintain AraroffDects]; (Ns Dictionary * Dictionary in Array Of Dictionaries) {PersonClass * aPerson = [[person class Alok] init]; For (Dictionary of Ansstiing * Key [Dictionary] [if ([key Avltostring: [[Ansstiing alloc] initWithString: @ "FIRST_NAME"]]) a Pisrn. First Name = [Dictionary object Foreki key]; Else if ( [key isqualToString: [[NSString alloc] initWithString: @ "LAST_NAME"]]) aPerson.lastName = [dictionary objectForKey: key];} // add PersonClass object arrayToReturn array [arrayToReturn addObject: aPerson]; // PersonClass object release [APerson release];} return array array again; [self genergenOfPeople] method gives an array of NSD...

File download using Java, Struts 2 and AJAX -

I want to download the file using java, struts2 and ajax. Click on a button named "Export" on my HTML page on which AJAX will be executed which executes the query and will use the code to create .xls file and I store that file on the user's hard drive Want to download without doing it Does anybody know how to use struts2 and AJAX in Java? Is there an example available? Tell me if you need more information from me ... Thank you. amar4kintu You will not have to use AJAX in this case. Simply submit the form to your button in your strokes action, and use the type in action. Example: XML in your strokes: & lt; Name of the result = "download" type = "stream" & gt; & Lt; Param name = "contentdisposition" & gt; Attachments; Filename = report.xls & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "contentType" & gt; Application / & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; Param name = ...

java - Confusion between whether a code should be executed by EDT (Event Dispatch Thread) or not? -

I developed a swing GUI containing 12 JPanel s. Initially, all the jpnil s code was written in the main JFrame class code. As a result, the code became too long (10, 000 + line). Now I want to reflect the code to divide the code into 13 squares (12 squared each one each) But I have some confusion Which is as follows: Initially those 12 jpgNL s was set to "card" zpnil and "card" The layout of the zipinal was set to card layout so that those 12 JPNL s only 1 zpnil based on that button Shown Now when I have separated those 12 jepnil s from MainJForm and have implemented each of them in my class, then I have Looks like I need to instantify this JPanel first when a user clicks on the button, will it be better to do this heavy work on the EDT (Event Dispute Thread)? If not, what Get it in the swingworker thread To make an example of epilean will work and a referee will pass You can set up your panel in the same way as they were ...

How hard would it to create a media player (gui fronteend for mplayer), need guiddance for getting started -

I'm very dissatisfied with all the available media players, and I actually search for a big project to join in programming having had. So I'm thinking of writing my media player or being a guinea-frontend more accurate (something like smileplayer) for mplayer how difficult it will be. I have a lot of time (months), and I am ready to learn anything. I have no knowledge of practically any windows / guinea libraries. My programming experience: tried many languages, they wrote many websites in PHP, a lot of practice in Java (though nothing was big) Everything Can someone provide guidance, about getting started. What language should be used to read everything, is this a C # / pure language? Since I am not an expert in any language and I am dubbed in many languages, I feel that I can choose any language. However my main concern is the lack of any practical knowledge. So please guide me. Finally there is my preferences window (whatever the haha), so what is my goal and where...

Is Unit Testing Suitable for BPM Development? -

I am currently working on a large BPM project at work which uses the Global 360 BPM tool-set Procession 360 says. Give some background; This product works like many other BPM solutions, in which you create many "process maps" that define the flow of a particular business process that you are trying to model, and in the process of each process There are several function nodes connected together which do special functions (calling web-services etc.). We are currently experiencing some very serious issues during our release QA phases because there is no way provided by Tool-Set to automate testing of the device maps. So when a large and complex process is developed and assigned to our testing team, there are often a large number of issues that crop up, obviously you have to some issues to exit QA I was hoping that many types of bugs could be seen during the development etc. If we have some type of automated test framework which we have to create a set of unit tests Emal ...

Why doesn't this join work with Entity Framework v4? -

मैं (कोड-केवल) का उपयोग करता हूं। यदि मैं var परिणाम = संदर्भ में व्यक्ति से। लोग। शामिल करें ("कार") नई {व्यक्ति, person.Houses.Count, बार, foo, आदि} का चयन करें; तब परिणाम.पहले ()। कारें शून्य है अगर मैं ऐसा करता हूं, यह काम करता है, लेकिन मुझे Houses.Count : var परिणाम की आवश्यकता है। संदर्भ में व्यक्ति। लोग। शामिल करें ("कार") चुनें व्यक्ति; ऐसा लगता है कि इकाई फ़्रेमवर्क v4 वस्तु प्रारंभकर्ताओं के साथ अच्छी तरह से काम नहीं करता? अब के लिए समाधान यह है: var परिणाम = संदर्भ में व्यक्ति से। लोग। शामिल करें ("कार")। शामिल करें ("मकान") व्यक्ति का चयन करें; लेकिन प्रदर्शन हास्यास्पद है, मुझे हाउस पंक्ति लाने की आवश्यकता है! अंधेरे में एक शॉट .. करता है: var परिणाम = संदर्भ में व्यक्ति से.पर्सन संख्या count = person.Houses.Count () का चयन करें नया { व्यक्ति, गणना}; काम? ईमानदारी से, हालांकि, मैंने सोचा था कि आपकी पहली क्वेरी काम करनी चाहिए।

PHP PDO Prepared statement query not updating record -

I'm having trouble using PHP's PDO object to prepare an update statement and update the record. The raw SQL query has been taken and it has been taken in phpMyAdmin with the parameters replaced by their values, which have been passed in the function. Which updates as intended in the form of records, however, it is not updated when running from script. It throws zero errors and gives an error of 00000 (info) returns, which I think is the best way to say PDO. I know that the PDO object works because it successfully incorporates the database and selects the record, in which I am trying to update. I understand that this update function is ugly, I just do PDF Obviously, this is coded in PHP5, using PDO Learning class function: .. public function update ($ tbl_name, $ where = null, $ what = null) {if_array ($ where)) {$ where_str = 'where'; Foreign currency ($ where $ key => $ val) {$ where_str. = "{$ Key} = ': {$ key}' and ';} $ Where_str = sub...

python - pyinstaller: 2 instances of my cherrypy app exe get executed -

I have a cherry app that I have created an x ​​with Piointer. Now when I run the exe, it loads itself twice in memory, looking at the taskmaker, first shows load load of about 1, then a second instance of a HTEx loads in 3k RAM. . If I close the door then both procedures die. If I become small then only one dies If I am trying to proc.kill (), loading the exe with subprocess, it is only running in memory other Except one kills one from the small Is it a sidefraff to use cherry and piinster together? PyInstaller explains that it produces a subprocess during its boot process.

swfobject in Uploadify not working with IE 7 or 8 -

I am using Uploadify and have a pop up that is loaded by jQuery by Ajax. The page on which the popup remains is included in the swfobject (Google's API code) and the Uploadify button should appear. It works great on FF and Chrome but IE gives me a Javascript error unknown runtime error line 4 characters 5942 Has anyone got any idea to fix this problem? This is probably what the fact is that I am using it from within dynamic content I have found the following link but there is no definitive answer Use the unpacked swfobject.js version. Go to line 435 in your unpack file and el.outerHTML = '& lt; Object class = "clayed: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" '+ et +' & gt; '+ Cross +' & lt; / Object & gt; '; From to jQuery (el) .replaceWith ('& lt; Object ClassCode = "claused: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"' + Et + '>' + + par + '& lt; / object & gt;')...

How do i create a 404 image? for images that cannot be read by ASP.NET -

Using ASP.NET C # to host file studio / files. I allow users to upload images and I redirect them to the media page. The images are in a special path that are easily recognizable. When I redirect, I get 2 out of 2 errors I 1) The image does not exist (not generated) or 2) Can not open the file (imagemagic or anyone who writes the image). How do I stop 404 or other errors when I receive thesis errors and 'processing' or the current unavailable placeholder image? protected zero application_Error (object sender, EventArgs e) {var ex = Server.GetLastError (); Var exx = ex as HttpException; HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current; Var url = MyCode.CleanPath (ctx); If (MyCode.SomeRegexPattern.IsMatch (url)) {var code = ctx.Response.StatusCode; If (exx! = Null) ctx.Response.StatusCode = exx.GetHttpCode (); Otherwise if (ex.Message.IndexOf ("Can not access the file")! = -1) ctx.Response.StatusCode = 500; Ctx.Response.ContentType = "image / gif"; Server.Tran...

PHP Array Operation -

$ arr = सरणी ('id1', 'id2', ...); कैसे ऊपर सरणी से # id1, # ​​id2, .. प्राप्त करें? $ arr = array ('id1', 'id2', ...); $ आईडी = '#' जुड़ें (', #', $ arr); प्रतिध्वनि $ आईडी; // = & gt; # आईडी 1, # आईडी 2, ...

tcp - Erlang's maximum number of simultaneous open ports? -

Is there some limitations in the ERLing TCP / IP library? I searched something but could not find a definite answer. I have set the ERL_MAX_PORTS environment variable for 12000 and have configured to use unlimited connections. I have written a simple client application that connects to an epamode I have written for yaws and at the same time I am testing the number of simultaneous connections by customers of Launch X numbers. I think that when I stop 100 clients, the server server receives more TCP connections and processes error with client value exiting : {{badmatch , {Error, socket_closed_remotely}} I know there should be a limit for the number of connections open together, but 100 actually feels less I have seen all the files and any limit on connection Has removed. This is a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac running on Snow Leopard. The Vista machine shows that I have the same problem on about 300 connections. Is my test inappropriate? To wit. Is it silly to test th...

reflection - java: get all variable names in a class -

I have a class and I want to find it all public variable (not a function). How can I do so? Thanks! field [] field = YourClassName.class.getFields (); Returns an array of all public variables in the class. getFields () return the fields in the whole class heir. If you want only the field defined in the class, and not its superwell, use getDeclaredFields () , and filter the public with the following modifier approach: Modifier.isPublic (field.getModifiers ()); YourClassName.class really represents one of the types of types, check your documents for its interesting reflection methods. The above is the field category. You can take a look at the whole package.

how to run php scripts without using php extension in an adress -

शीर्षक के रूप में मैं को कोड के रूप में का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन यह गलत नहीं है इसे कैसे सेट करें? सरल तरीका: इसे /bar/index.php अन्य तरीकों में शामिल हैं और (अपाचे मानते हुए)।

hover to trigger tooltip and menu animation -

How do I act on events? A hover menu will animate the menu and display the tooltip connected to that menu item. I am using the Colvol Lavalamp and Buttips plugins. You will need to find event handlers versus event handlers. For example: // Event handlers are declared like this: var elm = document.getElementById ("some element"); Elm.onmouseover = function () {elm.innerHTML = "Over the State has begun!"; } As written, each element can have a function for an event. Event listeners let you attach as many functions as you want to an event. They have separate scripts in IE and FF, but do so by using raw javascript, you can add events like this: Listen to the function (obj, eventName, fcnRef , Bubbling) {if (bubbling) {bubbling = wrong; } If (! Obj.addEventListener) {obj.attachEvent ("on" + eventName, fcnRef); } And {obj.addEventListener (eventName, fcnRef, other things); }}; Function Handler 1 () { = '2px solid red...

orm - hibernate: how to setup on-delete="cascade" in one-to-one relation -

मुझे तालमेल से संबंध एक-से-एक: संदेश & amp; अनुसूचित संदेश मेरा हायबरनेट कॉन्फ़िग & lt; class name = "संदेश" तालिका = "संदेश" & gt; & Lt; id name = "id" column = "id" & gt; & Lt; जनरेटर वर्ग = "मूल" / & gt; & Lt; / आईडी & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = "नाम" स्तंभ = "नाम" / & gt; & Lt; एक-से-एक नाम = "अनुसूचित" & gt; & Lt; / वर्ग & gt; & Lt; class name = "ScheduledMessage" table = "scheduled_message" & gt; & Lt; id name = "id" column = "id" & gt; & Lt; जनरेटर वर्ग = "मूल" / & gt; & Lt; / आईडी & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = "प्रारंभ समय" कॉलम = "प्रारंभ_टाइम" / & gt; & Lt; प्रॉपर्टी नाम = "स्टॉपटाइम" कॉलम = "स्टॉप_टाइम" / & gt; & Lt; कई-से-एक नाम = "संदेश" स्तंभ = "संदेश_id" अद्वितीय = "स...

app data - Getting Access denied trying to read a file in App_Data in a ASP.NET project - Any pointers? -

I have an XMD file that is stored in App_Data which is used only to read some configurations on startup When I try to open it within my code, I get access to the path ... the message has been denied. Why I am having trouble understanding, and how to solve it, I think in theory that I should change the permissions on the file (and directory), but nothing has changed it. To give a bit more background: 1. One of its projects is bundled with the project, so setup made by VS2008 wrote it in the right place during installation. I did not think I would need to install an unusual post, such as the ASP.NET application would be used. 2. When I tried to publish it locally, I had no problem. - It's only on a test Windows 2003 server. I have run a simple page to understand the effective user of IIS - this is NT AUTHORITY \ NETWORK service. I tried to give this user "full access" to this file , And even then it does not work The code is simple to open it: FileStream fs = n...

Preferred way to store/retrieve python data -

I would like to include data files with a Python package. The best place to place them inside the actual package is as suggested, i.e. src / mypkg / data / spoons.dat forks. Dat Or is there a better way to do this? What is the best way to recover datafile from within Python? For example, should I use mypkg.__ path__ + 'data / table data' pkgutil.getdata ('mypkg', 'tables.dat') Or, is there a better way to do this? Generally, what is the current preferred way of handling data inside Python packages? pkgutil means that you can load the data even though you have installed the package in the zip file So, if you want to give that support then it would be better to store it in the data directory like I do this all the time :)

Is following scenario called memory-leak in java? Is it not Garbage Collected? -

If an object variable is still pointing to some object which is of no use, then JVM The garbage will not collect the object and the object will be in memory to create memory leakage. There is a possibility of memory leak in the above scenario. Why is not this garbage collection? Can anyone be expanded about this? As long as someone refers to an object, JVM can not assemble it. JVM determines that groups of objects are still used in search of an object of queries in the way of context from the root. This means that a group of objects that refers to each other, but is not referred to the rest of the system, the garbage will be collected. So just pointing to an object will not prevent you from collecting garbage.

c# - mulltiple account cookies on single machine -

Consider this, if someone is a user of a web application like: A visits to some person as a general user (registered) http cookie cookie = new HTTP cookie ("last Visit "); Cookie.value = DateTime.Now Toasting (); Cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays (1); Response.Cookies.Add (cookie); Cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays (1) ); Response.Cookies.Add (cookie); Both cookies are related to the same domain, but how does the browser know about which account related cookies for two different accounts? If we use the following code to access it. If (requested. Cookies ["last" visit "] = tap) {string lastTimeUserVisited = Request Cookies ["LastVisit"]. Value; } Edit: This is my first time working on this cookie I appreciate your patience I do not understand the question. A single browsing session will not be different between two cookies. The last set that sets the server, changes the previous one. Obviously, t...

Convert large XML file to CSV in PHP -

I have a 50MB XML file. I want to convert it to a CSV file, but in most ways I have removed the server memory Is there a good way to do this, such as the XMLreader You want to use to parse XML, because it is an event based parser Works - The example does not load everything in memory, but rather reads it because it is advance through the input file.

arrays - Unpacking 3-byte/24-bit data chunks with Ruby -

I'm building a pure-ruby WAV file / writing library, I'm learning Ruby Ruby's functionality . It currently works well with 16-bit audio, because I use the string String.unpack ('s *') to draw individual audio samples into the array of signed integers I am capable of wrapping my mind about dealing with 24-bit audio, yet in that case every sample is 3 bytes long. In that case, you would suggest packets / unpack strings, and would I like to change my attitude (using padding or something like that) a lot? As you used unpack ("s +") , I believe that your sample is in large Andian. Here's a very fast but not practical solution. & gt; & Gt; "ABCDEF" .scan (/.../) Map {| S | | (S.reverse + 0.chr). Unpack ("V")} Flatine = & gt; [4276803, 4474182] # = & gt; [0x414243, 0x444546] in hex

c# - Does File() In mvc close the stream? -

I think you do something like this public fileResult result () {stream Stream = new stream (); Return file (stream, "text / html", "bob html"); } If the file () will stop the stream for you? Since I tried to keep the "stream" in an experiment statement but I always had an error saying that the stream was closed. {Return stream (stream, "text / html", "bob_ html");}} public fileResult result () (using (stream stream = new stream) Code> If you are using the file object, the resulting file Bob.html then yes to download as Bob. I believe all attempts to flush off standard streams (outputstream, file stream, cryptosystem) or when disposed off There are several squares within the MVC framework that apply the base FileResult class. System.Web.Mvc.FileResult System .Web.Mvc.FileContentResult System.Web .Mvc.FilePathResult System.Web.Mvc.FileStreamResult

jquery - clearInterval(myTimer); for 60sec -

I am trying to clear the interval for 60sec and restart when jquery above 60sec OK, so here's a shot in the dark, but at the point of saying that you're running this code: // run every 1 second word myTimer; Function startTimer () {myTimer = window.setInterval (function () {// your cool code}, 1000); }; StartTimer (); So, you can do something like this in your code later (I've been arbitrarily linked to a click event, but it can appear anywhere): $ ("# Pause_timer") click (function () {window.clearInterval (myTimer); window.setTimeout (function () {startTimer ();}, 60 * 1000); / 60 Wait second}};);

sql server 2008 - SP takes forever to run in SSIS -

This is my first question, so bear with me, I will also try to answer any one if I pay I can do it in the form, though I have a stored procedure in SQL 2008 which is currently implemented with the result of about 600 strange lines, there are associations inside it and use of a user-defined function Multiple times Nothing is accomplished in 7 seconds through the query window in the abusive management studio. By writing a SISIS, I use an SP as an OLEDB source as part of the data flow. The result set is output in Excel. Before completing this, there is a single question hanging in the pre-extreme phase for 40 odd minutes. I have tried to recreate the same data flow, there were some strange voices, I tried to convert the UDF to the query, to see if this was a problem, but no use Happened. Do anyone have any ideas what is the problem or maybe what I can do next? Matt H Have you tried to run the query as a source instead of SP? Is it just slow?

sql - How to combine IN operator with LIKE condition (or best way to get comparable results) -

I have to select the rows where a field starts with one of several different prefixes: Select from the table * where fields such as 'ab%' or fields like 'cd%' or "ef%" ... ... using SQL What's the best way to do Oracle or SQL Server? I'm looking for something like the following statement (which is wrong): Select * from the table where in the field ('ab%', 'cd%', 'ef%',). ..) or select from the table where in the field (choose foo from the bar) edited Do: I want to see how it is done with giving all the prefixes in one helpful statement and giving it to all prefixes. The length of the prefixes is not fixed. By joining your prefix table with your actual table, both SQL Server & amp; Oracle Announcement @ Table tab (Field VARCHAR (32)) DECLARE @ Prefix Tables (prefix VARCHAR (32)) Insert into the eligible values ​​('ABC') INSERT @Table Enter VALUES ('def') Enabled values ​​('ADE...

metaprogramming - What's the difference between these two Ruby snippets? -

स्निपेट 1: मॉड्यूल एक def सेमी (m, ret) class_eval define_method ( M.to_sym) रिटर्न एंड एंड एंड एंड और स्निपेट 2: मॉड्यूल B def सेमी (m, ret) class_eval do "def # {M} # {ret} अंत "एंड एंड एंड इन मॉड्यूल में परिभाषित विधियों का उपयोग किसी कक्षा पर तरीकों को बनाने के लिए किया जाता है, जो कुछ निश्चित मूल्यों को देता है। यहां एक उदाहरण है: वर्ग जो भी एक सेमी ("दो", 2) अंत का विस्तार करें और यह 2 नाम का एक तरीका बना देगा, जो वापस आएगा 2. बात यह है, दूसरे स्निपेट में कोड काम नहीं करता है। कोई विचार क्यों? मैंने सोचा कि class_eval एक स्ट्रिंग ले सकता है। class_eval एक तर्क के रूप में एक स्ट्रिंग लेता है, लेकिन आप एक ब्लॉक में फ़ंक्शन को स्ट्रिंग पास कर चुके हैं मॉड्यूल बी डीईफ़ सेमी (एम, आरट) class_eval ("def # {m} () # {retit end}") अंत की समाप्ति

vim - how to jump back to the previous edit place -

Is it possible to go back to the previous editing location in VIM? I know using digits, one can move forward between different locations within a file, but I do not know that vim can automatically remember the previous editing location for you. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> last change . The is done in the symbol so that you ` . (backcat, dot) or ' . (Apostorf, Dot) See: : help mark-motion: help '

java - not display the button in jSP -

I want to hide the table row based on a condition and show my strict line ID 2. This is my part / line to show / hide & lt;% if (group.equals ("Y")) {%> & Lt; Input & lt;% try {if (dTO.getStat () == 0) {%> Style = "display: none;" & Lt;%}} Catches (Exception Pre) {}% & gt; Type = "button" value = id = "btnview" name = "btnview" onclick = "statusChange ('view', 'add_userFrm'); hide_menu ('showhide2'); loadDataForGivenDiv ('add_userFrm');" Class = "button" style = "width: 100px" /> & Lt;%} Other {%> & Lt; Try input & lt;% {if (dTO.getStat () == 0) {%> Style = "display: none;" & Lt;%}} Catches (Exception Pre) {}% & gt; Type '' button 'value' id = "btnview" name = "btnview" onclick = "statusChange ('view', 'add_userFrm'); show_menu ('showhide2...

c# - HTTP 407 proxy authentication error when calling a web service -

I am working on a net application which calls 3rd party web services over the Internet. The service does not use SOAP, so we manually create an XML request document, send it through the HTTP service, and retrieve an XML response. Our code is a Windows service that is run in context, is a normal Windows domain account, and behind a proxy server (Microsoft ISA Server) that requires NTLM authentication. The account running our service is allowed to access the internet through a proxy server. The code looks like this: // Create the Request Item HttpWebRequest Request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url); request. Method = "post"; // Configure proxy server to authenticate that requires Windows domain credentials. request. Proxy = new webpage (ProxyEdder) {usage default credentials = true}; // Set the other required headers request. Accept = acceptable template type; Request.Headers.Add (HttpRequestHeader.AcceptCharset, Acceptable Charset); Request.Headers.Add (Htt...

Remove null values from javascript array -

मेरे पास एक जावास्क्रिप्ट सरणी है। पते = नया सरणी (document.client Cli_Build.value, document.client.cli_Address.value, document.client.cli_City.value, document.client.cli_State.value, document.client.cli_Postcode.value, document.client.cli_Country.value); Document.client.cli_PostalAddress.value = addresses.join (","); मुझे इन सभी सरणी मानों की सामग्री को डाक पता टेक्स्टरेआ में कॉपी करना होगा। जब मैं उपर्युक्त समारोह का उपयोग करता हूं, तो शून्य को शून्य मानों के लिए जोड़ दिया गया है। इस अतिरिक्त अल्पविराम को कैसे हटाएं? धन्यवाद आप फ़िल्टर करने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं नल मान: addresses.filter (फ़ंक्शन (वैल) {वापसी वैल! == नल;})। शामिल हों (",")

c# - Filtering out bad characters using a Regular Expression -

I want to filter char ^ before searching something in the database. What does my regular expression look like if I want to achieve that query will ignore this signal: ^? I am working with VS2008 .NET 3.5 and C #. You do not need a regex for this, you can just do this: myString = MyString.Replace ("^", "");

Visual Studio 2010; Tab and indent size should be separate settings as in previous VS versions -

I just saw tabs and indent options (as on browsing on tab /.) And seen in one of VS-2010 . They say that they ask, but I do not see 8 comments enough. I usually use default settings but some time (in fact, rarely) I use custom settings. They provide the code and say this task is now to manage these settings. The final response, for now, from Microsoft, Thanks again to all those who expressed an opinion on this issue. Unfortunately, what has been posted before me will be repeated: we can not bring the UI back to the RTM for it. This product cycle is too late and VS 2010 is close to the date of the ship. If the team heard this reaction a few months ago, then a discussion about what to do for the VS-2010 RTM could possibly be re-opened; Again, we did this phase gradually in this transformation and made sure to vote on a wide variety of internal and external users so that all the points can be considered before making a final decision. For future versions and possibly VS For...

php - can't send cache limit cheaker and problem in back button session variable still displaying after logout and if i prees back button -

hi all enter user name and password in 1 user sign-in form. , The values ​​are collected in the sign-in-action-form.fp page and I am storing user names in session variables such as databases I have a table designated employee Now on each page I have given the link like this Now by listening to my problem on every page I am "Welcome Mr.". Imprint. $ _ Session [employee '] [' user name ']; Imagine that I am on the signature page where other links like show files, upload files etc. Now with the sign out button, as I click on the sign out button, I am returned to the login page (not even a problem) but when I press the back button (now I'm rejecting) then I am again in the form of a sign and Mr. Lamp. Narwal is still showing there why why if I ended the session and why this name is being displayed..why me 2 This is being displayed on every page with another error in which the logout button and this session are being loaded ... Warning: session_st...

design - Can a URL really be considered to be the only key for an HTTP response? -

The question can be seen as both practical and theoretical. I have a HTTP client (Flash Player application) and an HTTP server "backend" registered users with each personal image library can be uploaded and retrieved later. Since users are certified with cookies carrying session identifiers, it became obvious to me (and therefore the question) that I can provide the following types of URLs to prove one note customer ( "assets") in my vocabulary to obtain image assets Aidentifairs are also unique to the user, ie, of the ID 555 in both Do not have assets. In addition, an asset identifier is actually considered permanently, i.e. ID is non-reusable, the URL I was thinking is: http: // myserver / User / asset / & lt; Asset_id & gt; The bracket variable denotes the value, that is, obviously and 'asset_id' is not to be taken literally here, they reflect the actual property identifier. In order to "request" the above URL, the user is ...

iphone - NSString converting percentage characters -

मेरे पास एक NSString * str = @ "T% B3% C3% 83"; जहां % C3 एक umlut (मुझे लगता है),% B3 एक एम,% 83 एक सुपरस्क्रिप्ट 3 के साथ एक प्रतिनिधित्व करता है ... इन प्रतिशतों को वास्तविक अक्षरों में परिवर्तित करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है धन्यवाद। उपयोग करें -stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding विधि NSString में। पी एस हालांकि मुझे नहीं पता कि आपके प्रश्न में आपने जो परिणाम का उल्लेख किया है, उसके लिए आपको क्या एन्कोडिंग का उपयोग करना चाहिए (क्या आप वाकई सही हैं?)

sql - Pivot table display -

Hi, As the data shown below, Maddod Attr1 Attr1 Innstock ITM -000001 43S1 ITM -000001 52L2 ITM -000006 42 R1 ITM -000006 44 R2 ITM -000009 56 R1 ITM-200 0011 40R2 and pivot table (or using any other technique) I want to reslut like for ITEM - 000001 43 52S1L2 I suggest you write the following Use a reporting tool to finalize your query, and the output to go to the layout, as you've shown. Most of the reporting tools should be very difficult to drag the Item code column into a section title. 42 43 44 52 56 items -000001 S1 ITM-2000001 L2 ITM-20000006 R1 2 ITM -000009 R1 To create the above layouts The query for is as follows: Select ItemCode, Attr2, SUM (in case Attr1 = 42 then the INSTOCK ELSE 0 end) S 42, SUM (case when Attr1 = 43 THEN INSTOCK ELSE 0 END) as S43, SM (in case Attr1 = 44 THEN INSTOCK ELSE 0 END) S44, SUM (in case Attr1 = 52 then INSTOK ELSE 0 END) S 52, SUM (in case Attr1 = 56 THEN InStock ELSE 0 END) stockdata group from SR 56 ItemCo...

java - How to get Default JVM INITIAL ARGS In JNI -

I'm trying to get the JVM's default jvm args available, but I've got weird output. Can anyone tell me wrong? Output: 65542 p y k .Lr g j sk, * jk xk code: #include "jni.h" # include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Dlfcn.h & gt; # Include & lt; Cstdlib & gt; using namespace std; Zero * JNI_FindCreateJavaVM (four * vmlibpath) {void * libVM = dlopen (vmlibpath, RTLD_LAZY); If (libVM == faucet) {return tap; } Return dlsym (libVM, "JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs"); } Int main () {JavaVMOption vm_options; JavaVMInitArgs vm_args; Vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_6; Vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_FALSE; Vm_args.options = & amp; Vm_options; Zero * (* lib_func) (Zero *) = 0; Lib_func = (Zero * (*) (Zero *)) JNI_FindCreateJavaVM ("/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386/client/"); Lib_func (& amp; vm_args); Cout & lt; & Lt; Vm_args.version & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; V...

python - Most Pythonic way to concatenate strings -

इस हानिरहित छोटी सूची को देखते हुए: & gt; & gt; & gt; Lst = ['ओ', 'एस', 'एस', 'ए', 'एम', 'ए'] मेरा लक्ष्य है कि आप में से किसी एक का उपयोग करने वाले छोटे शैतानों को जोड़ना निम्नलिखित तरीके: ए सादे ओएल 'स्ट्रिंग फ़ंक्शन, काम करने के लिए कम, कोई आयात नहीं & gt; & gt; & gt; '' .जोइंड (lst) 'ओसामा' बी। लैम्ब्डा, लैम्ब्डा, लैम्ब्डा & gt; & gt; & gt; कम करें (लैम्ब्डा एक्स, वाई: एक्स + वाई, एलएसटी) 'ओसामा' सी। वैश्वीकरण (कुछ भी नहीं करें, सब कुछ आयात करें) & gt; & gt; & gt; आयात आनुष्ठान, ऑपरेटर & gt; & gt; & gt; कृपया इस उदार कार्य को प्राप्त करने के अन्य अजगर तरीकों का सुझाव दें। कृपया रैंक (पायथनिक स्तर) और रेट करें संक्षिप्त विवरण देने वाले समाधान। इस मामले में, सबसे अजगर समाधान सबसे अच्छा कोडिंग समाधान है? अजगर ऑप्टिमाइज़ेशन पर गइडो पर एक नज़र डालें, यह संख्याओं की सूची को तारों में कनवर्ट करना शामिल करता है। जब तक आप...

visual c++ - CloseHandle():Return value check require -

I am using CloseHandle () to close the handle for the thread. This is done at the end of the program and therefore close handle (); Cleanliness should be done regardless of price; The PC-lint reports the error, which ignores the value in return for work. Please let me know that if the return value is ignored then there will be a problem Easy answer: I do not think I have ever seen any code where anywhere the return value of the close handle is being examined, nor the close hand no never work anybody Also, the reason for the bug I've ever seen in 15+ years of programming (YMMV) on Windows. Actual answer: Of course you should check the error return (all the ways that the failure can return, all the time), assuming that the continuous error handling structure in your application is already in place Just working with that will constantly check the values ​​and failure to accept success, big, often difficult to understand, there is a recipe for failure in code. He sa...

linux - Automatically export contents of svn repository to another directory? -

First of all, I want to clarify a quick question, Am I thinking that the file is in SVN repo Is ? I really want the export order to be executed automatically when I do this so that I can see my changes instantly in a web browser. Am I right thinking that the files in the SVN repo are not actually present in the hierarchical structure You check them which you see Correct ... they are actually present in the repository directory in a DB type. However you can apply svn export to a working copy or a dynamic url. So you say that your repo is on / svn / myproject on the system and you have a copy working on trunk on ~ / myproject The follow-up command will export properly: svn export - force ~ / myproject ~ / public_html svn export - force file: / / / Svn / myproject / trunk ~ / public_html Of course you can type svn , http , or svn +

wpf - Exception: 'IValueConverter' type does not have a public TypeConverter class -

I have just run this exception in the IvalueConverter: type of IValueConverter Do not have a public typewriter class Has anyone else come on this? What is the reason, and how can I fix it? Thank you. Simple solution, as it turns out, I had referred to my value converter like this: & lt; Binding path = "foreground" converter = "static resource brush to rbb converter" converter parameter = "b" /> In return: & lt; Binding path = "foreground" converter = "{static resource brushesorbub converter}" converter parameter = "b" /> In other words, I left the braces from my converter context. - Oracle & Pagination -

I have an oracle table with record count of 99896618. I need to bring a small part of the data (say 100 records) to show it on a web page, (we call it paging in the web world). Currently I am using the following query, though users are not satisfied with the performance. SELECT * FROM (select rownum rnum, f. which went away from the findings) from where rownum & lt; 90000100 Where & gt; 90000000 Currently taking 1 minute 22 seconds to get this result. Anyway, to make it better I will definitely open for any kind of suggestions such as modifying table structure or adding index like (just FYI, I as server-side web technology I am using ASP.NET and using ADO.NET as Data Access Layer and Silverlight for client side presentation) your query next to 100 Prior to the 90M record will need to count, so the improvement is hardly any room. I do not see the ORDER BY section in your subquery, but you probably have it. In this case, you can create an index on it. ...

ruby on rails - Validate presence of one field or another (XOR) -

How do I accept the presence of a field or another, but at least one and at least one? If you add conditional to numerical assumptions, your code will work: class transaction and lieutenant; ActiveRecord :: Base validates_presence_of: date validates_presence_of: name validates_numericality_of: fee, allow_nil: true validates_numericality_of: payment, allow_nil: true valid: charge_xor_payment private def charge_xor_payment until charging. ^ Payment.blank? Errors.add (: Base, "Specify a charge or payment, not both,") End end term

actionscript 3 - Flex module no more a module when extended? -

I have created a module in the flex like: Module / modulebase Mxml & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Mx: module xmlns: mx = "" & gt; // here shoddy & lt; / Mx: module & gt; So far - ModuleBase.swf is generated when this file is saved. ModuleChild.mxml & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Modulebase xmlns = "module. *" Xmlns: mx = "" & gt; // more components here & lt; / ModuleBase & gt; Now, what I expected was to generate ModuleChild.swf for the flex builder. Which does not really happen in Bummer What am I doing wrong here? For some time out of the solution after the trial: Right click on your project and click Property Click Flex Module in the left menu Find your module, select it And Edit Select Do not op...

javascript:find screen resolution when having multiple monitors -

I am using a piece of code to determine client screen resolution, and then log it to & lt; Input type = "hidden" id = "DFF63C7E-FB32-49AE-8ADA-3AB5C4834FB0" name = "DFF63C7E-FB32-49AE-8ADA-3AB5C4834FB0" /> & Lt; Input type = "hidden" id = "565C07CF-0D37-41DE-B47D-A247E9BD231B" name = "565C07CF-0D37-41DE-B47D-A247E9BD231B" /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" language = "javascript" & gt; Document.getElementById ("DFF63C7E-FB32-49AE-8ADA-3AB5C4834FB0"). Value = screen.width; Document.getElementById ("565C07CF-0D37-41DE-B47D-A247E 9BD231B"). Value = screen.height; & Lt; / Script & gt; This worked fine when testing in my localhost, but from the output log I came to know that the screen resolution was always 480x640. Does anyone know why this happens? And I dig some more and found that I can change the resolution of my primary monitor and wheth...

objective c - Problem naming NSTableColumn -

I am trying to create a column with an empty string as the identifier but changing the empty string with the word cocoa For every time I try to make the column "field" how can you go around this? Column with the check box before the {{NSTableView * [[NSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier: @ ""] Equals of Auto;; // checkbox can be started without a title; NSButtonCell * checkbox = [[[NSButtonCell alloc] initTextCell: @ ""] AutoWaves]; [Checkbox set disabled: yes]; [Checkbox setbutton type: NSSwitchButton]; [Checkbox set imaging: nsimaj only]; [Set checkboxTrint size: NSSMLA control-size]; // Add the column with the checkbox for the table [column set datasell: checkbox]; // Add table to column [table addTableColumn: column]; } Identifier of a column is not the same as its title. You want to set the string value of your-header cell: [[columnColumn headerCell] setStringValue: @ ""];

How can I read Excel files in Perl? -

I'm looking at some examples / advice about how to read data from an Excel file to write a Perl script After using the data (expected as a string), and pass it in another parl file (as an argument). The goal is to put in a table in which the user can type in some data (FTP destination or file name). Then my program will get that data to do some automation with it. I do not have to be very elegant in the implementation ... just need to read the rows of data more or less Module can read Excel files. The documentation includes examples of using it.

.net - Determine referenced dll file version in C# -

I have a C # solution that references a dll created with a different C # solution. This product solution of my solution is easy to determine with application.ProductVersion. However, what I really need is to determine the file version of exe and dll within your program separately. I would like to display the file version of the dll and exe in the dialog about myself, how would the code look like this? The easiest way is if you refer to the assembly: assembly name Name = Type (MyCompany.MyLibrary.SomeType). Assembly.GetName (); Alternatively, you can refer the Legislative Assembly assembly assembly assembly (i.e., .exe): assembly name [] Name = Assembly. Gate acceleration assembrance (). GetReferencedAssemblies ();

form fields; jquery validation -

I am trying to validate my form field while calling input text ID, but jquery is not validating it Here's what I have: email2: {// United Rule requirement: true, email: true}}, if I change the name Yes = "email 2" it works fine, but I need to name = "email []" because I have an array of e-mail that I'm getting from the user, then I have my input Draft text and ID to validate jquery but it does not validate any idea? The rules are not meant by name, id is not. Something like this can work for you ... $ ("#form"). ({Rule: {"Email []": {/ * United Rule *}}}});

multithreading - Detect the bounds of the stack of the current thread -

I am writing a semi-precise garbage collector, and I wonder if any of the borders to find out correctly Method is the system-assigned stack for a given thread. I need this so that I can scan the stack for the root (sign), and my current view is to save the stack pointer when a new thread is entered and ( I know that this approach is not ideal in the long run, because it becomes unnecessary, because it is locked for each thread when starting garbage collection using the main lock. ) But I would like to have a more "safe" way of detecting the boundaries, because this root is quite easy to 'escape' - this mechanism (thread based on implementation - managed pthreads It is easy to do, but this is not the case with OpenMP or Grand Central Dispatch). If this was a portable way to do this, but I do not expect this to be the case. I am currently working on Mac OS X 10.6, but the answer to any platform is welcome. You use the VM system to protect the end of the s...